check out = Willie Nelson PRI
Willie Nelson offers his song "A Peaceful Solution" license free for others to record, perform or use in a video.
If you participate, we will write an article about you with photo, post your song or video, include an artist's statement and give you links.
Check it all out at:
the lyrics and other versions at:
video info:
Will you join Willie Nelson's peace project?
You can contact Willie Nelson through his official Willie Nelson MySpace profile .
or his official Willie Nelson website.
Willie Nelson contact information reproduced below:
Willie Nelson
PO Box 91659
Austin, TX 78709-1659
General E-Mails can be sent to:
Band & Crew: [email protected]
Lana Nelson: [email protected]
Willie Nelson: [email protected]
Willie Nelson supports the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute but this is not a venue through which to contact him.