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I love feeling my heart!

About Me

I love being alive on this beautiful planet at this time. I love feeling my heart and realising how I create absolutely everything I experience.I feel a lot of love for all of life. I'm into seeing through judgement and realising the truth is love. I really love when I feel the truth of that in my heart. I really REALLY love feeling my heart!!One World Love means everything to me. I love my friends BJ who are working so hard to help the planet shift into a more loving reality through their music and website and MUCH MORE. You can check them out in all their multi-faceted magnificence in my top friends, they have lots of great spaces to visit!I have a great life, I love my friends and hanging out with them. I feel blessed to be where I am at. I love contemplating who I have been and what my life has been like, its really interesting to me. I'm beginning to understand there is so much fascination in understanding my own journey.I'd love to meet my beautiful love who I know exists and get on with the next stage of creating my blissful life with him and others wanting a world of brilliant joy and love. THAT REALLY INSPIRES ME!!!!I love meeting new friends and feel really inspired by people all around our world who are loving themselves into a new life. It takes courage and strength but I reckon nothing else beats it!!I am a proud vegan and love taking care of myself and our beautiful planet. I dream of a world of love, where Twin Flames are reunited and everyone is awakening and feeling their heart. ahhhhhhhhh big sigh - how wonderful.Thanks to you all for reading this, send me a message if you like!

My Interests

Check out the One World Celebration myspace - its a great event happening on the 5/7/08. I'm really looking forward to it!

I'd like to meet:

My real, intelligent, awakening Twin Flame and be reunited here on the Gold Coast and then live together always.LyricsAnd I'd love to meet everyone else that loves this world and wants one world love.


LOVE SPIRIT makes the best music I have ever heard. Nothing has ever rocked my heart like these guys.Check out their film clip for "Arms of Light" here:Arms Of Light
..You can download and buy their music here:..
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Movies: - really recommend watching this movie.


Bart and Jody Christy - founders of the One World Love Centre, Twin Flames reunited, extremely talented musicians, singers, songwriters, album producers, photographers, artists, heart warmingly loving and supportive, caring friends, hilarious playful jokesters, just absolutely the people I love sharing my life with. These people work 100% all day everyday to create One World Love through their awesome music, their websites, myspaces, they are people I admire so much!!