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Outgrow Big Bro ©

OutgrowBig Bro.ORG

About Me

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Hello all cannabis enthusiasts. Whether it's medicinal or recreational smoking, it will be great to live in a world where cannabis users can hold our heads up high and cannabis grows wild and free.
It's unusual to find it growing out in the wild, but if you help maybe that could change. You're obviously reading this for some reason. You love the idea, you really do. So, next time you go to throw your seeds in the trash just put them somewhere else. You don't HAVE to do anything, but why wouldn't you?

Do the right thing!!

It needs to repopulate its species in the wild. Wouldn't it be nice if you just ran into each other in the woods one day? Yeah you would like that wouldn't you? MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!
Operation: "Outgrow Big Bro"
When: Now


to empower cannabis users to stand up to and overcome the adversity placed on us by Big Brother. We also plan to encourage our supporters to reintroduce cannabis into our surrounding environment in order to ease the pains of legalization.
Once America wakes up to headlines reading

Marijuana Found Growing at Local Police Station


"300 Marijuana Plants Discovered at City Park

everyday, they will eventually become desensitized to the taboo idea that cannabis is a bad thing. "
Lets Outgrow Big Bro
Operation: Outgrow Big Bro is a grassroots effort conceived to reintroduce cannabis into the wilds of America. This is an idea that has long been thought by many people. You yourself may have wondered what it would be like if there were wild cannabis growing on every corner, in every park and creek-bed in every city in America. It is just a plant after all. Well, not JUST a plant. If cannabis were as available as say oil, it would be the new plastic, providing us with the materials we need for everything from shoes and clothing to medicine for the seriously ill and fuel for the vehicles we drive. Not to mention, you can party with this stuff. Cannabis prohibition is something that is very much behind the times, and since lawmakers will fight tooth and nail to keep this wonderful weed away from law-abiding American citizens, we must, as a people, stand up for our constitutional right for the pursuit of happiness and OUTGROW BIG BRO, which means, simply, plant your seeds. If cannabis makes you happy, for whatever reason, you owe it to yourself and to your fellow cannabis users to join this cause. Cannabis genocide is committed countless times every day, by the people who love it the most. The next time you throw a handful of seeds in the trash; think about it, are those poor seeds going to have a fighting chance at the bottom of a landfill? Spring is upon us, and that means, it is time to take action! With thousands of men and women just like you and me, working together, we can pave the way for a greener future. The idea is simple. Plant seeds in the dirt and into the minds of others. You’re either with us, or you’re them!OPERATION: OUTGROW BIG BRO"Lets Out Big Bro. Together"
.. ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Marc Emery is my hero: Click Here to hear Emery's latest interview with Time 4 Hemp.Myspace is becoming more and more like the middle brother.Chances are the link above was blocked because it's "SPAM"well it's not SPAM it is truth!You may need to just paste this link into your browser.http://www.time4hemp.com/podcast/today/12-Love-2-Mar c-Emery.mp3Outgrow Big Bro!Outgrow Tom, the middle brother, by joining our forum at www.outgrowbigbro.orgTo Donate, please go to: RonPaul2008.Com/Donate

Every one of you!

But more importantly, it's who YOU should meet. You should meet with your state representative, either by phone, e-mail, written letter or in person.
If you live in Texas, it is very important that you contact your state rep and let them know how you feel about house bill 758.
House Bill 758, introduced in January by State Rep. Harold Dutton, D-Houston, is currently being reviewed by the Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence. The bill would reclassify possession of up to one ounce of marijuana from a Class B to a Class C misdemeanor.
Class C misdemeanor offenders do not receive jail time for a first offense, and instead would only be required to pay a fine.
The current law states possession of up to two ounces is considered a Class B misdemeanor, punishable by up to 180 days in jail and a maximum fine of $2,000.
Now is the time to contact your representatives!
In Texas, to find out who represents you, follow the link below.
Click Here to Contact Your State Representative .
These people work for us. Give them a call and tell them to support House Bill 758.
Give us a comment letting us know how the conversation went.
UPDATE House Bill 758 did not ever come up for review during this past Legislative Session. The next chance for it to be reviewed is in 2009. In the meantime, be sure to pay attention to your representative's views on this bill.





Drugs Crime and Politics on Houston Media SourceCyborg Sam's Cyborg Hour on Austin Public Access


My Blog

Check out this event: OGBB Sundays Launch Party

Hosted By: OPERATION: Outgrow Big BroWhen: Sunday Jun 17, 2007 at 8:00 PMWhere: HeadHunters720 Red RiverAustin, TX 78701United StatesDescription:OPERATION: Outgrow Big Bro Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Outgrow Big Bro © on Wed, 23 May 2007 11:00:00 PST

Stop eating Hershey Products!!!!!!!!!!!!! repost this!

The article below was posted by Marc Emery, editor of Cannabis Culture Magazine and America's "Prince of Pot," yesterday. He calls for the complete boycott of all Hershey products. Although we all ...
Posted by Outgrow Big Bro © on Tue, 22 May 2007 02:18:00 PST

So it's working now....

The following story was sent to me by a young man in Duluth, who claims to have been responsible.  We will call him "Joker."  His identity will be kept a secret.  Read the article below...
Posted by Outgrow Big Bro © on Fri, 18 May 2007 02:46:00 PST

ACT NOW! House Bill 758 TX Decriminalization

    You should meet with your state representative, either by phone, e-mail, written letter or in person. If you live in Texas, it is very important that you contact your state rep and ...
Posted by Outgrow Big Bro © on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 11:08:00 PST

Spring is here, so GERMINATE your SEEDS!!!

Germinate!!!!!If you have a stock pile of seeds sitting around, then now is the time to germinate them.Get a paper towel wet and fold it into quarters.  Put your seeds in the fold, and then put t...
Posted by Outgrow Big Bro © on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 10:06:00 PST

Record number of marijuana arrests in 2005 WTF?!

NIDA Has Marijuana MonopolyTopic: DrugsWhile the federal government is busy arresting people for marijuana use, it's also hindering researchers who want to study the drug's medical uses.For years, Pro...
Posted by Outgrow Big Bro © on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 07:43:00 PST