9/11 Vendetta - An Outstanding Little Video
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I'd like to meet:
A Pharisee of Pharisees
My article was posted on Ex-Christian.net back in 2005.
My name is John Blatt and I am an ex-christian. The process of leaving christianity took a good two years, but now I am finally free from that fear and fear-based Cult. Fundamentalist christianity is a destructive mind-control Cult and the bible is primarily a series of psychological documents. It took many years to finally come to see this reality, because I didn't want it to be so. No one in the Cult can see with straight vision, thus, the more devoted and zealous one is for christianity the more blind they are to its psychological and spiritual damage and control.
I became a born-again christian at the age of twenty while I was in the U.S. Air Force in May of 1992. It was a powerful and moving experience and it did effect me deeply, being changed instantly. Before this, I had simply adopted my mothers metaphysical beliefs and so I had no true belief in anything that was truly my own.
Since the day that I had been "born-again" I began a long journey within the realms of christianity, seeking to find where I belonged and what I really believed. I began simply as non-denominational, not wanting to even go to church. My first belief was that one does not need a minister and a church to know god, yet this belief eroded over time. While stationed in South Korea I did not have much other than the bible to study. Then after a year I was shipped back to U.S. and I began seeking answers to all the different questions I had about denominations, churches, different "gospels" and many other things. No one could match my zeal or devotion to god and "His Word". Christianity was now my life and I severed life long friendships and relationships due to my new found beliefs, even "converting" my father and step-mother to "the Faith".
My searching for answers caused a lot of waves wherever I went and I quickly gained many christian friends and admiration by everyone I came into contact with.
Here is a chronological list of churches and theologies that I joined and embraced and studied through in my journey through Christianity:
Vineyard/Charismatic/Speaking in Tongues and Healing miracles.
Independent Messianic-Jewish Church/Jews for Jesus/Christian Zionism
Independent Baptist/Dispensational Theology/Pre-trib Rapture
Pentecostal/Hyper-Dispensational Theology/Post-trib Rapture
Charles Finney-ism
The 5-Point Calvinism/5-Point Arminianism Debate
Became a 5-Point Calvinist
Embraced Reformed Theology/Orthodox Presbyterian Church/Modern Puritanism
Paleo-Presbyterianism/Covenanters/Old-school Puritanism
The debate between infant baptism/adult baptism
The debate between mode of baptism: sprinkle/pouring/immersion
Became a Reformed (5-Point Calvinist) Baptist
Moved to NY and joined an Albert Martin Reformed Baptist church-cult/London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689
Studied the forbidden Anabaptist writings (pre-1644 London Baptist Confession)
The debate between the Covenant of Grace (1689 Baptist Confession of Faith) and the Old-New Covenant separation (1644 Baptist Confession of Faith)
The debate between Reformed Theology and New Covenant Theology (NCT)
Left the Reformed Baptist church
Was castigated, harassed, and denounced as a heretic and immoral for leaving "The Faith" of the Reformed Baptists. I was stalked, physically harassed and secretly threatened by the leaders of the Reformed Baptist church
Embraced the Home Church Movement and New Covenant Theology
Embraced the teachings of Gene Edwards and Frank Viola
Became a member of one of Frank Viola's home churches
Saw the strange character and ways of Frank Viola and rejected the teachings of his books
Left the Home Church Movement
Was introduced to the concept of Universal Reconciliation (Jesus reconciled EVERY man to god regardless of belief or state of soul)
After long study I embraced Universal Reconciliation and the truth that there was no such thing as "Hell", Eternal Damnation, and that there was no condemnation in christ regardless of faith or deeds and christ reconciled every man back to himself, regardless of belief or unbelief.
This freed me to look into other non-christian views.
I have now come around full circle and after looking through many belief systems and religions. I now consider myself Metaphysical. I no longer believe that the bible is inerrant nor divinely inspired, but is one of the most brilliant psychological documents ever contrived. Christianity is a man-made religion specifically designed to control the masses and indoctrinate mankind with fear (sugar-coated with love, grace and redemption in christ) and is a truly destructive Cult (not because of its doctrines but because of how it thinks, behaves, and acts).
I have studied the bible and church history and all aspects of christian theology for over 13 years and was the most devoted and passionate Christian that could be imagined. Though the further I went into christianity the more it sucked the life out of me. The more intolerant, the more fearful, the more Law-ful I became. I generally studied an average of 25-45 hours a week on my own. Bible study, church history, hermeneutics, exegetical commentaries, Greek and Hebrew lexicons, apologetics, polemics, systematic theology, and many other christian disciplines. When I was stationed in Saudi Arabia for six months I took only my bible and studied it 10-12 hours a day on average. I did take some days off to recover, but my devotion to God and his truth was that great - it was my life and my passion.
