Who are the Band were a 6 piece folkrock, newage, blues, rootsy act from Aberdeen in Scotland. The band were originally formed mid 2006 to perform arrangements of Wilson Noble music... Consisting of acoustic/bass/electric guitars, vocals/backing, keys/piano/organ, drums & percussion the 6 piece had a large interesting sound going on. The band were doing very well & looking at a bright future ahead of them but alas like all good things Who are the Band prematurely & incompletely ended (at least for now) after their album launch in january 2007... No real definite closure ever happened with the band so there is hope yet for a reunification of energies in the future....
This page has been hosted for 2 out of many reasons, first to keep the energy & memory of Who are the Band alive & second to help promote the music they performed....
Wilson Noble at present is based in Edinburgh/Scotland he is currently touring/performing & managing himself as a solo acoustic singer/songwriter, you can find him on his own myspace at:
www.myspace.com/wilsonnoblepeace & blessings to you....
we are all one