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Simon Bailey

Conscious Rock from former Just Jinjer guitarist.

About Me

Simon was raised in Stellenbosch, just outside Cape Town, South Africa. Music was always a part of his life and he started piano lessons at around five years old. At seven he was bashing his first drum kit to a pulp. His journey so far has taken him across three continents. Formerly the lead guitarist with Just Jinjer, South Africa's most successful chart topping rock band, he is now based in Los Angeles, California, working on his solo album. His work is being described as 'Conscious Rock' - music to "get down to" that is also an invitation to personal, social, political and Spiritual awareness. He has signed a deal with an independent investor and is starting his own label in the US, Conscious Revolution Records. Simon also practices as a Spiritual Life Coach, helping others remove obstacles to becoming the best possible version of themselves. His passion and intention is to support evolution and growth and the inclusion of all humans Beings in the experience of dignity, comfort, opportunity, prosperity and brotherhood. He is a huge rugby fan.The sounds on this page are some of the demo's for his solo release. Enjoy. Namaste to All.

Myspace Layouts at / Meditation

Check out this link: Unconditional Love

My Interests


Member Since: 8/15/2007
Band Website: in the works
Band Members: Simon.
Influences: God, Allah, Great Spirit, the Omni Present, Mother Nature, Humanity, fellow band mates in Just Jinjer and all other bands (thank you John Mugniani and CCDP) that he has been a part of, Every talented musician, artist and story teller before him, Courageous acts of positive self expression across the globe, Men and women of integrity, All prophets and pathfinders, teachers, friends and family.
Sounds Like: You decide!
Record Label: Conscious Revolution Records
Type of Label: Indie