Looking back over my life I see how much of my vital years (age 20-32) were spent in all of my searching and studying. I viewed myself as a modern-day Apostle Paul, yet I was actually a Pharisee of Pharisees. I treated anyone who did not see eye-to-eye with me as inferior and treated others with pity because of how lost or confused they were. I knew more about the bible and its interpretation than the pastors that I sat under. I had to act ignorant most of the time so I would not be a threat to the elders of the churches I was in. My closets were literally stuffed with books. I hid most of them in my closets so that my fellow christian friends wouldn't treat me differently than a normal christian.
I share all this not to boast in my previous christian devotion and knowledge, but as a testimony to free thinking. Question everything. If I had grown content in my searching and closed my eyes, I would still be bound by unbreakable chains of indoctrination and thought-reform. I can honestly say now that I truly know the bible and christianity, especially after loving it and sacrificing so much for it.
This is why I am using my knowledge and experience in writing a book about christianity and the bible. My hope is to help others free their own minds and hearts and to possibly help heal the souls of those who may have been abused by this religion.
Feel free to contact me through Yahoo Instant Messenger: psychicevolution
I posted this article about two years ago on ex-christian.net. Since then I have pondered the state of religion, christianity (of all levels and liberalness) and the general consensus of the population on the christian bible. I believe now, more than ever, that the bible is not "the Truth" and liberal christianity and even gnosticism is very inconsistent with the bible itself. There is no greater series of books that were written specifically designed to enslave the mind and polarize humanity. The purpose of "the Good Book" is to divide humanity in order to conquer it. Yet the bible, more than any other thing in Western civilization, has one of the greatest protective defaults in history, its extremely deep-set program embedded in the conscious minds of almost every American that the bible is the truth, and that Jesus existed. This is one of the greatest deceptions ever to overtake the minds of humanity. If you still have this programming intact within your subconscious and conscious minds you will probably scoff at what I write here. If you feel insulted or threatened by these words you most likely still have the program - a program that is not of your own thinking but is of someone else's. It is a program-matrix of religion that creates emotions, experiences, sensations, that seeks to protect itself within you. In many ways it is a mind parasite, living off your energy. As many brain parasites do, they give you feelings to sustain its hold over you, supported by the religion-matrix that so many within humanity is enslaved by.
I write this not only to say that christianity is a thought-reform system, but that if you truly desire to live a life of freedom for your heart and consciousness, then please examine your own view of this religion. Christianity IS a religion. Many christians have told me "seek Jesus not religion" and "christianity is about relationship, not doctrine or religion", yet this is the power of the delusion. The constructed character of Jesus (please research the term "Astrotheology" and this will help some to understand) is the delusion. The person of Jesus(as the bible reveals) never actually existed. Jesus is the religion, regardless of its denominational or non-denominational leanings.
The word "Religion" explains it all. This English word is derived from the the Latin word religio, which means "to constrain". Literally: "to bind." Like most of the great conspiracies of this world, the governors of this world hide these things in plain sight.
How can we free our minds if we don't believe we are enslaved? This is one of the greatest deceptions of all.
My desire in sharing these things stems from a truly deep love for humanity and the longing for all men and women to be gloriously free in every way. Free to love and free to think for ourselves. That the deepest joys of life can be experienced by everyone equally without hatred, condescension, or pity on anyone else. To break the cycle of control forever, which can never come by argumentation or proving others wrong, but by freeing us all to think for ourselves (please refer to my blogs "The Battle For Your Mind" and "Why Atheistic Arguments Cannot Work Against christian Fundamentalism").
My heartfelt love to all who read these words, especially those of you who once knew me in the past.
Counter From POQbum .com
Nine Inch Nails ROCKS!!!!
28 Days Later, The Matrix, The Thing, The Mothman Prophesies, The Blair Witch Project, Halloween, Fright Night, Young Frankenstein, All the American Pie movies, Snatch, Fight Club, Talladega Nights, The Polar Express, Crash, V for Vendetta, All the Austin Powers movies, Enemy of the State, The Hitcher (1986), Escape From New York, The Secret, What the Bleep Do We Know, and pretty much all good comedies and "feel good" movies.
The X-Files are my favorite, Heroes is awesome, Lost, Jericho, other than these I don't watch TV
The love between the characters of Mulder and Scully is something I love. I hope you enjoy these X-Files vids.
