Spirituality, life, people, human magic, quantom physics, connecting, making a difference, contribution, music, film, books, traveling, creating, personal growth, new ideas, great conversations, nature, yoga, meditating, different cultures
People on the path for awakening and peace... open hearted kind Beings who are choosing to come from a place of compassion and love. You!
Beatles top the list... and all kinds of other stuff... anything that moves me...I play the piano, the guitar, and sing... I even have a band that jams for fun... for years I had worked professionally but now i just play for love, and love to play...
Casablanca, Wizard Of Oz, Godfather, too many to mention... love great films...!!!
I NEVER WATCH TV... CAN'T STAND IT!!! Though in one of life's great ironies..... I am currently developing a PBS style series cenetered around our Spiritual search for meaning and the challenges facing the human race....
A New Earth, The Power of Now, Illusions, Conversations with God (1, 2,3), The Prophet, Crossing The Unknown Sea, The Road Less Traveled, I Know Why The Cage Bird Sings, Awakening The Giant, Marly and Me....
Martin Luther King, Mandela, Gandhi. Jesus, Buddha, The Dali Lama, Thich Hat Nahn, Mayo Angelou, Oprah, Bono, Yogananda...There really are too many to mention... anyone who promotes peace, compassion and love on the planet in any way shape or form is a hero...people who are loving and kind...good parents...people with integrity...teachers and educators of any kind who go the extra mile.... people who choose to love rather than hate...