Global Warming: The Only Solution profile picture

Global Warming: The Only Solution


About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorHi my name is John. I now live on a 54ft motor yacht moored in Bristol's floating harbour. With water levels rising inexorably each year, it may be my best move yet!
Some 40 years ago, a friend of mine produced a film called Living Waters. Besides showing a super abundance of bio-diversity on earth, it also highlighted the damage being inflicted by man on eco-systems around the world
Twenty five years ago a statement by Paul Erhlich, a prominant ecologist startled me! He said everybody's dead but don't know it yet! How did he reach such a conclusion? He knew that no government on earth would put the interests of the planet ahead of their own economies. He was spot on!
The call to save our planet (and by inference humanity) has been sounded far and wide in recent years. Man carries on emitting 70 million tonnes of carbon dioxide each and every day.
Al Gore's film 'An Inconvenient Truth' is a must see for anyone doubting that man is responsible. For current global warming the evidence he presents is overwhelming! 'An Inconvenient Truth' is now available on DVD. It also includes an update by Al Gore in 2006
David Attenborough who previously had been a skeptic said that it is now undeniable that man is to blame.
Professor James Lovelock, perhaps the greatest authority on global warming, said the boat has already gone over the Niagara falls, so is impossible to retrieve.
He likens the earth to a living organism which he calls gaia. His argument is that you cannot emmit gasses in one place without it's consequences being felt elsewhere.
The poor people of the Carteret Islands in the south pacific, who have contributed nothing to global warming, are now having to evacuate. Their islands will soon be no more.
Lohachara island in India once home to 10,000 people has already disappeared below the waves! They too were not to blame!
If any of you out there think that we here in the U.K. are safe think again!!
Take note of the figures I have collated from the MET office records of temparatures over the past 300 years.
In 1733 just prior to the industrial revolution, the mean temperature for Central England was 10.40 degrees celsius.
That record was not broken for 216 years. In 1949 the new record was 10.62 degrees celsius.
That record was broken 41 years later in 1990, it was 10.63 degrees celsius.
Just 16 years later in 2006 it was now 10.82 degrees celsius, the hottest year ever known in the U.K.
2007 is almost certain to be hotter still!
ponder over this
It took 216 years for the 1733 record to be broken
41 years for the 1949 record to be broken
16 years for the 1990 record to be broken
1 year for the 2006 record to be broken
The following chart is equally alarming! Here you will find the mean temperatures for Central England since 1981
Years Mean Temp Increase of Increase per year 1981 - 85 9.54 0.01 0.002 1986 - 90 9.74 0.20 0.04 1991 - 95 9.92 0.18 0.036 1996 - 00 10.20 0.28 0.056 2001 - 05 10.39 0.19 0.038 2006 10.82 0.43 0.43
So far this year we have had the hottest spring ever, the hottest ever April and the wettest ever June, causing the worst flooding ever known in the UK.
The situation is getting progressively more critical. Can we look to governments and world leaders? Perhaps even the United Nations Organisation for the solution?
Man's abysmal record of self government would suggest there isn't even a glimmer of hope.
3,000 years ago the psalmist said "do not put your trust in nobles nor in the son of earthling man in whom no salvation belongs".
A world that allows millions of children under the age of 5 to die each year, and countless other millions to be abused.
A world that robs the poor to feed the rich (there are 8.7 million millionaires in a world where there are nearly 2 billion who live in abject poverty).
A world as uncaring as ours is not suddenly going to change its ways.
Take note of the following: 28 years ago in 1979 the administration of U.S. president Jimmy Carter asked the National Academy of Scientists (NAS) to assess the scientific basis for concern about man-made climate change. The chair of the NAS research board summarised the findings of the Charney report: 'If carbon dioxide continues to increase, the study group finds no reason to doubt that climate changes will result, and no reason to believe that these changes will be negligible.....A wait and see policy may mean waiting until it is too late.'
In 2007 we are still waiting for the American government to take action. The only action America has engaged in in the last 30 years is to increase it's carbon emissions considerably.
Here are more alarming facts: Gushing rivers and huge lakes have recently been discovered under the antarctic. Will this cause fragmentation? If so it could be disastrous!
Siberian permafrost (solid for thousands of years) is now melting rapidly releasing millions of tons of methane which is 23 times more deadly than carbon dioxide.