Here's a great action compilation video for all you X-Files fans
A great X-Files Compilation Video
This is the kind of girl I want...;)
Short Skirt, Long Jacket
Uploaded by Queequeg
As You Think; The Power of Your Subconscious Mind; Mind over Matter; Ask and It is Given; The Four Agreements; Conversations with God books; Loyd Auerbach's ESP, Hauntings and Poltergeists: A Parapschologist's Handbook; Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus; The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold; The Suns of God; The Jesus Puzzle: Did Christianity Begin with a Mythical Christ? Challenging the Existence of an Historical Jesus; Leaving the Fold: A Guide to Recovery from Fundamentalism and Other Rigid Religions; The Mind of the Bible Believer; Releasing The Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves; Combatting Cult Mind Control; The Manipulated Mind: Brainwashing, Conditioning and Indoctrination; Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control; In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People; Emotional Vampires; The Secret; Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion; Children of the Matrix; The Holographic Universe; The Self-Aware Universe; The Biology Of Belief: Unleashing The Power Of Consciousness, Matter And Miracles; Rule by Secrecy; The Terror Conspiracy: Deception, 9/11 and the Loss of Liberty; The Complete Guide to Mysterious Beings; Our Haunted Planet; The Mothman Prophecies; Out Of The Dark: The Complete Guide to Beings from Beyond
Anyone who has a passion for truth as well as love.
What is Psychic Evolution?
I've been asked by many people what Psychic Evolution means and here is my answer:
Humanity is at a fork in the great road of existence. We could continue the path of dark-age thinking that separates and divides humanity in a very negative way and plunge our world into utter destruction of a self-created Apocalypse (and it IS self-created), or we can take that new path that we have now arrived at. That new path is a higher consciousness, a higher way of thinking, a higher way of living, a higher way of loving. This higher consciousness is the discovery of ourselves. We have looked to religion and everything outside ourselves for meaning, purpose, and significance in life and it has brought personal and global misery and destruction for centuries. Now, I am talking specifically about belief in the christian bible, the torah and the koran. All three of these have caused MUCH more trauma to humanity than anything in our entire existence. We hold to these beliefs because we want meaning, significance and purpose in life and these three monotheistic religions definitely provide that. Our life in a box. The Iraq war and the so-called "war on terrorism" are all based on these three religions and every recorded war in the past two thousand years is, to some degree, fueled by one of these three religions, especially the three World Wars.
When we let go of religion - completely - we are only left with ourselves and that is a very scary thing for most people. Being a Freethinker one can believe in a Cosmic Consciousness or Higher Power that transcends everything that the three main religions has to offer. When we stop seeking meaning and purpose and significance outside of ourselves - i.e. a diety that governs and judges everyone - and begin to know ourselves inwardly, we begin to see. We see with a sight that we all have yet very few of us ever truly use - Psi. Each and every person is psychic, though some are able to tap into their Psi (psychic abilities) much easier than others. Once we begin to know ourselves, love ourselves, and respect ourselves we will evolve higher than we have before. We grow. We know. The three main world religions program us to believe that self-knowledge is evil. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Each says that we are banished from that tree of knowledge. This is the control point of these religions. Knowledge. This is why these religions are mind control.
Psychic Evolution is mind freedom. It is allowing our minds and our hearts to evolve and I believe through personal experience and knowledge that knowing ourselves, freeing ourselves, and loving ourselves has everything to do with Psi. If humanity let go of outward significance, outward meaning, and outward purpose (deriving these from a source outside of ourselves) and grasped our natural, higher knowledge or psychic abilities to first gain knowledge of ourselves and then of others, we would be transformed. Humanity would evolve. Wars would end. Control would end. Freedom and unity would begin. Love would triumph, not because we found love outside of ourselves, but because we finally begin to love ourselves individually and that can only happen through Psi. Inner knowing. Temet Nosce or "Know Thyself". Once we truly know ourselves we no longer have to try to find who we are outside of ourselves. In religion, in philosophy, in politics. Our innate hunger for meaning and purpose is satisfied unlike anything that Jesus or Mohammad or Jehovah could ever bring. I know this first hand.
Psychic Evolution is the evolution of ourselves. The evolution of our minds. The evolution of our knowledge - our self-knowledge. If you doubt the truth of this, then let go of outward significance, of knowledge outside yourself, of someone else's purpose or meaning of life and Know Thyself. If you do, you will understand and the world will change for you. You will evolve inwardly. You want the world to change for the better? Global peace? A One World Order without control or manipulation? Then learn how to develop your natural psychic abilities. They're there. Then use them to know yourself. Knowing and loving yourself is the key to knowing and loving everyone.