Header Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!CREAMcropzine/2006i.....William Elmore ; Time To Reflect (9 track CD) these are nine happening mind concept sounds from William Elmore. He has been inspired to write his epic creation soundscapes by his surrounding native Wiltshire myths, standing stones, elements, and ancient KARMA, and glorious mother earth. ............................................................
track listing: 1.up in the clouds 2.a drop in the ocean 3. time to reflect
4.when angels fall 5.skimming stones 6.i'll be there for you
7.mother earth 8.karma kingdom 9.solsticeWilliam Elmore comes from Wiltshire which is one of themost dreamy and mystical parts of the UK. Steeped in theancients, where opening your back door standing stonesand elements not our time are everywhere. How couldyou not be affected by these surroundings? Well Will hasbeen writing stuff in unison with what effects him in the area,epic creation soundscapes, narrative tunes, Wiltshire myths,standing stones, elements, ancient KARMA, and gloriousmother earth, they all play major parts in his creations ..............how long have you been doing music
I started playing guitar in 1994/5 when I was at school, lots of friends of mine played guitar and listened to music...many of them listened to heavy metal and rock so did I, but I also listened to blues and folk...some of the bands I listened to at school were THE WATERBOYS, REM, GUIDED BY VOICES, THE VELVET UNDERGROUND, BLODWYN PIG, THE DOORS, and THE BEATLES, plus lots of other guitar bands.
My friends and I would start up bands for fun and something to do in our spare time, but we never did any gigs. We would just end up making music for the fun of it.It all started at school when I heard all of this great music being made by artists such as The Waterboys and The Beatles, me and my friends were heavily influenced by 60's music and guitar bands that were around from the 60â€--s onwards. I used to love jamming with friends and experimenting with sounds, I just wanted to make music because of those sounds that I heard from my favourite bands.what type of style do you prefer to do, the more instrumental or vocal
Ii really like the more instrumental style...but I have lyrics for all of my songs in the hope that I can find singers who would like to sing on them as I do not rate my own singing voice, lol.what musically impresses you
all types of music impress me but I really love songs that have wonderful melodies, anything that sings to the soul. I take inspiration from both NICK DRAKE and LEONARD COHEN, they are two of my favourite inspiring artists. Nick Drake's songs really affect me because the melodies are so beautiful, his guitar playing is inspirational. Leonard Cohen also inspires me because of his ability to write great lyrics and his voice is fantastic. One of my favourite bands is The Waterboys, I love the way Mike Scott has followed his own path with experimenting with different musical genres.
I listen to all sorts of music and take inspiration from every style there is, depending on how I am feeling I will listen to something that will move me in some way.do you think the ancientness of the area where you live,rubs off onto your music
I think it does, I love the surrounding beauty of the Wiltshirelandscape and I really enjoy visiting all of the ancient stonemonuments, I take a lot of inspiration from these things.AVEBURY is a very special place for me it always reminds meof great times I have shared there with friends on summersolstice. it is a very mystical place and I really enjoy being therewhether it is on summer solstice with all the different peoplecoming together as one or any other time of year when it is amore peaceful and reflective place to be. And love of the ancientsand the past, oh -yeah I really like all of the mystical, ancientthings of the past. AVEBURY and WAYLANDS SMITHY iswhere I take myself to seek solace and inspiration for my music.I think these few questions give an over all feel of what Will and his music is all about, he is prolific in writing, already 3 CDs are out and about to friends and people who have already found his music. He has a multitude of other in the pipeline, like a modern day bard he has books full of his creations awaiting to be finished and finalised.More William ElmoreWiltshire-Cana (CD) This is the 5 track CD where Will, plays alongside Jules and James Burge from ACOUSTIC TAXI / AFRO TAXI, acoustic numbers mixed with keyboard, dream state tunes, that are low budget in sound and effect, but they open a door to a much more wider plain, imagine Leonard Cohen mixed with Scottish 90's indie DIY culturists MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS, you could even give him a plug into the writing style of basic Nada Surf. Like swirled easy paced psych. 