Greenland is now experiencing earthquakes registering 5 on the richter scale, could this undermine the 2 mile thick ice there? More than likely.
China is building a coal fired power station every 5 days and according to the New York Times November 2004, the U.S. plans to construct 118 coal fire plants in 36 U.S. states. With U.S. coal use projected to rise by 40% over the next 20 years.
Coral reefs are dying (the warmer waters are bleaching them), rainforests are being decimated by logging, and also by beatles that would normally die in the winter but who are now ravaging the trees. 98% of the world glaciers are in rapid retreat.
According to experts, 2007 will be the hottest year the world has ever known.
For those of you who think that man i.e. politicians, scientists and big business will provide the solution, remember the sobering fact. It is politicians, scientists and big business who should be held to account for the present crisis.
Would you entrust the welfare of your small children to a known paedophile, while you jet off to some exotic holiday?
If we cannot trust man, WHO CAN WE TRUST ?
Some 2000 years ago the Apostle John who was exiled on the island of Patmos wrote a book called Revelation.
In Chapter 11 verse 18 he wrote "God will destroy the destroyers of the earth". When he penned those words, Rome was then the world power. What did they have at their disposal that they could possibly destroy the world with? -------- ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
They had no industrial output, no chemicals, no vehicle emissions, no nuclear weapons or power stations. The most destructive thing they had was a spring-loaded catapult that could destroy buildings and city walls, but nothing whatsoever that could destroy the earth.
Since the industrial revolution in the 1740s which began in the U.K. man has systematically polluted, poisoned, ruined and destroyed whatever parts of the earth were worth exploiting. And you can see from the aforementioned charts that the earth put up a brave struggle to contain or limit the damage. But it seems that in the 1980s it started to lose the battle, and in 2006 threw in the towel.
You may be wondering why temperatures didn..t rise steadily from the beginning of the industrial revolution until now.
Why the record temperature of 1733 was not broken for 216 years.
Well, scientists recently discovered that the ground and the seas around our coastline had been absorbing ever increasing emissions of gases until they could absorb no more. What is really alarming, these gases are now being released back into the atmosphere,exacerbating an already serious situation
In the book of Luke,chapter 21 verse 25,26 Jesus famously spoke about our day when he said there would be "anguish among the nations, not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and it's agitation, while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth."
Never before has the sea been so agitated, it feeds tsunamis, gives birth to devastating hurricanes, and is getting more heated up every day and becoming more violent, and is now swallowing up islands of the sea. It will soon begin to devastate coastal areas around the earth.
You'll recall I said earlier that God will destroy the destroyers of the earth. By what means will he do this?
Jesus prayed for God's kingdom to come and God's will to be done on earth. In Isaiah Chapter 9 verse 6 Jesus is referred to as the prince of peace, it also speaks of his government rule, and in Daniel 2:44 it states that God's kingdom will crush and put an end to all governments and kingdoms and it itself will rule forever.
Some believe that the earth will be destroyed anyhow by God himself, and all righteous persons go to heaven. But Ecclesiastes 1:4 says the earth is standing even to time indefinite.
Will there still be life on earth? Isaiah 45:18 says 'God did not create the earth simply for nothing, but formed it to even be inhabited', so who the survivors will be, John makes clear. In 1 John 2:17 "the world (system of things) is passing away and so is it's desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever." In addition Psalm 37:29 states "the righteous themselves will possess the earth and they will reside forever upon it."
Jehovah's Witnesses have for over a hundred years been preaching the good news of God's Kingdom. (Matthew 24:14) From their studies of the scriptures they have learned that the kingdom Jesus prayed for is the only hope for mankind and for this earth with all it's life forms.
Currently active in 236 lands and islands they are helping millions of people find answers to their perplexing questions such as:
What proof is there that God exists?
Why does God allow suffering?
Where do we go when we die?
Why did Jesus die for mankind?
Who is Satan the Devil?
When will the end be?
Will dead loved ones ever be seen again?
All these questions and many more can be answered from the bible.
If you would like to take advantage of a free bible study course in your area or would like some free literature on any given topic, please let me know.
Will try to update on a regular basis what is happening around the world.

