Writing, trascendental meditation, Dayan Chi Kung, Ju Jitsu, Muy Thai, vibrational acceleration, the martial way, energy, flow, EFT, refinement, harmonic resonance, building lean muscle mass. Developing self-help techniques to empower people that have trouble doing it on their own.
People that love to laugh. People that love to heal. People that love to create. People that love to be in love. People that understand that healing must occur within the Self before it can occur anywhere else. People that heal with the power of presence.
Tribal, Techno, R&B, Ancient Water Buffalo Drums, Brazillian, Drum n' Base, Classical. Fedde Le Grand! Satellite Radio!!!
Good Will Hunting, Philadelphia, First Blood, Alien, Aliens, Troy, Gladiator, Enter the Dragon, Donnie Darko, Ghost in a Shell, y otros, 300, 40 yr old Virgin, Knocked Up, Sunshine, I Am Legend, AvP2, No Country for Old Men, Eastern Promises, Good Luck Chuck
I have officially replaced TV with Entire-Season-Continuation-Series-On-Disc-that-keeps-going-l ike-one-big-48-hour-movie......
Joy Riding The Universe, Oneness, ACIM, The Nature of Personal Reality, How to use The Laws of Mind, The Power of Intention, Journey of Souls, Destiny of Souls, Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire, The Seven Laws of Spiritual Success, RA Books Law of One, Opening to Channel, Emotional Wellness, The Power of Now, Sedona magazines, The Sedona Method, A New Earth, Evolve Your Brain, The 48 Laws of Power, Beyond 2012, anything by David Gemmell(RIP), The Blade Itself, Before They are Hanged
Anyone who rises above adversity, but does not define themselves by the very same. My mom and dad. The Hopi Indians.