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Find more photos like this on BIRD TRIBE
Time for Me to move on to my Spiritual World while living on this very Materialistic World, as Shania Twain describes in her Song, Ka-Ching.
Hope some of you will join me!
Well, OK, Really Both, but Female side, the heart&soul of God, will Rule Earth for next 1000 years to make up for abuses the Free Will EGO of MAN has caused her. He has dominated her and made her his servant here on Earth for 1000s of years.
Look to left to Play song, "Sarah, shake em up" Sarah Palin is one of the women who will lead us to Peace and Properity, even though she lost here 2008 VP bid, as women begin to rule Mother Earth!
To stop song, just push STOP button.
Women only recently have gotten Equal Rights to MAN led by USA in the early 1900s, when women like Susan B. Anthony fought for Rights to Vote, own property, inherit her husband's property and wealth, and so many other Equal Rights to MAN.
Women of today now take these Equal Rights fore granted, in USA and throughout the World.
This is all part of the Reincarnation Process/Return of the Bird Tribe to Earth after waiting 2000 years for MAN to become Aware of his own Free Will of who he Really is, the Free Will Son of God, but lacking the Heart of God..,
Man's Female heart&soul other half has returned from their native Pleiades in the Realm of God/Great Spirit, home of the Bird Tribe. They left to incarnate on planets there 10000s of years ago, because they could not stand him.
The story of Eve being created from Adam, and being his other half of the 12 Free Will Egos of the Zodiac, stems from Lilith, his Equal, Angels of God/The Bird Tribe, leaving Earth to reincarnate in the Realm of God, not this Kingdom of God with all its' Kings.
It is obvious that Earth is now ruled by this Male God, who does not have the Heart of God from the REALM of GOD, but the EGO soul(mind) only. This is why Earth is in the Kingdom of God, all by itself, as the rest of the Universe is in the heart&soul of the REALM of GOD.
John McCain is a Bird Tribe Renegade! Part of the Justice Tribe of the Bird Tribe and the Bird Tribe State, Arizona and the Famous Phoenix Bird who is rising once again from the ashes to rule Mother Earth!
Please click on his picture below to become part of his friends network
He and Sarah Palin will lead us to Victory over the Unethical Good Old Boys and bring Peace to Mother Earth
You just need to SEE the EVIL that exists currently on Earth to KNOW that Earth is currently ruled by EVIL Good Old Boys.
Here is info on Bird Tribe Female God who is other Positive Loving Half of MAN doing God's Will and balancing out Evil FREE WILL EGO of Male God...
There are Seven Heavenly Virtues of the 7 Sisters of the Bird Tribe and here are the names of each tribe: faith tribe, hope tribe, charity tribe, fortitude tribe, justice tribe, temperance tribe, and prudence tribe and each Sister teaches her specific virtue.
The 7 Sisters make up the 13th Tribe of Earth,
and the other 12 tribes of Earth are described by 12 Zodiac Signs of 12 Free Will EGOs...
Although only 1 of 13 tribes, they represent over Half of the spirits/souls that have reincarnated on Earth at this time... and half of these Bird Tribe human beings are male and other half are female.
The Bird Tribe now represents over half the spirits/souls Reincarnated here on Earth, and contiues to grow in population. And in a Democracy, majority rules!
Steve Believes that Positive Female God of the Bird Tribe will Rule Mother Earth after 2012 for next 1000 trips around Her Sun.
He has adapted the Positive Female God's Ten Commandments from the Positive Living Center, where he assisted Eric Olson, Founder of the Positive Living Center, in creating and operating a Commune/Home for 20 Positive Spirits/Souls.
In Fact, Steve is looking for a Home/Vacant Church in the West Palm Beach, Florida area to rent to start a Positive Living Spiritual Center with about 12 other spirits/souls. There would be no drugs, alchohol, and smoking would only be allowed in designated areas of Home/Church.
Each member would contribute about $300/month for rent/living expences, in a commune/new age teaching type setting.
