Anyone, everyone. No-one should be completely unaware of the problem of overpopulation. If you completely dissagree with me I still want to be your friend, all the more in fact. I have created this site as a forum, a discussion area, a hypothetical. If you have a thought on any of this stuff go ahead and post it, positive or negative. Afterall it is all relative. Think of an island with a constant size with ten people on it, 20 people, 50 people, 150 people, 250 people, 1000 people. What's happening to the island and it's people? Not a very difficult question. I'd also like to add that I'm opposed to people having so many children that the population grows, but that once the child is here I am not opposed to him or her. In fact if there is any good reason at all to consider our impact on this earth, aside from the earth itself, it's these poor children who will have to deal with it. Also, if you've got some dogmatic or subterranean reason why my site is just idiocy and what a rediculous venture it is in the first place and what cause I give you to roll your eyes, go ahead and let me know as well, all contributions are welcome. Spam is not a contribution. Bands are welcome but your comment is more likely to remain on my site if you make an intelligible comment regarding overpopulation, resource management, the environment or some other pertinent or even impertinent topic, all things are related. "Thanks for the add" is not only boring, stupid and impersonal, it's also deleted, so no-one becomes aware of you when they visit my comments section. Lastly this site is not a college masters thesis or anything like one, it is made for and by the layperson. If it's not scientifically informative enough for you I'm sorry. So you know I am scientifically informed, however I don't see the benefit of spewing it all back to you beyond the occasional statistic to validate a rant. What's the point, it's just that totally obvious that overpopulation is a problem if you're aware of the world at all. That's why science and statistics are not the main focus of this page. As well I may tend to be politically incorrect from time to time with certain issues, if it bothers you let me know and it'll add to the discussion. The discussion is the utmost importance of this page. A final note is that I do not offer solutions to the problem beyond encouraging people to consider their opinion on the subject. Do you have an opinion? Or do you think that everything is just fine? Thanks and be aware.