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About Me


My Interests

Music, the ocean; travel; mountains; country.

I'd like to meet:

Make your Comments HEARD at COMMENTYOU.comTruthfully? Good natured fun loving people that do not lack intelligence. Ya know? People that have actual substance? I mainly use this for my friends that live all over the place. We do our best to keep in touch and this is the easiest way we can.I am definately addicted to other programs. But this one is the easiest. Besides you get to tweek out backgrounds and add all kinds of stupid shit just to fuck with people. I get a kick out of it because by nature I am not a mean spirited person but my profile will totally throw you off. I definately have a wild streak and I am definately high energy. My profile is just as twisted as the wicked wild side of me is. This is where I get to off load and get lost in the "cyber world" or whatever the PC word for it is now. I really wish I can meet someone that can control/tame that wild side of me. I have been finding myself getting very bored or easily distracted lately.Someone that can keep me busy both physically and mentally and maybe one of these days I will sleep. Insomnia is a really big pain in the tail... ************************************************* Okay. This is just special to me so deal w/it: can you remember chestnut street and algae ripping at our feet? i was just a little girl and you were my whole world.what i'd give to be lying in your arms, what i'd give to be your girl again…did you know that you were my first love? did you know it's you i still dream of? i've grown up a lot since then my nostalgic heart will never mend.what i'd give to be lying in your arms, what i'd give to be your girl again… (what i'd give to be your girl again) ***********************************************The Moon lightly kisses HER star filled eyes, face and neck. The Ocean gently rolls over HER sun washed tender body. The Breeze gingerly projects HER velvet soft voice.HIS arms, lightly carress HER star filled eyes, face, and neck. HIS body tenderly holds HER sun washed body. HIS hair falls protectively over HER skin.The innocent purity of HER velvet soft voice takes THEM soaring beyond the COSMIC ABYSS.****************************************** I’m broken. Don’t know which way to go. Don’t know where to turn. Don’t know what to say. Don’t know what to do. You come here and lead me down a twisted stairway to the depths of hell and the stars of heaven. You tell me yes. You tell me no. You tell me nothing at all. You bleed me down. You drink from the wounds and laugh at the broken chasm of my heart. Tell me now what do you want? Cryptic answers and phrases just warp and break the foundations of reality. I am just a shell of what I was. Broken, beaten and torn. ******************************************** LIFE IS TO SHORT TO BE MEAN OR HATEFUL. SO KISS SLOWLY, LAUGH INSANELY, LOVE TRULY, AND FORGIVE QUICKLY.******************************************* To all my friends overseas.Even though your not here physically, you are always here in spirit. Even though some of you might have moved on to the ethereal world beyond, you are always here in spirit. When you are standing guard late at night with not a single soul or resemblance of home around you, you are here in spirit. When you are trudging endlessly on the battlefields and the only thought you have is to survive, you are here in spirit. When the perilous thought of wondering when all the exhausting screams of war will end, you are here in spirit. When all you want to do is sleep in the arms of your loved ones, you are here in spirit…..And when you trip over your own feet, we are the strong arms there picking you up and dusting you off in spirit. And when you are lonely, we are there whispering to you in your ear from afar in spirit to comfort you. And when you begin to falter weary with exhaustion, we are there in spirit to cheer you on. And when you lay your head to slumber, we are there embracing you in our arms in spirit.I love you all and miss you all. Remember, not matter how many days, nights, miles, oceans and countries separate us, all of us are infinately together in spirit. NO ONE and NOTHING can take that from us ALL.Keep on fighting the fight . *************************************Intelligence. Hmmm.. What can a person say about that? Intelligence is a property of mind that encompasses many related mental abilities, such as the capacities to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend ideas and language, and learn. In common parlance, the term smart, metaphorically used is frequently the synonym of situational and behavioral (i.e. observed and context dependent) intelligence. There is the dictionary definition of the word. But let’s break it down just a little bit further. Property of mind – This means this is how your brain functions physically(How your brain processes information to relay it to you in a cognitive fashion)Which in turn means I see an object, for example, an apple. So the other part of my body, commonly knows as “eyes”(which have many tiny nerve endings that are connected to the “brain”) is sending the information back to the PROPERTY OF MIND to formulate or “encompass the capacity to reason and comprehend” that this is an apple and not a