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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My name is Dusty and I am an avid spiritual seeker in service to the Cosmic Law of One. Some of my passions are sharing my love of metaphysics and Aquarian principles with others, gaining and giving knowledge, promoting harmony and fostering the awareness of our unity and oneness whenever possible. I believe in supporting and networking among love powered, heart centered individuals, groups and organizations with the gratitude for our awareness that we are all interdependent and waves of the same ocean.My other passions include (first and foremost) the people in my life -- my incredible family, the beautiful friends I have now and the beautiful new friends I would like to meet - conscious and loving kindred spirits who will perhaps invite me into their world (for any amount of time) and allow me to share in new experiences.I am also passionate about ascension topics, meditation, music, books, conscious conversations, laughter, photography, being in nature, caring for the mother who cares for us (Gaia), computers, the intuitive and healing arts, astrology (I am an astrologer-in-training), animals and animal rights), vegan cooking, and doing my part in helping to anchor and expand vibrations of a higher nature.Since we (and our vibrations) are always constantly changing, evolving and growing, the person I am now is not the person I was yesterday or the person that I will be tomorrow. At this moment in time who I am and my world that surrounds me is a reflection of the choices I have made, what I have focused my attention on, and how I have used my deliberate intent to manifest and attract what I need for my growth. Those intentions and choices will of course continue to change as I evolve. One of the reasons why life is always so interesting! My Blessings are many and my Gratitude supreme for those who have walked beside me on my path in all directions of time.I send you many Blessings in Light and with Love for your own journey.....NamasteCURRENT MOON moon phase info
""We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects." ~Herman Melville~
"Love is the radiance, the fragrance of knowing oneself, of being oneself...Love is overflowing joy. Love is when you have seen who you are; then there is nothing left except to share your being with others. Love is when you have seen that you are not separate from existence." ~Osho~
"The ideals which have always shown before me and filled me with the joy of living are goodness, beauty and truth." ~Albert Einstein~

"I’m not interested in being a “lover.” I’m interested in only being love. Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment, and being love is a supreme creative act." ~Ram Dass~

"Do not overlook negative actions merely because they are small; however small a spark may be, it can burn down a haystack as big as a mountain. Do not overlook tiny good actions, thinking they are of no benefit; even tiny drops of water in the end will fill a huge vessel." ~Buddha~
"The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called Love and you feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed." ~J. Krishnamurti~
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." ~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin~

"I offer you peace. I offer you love. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and peace." ~Ghandi~

"Many expressions that are in common usage, and sometimes the structure of language itself, reveal the fact that people don't know who they are. You say: "He lost his life" or "my life," as if life were something that you can possess or lose. The truth is: you don't have a life, you ARE life. The One Life, the one consciousness that pervades the entire universe and takes temporary form to experience itself as a stone or blade of grass, as an animal, a person, a star or a galaxy." ~Eckhart Tolle~..

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." ~Rumi~

"But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls." ~Kahlil Gibran~

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." ~Albert Einstein~

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." ~Jimi Hendrix~

"As the rain falls on the just and unjust alike, let your heart be untroubled by judgements and let your kindness rain down on all." ~Buddha~
"Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask yourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn't, it is of no use." ~Carlos Castaneda~

"Pass then through this tiny span of time aligned with Nature, and come to your journey's end with a gentle grace, just as an olive falls when it is fully ripe, praising the earth that nurtured it and grateful to the tree that gave it growth." ~Marcus Aurelius Antoninus~


"Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation." ~Rabindranath Tagore~♥HAVE A DAY FILLED WITH PEACE AND LOVE♥
"Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering to fly." ~Origin Unknown~
""One of the best things to hold onto in this world is a friend. Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." ~Anais Nin~


My Blog

Meaning of Life Questions by Fred Burks

Meaning of Life Questions A Speculative Look at the Big Picture of Life in the Universe By Website Founder Fred Burks www.wanttoknow.info Introduction: What's Really Going on Here? As a former lang...
Posted by Dusty on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 07:50:00 PST

Energetic Currents by Nancy Leilah Ward

__________________________________Energetic Currentsby Nancy Leilah Ward__________________________________ What have you been wishing and praying for? Your prayers will begin to bear fruit, if they h...
Posted by Dusty on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 06:58:00 PST

12 Principles for a New Reality by Owen Waters

The New Reality The New Reality brings with it a new vista of awareness. In order to operate successfully in the new environment, you need to apply the new principles which come with that expanded vi...
Posted by Dusty on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 06:40:00 PST

A Lightworker’s Prayer

I ask that spirit walk with me this day And that I have the courage To carry this truth within me in all that I do. To fully stand in my own truth and power is to honor the spirit within. Help me ...
Posted by Dusty on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 02:14:00 PST

Being Empathic Comes From the Heart

  BEING EMPATHIC COMES FROM THE HEART There are three major forms of psychic abilities: clairvoyance, which in French means "clear seeing" and involves seeing psychic visions; clairaudience, ...
Posted by Dusty on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 03:55:00 PST

Are you an Empath? (I am!)

  Empathicness. ..The next step in the evolution of mankind? Are you empathic? Are you someone who picks up on other people’s emotions and feelings? In the past, those with empathicness h...
Posted by Dusty on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 06:08:00 PST

Sleep is No Longer an Option by Jean-Claude Koven

  Based on the teachings in the book, Going Deeper:How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Senseby Jean-Claude Koven Sleep is No Longer an Option I freely admit that I don&rsq...
Posted by Dusty on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 06:22:00 PST

The Voice of Fate vs. the Voice of Destiny

  It’s human instinct to reach for the familiar, but the soul is here for experience, not security. A life without risk, loss, death, and pain is hardly vitalized. The more we resist the c...
Posted by Dusty on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 05:46:00 PST

Remember Your Spiritual Home - Owen Waters

Within us lies a Universal Yearning for Unity consciousness, ayearning to return to that from which we came. Thisall-pervasive yearning for unity constantly calls us towardsour spiritual home. As a ...
Posted by Dusty on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 03:40:00 PST

Learn to Travel in Consciousness - DL Zeta

In the course of their life journey, most people follow a progression in the development of their consciousness.  At first, their mind explores many realms.  Daydreaming and fantasies ...
Posted by Dusty on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 10:02:00 PST