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Jack Herer

Hemp can save the planet.

About Me

We hereby extend our $100,000 challenge to prove us wrong!If all fossil fuels and their derivatives, as well as trees for paper and construction, were banned in order to save the planet, reverse the greenhouse effect and stop deforestation; then there is only one known annually renewable natural resource that is capable of providing the overall majority of the world's paper and textiles; meet all of the world's transportation, industrial and home energy needs, while simultaneously reducing pollution, rebuilding the soil and cleaning the atmosphere all at the same time... and that substance is the same one that has done it before . . . CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA!Jack Herer, Author of the "The Emperor Wears No Clothes"www.jackherer.com

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My Interests

You can read my book "The Emperor Wears No Clothes" online free at www.jackherer.com. It's all about the history of Cannabis Hemp and its many uses. This is great info for school reports. Check out the Hemporium link to order hemp products.Please subscribe to these blogs to learn more about Cannabis Hemp: Jack Herer’s Blog
Number One Paper Blog
Number One Fiber Blog
Number One Food Blog
Number One Fuel Blog
Number One Medicine Blog My Mother and Alzheimer’s. And cancer.Around 1983, when my mother was 75 years old, she was in the first stages of Alzheimer’s disease. She came out to California from Miami Beach for six weeks to visit my children and me. My son, Barry went into the airport to get her, while I waited in the car. Although she had just seen him the year before, she didn’t recognize him and thought he was trying to pick her up. My older sister, Marlene, explained to me that was a symptom of the disease.At that time, I was just beginning to write a book called “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” about the history of hemp, including the medical history of cannabis. I had read many reports about diseases being treated with cannabis, including the first reports on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. One report said that if you smoke marijuana morning, noon and night you won’t have a problem with Alzheimer’s. It won’t go away but it won’t progress and may even go backwards a little bit.My mother didn’t smoke except for maybe 10 tobacco cigarettes a year. When she came to California I gave her marijuana morning, noon and night. She smoked it and ate it. She had never tried it before.Prior to this, I was never able to really talk to my mother. Our conversations always consisted of her telling me to “don’t do this” or “don’t do that.” Now, for the first time, I was able to talk to my mother about everything including politics, family and about when she first came to the U.S. from Poland 60 years before. It was the most wonderful time in my whole life being able to talk with my mother like that. My only regret was that I didn’t give it to her when she was 45 or 55.After six weeks she had no symptoms of Alzheimer’s whatsoever. Then it was time for her to go back to Miami Beach to my stepfather. I sent her back with about 60 joints. I was planning on sending her 60 already rolled joints a month.When she got home she showed her husband what she was doing and he had a fit about her smoking so she quit. He said “You can’t smoke marijuana. I don’t care if you think it’s good for you or not. It’s against the law.” They threw away the 60 joints.Two years later my mother got so bad she was put into a hospital. One year later she didn’t recognize me or my children at all. She died in 1990. The last 4 years she didn’t recognize me at all when I came to visit.When I wrote the first edition (106 pages) of my book, I wrote that Alzheimer’s disease is best treated by using marijuana morning, noon, and night (not once in a while). Everyone thought I was crazy, including my brother and sister.I have kept up on all the information about marijuana for the last 30 years. I’ve known about the preliminary studies for Alzheimer’s since the early ‘80s.It was recently reported on CNN and newspapers throughout the world that using marijuana is the best treatment for Alzheimer’s. If you use marijuana morning, noon and night it won’t progress. You may even get better. If you start using it when you’re 20 or 30 or 40, your chances are high you will not get Alzheimer’s. Cannabis has been proven to be many times more effective than the drugs currently being used to treat it. But marijuana is illegal in most places.Thirty percent of all medicines used 100 to 200 years ago were made out of compounds of natural marijuana. In 1964, researchers discovered the main ingredient is THC. No one has ever died from using marijuana.In 1974, Virginia Medical College in Richmond, Virginia did research on tumors of the lung, brain, liver and kidney using mice and rats. Incredible things were done. The cancer stopped growing and in most cases even reversed itself 100 percent. Some of the mice who were given cancer and treated with cannabis actually lived longer than some of the control mice who were not even given cancer! It was found that marijuana is the best thing to treat cancer of the lungs, brain, etc. After that they were stopped from doing anymore research at all by first Nixon and then Ford. No research with positive results could be done, only research with negative results. That’s the way it’s been since 1975 until now, even though a 1999 marijuana study turned out to be positive also.You live almost two years longer if you smoke marijuana morning, noon and night. This was the result of the most extensive research ever done (from 1968 to 1974). It was a $6,000,000 study done by Dr. Vera Ruben in Jamaica and Costa Rica. Today that same research would cost $150,000,000. If you smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol, you will lose approximately 8-24 years off your life. If you don’t smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol you will live (in the U.S.) until about 76 for a man and 78 for a woman. But if you smoke marijuana and don’t smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol, you live about two years longer than that.When this study came out in 1974, Nixon and then Ford dropped the most expensive research ever done on anything whatsoever. No more research of any type could be done on marijuana to prove the positive effects, only negative effects. From 1974 until now.Read my book “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” and get mad. The chapters are online free at my website, www.jackherer.com.