basket ball. It is rumored in large opinion that this is what makes human beings different from animals. Okay, so when intelligence is being used to “encompass the capacity to reason and comprehend” How on earth do we, as human beings, make such stupid decisions in life? Maybe intelligence isn’t what causes us to do it. Maybe it is that thing that is called “consciousness” which by the way, is what truly separates humans from animals. Animals rely on instinct and to this day, science(intelligence) has not been able to decifer where “consciousness” comes from or is formulated. Let’s jump to consciousness- It is a quality of the mind generally regarded to comprise qualities such as subjectivity, self-awareness, sentience, sapience, and the ability to perceive the relationship between oneself and one's environment. The “quality of the mind” is definitely a very interesting thing to reflect upon and try to reach some type of conclusion of exactly what quality or level of consciousness one’s mind is at. I believe that “consciousness” is what makes a person truly who or what we are. When a human is born, studies have shown that children start to physiologically develop as young as 6 months old. I tend to believe that a child doesn’t truly start to physiologically develop until about 2 - 2 ½ years of age. With that being said, as humans physiologically develop and the “property of mind” is “encompassing the capacity to reason and comprehend”, the “consciousness” is filtering each experience be it sight, sound, touch, taste or smell and determining how to respond/mimic these actions. Which leads me to make this statement: Remember. You can be the most Educated intelligent smart person or You can be the most Street Smart intelligent person and it won’t mean a single thing if you do not have your “consciousness” to teach you right from wrong, kindness from maliciousness, elation or desolation. ******************************************LIVE LIKE YOU WHERE DYINLIVE LIKE EACH DAY IS YOUR LASTLIVE WITH NO REGRETSLIVE WITHOUT FEARLIVE WITH EVERY DAY BEING A NEW ADVENTURELIVE BREATH TO BREATH *********************************************************** Some days are sunny. Some days are cloudy. But I like the rainy days the best to hide my tears of sorrow. So that when I walk down this lonely road of pain and see your beautiful face of joy, you will never see my tears of sorrow that I cry so quietly. Afraid that someone might hear. I see you in my dreams. Now you are the only one I want and need, but I can’t have you. Why does fate have to be this way? ****************************************************** Let it be known this day and night. For healing. For you. For me. For the earth. For all who need it. The quietness of rain to rest in. Rain on the roofs. Rain on the leaves of the orchards. Rain on the ground surface of water in the gardens. Rain that shuts each dwelling in a shell of quietness. A little cocoon of silence. And let there be peace for us both. For the earth. For all who need it. The peace that lovers have at last sleeping shoulder to shoulder. Oblivious of passion. ************************************************ When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat. When I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink. When I was tired, you invited me in. Remember that life is to short and hard to allow stupid shallow self indulged thoughts and behaviors to control our lives. One act of kindness be gets another. Whether it is someone getting the door for you, helping you clean up a spill or giving you a roof over your head, so why aren’t we all returning the acts of kindness that we have all received in our live? ********************************************** If I could have just one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine... Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you. ------------------------------------I love the way you look at me, Your eyes so bright and true. I love the way you kiss me, Your lips so soft and smooth. I love the way you make me so happy, And the ways you show you care. I love the way you say, "I miss you," And the way you're always there. I love the way you touch me, Always sending chills down my spine. I love that you are with me, And look forward to the day that you are mine.*****************************************You're my man, my mighty king, And I'm the jewel in your crown, You're the sun so hot and bright, I'm your light-rays shining down, You're the sky so vast and blue, And I'm the white clouds in your chest, I'm a river clean and pure, Who in your ocean finds her rest, You're the mountain huge and high, I'm the valley green and wide, You're the body firm and strong, And I'm a rib bone on your side, You're an eagle flying high, I'm your feathers light and brown, You're my man, my king of kings, And I'm the jewel in your crown.******************************************Your lips speak soft sweetness Your touch a cool caress I am lost in your magic My heart beats within your chest I think of you each morning And dream of you each night I think of your arms being around me And cannot express my delight Never have I fallen But I am quickly on my way You hold a heart in your hands That has never before been given away *****************************************I wrote your name in the sky, but the wind blew it away. I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name in my heart, and forever it will stay.