IVY profile picture


Cogito Ergo Sum Frustrata!

About Me

I am an artist. I do celebrity portraits, small sculptures, and soon some large abstract art. I also do pen & ink, painting, engineering, dioramas, inventing, sewing, jewelry making, crafts, cooking, baking, and am an idea person. Used to write poetry, but haven't in years. Oh, yeah, I like to sing and I've been in a couple of plays. I've also written a few short stories, and helped to write a children's book. I have a lot of fun on Hallowe'en as I enjoy costumery and make-up. I am very opinionated but friendly and well liked by all! (Sarcasm!) I actually love people, but they make me angry and disappointed a lot. I love large dogs and not small ones. I wish everyone would recycle. I wish people would be more considerate to each other. I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A DATE NOR DO I NEED TO HAVE THE MOST FRIENDS! I ALSO DON'T WANT TO BE IN SOMEBODY'S 'HAREM OF BABES!' THANK YOU!!!!!!.. add to your profile

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My Interests

I am interested in art (duh!), music, reading, cooking. I really like robots! I LOVE Physics, but am unable to do the math! Most everything is of SOME interest to me! I like to ask questions! I REALLY enjoy getting answers!
IVY --


A human transformer (Robot in disguise)

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to have a nice chat with Steve Howe, Carl Palmer, Rick Wakeman, Jackie Chan, and cool ordinary people (and some cool extraordinary people, too!). I'd LOVE to talk to Stephen Hawking, but I wouldn't know what I could possibly say to someone so smart! Probably something stupid like, "Did you have more fun being on STrek:TNG or doing the voice-over on The Simpsons?!" If you're going to count dead people (your chance of talking to them is about as easy as talking to a live famous person!), then I would include Isaac Asimov, J.R.R.Tolkien, Mark Twain, Moe Howard from The Three Stooges, Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin and Isaac Newton!

Asia - Roundabout

Asia - Roundabout


Steve Howe, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer (ELP), Yes, Carl Palmer, The Carl Palmer Band, Genesis with Peter Gabriel, Peter Gabriel, The Alice Cooper Band, Alice Cooper, Rick Wakeman, Steve Hackett, The Beatles, Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd, David Gilmour, Rush, The Alan Parsons Project, Dave Matthews when he's all angry and growly, REALLY OLD David Bowie and Elton John, and various other artists. I also enjoy classical music (thanks to ELP and Bugs Bunny!). I am not overfond of country music!!!!! Unless, of course, it's some of the funny old cornpone stuff that Steve Howe does (which I call "progpone!"). Carl Palmer solo


My favorite actor of all time is Vincent Price! They just don't make them like that any more! I'll watch just about ANYTHING with him in it! I also enjoy old Jackie Chan movies where he is over-dubbed, Animated movies (NOT Anime!), and concert videos mostly. I dislike movies that are just like reality! What's the point? Star Wars is always super COOL! I also LOVE good old fashioned stop-motion movies like Jason And The Argonauts. I would dearly LOVE to make a stop-motion movie!!!!! Go, Ray Harryhausen!!!!! What a GREAT sculptor! YEAH!




Saturday morning cartoons (Johnny Test and TMNT rock!), Jeopardy, Smallville, Britcoms, and the odd passing amusements. How could I possibly forget to include The Simpsons and Futurama?! And informative shows like Nova Science Now. What happened to Robot Wars??????? Creature Comforts is so great! I like the British version much better than the U.S. one. The Big Bang Theory is funny (the SHOW, not the theory!).

The Three Stooges Punch Party

The Three Stooges Punch Party


I don't have as much time to read as I would like, but my favourite authors are Tolkien, Twain and Asimov. I love reference books, 3-D comic books, and Games Magazine...
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Anybody who is or was ever an astronaut! Also everyone who is a policeperson, fireperson, or works in the health field! They all have to be quite special to do jobs like that! Also, anyone who could put up with me for more than ten minutes! Plus: There are some super hard-working people out there of whom EVERYONE should be kind to - Bussers and Dishwashers!

My Blog

Just For Me!

   One night I woke up from a very deep sleep. It was about 2:30 or 3:00. The house was dark and quiet. For some reason, I was compelled to get up. So I did!    I walked into the l...
Posted by IVY on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 03:20:00 PST


So, you might have noticed that I've been posting a lot of photographs lately. This is due to the prodding I received from a friend. He encouraged me to do some self-portraits. It's been very difficul...
Posted by IVY on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 01:38:00 PST

Emerson VS. Wakeman - Results!

Okay folks, it's been a whole month! Thank you to all who have voted! It seems that we have 4 votes for Keith Emerson and 2 for Rick Wakeman. Everyone gave some great reasons for their choice. All wer...
Posted by IVY on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 12:50:00 PST

Emerson VS. Wakeman!

Okay, kids! Here’s a brain buster for you!Say you are forming a band. You have everyone but a keyboard player to choose! The ONLY two guys to show up are Keith Emerson and Rick Wakeman. You may ...
Posted by IVY on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 04:26:00 PST

Ivys Current Top Twenty!

   My tastes change a lot, but I still listen to much the same thing as always. Here is a list of songs that I've been getting into lately. Don't worry! It'll change at a later date! 1....
Posted by IVY on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 03:57:00 PST


   So, yet again, my meaning has been misconstrued! For some reason, I just can't say what I mean. Either that or it gets taken oddly. I thought that I had laid it all out there. I am not a ...
Posted by IVY on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 09:21:00 PST

Repost THIS, suckas!!!!!

Man o man! This has been a funky ride to hell and back!    My dear friend had sent out a bulletin and, he being a dear friend, I answered his call. Yes, the 36 questions. I did not start it,...
Posted by IVY on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 09:39:00 PST

Tagged! *&^%$@!!!!

 Dang it, I've been tagged! So, because it's for my friend, here are 10 random things about me:1. I put on one sock then my shoe, then the other sock and shoe. (Fascinating!)2. I collect Star War...
Posted by IVY on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 08:38:00 PST


So, one day, I almost drowned! I was five years old and my family at the time took a vacation by a river. I saw two girls and they were floating on an inflatable mattress and having a ripping time! So...
Posted by IVY on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 12:35:00 PST

Hocus Pocus!

   Wow! I just listened to 'Hocus Pocus' by Focus for like the millionth time! It's sorta my favorite single song of all time! It's got it all: yodeling, accordion music, whistling and clapp...
Posted by IVY on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 03:47:00 PST