A Mind Forever Wandering profile picture

A Mind Forever Wandering


About Me

Thanks for visiting my page! My name is Jeff McAleer and I'm a freelance graphic and internet designer "slash" consultant. I also happen to be a liberally minded individual who has absolutely no qualms nor fears regarding voicing and publishing my views. Regardless of what others may think, I take to the front lines in order to promote rational yet progressive thought by putting a boot up the ass of the status quo.
I'm not here to sell you anything, ask you to believe anything, or demand that you partake in any of my KoolAid.
I'm also not here to meet a girlfriend/future wife, nor ask you to email nude photos of yourself or email you photos of myself naked. You can find a pic of my cock in my photos so I hope that will satisfy most of you with a sense of humor. If that doesn't happen to be enough, I don't know what to tell you...
Am I promoting something? Sure I am! Have I personally met cool people through Myspace? Of course I have! Do I meet up with people I've met here? Of course I do! Am I going to act like a ripe asshole as a great many people do on this site? Um... NO! I have a little too much respect for you and way too much respect for myself to come across as the typical MS assclown; I have better things to do than jerk either you or myself off.
You can visit my politically and socially motivated website at www.amfwonline.com. I even post an internet show and you'll find over 240 past episodes there.
I'm no longer posting the shows on MySpace, but here's one to give you a bit of an idea of what it's like!
Each episode is available for streaming or download at the website or through iTunes.
My second website has nothing to do with politics, or social issues, or anything really personal in general. Most simply my second website is a labor of love; my love of the classic entertainment of Old Time Radio!
I launched www.amfwotr.org on March 8th, 2008. You'll find thousands of episodes of wonderful shows from the Golden Age of radio to which you can kick back and allow your imagination to run wild. All available for your listening pleasure and always completely free of charge! I've been a bit lacking of late adding new shows but I'll tackle that probably in late June or early July.
You'll also begin to enjoy The CBS Radio Mystery Theatre on amfwonline.com. Interestingly enough, as one of the last gasps of radio entertainment that ran from the mid 1970s through the early 1980s, it's very difficult to run across a complete collection. Beginning on June 16, 2008 I'll be adding a new show to a special AMFW page every day I can. Sure, it'll take us a few years to get through them all, but at least I'm not going to try to charge you $50 to $150 to listen to the shows as some less scrupulous people do.
I hope you'll take a few moments to visit BOTH of my websites!
Click Here to join the AMFW MySpace Group

Here’s a bit of background about myself:I was originally born and raised in Chicago (in fact I spent more than 30 years there – yes in the city not the suburbs) before moving to the Phoenix area. This is the second time I've lived in the Valley of the Sun but I think I'll be sticking around this time. I have opinions on a lot of things and I enjoy sharing them with like minded (and not so like minded) people. Unfortunately there aren't too many like minded people I've run across here in the desert. My friends and I are like dots of blue in a sea of red...
I’d say that I’m not the “average bear” so to speak and have a bit different outlook on the world that surrounds us. I happen to be a lot nicer than people who read my writing or listen to the show may think but I don't have a lot of time for nonsense or bullshit. I really do believe that my view of the world differs from the masses. That was the reason for putting together my website and internet show. Many of you who are taking a peek at this page might think my show is just about politics and such, but it’s not. I tackle everything under the sun from odd news bits, to religion, social issues, pop culture, and even sex; nothing is off limits. And many times I present the items as tongue-in-cheek or in a sarcastic bend.
I suppose that’s how I came up with the title “A Mind Forever Wandering.” You’ll never know what you’ll read or hear on my site because I don’t know what might catch my attention at any given moment. Sometimes it’s funny, irrelevant, serious, and even very heartfelt. You never know what you’ll get. Sort of like life…
I find these truths to be self evident:
1. Everyone has value regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other damn thing that people use to differentiate others from themselves. There is no "us" or "them." There is only US! Us, as in humanity!
2. Debate and differing opinions drive thought and real change. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and has the right to voice them, regardless of how unpopular they might be. Free Speech is spoken around these parts!
3. At the end of the day, each and every one of us is responsible for the decisions we make. No one else; There is no fate or preordained path.
4. All Americans are entitled to the same rights as every other American regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or... YOU GET THE PICTURE!
5. America is the greatest country in the world!!! And we'd like to keep it that way by promoting people to look at every side of every story and THINK FOR THEMSELVES!