******************************************I am restless. My heart is pounding sooo hard like something isn’t right. Am I truly crazy? Am I mentally unstable? Do I love too much? How do I become numb? I have the overwhelming sense of dread heavily beating on my chest and I can’t seem to figure out why. Do I trust to easily? Why can’t I be like the rest of society? Complacent, Non-aggressive, not mouthy, not anything. Why can’t I just blend in and forget the fact that I am human and have feelings? Why can’t I just accept things and move on? Why do I have to fall for people that are always sooo wrong for me? Or if they are a good man, why do they always have to be soooo fucked up in their heads that they can’t make a decision or are tooo chicken shit to do so? If I had a Dollar for every time I have been told that I deserve someone sooo much better than them or I am too much of a good girl which why “we won’t work out ”, I would be a millionaire. Do I have to be a bitch and treat people like shit to get them to fall head over heals for me? Are people that stupid or that insecure in themselves to need that in their lives? What the fuck is wrong with them or wrong with me? Maybe it truly is just me. I don’t know. I wish I did know so that I didn’t have to continue to go through bullshit and deal with bullshit. I know damn well that I am a hell of a good person with good values and a good heart. I know my own self worth. Why doesn’t anyone else? I am thankful for the people that actually do care about me but the question is if I disappeared today and they never heard from me or seen me again would they even realize or miss me? Why do I feel like I am totally alone even when I am in a room full of 100 people that I know? Why do I feel like a stranger in a strange land where everyone speaks a foreign language and try as hard as I might cannot communicate with anyone? Why do I feel this way in my life? -------------------------------------------------------- "COMPASSION"Learn Humility..... When you fully learn the life lesson of Humility, you learn the definition of Humbleness and Modesty.Remaining Humble will allow you to learn the Wisdom and Insight of Compassion.Compassion combines Humility, Humbleness and Modesty together to help ensure the Purity of the Intention of Compassion. ---------------------------------------------------- How sad are we to allow others to influence?? How sad are we to allow others to influence us to what we feel, think, and believe? How sad are we… ..To allow others to convince us of something that we never took the time to experience or feel out for ourselves. …To listen to someone else telling us if we should or shouldn’t follow our hearts …To allow others to judge a book by it’s cover without reading it …To allow others to tell us that our thoughts are wrong …To allow others to influence us that our hearts are headed the wrong direction …To allow others to tell us that we are completely wrong in our path’s of life that we follow …To allow others to influence us in our spiritual journey’s of discovering one’s selfI too catch myself allowing others to influence me as a person and most(virtually all of the time) of the time I will not listen to other’s and pay attention to the person, situation at hand before I decide that it is the right thing for me….. After all… A diamond in the rough is still a diamond. Weather it has been given the tools to shine brighter than the brightest start or not. A diamond will always be a ‘Diamond’.********************************************** ***** I’m the most happiest when I’m with the most exciting, extreme, sexy, spontaneous, giving, thoughtful, thrilling, bold, daring, funny, free spirited, easy going, unique Man I've ever met. Being with him makes me feel like a woman, sexy, wanted and appreciated! I wish time could stand still when we are together, but the time spent together is cherished, hoping that it won’t come to an end. Waiting for the next time. Wanting him, craving his every touch, kiss, his scent. Just to be around him makes me so much more alive. Makes me say and do things I would not say or do on a regular basis. I experience life with him. Life doesn’t pass me by...And for the rest of my life, I enjoy waking up to another day of Breath next to him.I’m most happiest when I’m with him. WHO?Who is that?? ....... .....I wish I knew.


Everything except for easy listening, slow, sappy stuff


Action ; Sci-fi ; Horror; Comedy


I don't really watch TV much.


My Mom.

My Blog

It Took Losin You by Shanna Gilfix and Richard Adoradio ...
Posted by Precious on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 10:26:00 PST


      Leo"> />Since you are such an attention craver, you are into wearing the sexiest clothes a...
Posted by Precious on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 05:03:00 PST


Hello Again, Today we had the funeral for my grandfather. It was nice. Hot(100degrees) .But nice. Friends and family were there to gather and pay their last respects to him. The pastor gave a gre...
Posted by Precious on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 08:58:00 PST


Posted by Precious on Sun, 07 May 2006 08:45:00 PST