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People who will help me spread the truth about cannabis/hemp/marijuana.Feel free to use any info you see on here or on my website jackherer.com to educate everyone you know. Use it for school reports and anything else you can think of.I am writing a new book about religion and mushrooms.Sensi Seeds in Amsterdam named a strain of cannabis after me and people are always asking me for grow tips because they think I came up with the strain but I didn't.I did invent the best pipe in the world, the Double Barrel Double Venturi Ricocheting Vortex Effect Pipe. There's a picture in my profile pics. If you want one, please call (503) 449-4040 or go here. Pipe . Thanks!....................... Watch "Run from the Cure" - the true story of hemp, as told by Rick Simpson, the man who cured cancer with hemp oil. Please visit www.phoenixtears.ca for a vast collection of hemp research and hidden truth about "the miracle medicine"!




Dr. Dreher – PregnancyHemp Revolution – 1Hemp Revolution – 2Tree of LifePeace Bud – Intro to CannabisZeitgeist


"Hemp 4 Victory"


Read this book online free at www.jackherer.com.


RICK SIMPSON - CURING CANCER WITH HEMPTHE DO IT YOURSELF GUIDEFor those of you who have watched the documentary "Run from the Cure", this should answer any questions about producing your own oil. I recommend that people grow their own hemp either in a small indoor grow system or outdoors. Growing it yourself will eliminate the high cost associated with buying hemp from drug dealers. The cost of hemp can vary greatly from dealer to dealer and so can the quality of the hemp. For anyone new to growing hemp a good book or video on the subject is a necessity. If you go to Cannabis Culture, the good people there should be able to point you in the right direction.Caution:Oils that drug dealers sell can have many contaminants and often little or no THC. From my experience, most hemp oil available on the street should be avoided for medicinal use. Make your own oil or have someone you trust produce the oil to assure a very pure, high quality oil is produced.How much to make and take?One pound (500g) of bone-dry hemp buds will usually produce about 2 ounces (55 - 60 mL) of high-grade oil. This amount of oil will cure most serious cancers; the average person can ingest this amount in about three months. This oil is very potent so one must begin treatment with small doses. A drop of oil about half the size of a grain of rice, two to four times a day is a good beginning. After four or five days, start increasing your daily dosage very gradually. As time goes on the body builds a tolerance to the oil and more and more can be taken. In cases where people are in a great deal of pain, I recommend that their dosage be quickly increased until it kills the pain. High quality hemp oil will stop pain even when morphine is not effective. The oil can be applied to external injuries for pain relief in minutes.Will I get high?Following the dosage previously described, many people can take the full treatment and never get high. In regards to hemp, getting "high" is a joke, even if a person does take too much oil the effect wears off quickly and no harm is done. No one has ever died from the use of hemp medicine.Will I become addicted?Hemp oil does not cause your body to crave more. It is non-addictive, harmless and effective for practically any medical condition.Is this the same as hemp seed oil?No! This is hemp oil, made from the bud and small leaves of the hemp plant. It is the essential oil of the hemp plant. Health food store sells oil made from hemp seed that is often mislabeled as hemp oil. Although seed oil is very beneficial, it does not contain enough THC to have any effect on cancer and other serious illnesses.Are hemp and marijuana the same?The word marijuana is one of over four hundred slang terms used worldwide to describe the cannabis and/or hemp plant.Are all hemp plants the same?When buying or growing hemp, procure a strain that has the highest possible THC content. To energize someone suffering from depression, I recommend a good Sativa strain. For most other medical conditions, I strongly suggest that Indica strains be used. Indicas relax a person and provide them with more rest and sleep.How do I use it?High quality hemp oil can be vapourized, ingested or used topically. Add the oil to creams and salves for external use.Where can I get information about making the oil?For someone new to making the oil I suggest that you go to "Run From The Cure". There you can watch our documentary in seven segments. Segment #4 shows how the oil can be produced at home or one can go to Phoenix Tears Movie and download the full documentary. You will need a high-speed internet connection and there is no charge. The process in the video could only be described as crude at best, but the oil that is produced will cure cancer. In reality, this medicine should be produced in a controlled environment, using distilling equipment, etc. to reclaim the solvent and to purify the oil. Most people do not understand distilling and do not have access to the required equipment. This is the reason such a simple method is descried in the documentary, so if need be just about anyone can produce the oil. As in the video, again we stress that this process, if not done properly can be dangerous and we bear no responsibility if this educational information is misused.My process:Starting material:I generally work with a pound or more of good grade hemp starting material. You can use just one ounce. An ounce will usually produce 3 or 4 grams of oil. The amount of oil produced per ounce of hemp will vary from strain to strain, but it all has that wonderful healing power.1 - Place the completely dry starting material in a plastic bucket.2 - Dampen the material with the solvent you are using. Many solvents can be used. I like to use pure naphtha but it costs $500 for a 45-gallon drum. You can use 99% isopropyl alcohol, which you can find in your local drug stores. Alcohol absorbs more chlorophyll from the plant material than naphtha does. This gives oils made with alcohol a darker colour but does not diminish the potency of the oil to any noticeable degree. Ether, naphtha or butane and many other solvents can produce oils that are amber and transparent. Granted these clear oils do look better but dark oil can be just as potent. If the process is done properly, little or no solvent residue is left in the oil. I have been consuming oils produced using different solvents for eight years with no harmful effects. You will require about two gallons of solvent to strip the THC off one pound of dry starting material. 500 milliliters of solvent should be more than enough to strip the THC from one ounce of hemp starting material.3 - Crush the plant material using a stick of clean untreated (chemical free) wood or some such device. Even though the starting material has been dampened with the solvent, you will find that the material can be readily crushed.4 - Add solvent until the starting material is completely covered. Use the stick to work the plant material. As you are doing this, the THC dissolves off the plant material into the solvent.5 - Continue this process for about 3 minutes.6 - Pour the solvent-oil mix off the plant material into another bucket. You have just stripped the plant material of about 80% of its THC.7 - Second wash - again add solvent to the plant material and work it for another 3 minutes to get the other 20%.8 - Pour this solvent-oil mix into the bucket containing the first mix that was poured off previously.9 - Discard the twice-washed plant material.10- Pour the solvent-oil mix through a coffee filter into a clean container.11- Boil the solvent off. I have found that a rice cooker will do this boil off very nicely. The one I have has two heat settings - high and low - and will hold over a half gallon (2.5 liters) of solvent-oil mix.12- Add solvent-oil mix to the rice cooker until it is about ¾ full.Make sure you are in a very well ventilated area and set up a fan to carry the solvent fumes away. The fumes are very flammable. Be sure to stay away from red-hot elements, sparks, cigarettes etc. that could ignite the fumes.13- Plug the rice cooker in and set it on high heat.14- Continue adding solvent-oil mix as the level in the rice cooker decreases until it is all in the cooker.15- Add a few drops of water to the solvent-oil mix as the level comes down for the last time. The amount of water added depends on how much starting material you had in the beginning. If I am producing oil from a pound of good bud, I usually add about ten drops of water.16- When there is about one inch of solvent-oil-water mix left in the cooker, put on your oven mitts, pick the unit up and gently swirl the contents17- Continue swirling until the solvent has been evaporated off. The few drops of water help release the solvent residue and protect the oil somewhat from too much heat. When the solvent has been boiled off, the cooker that I use automatically goes to low heat. This avoids any danger of overheating the oil. At no time should the temperature of the oil go over 290F degrees (140 C).18- Put on your oven mitts and remove the pot containing the oil from the rice cooker.19- Gently pour the oil into a small stainless steel container.20- Place this container in a dehydrator or put in on a gentle heating device such as a coffee warmer. It may take a few hours but the water and volatile turpines will be evaporated from the oil. When there is no longer any activity on the surface of the oil the medicine is ready for use.21- Pour the hot oil into a bottle; or as in the video suck it up into a plastic syringe. Putting the oil in a plastic syringe makes it very easy to dispense the medicine.When the oil cools off it has the consistency of thick grease. Some strains will produce very thick oil and you may have trouble squeezing it out of the syringe. If this happens, place the syringe in warm water a few minutes prior to use.To anyone starting to use hemp oil as a medication, here are some simple facts. Hemp oil will lower blood pressure and if you are on blood pressure medication, you may find that this medication is no longer needed. The same is true for diabetics. I have seen hemp oil control blood sugar to the extent that insulin was no longer needed. I am not a doctor and I do not have the right to tell people what they should do. Personally, I would not consider taking any cancer treatments currently in use by our medical system, I do not recommend that hemp oil be taken along with chemotherapy. What would be the sense of making your own cure and then allowing the medical system to give you massive doses of poison?From my experience with hemp medicine, I have found that most pharmaceutical medications are no longer needed once a person starts using hemp oil. Hemp oil seems to mix well with most natural medications but I have had a few reports from people trying to take hemp oil and pharmaceuticals who experienced stomach pain etc. All problems ceased when they stopped taking the prescription drugs.To anyone who is going to act on this information to help a loved one, I welcome you to the world of real medicine. Again, I caution you to be very careful when boiling the solvent off. The fumes are very flammable. Be sure to stay away from red-hot elements, sparks, cigarettes etc. that could ignite the fumes.I wish you the best luck and health.
Warmest regards,
Rick Simpson.http://www.phoenixtears.ca/diy.htmlWatch Rick’s movie, “Run from the Cure” - http://www.phoenixtears.ca/index.html

