"You have seen a herd of goatsGoing down to the water.The lame and dreamy goatbrings up the rear!There are worried facesabout that one!!!!!But now they are laughing,because look, as they return,that goat is leading!!!There are many differentkinds of knowing.The lame goat's kindis a branch that traces back tothe roots of presence.Learn from the lame goat,and lead the herd home."RUMI"Love has to be understood.... (a long pause) You have never attained to a peak of love and there is a great longing for it. You have been in love but it has never been outlandish, it has never been fantastic, it has never been far-out. It has been lukewarm. It was not like a fire that consumes. You were in it but you were not destroyed by it; you managed yourself. You have been clever in it, you have not been a fool. And only fools know what love is; only they, because love is a kind of madness.If you are too clever, you can allow only so far and then you stop. Your whole mind says, 'Now this is too much. Going beyond this point is dangerous.
'Love knows only one experience which is satisfying, and that is to go to the very peak, to the ultimate peak, even once. Then there is a great change in energy. To know love once at the climax is enough; then there is no need to go into it again and again. It simply changes your whole being: sexuality disappears, and when sexuality disappears one becomes sensitive. Sexuality is not very sensitive; it is very crude, it is raw: it is not a very refined state of being. That raw energy is still there.So I would like you to be less clever. In the days that you are here, forget about cleverness; be more muddleheaded. That's what Lao Tzu says: I am a muddle-headed man. When everybody is clear only I am unclear; when everybody seems to be intelligent, I am stupid.What he means is that he does not calculate about his life: he lives it. He lives like any animal, like any tree, like any bird. He lives it simply, without figuring out what it is and where it is leading: anywhere is good, even nowhere is good.In the days that you will be here, put your mind aside. It will be difficult, but it can be done, mm? Hundreds of my sannyasins are doing it, so you can. This is one of the crucial problems for the modern mind: putting cleverness aside. You need to be a little more wild, and here it will be possible, mm? I have so many wild people; they will help you. And going through groups, go totally wild.
Don't miss this opportunity!That will bring great innocence to you, that will make you ready to jump into a great love. It need not be with anybody in particular but it should be just a passionate love -- even for life, for god, for me, for existence, or for any human being; or for painting, poetry, dance, music, drama, anything -- but a great passionate love that becomes your whole life, in which you are so totally absorbed that nothing is left outside: so you and your love become one. That will be the transformation for you.Fear is there but don't choose fear. Those who choose fear destroy themselves. Let the fear be there; in spite of the fear go into love. Because of fear man has become so clever and cunning. It is out of fear that the so-called religions -- Christianity, Hinduism, Islam -- exist. It is out of fear that education exists, it is out of the fear that nations exist. It is out of fear that arms and the atom and h-bomb exist. Man has lived only out of fear; from the atom bomb to god, all are out of fear... hence there is so much misery in life, because people are living out of fear, not out of love. They put love aside and live according to the fear. Fear becomes the dominant factor, the guideline, the map.Let love be the map, put fear aside.One has to put one thing aside: either love or fear, that is the choice. And the choice is exactly whether to be or not to be: with love you are, with fear you are not. With fear is death, with love is life. Choose love. With fear you have chosen death and you are already dead. Choose love and you have chosen immortality; love never dies, love knows no death.That's why they say that cowards die one thousand deaths and the really courageous man knows no death, not even once. The body will die but his passion will not. His love will be there, his poetry will go on, transcending death. His song will float beyond death. He will defeat death.You have come at the right time: something is going to happen! Good!"OSHO:-)"One day I was worried, thinking about the future and felt depressed, thinking about the past.The Divine came to me and said,
'My name is 'I Am.'
When you dwell in the past, life is difficult, I am not there. My name is not "I Was."
When you dwell in the future, life is difficult, I am not there. My name is not "I Will Be".
"When you dwell in the now, life is easy. I am here. My name is "I Am.""Tell me one last thing," said Harry. "Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?"
Dumbledore beamed at him, and his voice sounded loud and strong in Harry's ears even though the bright mist was descending again, obscuring his figure.
"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?""Don't be hesitant, don't be worried too much about going wrong. Commit as many mistakes as possible, remembering only one thing: Knowing what is an error, one comes closer and closer to what is truth.""Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive; in pardoning that we are pardoned; and in dying that we are born to eternal life.""Put everything at stake. Be a gambler! Risk everything because the next moment is not certain, so why bother? Why be concerned? Live dangerously, live joyously. Live without fear, live without guilt. Live without any fear of hell or any greed for heaven. Just live." Osho
You Are From the Moon
You can vibe with the steady rhythms of the Moon.
You're in touch with your emotions and intuition.
You possess a great, unmatched imagination - and an infinite memory.
Ultra-sensitive, you feel at home anywhere (or with anyone).
A total healer, you light the way in the dark for many.
What Planet Are You From?"Your vision will become clear only when you look inside your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." Carl Jung