" I don't have a Soul, I Am Soul "....."I stand tall and naked exposed to an unfamiliar image in a mirror glowing and giving out electro-magnetic-rays. Burning with emotions I focus and take on a principal seat for a journey far-beyond anything I have ever experienced.
The mirror shatters and simultaneously a power beyond logic suddenly appears before me in a non-verbal chemistry, giving me a warmth of energy. I close my eyes, for the fear of danger overthrows my enthusiasm to continue. I take internal ownership of myself and decide to invest with glory this celestial experience.
Like a silk fabric blowing in the wind, a hurricane elevates me and suddenly I'm centrally positioned on a large floating mass of ice. Sunlight gleams upon my face and the sound of crystal chimes, ( in perfect rhythm and harmony) sooths me and gives me comfort. I notice a change of clarity in the atmosphere, I look down at my bare toes to sea the ocean sand before me. Spring rain wets my hair as a lite sweet smelling fragrance of white tropical orchids breeze by me at a tremendous speed, displaying a power of command - like a gentle but strong Imperial Master. Feeling tired and fragile I take rest in sleep, only to soon awaken and see before me a magnificent statue of a princes.
Her eyes open and suddenly she comes to life. I watch her draw her gown around her slim body, forever circling in one place and think to myself how graceful she looks as she dances under the silvery light. Shadows flow behind her as she zooms pass me pointing her finger to convey a meaning for me to follow, and with a soft and calm welcoming voice, she instructs me to come and see a secret place. Breathing heavily and feeling out of depth, I'm transferred from one state to an other. Like a flash - a window appears ! I draw the curtain and open the window to a brilliant electric blue light. In the distance I see a golden staircase, covered in a thin layer of fog.
A sudden inclination to act out of impulse assists me to magically glide in the open air and land on the bottom of the staircase. Little by little I begin to climb up the stairs, clutching on to an unknown mission. As I come to the top, my only instinct was to turn back at full speed, but as I looked back; a loud voice in the distance announced broadly, " Move on and set foot on the other side, if you wish to do so, the choice is yours ".....
My first and only reaction, this time, was to immediately reply back, in a loud voice, " By the grace of God and Divine Love, farewell early earth" and continue my journey.
Just then, a bridge appeared before me and standing on the other side was, what appeared to be, a spiritual co- worker for God, holding a golden book, of an unwritten law. And as I walked closer toward him, his face began to resemble mine. I thought, " Wow - It's me " He smiled and said to me, and I to him simultaneously, " I don't have a Soul, I Am Soul" - Pure Soul, and at last I have found, know and love thee - my Inner/Higher and pure Beloved Self, Soul " - With Love, Luciano.....