The son asked his father, 'Dad, will you take part in a marathon with me?'.
The father who, despite having a heart condition says, 'Yes'. They went
on to complete that together & even completed other marathons. The father
always saying, 'Yes' to his son's request of going through the race together.
One day, the son asked his father, 'Dad, let's join the Ironman together'.
To which, his father said, 'Yes''.
For those who don't know, Ironman is the toughest triathalon ever. The race
encompasses 3 endurance events; A 2.4 mile ocean swim, a 112 mile bike
ride & ends with a 26.2 mile run. Father & son went on to complete the race
together. Please view this: (Turn your volume on)
Americans for Prosperity Crashes Al Gore's Speech
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~VOTE FOR RON PAUL..... Ron Paul is the only candidate that does not have his hand out looking for donations from the people. He does NOT have his hand in the pocket books of the corporations nor is he seeking bribes/donations from the pharmicuticle companies. RON PAUL is the PEOPLES President. Let's help him get there. VOTE FOR RON PAUL. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clinton and Obama fight amongust themselves, acting like children. Obama slams his Pastor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ McCain is untruthful in his accounts as a POW: refer to Do YOU want people who act like Naughty CHILDREN (like GWBush) to be your new president? Think about it, do your research, vote for the right person to run our country. Let's get our country back. VOTE FOR RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT. He will do right by WE THE PEOPLE. Ron Paul is the only candidate who will give us back our CONSTITUTIONAL rights and decriminalize what should NEVER have been illegal in the first place. He will give the people back THE TREE OF LIFE as we believe it to be. CANNABIS cures cancer, is not as dangerous as cigarettes, alcohol, morphine, tylenol, aspirin, etc. It has never killed anyone in all recorded history. It has ILLEGALY been classified as a Schedual 1 drug. The pharmicutical companies, prisions, corrupt officials and big corporations are profiting by keeping it illegal. VOTE FOR RON PAUL to get our country healthy again.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I am happily married to a wonderful man who loves me unconditionally. Our children are doing well in school and seem to have adjusted to the move fairly well. We have been through many stressful moments and still fighting with the Federal Court over our illegal eviction of a harmless drug which is the only one that stops my husbands pain convultions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You want lower gas prices? You want the govenment to quit telling the sick and disabled what medicine they can and can't use? You want a government that won't kick sick and disabled people out of their homes? You want a President that isn't sticking his/her hand out for 'donatiions' from the pharmicutical companies that are keeping the drug war going? Then you need to vote for RON PAUL if the answer is YES to all of these questions.
*************It Is Time for Marijuana to Be Reclassified*************
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Click on the link below link to hear our most recent show
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The Emperor Wears No Clothes ~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Even the federal Drug Enforcement Agency's (DEA) own Administrative Law Judge, the Honorable Francis Young, stated in 1988, "Marijuana is the safest therapeutically active substance known to man..." He went on to say, "The evidence clearly shows that marijuana is capable of relieving the distress of great numbers of very ill people, and doing so with safety under medical supervision. . .it would be unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious for the DEA to continue to stand between those sufferers and the benefits of this substance."[2] Perhaps more remarkable were the conclusions of President Nixon's Shafer Commission, who were appointed to investigate marijuana's available scientific and medical evidence. To the shock and dismay of President Nixon, the Commission found enough evidence to recommend that marijuana be decriminalized.[3]
Why is Marijuana Illegal? Visit Drug WarRant for the story. Please use this direct link to the story:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tree of Life