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I..ll take your Brain 2 another Dimension
I..ll take your Brain 2 another Dimension
I..ll take your Brain 2 another Dimension
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Wer immer und überall nur das Schlechte sieht, wird böse. Wer immer nur das Gute sieht, wird dumm.
(Erich Kästner)
Ich hab MANU RANKING als Freund !
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---------The most important Bulletin Message --------
From: The IIIuminati Hunter
Datum: X XXX 20XX, 11:11
SUBSCRIBE to my blOGs & BullETinS
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MySpace now inserts Display None code into Bulletins, which adds extra spaces into the Bulletin each and every time the Bulletin gets reposted. That can get ludicrous really quick, and people will soon stop reading or reposting bulletins so affected...
It happens at the end of a paragraph which ends in a period!
However, if you use .. or ... or ? or ! or ~ at the end of a paragraph, it doesn't happen in the first place...
Of course, if you are editing a Bulletin for reposting, then you have to cut the Display None code out, too. That's tedious, and while I will do it sometimes, it's a whole lot better, if it's done right at the start...
Suffering, Injustice, and Poverty have existed, because people believed that they must!
Mucho THX 2 4 that NEW IMPORTANT !NFO ! !
~~~ A ll my BLOG s ~~~
A few newer blogs

You Are a Hunter Soul

You are driven and ambitious - totally self motiviated to succeed
Actively working to acheive what you want, you are skillful in many areas.
YOU ARE A natural PREDATOR with strong instincts ... and more than a little demanding.
You are creative, energetic, and an eXtremely powerful force.
An outdoors person, you love animals and relate to them better than people.
You tend to have an eXplosive personality, but also a very good sense of humor.
People sometimes see you as arrogant or a know it all.
You tend to be a bit of a loner, though you hate to be alone.
Souls you are most compatible with: Seeker Soul and Peacemaker Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?
mmv - the MATRIX – Turbolenza – I AM THE CREATOR
The IIIuminati Hunter..s PLAYLISTS on youtube all the LINKS, all the CODES - KLICK HERE
((Tyler Durden:)) The things you own end up owning you !
Idah0..s MATERIALISM Video
The IIIuminati Hunter..s Favorites on youtube over 500 videos online – KLICK HERE
--“Capitalism is a religion that makes Satan to God ! “--
((Tyler Durden:)) Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't! And we're slowly learning that fact! And we're very, very pissed off!
What Famous Leader Are You?
"I am a middle aged 20 year old. I am a searcher. I am, I cried. I am Sam. Sam I am. I am peace, my peace I give you. I am green with envy. I am energy. I can never be created, nor destroyed. I am a sinner. I am the walrus. I am the Anti-Bush. I am an addict. I am a real go getter. I am some one's son, father, husband, friend. I AM THE IIIUMiNATi HUNTER. I am at my ideal body weight. I am a Shaman. I am an ordained minister. I am a hard worker. I am at my wit's end. I am unafraid to die. I am you and you are me and we are altogether. I am a college graduate. I am gainfully employed. I am crazy. I am a carbon based being. I think, therefore I am."
Which Egyptian God or Goddess do you represent? (Pictures!)
Thoth, God of Wisdom and Learning
Thoth was said to be self-created, along with his wife Ma'at. He was said to be represented by a baboon, these grave facial features displaying extreme thoughtfulness. He supposedly carried a pen and scrolls with him, with which he records all things.
You are a very intelligent individual. You know what is important in life, and that you have to be smart to live in this world. Perhaps you get a bit too caught up in books, to the point where you are oblivious to other things, but for the most part, you are wise and thoughtful. People can depend on you for advice and you can always give those crucial words of wisdom when they are most needed.

Take The Quiz Now!
” I value honesty, truth, and love. I am sickened by this world and by people's refusal to open their eyes. The leaders and much of the government of every country on this planet, the entire international banking system, nearly every major corporation, all government intelligence agencies, medical agencies, and just about any large influential organization either belong to or are controlled by an elaborate secret society network known to many as the Illuminati. Their goal is to create a global fascist state - what people call the new world order - a world based on complete control of every possible aspect of our lives and one that keeps us in a constant state of fear and pain. If you're new to this, please look into it for yourself. What's happening in our world isn't too hard to see if you look into it for yourself instead of getting all your facts (bullshit) from the Illuminati controlled media - 90% of which (news channels, magazines, newspapers, commercial radio stations, etc.) is owned by just 5 corporations - General Electric, Disney, Time Warner, Viacom, & News Corp. These companies even share joint ownership over some media outlets and are, along with the remaining 10%, really one corporation answering to the Illuminati agenda of total enslavement and torture of every one of us. There are actually news agencies that report to the media what the news will be - which each why you see the exact same stories on every channel. The news is just a movie played to distract people from the truth while they believe they're keeping up on things. The Illuminati themselves are a collection of interbreeding "royal bloodlines" that have been in positions of power and influence since the time of the cultures we wrongfully call the "cradles of civilization." People in positions of of power today can be traced back largely through the female lines to the royalty and monarchs of Europe (most of our American presidents can be genetically traced back to Charlemagne) who in turn can be traced back to those in power in the Roman empire(including the real writers of the gospels). They continue to go back even further to ancient Egypt and Sumer. "Royalty" in other parts of the world follows the same patterns, even sometimes in tribal situations. All around the world since the beginning of recorded history, all around the world, nearly every country/kingdom/empire,etc. was ruled by lineages of people who claimed their right to rule based on their bloodline, which was said be either divine or descended from the "gods."
What occult Power best suits you ? Your Result: Clairoyance you have the ability of clear seeing . things that are not in sight or cannot be seen , you have the ability to see spirits and know the future . this is often useful in seanse's and summoning spirits .