'Here Comes The Rain', is panpipe psych number pure and simple. Like droplets of sound wetting and pitting at the face, turning you to smile.The collaboration with James and Jules in 'Love At First Sight', is peaceful guitar strums to oh so sweet Eddi Reader sounding vocals., which are very stand out indeed.Guitar and feel reminded me of some of the great low pacedstuff that FRANCIS DUNNERY has been doing of late. Allin all, yep low budget but the quality of the stuff is high intheir low budget recording style. After all initial recordingcatches the essence; studio quality can lose that whole edgeof a feel for a tune.Folk It Up (CD) Ok so into the folk roots side here for Willwith this CD, again low budget, but the catch, the hook is there.Its folked Syd Barrett psych, well and truly tinged with NickDrake, with lots of spoken come sung tunes that's got all thehallmarks of Leonard Cohen, 'Universal Traveller', ticks allthe right boxes for this fine array of influences. 'Soul Journey',piano playing in a deep dark chasm, going from sweet everincreasing beats, then pacing into the maniac and loudness, like any soul journey hitting places you wouldn't want to go sometimes, but the journey has to be made, it aint all rosy, but to get the full effect the experience, the path has to be followed. 'Whimsy Tide Waltz', is the funfair tune, all out whirly and giddiness, making the head twirl, whirl into the tail end and finale of the CD.Time To Reflect (CD) Well this is the CD that we put out with Will, so were not really going to say much, only the buff that we say when we normally talk about it, so. Time To Reflect, these are nine happening mind concept sounds from William Elmore. He has been inspired to write his epic creation soundscapes by his surrounding native Wiltshire myths, standing stones, elements, and ancient KARMA, and glorious mother earth. contact Will at www.myspace.com/williamelmoremusic where you can hear lots of his great sounds, we may even put more of his CDs out, so watch this space.-Creamofthecropfanzine review/interview.mini-albums:
corn collage.
track listing: 1.untitled love song 2.childe in thyme
3.beautiful morn' 4.flying south
5.gabby's guitar 6.emotion sickness
7.the lady will be the death of me 8.upset the applecart
9.she has no time for me now 10.no more tomorrowcapture a dream. (artwork emmeline)
track listing: 1.capture a dream 2.standing stones(landing pads)
3.hookah hoodoo 4.narghile napoo
5.cat 6.head bobbin' robin
7.the troll and the fairy
NOTE:all my cdrs are available free from myself if you would like them message me your details here on myspace or email-
[email protected] it up in wiltshire-cana cd available now through creamofthecropfanzine/label:
CREAMcropzine/2007a..... William Elmore ; Folk It Up In Wiltshire-cana (15 track CD)(comes in 14cm x 14cm card and material art cover, sometimes as a very limited 15cm x 15cm canvas. Think progressive folk tinggling sounds along the roads of Nick Drake, haunting folk ballards from this mystical Wiltshire songsmith. WONDERFUL IT IS.)..
Click here to get your own player. holla cantonschurch of greenvirtual reality asylum (works in progress)uncovered (works in progress)tom o' bedlam sits on nimbus 9 (works in progress) (artwork hannah)wistful tales of summer (works in progress)dreamscapes i/ii (works in progress)sang-froid/dolce far niente (works in progress)the sisyphus syndrome (works in progress)my good friends THE TRANSPORTERS video to the track transported, enjoy!
Add to My Profile | More Videosjamendo for free downloads: church of greenholla cantonstime to reflect lpmother earth epfolk it up in wiltshire-canaapocalyptic mind frequencyspaced oddityif these players do not work on your pc here are the links:
church of green - http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/26544
holla cantons - http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/26602
time to reflect lp - http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/27393
mother earth ep - http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/27484
folk it up in wiltshire-cana - http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/27954
apocalyptic mind frequency - http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/28319
spaced oddity - http://www.jamendo.com/en/album/29028