Each member would have to accept and live by the following Commandments:
1. Accept only Positive Commands from Within.
2. Take Responsibility for your Life.
3. God is in your Heart - Nurture Her.
4. Harmoniously position your SELF to all Life.
5. Let Love be Sacred, as you love other spirits/souls.
6. Give and Recieve - from your Heart.
7. Convert All Situations to their Highest Positive Chance.
8. Nurture your Body - it is your spirit/soul of Love.
9. Be born anew each moment in your new Positive Spirit.
10. Search not - that which is, is. Stop and SEE what your
Life is about - and most of all, use your intuition to
lead you to loving and good life situations for YOU.
Steve is Moderator of 3 Groups
which he believes promote the goddess ruling Mother Earth for next 1000 years & an understanding of reincarnation...
Goddess Rule Group promotes the positive goddess heart, as Ruler of Mother Earth for next 1000 years after 2012, to correct evils created by negative MAN mind, who has not had his positive other half on Earth to keep his negative half in balance for over last 100,000 years on Earth, and his evil "God is a MALE" rule on Earth throughout those years...
copy and paste this into browser to join this Group.
Where you can participate in and experience COUPLEREALIZATION ON-LINE thru
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Where you can learn on-line tantric techniques to increase your spiritual energy
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Where you can experience and participate in Reincarnation thru LIVING THE NEW HEAVENS TAROT and WHY it was created...
And share this life/past life experiences and lessons you remember/are aware of...
This New Heavens Major Arcana was created because the 2012 Return of the Bird Tribe brings a 13th SIGN and Personality to the ZODIAC and goddess rule of Mother Earth for 1000 years!
The Anointed Spirit/Soul who does God's Will thru intuition
Unlike any of the other 12 ZODIAC SIGNS/PERSONALITIES/EGOS
This 13th SIGN follows the Will of God thru its' intuition, not its' own free will...
The 13th Sign would be a healer, more vegetarian by nature, conscientious objector, would not want to kill another human or animal, would be following the guidance of his/her higher power, inventor, brilliant/creative, intuitive, a born leader, honest, and loving are some of his/her personality characteristics, for instance...
29 Major life Lessons after 2012
Meaning of Steve's Tattoos
Community Photos
This will explain why reincarnation process is as it is on Mother Earth...
Calling all Spirits/Souls!
GO TO NewHeavensSchoolForStarseeds dot com!
He has created this information from his past life journeys and life experiences from this lifetime on Mother Earth.
He felt it would help fellow starseeds to remember their past life journeys, and thus, be better able to talk the talk and walk the walk of the individual starseed spirit inside of each one of them.
He has also found that he moves from one relationship lesson to another, to learn other aspects of LOVE and RELATIONSHIPS.
He was with Ann Van Eps for 18 months in LA, 92 to 93, and IT took ANOTHER 6 months to go thru sorrow of her telling him he had lessons to learn elsewhere...
She was right, but he did not know it at the time. In 94, he met Bassia, who became his other 1/2 for 18 wonderful months. She taught him so much, especially about unconditional love, and yet, the fear of losing him, always concerned her.
She was brilliant, a linguist who spoke 9 languages at the time, now up to 12, and with accent for a region!
She was involved with Tantra with him, and they were married in a spiritual wedding that was very special... Well, it became time for him to move to his next life lesson, and she was heart broken...As FATE would have it, one of his Tantra students, David, was a brilliant artist, and he put the 2 of them together because he saw how much alike they were...It took a couple weeks, but they have been happily married now for 12 years... They have followed a very spiritual path, and are a good example of COUPLEREALIZATION...
STEVE'S spirit/soul participated in the lucifer experiment in free will, and as ansaya aura, is a shadow dancer between darkness and light, earth angels and heaven angels.
He also created the new heavens school for starseeds website, and most of the art work and other illustrations that you find at site. Here is a welcome message from him:
Hi fellow human being,
I am here experiencing human life just as you are.
I feel it is important that I share some things about my current physical health and starseed living philosophy.
First, let me say that I am so happy to be alive at this time in History. Right now, I am just HIGH ON LIFE!
I do not smoke, drink, do drugs, or in any way harm this beautiful body that God has given me, and I have been this way for the last 10 years of my life!
