Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.â€â€˜Think Different'A Plea from Mother Earth
=====================Mother Earth has nurtured mankind
and loved you all since you first inhabited her.
Now she is feeling desperate and is in pain.
What have you done to her?
You have poisoned her atmosphere,
her waters, and her land.
You have drained much of her oil and mined out her minerals, crystals, and precious stones,
all of which have important functions in her body.
You have destroyed many of her forests.
She is struggling for her life force.
Do you not realize that she is a sentient being?
She was created as a beautiful gem in the cosmos,
a treasure among the planets.
She is greatly loved in the universe,
yet many of those who live by the grace of her bounty
have had nothing but disdain for her beingness.
Like all sentient beings,
she needs to be appreciated and to be loved.
How often do you take time to show your gratitude
and thank her for what she has provided you?
Do you ever think about her needs?
Your bodies are formed from the substance of her body.
You are connected.
You are dependent upon her.
If she dies, you will also die.
Yet you who are consumed by greed
and power continue to desecrate her,
with no thought for her welfare.
Many of Earth mankind are concerned for her.
Many work daily to protect her.
Yet, many more are so wrapped up
in the daily pattern of living
that they seldom give her a thought.
Yet there are those who scorn her
and are indifferent to her plight.
The goal of Mother Earth is the same as many of you.
She wishes to ascend.
She no longer wants to live in the third dimension.
She desires for as many of her people
to ascend into a higher level as are willing to go with her,
but she, understandingly,
wants to remove herself from those who live in self indulgency. She is cleansing herself of all the negativity
that is in her body and her energy field.
Through air, fire, and water, she blows out,
burns out, or washes out the heavy negative energy
that undermines her welfare.
She is not trying to kill her children
but to maintain a livable home for them,
one that can sustain them.
She is preparing herself to go into the Light
and longs to have all her children go with her.
But the weight of fear, hate, judgment, greed,
and self aggrandizement will prohibit many
from raising their vibrations to the point
of entering a higher realm.
Cleanse yourselves of these negative patterns
if you want to accompany your Earth Mother
on her journey upward.
She will once again be a Garden of Eden
for those whose consciousness allows them
to live on the new Earth.
This will be a world of peace, harmony, love, and joy.
The choice is yours.
If you choose to move upward,
there are many, many light beings
willing to help you find your way.
Call upon God, Jesus, the Angels, Archangels,
or any of the Ascended masters.
They will work with you to raise you vibrations
so that you can survive the higher frequencies.
Thousands stand ready to guide you,
but you must ask.
Universal law does not allow them
to interfere with your free will,
so allow yourself to ask for help.
No one is going to judge you.
It is simply your vibratory rate
that determines at what level of the heavens you can live.
Give up your fear, for fear is the base of all negativity.
Fill yourselves with love and light
and watch your frequency rise
until you are in a state of joy.
Our Mother’s Plea
Our Mother Earth requests our help.
She wishes to ascend.
The trials we have put her through
have simply got to end.
Heartbroken, she is forced to be
a battlefield for wars,
and watch her children whom she loves
be slaughtered by the scores.
Destroyed is nature’s artistry,
her lovely lakes and seas,
as battles rage and devastate
her gardens and her trees.
Century after century,
the pattern has not changed,
as every generation born
her beauty has disdained.
We’ve used her plants, her oil, her gems
to feed our selfish pride
and never paused to give a thought
to pain she feels inside,
or how our reckless ways have changed
the peaceful harmony
of her internal makeup and
her sacred geometry.
She begs us now to change our ways,
and honor who she is,
a being who provides our needs
and gives, and gives, and gives.
So ponder now how life would be
without what she’s bestowed
and how she’s furnished every need
and what a debt we’ve owed.
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Rumi Poem - Alchemy Of Love
The Unified Field
sane/informed/intelligent/free thinkers/hippies/peace activists/greens/buddists/witches/sages/gaia worshippers /anyone that makes me laugh, and most importantly the god within.
I love music... its always had a big place in my life. Music has the power to take us outside transcend the mundane. I like many genres of music, as long as it's good. I like jazz,protest/activist music in any style, world music, blues, rock, and homemade. I look at music like wearing clothes. You wouldn't want to wear the same clothes everyday-different moods--different music.
This animation bringss Alex Grey's Parabola to life. A nice animation of his vision of kundalini rising. Beautiful. This is what it's all about!
"There will come a time when the earth is sick and the animals and plants begin to die. Then the Indians will regain their spirit and gather people of all nations, colours and beliefs to join together in the fight to save the earth"
~The Rainbow~
~~~~~~~~~~Rainbow Warriors
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The Illusion of seperateness
Deepens on my mood. Books on Philosopy,mystery,knowledge. A few of my favorite books are, Mutant Message From Down Under,by Marlo Morgon.. Skinny Legs And All by Tom Robbins, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz,Walden by Henry D. Thoreau...any book by Alan Watts,Clan of the Cave Bear series, Conversations With God,Steal this book by Abie Hoffman..The New Earth & The Power of Now, by Eckhard Tolle..too many to list
Mother Earth. Gandhi,Martin L.King,The Dali Lhama,John Lennon, Jesus,Timothy Leary, Ralph Nader, Mother Theresa,Crazy Horse,Bob Marley,Nelson Mandala,Alan Watts,Bill Hicks, all peace activists, environmentalists, seekers of enlightenment, and kind souls. All courageous folk, who inform, educate, and agitate for change.