My Interests

Some Interesting Links:

New! 19th December
Greenland ice sheet melting quickly

Ominous Arctic Melt Worries Experts

Al Gore: The world can't wait for George Bush

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New! 10th December
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China Says West Should Deal With Warming

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A world dying, but can we unite to save it?

A world dying, but can we unite to save it?

Brown: We will do more to cut emissions emission cut

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Synthesis Report of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report

New! 15th November
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UN chief visits scientists in Antarctica for global warming fact-finding tour

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Wasting the Earth: The UN doomsday report

Wake up and smell the smoke of disaster

New! 6th November
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New! 2nd November
Grazing fish must be protected to save Caribbean coral, scientists say

Britain's colossal food waste is stoking climate change

Local wildfires add to growing problem of global air pollution

New!! 28th October
Rapid global warming will create famine and drought, Lovelock warns

Production of biofuels 'is a crime'

Now relentless loss of habitat threatens first primate extinction for a century

Not an environment scare story

GM: The Secret Files

New!! 23rd October
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Arctic report card warns of reduction in sea ice

New!! October 8th
Record sea ice melt this summer larger than Texas and Alaska

Melting ice pack displaces Alaska walrus

From the air, the evidence of climate change is striking

Record 22C temperatures in Arctic heatwave

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New!! 23 September
Rising seas likely to flood US history

Arctic sea ice melts to its lowest level ever

New!! 21st September
Have you got green fatigue?

On thin ice

'Too late to avoid global warming,' say scientists

Greenland: the emerging nation

Bush adviser: Humans caused climate change

Drought, oil send food prices soaring

Bangladesh: Life on the edge

Stark warning of extinction list: 'Life on Earth is disappearing'

The appalling fate of the polar bear, symbol of the Arctic

Toxic chemicals blamed for the disappearance of Arctic boys

Germany warns citizens to avoid using Wi-Fi

Significant Climate Anomalies and Events in 2006

Bush must confront greenhouse denial

Shockwaves from melting icecaps are triggering earthquakes, say scientists

Britain 'miles away' from hitting targets on carbon emissions

New!! 7th September
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Greece - A Sign of God?

Soggy summer set to enter the record books

Extreme conditions: What's happening to our weather?

Villagers say global warming hurt hunt

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Global Warning: Brutal lessons from an Antarctic summer

Summer Heat Wave Death Toll Reaches 49

Two million trees felled as black pine needle blight spreads

Typhoon Sepat hammers Taiwan

Arctic sea ice set to hit new low

Did global warming cause NYC tornado?

The Big Debate: Should we aim to stop climate change or adapt to it?

New!! 30th July
The Big Debate: The consequences of changing seasons

Humans to blame for global changes in rain - study

Brace yourself for more than a storm in a British teacup

China warns of more flood misery

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Hazards/Climate Extremes

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New!! 5th July
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Five more die as southeast Europe sizzles

Climate change and the fight for resources 'will set world aflame'

Climate change blamed as Superior shrinks

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The Earth today stands in imminent peril

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New!! 6th June
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The cruelties of global warming

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Deforestation: The hidden cause of global warming

NASA predicts Eastern US summers to be 10 degrees hotter in just 75 years

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New! 4th May
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New! 1st May
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New! 28th April
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New! 28th April
Meanwhile, in Australia a global crisis arrives in the back yard

An island made by global warming

The Great Pall of China

Michael McCarthy: Successor deal to Kyoto now vital for former refusenik

There is now no doubt that global warming is a security threat to us all

Bangladesh: A nation in fear of drowning

Are mobile phones wiping out our bees?

New!! 30th March Anger as UK's carbon dioxide emissions reach 10-year high

New!! 26th March Millions face drought in SW China

NEW!! 23rd March
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NEW!! 19th Feb
Latest discovery!
Scientists have discovered gushing rivers and huge lakes beneath Antarctica! This is further cause for concern because it may destabilise Antarctica.

NEW!! The Single Greatest Threat

Glaciers melting at accelerated rate

Global Warming The Vicious Circle

Heat Almost Hazardous To Health

Real climate change is here

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U.N.'s comprehensive global climate report set to be released

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Great Barrier Reef could soon die

I'd like to meet:

anyone who would like to believe there really is a God who cares