Astral projection
What occult Power best suits you ?
You Are 98% Non Conformist

You're incredibly strange. And a weirdness like yours takes skill to cultivate!
No one really understands you. And you're cool with that. You just hope you never have to understand them! Are You a Nonconformist?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

.. The ill-uminati - The Secret Soceiety DOING THIS !


CURRENT MOON .. .. .. moon info

Starseed seeking Starseeds to awaken

Starseed seeking starseeds to awaken
Hochgeladen von The_IIIuminati_Hunter
Starseed seeking Starseeds to awaken Part II
Hochgeladen von The_IIIuminati_Hunter









..Ich und Ich "Vom selben Stern"

..Meinem Profil hinzufügen


.. The IIIuminati Hunter..s PLAYLISTS on youtube – all the LINKS, all the CODES - KLICK HERE



..Das meega Matrix-vid made by MAFIAHFILMSberlin

Hochgeladen von ..The_IIIuminati_Hunter

Profiles YOU SHOULD ADD & PUSH ! !

..Save Tibet!

..G8 gute N8!



..ALF Support


..The IIIuminati Hunter (BACKUP PAGE!)

..The Celestine Prophecy Book

..Paulo Coelho

.. ?RaK ?

..Stewart Swerdlow –
Medical intuitive, author and lecturer Stewart Swerdlow returned for a discussion on mind control, programming and deprogramming. The entire planet is under mind control to some extent, facilitated by satellite transmissions that can influence thought patterns, he contended. Symptoms of mind control programming include constant headaches, nervousness, strange nightmares, intestinal problems, and blood disorders, he outlined. 10-15% of the population have deep layers of programming, and their minds may have been split into different personalities, he detailed, adding that one sign of this is that a person's eyes don't match each other. A deprogramming technique that he employs makes use of an "archetype signal" that acts as an "energetic needle & thread" to reintegrate a fractured personality. The worldwide mind control efforts are part of the agenda of the Illuminati, who are planning a "false religion" and one-world government, said Swerdlow. They are going to mount a staged alien invasion using "blue beam" holographic technology in order to instill fear in the populace, and then introduce a "savior race" (possibly the Reptilians), to save us from the invaders, he continued.


..Dr.Richard Boylan,Ph.D.,LLC; Councillor President, Star Kids Project, Ltd P.O. Box 1009 Diamond Springs, CA 95619, USA Email: [email protected] Y ou may join Dr. Boylan's information e-mailing list by sending one email to: [email protected]

.. Alternative Energy

..The HOLLOW EARTH - Worlds Top Secret

..Save the Wolves



..Salvia Church of God

..Rev. Steven Stepe

..The IIIuminati Hunter

Profiles you should have seen

..Point of no return




..Debbie Peace, Love and Harmony

..Jena - vegetarian




..DEFINE NECESSITY Salvia Divinorum Extract & Leaf

My Blog

ALTERED STATES of consciousness

Altered_States_-_Der_Hoellentrip__engl_00Hochgeladen von The_IIIuminati_Hunter Altered_States_-_Der_Hoellentrip__engl_01Hochgeladen von The_IIIuminati_Hunter Altered_S...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 06:19:00 GMT

David Wilcock + some must see videos !

David Wilcock Description: David Wilcock is a professional intuitive consultant who, since reading Richard C. Hoagland's "The Monuments of Mars" in 1993, has intensively researched ufology, ancient ci...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 06:54:00 GMT

Have U heard the newz 2 day ?

RE: ~Must See Videos~ THX ALLOT ! ----------------- Bulletin Nachricht ----------------- Von: EdenSol Datum: 06 Mrz 2008, 18:09 My beloved friends, some of you are really going to appreciate this! Muc...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 09:17:00 GMT

A Lecture by Terrence McKenna - The World & its Double + links to downloads!!

Posted by on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 15:24:00 GMT

! Masters:Of:Sc!ence:F!ction: A ! MUST SEE ! ALL OF THEM !

! M:O:S:F ! MUST SEE ! ALL OF THEM ! RE: ! M:O:S:F ! MUST SEE ! ALL OF THEM ! ----------------- Original Nachricht ----------------- Von: ~ ~ What I read ~ ~ DOWNLO...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 07:45:00 GMT

DIstURBing FAKTS SAYS - G(O)OD!N8! ist&p=315E4F2CEDA43591&...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 13:35:00 GMT

Activation Program 4 StarWalkers and StarSeeds

Can You Feel It ?..... REPOST! HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND ! Activation Programm for Starwalkers and Starseeds. Starseed Yamagu is talking about topics that should trigger your inner mind awakening your inne...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 11:45:00 GMT

slEEpers aWAKEn

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: The IIIuminati Hunter Date: 22 Feb 2008, 22:22 SlEEpers aWAKEn ...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 07:42:00 GMT

Shut Huntingdon Down - stop the torture NOW !

RE: Shut Huntingdon Down - stop the torture Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty PETITION "AUSCHWITZ BEGINS WHEREVER SOMEONE LOOKS AT A SLAUGHTERHOUSE AND THINKS: THEY'RE ONLY ANIMALS." Theodor Adorno (190...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 10:21:00 GMT

IF you have studied THIS you should understand some things...

~They Live  We Sleep (1988) (must watch movie!) Michael Tsarion: Movies and Symbolism MICHAEL TSARION  all BLOGS in 1 A lot of Jordan Maxwell..s stuff Stewart Swerdlow - History of Mind Control Mind...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 12:46:00 GMT