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Richard : A Clear-Thinking Oasis.

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A Message From Richard Dawkins:
( To view the video version of this message, CLICK HERE. )
I have just visited my local branch of Britain’s biggest bookshop chain, and this is what I found: six books on astronomy and nineteen books on astrology. The real science is outnumbered three to one by the pseudoscience. There were twenty books on angels, which means that angels and astrology together (39) outnumber the totality of books on all the sciences (33). When you add in the books on fairies, crystal healing, fortune telling, faith healing, Nostradamus, psychics and dream interpretation, it is no contest. Pseudoscience outnumbers science by at least three to one, and I didn’t even begin to count the far larger number of books on religion. This is not, of course, an academic bookshop. Oxford is well supplied with those, and they’d show a very different result. I made my counts in a popular bookshop, presumably typical of the nationwide chain of which it is a part – indeed, the chain’s buying policy is centralized in London, and we may be sure that strenuous and expensive efforts are made to reflect popular taste. As a statistical generalization, the general public, as opposed to an academic readership, prefers irrational books over books that reflect what we know about the real world.
A recent Gallup poll concluded that nearly 50% of the American public believes the universe is less than 10,000 years old. Nearly half the population, in other words, believes that the entire universe, the sun and solar system, the Milky Way galaxy, the Andromeda galaxy, and all the billions of other galaxies, all began after the domestication of the dog. They believe this because they rate a particular bronze age origin myth more highly than all the scientific evidence in the world. It is only one of literally thousands of such myths from around the world, but it happened, by a series of historical accidents, to become enshrined in a book – Genesis – which, by another series of historical accidents, has been translated and disseminated to almost every home in the land plus – infuriatingly – every hotel room. Even before science told us the true story of the origin of the world and the evolution of life, there was no reason to believe the Jewish origin myth any more than the origin myths of the Yoruba or the Kikuyu, the Yanomamo or the Maori, the Dogon or the Cherokee. Now, in the 21st century as we approach Darwin’s bicentenary, the fact that half of Americans take Genesis literally is nothing less than an educational scandal.
The enlightenment is under threat. So is reason. So is truth. So is science, especially in the schools of America. I am one of those scientists who feels that it is no longer enough just to get on and do science. We have to devote a significant proportion of our time and resources to defending it from deliberate attack from organized ignorance. We even have to go out on the attack ourselves, for the sake of reason and sanity. But it must be a positive attack, for science and reason have so much to give. They are not just useful, they enrich our lives in the same kind of way as the arts do. Promoting science as poetry was one of the things that Carl Sagan did so well, and I aspire to continue his tradition.
Of course, excellent organizations already exist for raising funds and deploying them in the service of reason, science and enlightenment values. In Britain there are the British Humanist Association, the National Secular Society and the Rationalist Press Association, to mention a few. In America there are the Center for Inquiry and the Council for Secular Humanism, the Freedom from Religion Foundation, the James Randi Educational Foundation, and many others. But the money that these organizations can raise is dwarfed by the huge resources of religious foundations such as the Templeton Foundation, not to mention the tithe-bloated, tax-exempt churches.
Over the years, I have given what I could to various secular and rationalist organizations, especially in America where the need is greatest. Unfortunately, however, it is hard for a British citizen to do this in a tax-efficient way. Charities in Britain and America are seldom recognized by the tax authorities on the other side of the Atlantic. Even when they are, the tax systems are different enough in the two countries to make major difficulties. For example, in America it is the donor who reclaims the tax, while in Britain it is the charity that reclaims the donor’s tax for itself.
I started to feel the need for an Anglo-American charity which would cut through these difficulties and facilitate the movement of funds to wherever they are most needed. At the same time it has been increasingly suggested to me that I personally might have some value as a fund raiser, because my books sell well in both countries. Many of my readers are enthusiastic and passionate about science and reason – and some have been kind enough to attribute their enthusiasm and passion to reading my books. Some of these enthusiasts are generous and eager to give, yet some of them might not necessarily think of giving to one of the existing secularist or rationalist charities. Did I not have a duty to set up my own charitable foundation?
My Trustees and I have set up the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science – RDFRS, or RDF. It is actually two sister foundations of the same name, one legally constituted in Britain and the other legally incorporated in the United States. It has an American trustee based in America (Karen Owens), an American trustee based in Britain (Claire Enders) and a British trustee based in Britain (me). At present, both organizations are companies, with applications for charitable recognition pending in their two countries.
Please visit The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science website at

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Click here to see the HUNDREDS of videos hosted through
On the 30th of September 2007, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens sat down for a first-of-its-kind, unmoderated 2-hour discussion, convened by RDFRS and filmed by Josh Timonen.
AAI 07 Conference Videos by RDFRS
The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science presents a DVD collection of 9 speakers from the Atheist Alliance International 2007 Convention ( held in Washington, D.C. Hear from some of the world's leading rationalists on a variety of subjects including suicide terrorism (Thomson), the Intelligent Deisgn movement (Scott), Islam (Hirsi Ali), church/state separation (Tabash), "The OUT Campaign" and the labeling of children (Dawkins), atheism, religion and much more. Q&A sessions follow most of the talks.
Enjoy this landmark gathering of intellectuals, totalling over 9 hours of video.
This 2-DVD set was shot in HD at 24fps, color corrected, and compressed to DVD. Our audio is from our own high-quality lapel mic setup. This 2-DVD set (glass mastered, professionally manufactured discs with full color jacket and on-disc art, like the other DVDs we've released) include:
Disc 1
- Richard Dawkins
- Sam Harris
- Dan Dennett
- Andy Thomson (exclusive to our DVD set)
Disc 2
- Christopher Hitchens
- Ayaan Hirsi Ali
- Eugenie Scott
- Matthew Chapman
- Eddie Tabash
Richard Dawkins and Alister McGrath (part 1 of 7) from 'Root of All Evil? The Uncut Interviews' 3-DVD Set
Available now on DVD through the Store!
'Root of All Evil? The Original Program' DVD
'Root of All Evil? The Uncut Interviews' DVD
'Growing Up in the Universe' DVD


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My Blog

Sexpelled: No Intercorse Allowed

See more at:,2478,Sexpelled-No-Inter course-Allowed,RichardDawkinsnet ?v=-ThQQuHtzHM Anticipating success with their feature film Ex...
Posted by Richard on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 05:29:00 PST

Lying for Jesus?

The blogs are ringing with ridicule.  Mark Mathis, duplicitous producer of the much hyped film Expelled, shot himself in the foot so spectacularly that the phrase might have been invented for him...
Posted by Richard on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 09:31:00 PST

Contribute to science directly by volunteering some of your computer’s processing power!

Contribute to science directly by volunteering some of your computer's processing power!By: Christopher CampbellImagine being able to explore the realm of science and advance its causes.Imagine search...
Posted by Richard on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 09:29:00 PST


The University of Oxford has advertised the Charles Simonyi Professorship in the Public Understanding of Science. I retire from the Chair in September 2008. The advertisement can be seen at http://www...
Posted by Richard on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 08:28:00 PST

Why Darwin matters

Thanks to Richard Prins for the link. wkinsCharles Darwin's On the Origin of Species changed the world. Here Richard Dawkins introduces a 34-page ...
Posted by Richard on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 10:28:00 PST


Watch it free online!Part 1: Google Video | QuicktimePart 2: Google Video | QuicktimePart 3: Google Video | QuicktimeSCIENCE is useful but that is not all it is. Science can be uplifting, thrilling, l...
Posted by Richard on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 06:15:00 PST

Help Build The Reason Project Archive!

Help Build The Reason Project Archive!Friends and Readers -We are happy to say that the advisory board of The Reason Project now includes some of the most talented and committed secularists to be foun...
Posted by Richard on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 09:45:00 PST

AMERICAN ATHEISTS returns to historic Minneapolis, MN

Join us for a weekend of workshops, panels, talks by noted speakers and other activities. Minneapolis is also one of the premier tourism destinations in this part of the nation, so you'll want to cons...
Posted by Richard on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 09:51:00 PST

Richard Dawkins is Now On Facebook!!

Attention Heathens!We all love Myspace. Myspace is wonderful. Myspace is fantastic. HOWEVER...Sometimes we need a change of scenery. This is why I have been asked to create the Official "Richard Dawki...
Posted by Richard on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 02:49:00 PST

’Root of All Evil? The Original Program’ available now on DVD

BUY IT NOWALSO SEE: ROOT OF ALL EVIL? THE UNCUT INTERVIEWS"There are would-be murderers, all around the world who want to kill you and me, and themselves, because they are motivated by what they think...
Posted by Richard on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 02:20:00 PST