Hi my name is Cindy, I am at a point in my life where I can feel the rush of the clock. I seem to have more questions about the meaning of life than I have answers. You've probably asked the same questions yourself at one time or another. What is life all about? Why am I here? What is my purpose? just to name a few! In retrospect I guess I have always asked those questions. But, somehow, it's different now. These questions have been dominating my thoughts. It has become an obsession, to find the answers. The missing link to an otherwise wonderful life. I have an incredible husband and I do mean Incredible!(So....I am not looking to hook up with anyone!)I have great relationships with my kids who are both very dear to my heart. Despite my wonderful relationships and life style, for which I am truly grateful, my pursuit for the missing link prevails.My search for answers lead me to a book called The Secret (If you haven't heard of it by now you are really missing out!)The Secret was a door opened which has directed to a path of personal development, in all areas of my life. The book really only scratches the surface and I have since discovered so much more.The choices we make are all guided by our thoughts. Either way, we make choices in one of two ways, unconsciously (on auto pilot)or consciously (through our awareness). The choices we have previously made are a clear manifestation as to what our lives look like today, in the here and now.
Through our awareness we have the ability to control what we think about. We can even choose as to how we perceive an unwanted life event. The events we experience in life, have no meaning....until, you give it a meaning. You may take on someone else's meaning as your own, but, even that is a choice only you can make. We all have the power to choose what life means to each of us. Ultimately, you can choose to change your destiny.
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