My Interests

I believe that you can love your country yet still challenge the establishment. A true patriot battles enemies both abroad and at home; let's take on those who wish harm upon our nation wherever we find them!

Science is the TRUE light!
Thirty years as a Cubs fan and I cheer just as loud as a 40 year old as I did as a 10 year old. Ok... I lied... I cheer louder now!

I'd like to meet:

I welcome to those who believe in thinking for themselves, asking questions, and challenging the status quo!

And if we're talking about famous people? Then how about H.P. Lovecraft, Charlie Chaplin, Mark Twain, H.L. Mencken, Albert Einstein, Abe Lincoln, Charles Darwin, and Orson Welles.


*** Tori Amos, U2, Warren Zevon, Cold Play, Aimee Mann, Bruce Springsteen ***

Yeehaw!!! Aimee Mann's new cd is out!!! Time to celebrate a wonderful singer/songwriter! Plus, I've had a big time crush on her for years! Yeah... It sucks to be me seeing she's taken...

Tori Amos on Touring and Politics


*** Casablanca, The Third Man, It's a Wonderful Life, Citizen Kane, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Titanic ***


*** Real Time W/ Bill Maher, Penn and Teller's Bullshit, The Daily Show, MSNBC Countdown ***



My Blog


Hi gang!   I've begun to put in motion my plans on seeing the world by requesting the required paperwork to become an Irish citizen. Seeing that my dad and both of his parents were born there and...
Posted by A Mind Forever Wandering on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:25:00 PST

Jeff Reviews Michael Moore's SiCKO

I'm not exactly proud that I saw Michael Moore's new movie days before it's supposed to be released. It was leaked on YouTube (Could it be that Moore himself may have leaked it?) and I was able to wat...
Posted by A Mind Forever Wandering on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:40:00 PST

The Last Goodbye

I found this video to be quite moving. I'd love to know when the vast majority of Americans are finally going to ask what price we must continue to pay for Dub and Dick's folly. There's a...
Posted by A Mind Forever Wandering on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 02:13:00 PST

Random Musings for 6/24/07

When a pregnant woman disappears, save the time and effort involved in searching for her and simply haul in the husband, boyfriend, or whoever was involved in getting her knocked up&   A massive...
Posted by A Mind Forever Wandering on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 01:10:00 PST

Laying Low

Hi Gang!   You may have noticed I've been laying kind of low the past week or so. I wasn't real pleased in the direction the company I was working for was moving, so I began to focus on finding...
Posted by A Mind Forever Wandering on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 12:11:00 PST

Thoughts About Hunter S. Thompson

I was recently rereading Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson. It really got my mind to wandering about Thompson in retrospect. Soon after Thompson had commited suicide, an old friend...
Posted by A Mind Forever Wandering on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 03:29:00 PST

Share Your Thoughts

Hi gang!I received this from Willis in Tempe, AZ - a friend of the AMFW show. Feel free to share your thoughts and I'll include them in an upcoming show..."Hey Jeff, I got a topic which seems to be gr...
Posted by A Mind Forever Wandering on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 11:49:00 PST

The French Inhaler

The French Inhaler How're you going to make your way in the world When you weren't cut out for working When your fingers are slender and frail How're you going to get aroundIn this sleazy bedroom town...
Posted by A Mind Forever Wandering on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:25:00 PST

Like to Step Up to the Plate?

Hi gang!I had mentioned earlier this week that you'll see a bit of a change in what I'm doing. It might be reflected a bit in the latest shows and blogs& Maybe not.I'm taking the show on the road and ...
Posted by A Mind Forever Wandering on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 12:42:00 PST

Random Musings for 6-14-07

A beleaguered Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas declared a state of emergency and disbanded the Hamas-led unity government after the Islamic militant group vanquished its Fatah rivals and effectivel...
Posted by A Mind Forever Wandering on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:01:00 PST