If you look at my 17 THE STAR tarot card, this is my I AM, pouring out my positive emotion into this world! I have achieved my Heaven Soul Essence!
Now i have achieved this dispite going into a diabetic coma for a day and almost "passing on" 12 years ago.
But the medical science advances of this time, saved my life! I am here because of the white man's manifest destiny! I also was blind in my right eye for 2 years because of fuchs eye disease, but an eye operation that was covered by medicaid, corrected that problem 1 1/2 years ago.
The doctor wanted to do a cornea replacement, but medicaid did not do that, so he had to risk regular cataract surgery, which could have permanently blinded me in my right eye, because of the poor condition of my eye, but i am happy to say, the operation was a success!
I am good for 5 years! Cornea operation would have been good for 10 years. Now my left eye is starting to fog up.
I have trouble seeing close up, this is why the type is so big at this website, so i can read it!
I had diabetic neuropathy so bad for 3 years, the pain being so severe in my legs and hands, I could not walk at times, or sleep at night at times.
But the wonder drug neurontin, which i took for a year, reduced the pain to a manageble level.
I wear socks and cloth gloves all the time, except when I am typing as I am doing now, which reduces the constant pain due to poor blood circulation. My blood sugar was a 136 today, which is normal for me in morning blood test.
Normally, I take 38 units of insulin in morning and 12 units at night, by needle. Sometimes this shifts because of stress in my life, what i am eating, and the demands of my part-time security job on weekends, where I work from 8pm to 8am, Saturday and Sunday nights. I am semi-retired to take care of my health. I hope to live to see 2013.
(I used to use the smaller "i" all the time to symbolize my lesser ego at this time in my life, but it made my writings hard for people to read)
This is the talk the talk and walk the walk
of an anointed soul!
If you agree with what you SEE,
please join our friends network...
Shania Twain is our favorite 13 Bird Tribe spirit/soul.
Born on 8/28/1965, her Heaven Soul Essence is a 3 Empress of Divine Love as part of New Heavens Divine Love Path.
8+28+1965=2001 00s show she is Bird Tribe member, from the Pleiades 7 Sisters, and 2+0+0+1=3 Empress of Unconditional/Divine Love. (She is an old 28 Soul)
Her Earth Soul Essence of 28 is our current last soul life lesson of 28 DHARMA SOUL LOVE.
As you would expect, she is a very powerful old soul from God's Realm, who patiently let FATE bring her to success in life, after many struggles...
love & light,
stacey and steve
steve and stacey wants you to check out a photo, click below
Our Spirit/Soul Human Being Body
Our Human Body is our Spirit/Soul
Our Spirit/Soul Human Being Body
Our Spirit/Soul Human Being Body<
i am a member of Bird Tribe and proud supporter of 7 Sisters and their 7 Heavenly Virtues.i am an Anointed Spirit/Soul with the heart&soul(mind) of Great Spirit doing Great Spirit's Will on Earth thru my intuition and soul(mind) of Great Spirit.
New Heavens School For Starseeds Member Badge
View my page on New Heavens School For Starseeds
Where Starseeds, Angels in Human Form, learn their Reincarnation History! We share our life journeys, experiences and lessons, which help us overcome the current "SPELL of Matter" caused by FREE WILL Male EGOs of Kingdom of God currently here on Earth, Come join the Fun Are We Tribe.
McCAIN PALIN for President VP of USA 2008 Network Badge
Visit McCAIN PALIN for President VP of USA 2008
We need your support if we are going to save this Country and this World from suffering more from the Current Corruption that exists World Wide...
Palin's swift rise is the talk of her Alaskan town
It was the night before Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was to accept the Republican vice presidential nomination in a nationally televised speech, and Becky Moore couldn't sleep a wink.
Sarah Palin is our woman, if she can't do it, no one can!
McCAIN PALIN for President VP of USA 2008 Video Player
vote for McCain*Palin!
Palin / Hillary Open SNL Comedy Skit
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Funny, funny, funny...
Update: Palin Rap
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Anodea Judith - The Illuminated Chakras - Love Peace and Harmony###
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