My Blog

Webb urges fresh look at the war on drugs

The senator says billions spent on locking people up hasn't reduced the flow of drugs.BY DAVID LERMAN202-824-8224June 20, 2008WASHINGTONVirginia Sen. Jim Webb began building a public case Thursday to ...
Posted by Jack Herer on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 10:45:00 PST

Amsterdam, Connecticut?

Feature: Amsterdam, Connecticut? Drug Reformer With Bold Vision Seeks State Office, Radical ChangeLike the rest of inner city America, Bridgeport, Connecticut's 130th District has for decades been gro...
Posted by Jack Herer on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 11:02:00 PST

Law Enforcement: SWAT Run Amok

Two recent incidents involving SWAT teams are adding fuel to the fire in the emerging controversy over the routine use of such paramilitarized police units to prosecute the drug war. In Chicago, the C...
Posted by Jack Herer on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 10:59:00 PST

Let Them Have Their Pot

The feds should stop harassing sick patients who have the legal right to use marijuanaBy Manuel S. Klausner, 6/19/2008 9:24:40 AM In the fictional world of the hit show "24," federal law enforcement...
Posted by Jack Herer on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 10:55:00 PST

Judge dismisses womans religious drug-use argument

Friday, June 20, 2008 By VIRGINIA BRIDGES Staff Reporter BAY MINETTE  For years Brenda Williams Shoop struggled in a journey to get closer to God, she told a judge Thursday. And then she found a ...
Posted by Jack Herer on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 10:51:00 PST

Reefer-Madness: Hailey sues Hailey

Legal, or illegal? Thats the question.When the democratic process takes place it should be a fool-proof method of deciding what the voters want right? Wrong. Just because you vote for a specific reaso...
Posted by Jack Herer on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 10:48:00 PST

Puerto Rican officials push to legalize pot, no health problem required

The Associated Press Thursday, June 19th 2008, 11:12 AM SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico  A fo...
Posted by Jack Herer on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 12:18:00 PST

Legalize Every Drug

By JOHN STOSSEL, Creators Syndicate, Inc.June 18, 2008The other day, reading the New York Post's Page Six gossip page, I was surprised to find a picture of me, followed by the lines: "ABC's John Stoss...
Posted by Jack Herer on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 12:04:00 PST

New Florida Rules Return More Than 115,000 Ex-Offenders to Voting Rolls

June 18, 2008 New Florida Rules Return More Than 115,000 Ex-Offenders to Voting Rolls By DAMIEN CAVE and CHRISTINE JORDAN SEXTON MIAMI  Gov. Charlie Crist announced on Tuesday that 115,...
Posted by Jack Herer on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:58:00 PST

Massive DEA raids planned for Humboldt

..The rumors are true. The Federal Drug Enforcement Agency is sending 200 agents to Northern Humboldt to crack down on marijuana growers, according to sources. The full-blown bust-a-thon will take pla...
Posted by Jack Herer on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:41:00 PST