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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi..i'm Sunshine. MUSIC and FIRE are the two things that really make me tick.I love to dance .I spin poi, a tiny bit of staff, im really not that good at it,and I eat fire too.I belong to two fire dance troupes. The PYRO-GYRO FIREDANCERS.And a sub-troupe, THE HOT FLASH FIREDANCERS (all of which are women around the age of 50...!) We are based in southern Oregon-northern Ca.We are in the midst of building a website try and snag some gigs and sell some of our fire poi. I was involved with a pirate radio station(FREE RADIO TAKILMA) for 6 years,We went online a little over a year ago,and are LEGAL now.WWW.TAKILMAFM.COM.(Hope Mountain Radio)Check it on the streaming link.I love to weave moods with music.I have 2 shows a week. My shows are on friday from 4-8. THE 420 REEFER GLADNESS SHOW.( 4 hours of marijauna music and comedy )and tues evenings 9:00-till midnite.tues nights are open to all genres.(could be anything going down)Times are pacific time. I am very spontaneous and always doing something. I never EVER get bored.I always have SO MUCH to do.. I am so incredibly lucky..! I live in the forest at the foot of HOPE mountain in southern Oregon.I have 4 dogs, a wolf, chickens,and rabbits, and a cat-that has me.! I love my garden,and diggin in the dirt. One of my favorite quotes is : " May all your words be sweet, for someday you may have to eat them " Isn't that a great quote? i dont know who to give the credit to. I cant hardly wait each year to go to BURNING MAN at the end of august..I love the art, the people, the MUSIC , the FIRE, and yes, even the dust.... I have no children, I am my own kid. And I refuse to act my age . I love simple things and complex things as well.Probably just part of being a gemini. I believe in the good in all people and I believe truth is the most important thing in ANY relationship.I believe to stay sane in this world you must have a GOOD sence of humor..You have to learn to let go and not take life too seriously. I spend most of my time alone ,but I love being social, I also love to perform with my firedance troupes. I like the solitude of the woods, Im not a city person . Lets see... what else ? I would love to experience the energy inside of a crop circle. crop circles fascinate me. favorite things are: cuddleing and kissing,hugs. experiencing NEW MUSIC.watching the ocean,clouds,warm summer breezes and rolling in warm sand,The sound of distant drums,Howling of my dogs,The smell of a camp fire,Swimming in the river, the warmth of the sun on my bare skin,Senuous massages. Waking up in Black Rock City..I LOVE LIFE. I cherish each day as a gift,and give thanks.It's another to grow and change to make the world a better place, Another day to love,and learn.another day to Love being alive, Another day to share.Just Love sunshine --
A person of questionable sanity who starts their own cult
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

My Interests

Fire and Music.together or alone. did I mention FIRE ?... drum circles and firedancers.. there is just something so PRIMAL about fire and drums. I am concerned and involved in environmental matters. I'm a down to earth kind of person.I like to entertain the notion that we could all live in PEACE on this planet. When people ask me what I like to do for fun,I have to say that I try to make everything that I do FUN. oh yeah interests..becoming and staying aware,world peace,Burning Man,organic gardening,pirate radio,firedancing,staying alive,

I'd like to meet:

It could be you


all types of music.I love music .! I may be listening to just about anything depending on my mood or what im doing. when im firedancing I like to spin to trance and techno.I REALLY really love the Chemical Bros,TOOL,NIN.Crystal Method,Massive Attack,Depeche Mode,just to name a few.. I love the old reefer songs from the 1920's and 30's . I love the OLD blues and Jazz.. actually I pretty much like any kind of music except NEWER country and opera or polka music..! Unfortunately , most of my favorite guitar players are dead.... Frank Zappa, Jimi Hendrix, Jerry Garcia, John Cippolina,along with my brother Gilbert..I just really LOVE music...Since I am a DJ , I have a HUGE stash of music. A wonderful treasure..


My number one favorite movie is .....Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas....I can like totally relate.




I recommend everyone on the planet read "The Celestine Prophecy"/ James Redfield.."Secret science behind miracles" is a wonderful book,by Maxwell Freedom Long.right now im reading The Tibetan book of the dead.and Carlos Castaneda/The art of dreaming


First of all I want to mention MY very own hero Fred Burkett who at the age of 13, pulled me unconsience from a swimming pool when I was 7. he literally saved my life(my own family wasnt paying attention). other hero's throughout my life include,Julia Butterfly,Jack Herer,Bob Marley,My daddy,Felix the cat,Frank Zappa,Lenny Bruce,Rosa Parks,Jesus,Martin Luther King,Ghandi,Timothy Leary ,Hunter S. Thompson,Bob Dylan,Augustus Owsley and ANYONE who dares to speak the truth and stand up and or die for what they believe in.

My Blog radio

yeah. check it out. we are back online... WOO HOO.. !! Free Radio TAkilma . rises once again ! after 6 years of being a pirate station , the FCC shut us down TWICE or was it 3 times.. i forget...hee h...
Posted by PyRo*GyRo on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 11:33:00 PST

why I HAVE a wolf

Even though I have a wolf as a pet, I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT... 70f people that think they want to have one as a pet ,end up trying to give it away to a sanctuary. They are a HUGE responsibility.. I knew...
Posted by PyRo*GyRo on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 12:06:00 PST

Someone stole my BLOG....

Someone took it .. I put one right here and now it's gone.
Posted by PyRo*GyRo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

what the hell is a BLOG???????

Posted by PyRo*GyRo on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST