This site started out of the utter disgust I feel towards most philosophical, Christian, atheist, and agnostic blogs present on myspace. Most blogs merely berate any opposing view in a derogatory way. This page refuses to conform to this mainline, naive, and foolish means of argument. I do not intend on tolerating any discussion on that level. If you disagree with someone or a blog, that's fine. Here are the guidelines I intend on following:
I) Be respectful of others views
II) Think about what you are going to argue before you type
III) Absolutely no cutting and pasting long arguments which you have not written... all posts must be original and your thoughts and words
IV) If citing from a book or author, give credit where it is due. Let's try to keep paraphrasing such as, so and so said this... to a minimum
V) Participate...
[email protected]
If you are interested in having a blog of yours posted for discussion, feel free to message or e-mail me at [email protected]
Philosophy Quote of the Week
"Nor need we fear that this [Sceptical] philosophy, while it endeavours to limit our enquiries to common life, should ever undermine the reasonings of common life, and carry its doubts so far as to destroy all action, as well as speculation. Nature will always maintain her rights, and prevail in the end over any abstract reasoning whatsoever. Though we should conclude, for instance, as in the foregoing section, that, in all reasonings from experience, there is a step taken by the mind which is not supported by any argument or process of the understanding; there is no danger that these reasonings, on which almost all knowledge depends, will ever be affected by such a discovery."
by David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Classical Art Piece of the Month
"Conversion of Saul" Finished in 1601. This is the second version painted by the Italian artist Caravaggio for a church in Rome. Caravaggio is often credited for birthing the Baroque era of art. Savor the dark setting while allowing yourself to be drawn to the focus of piece, Saul being illuminated by an mysterious aura of light. Analyze the emotive confusion being expressed by Saul and the soldier... I enjoy the perfect balance Caravaggio creates between ultra realistic depictions of the people and the non realistic lighting and settings.