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Robin's Heart

Love ONE Another

About Me

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A Course In Miracles
Daily Inspiration

I'm not sure? This will just have to be a work in progress. Hey, actually, that is a good description of me! "A Work in Progress". Ok, I will tell you; I am very outgoing, emotional, and deep. I am child-like at times (nieve,literal,trusting,idealistic, irrational, demanding, tempermental). I am intense, unpredictable, spontaneous, talk a lot, and have many moods! However,I am also very loving,forgiving,empathetic, open, honest, loyal, compassionate, and self-sacrificing. I don't like small talk or people in denial! I like open, honest, real people.I couldn't get through a day without music, prayer, and inspiration. I thrive on music, movies, art, tv, the internet,and good books. I have a real need to be informed in current events and politics (which I could debate forever). Spirituality not religion, and charity are a big part of my life. My IMMEDIATE CONCERN is PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST! My DREAM is for PEACE TO PREVAIL ON EARTH! This dream includes ENDING WAR, RACISIM, RAPE, CHILDABUSE, ALL VIOLENCE AGAINST HUMANITY and PROTECTING OUR ENVIRONMENT!I believe in PROTECTING ANIMALS from abuse and killing them for sport or for their fur. I believe we MUST PROTECT OUR CHILDREN! I also support stem cell research and health care for ALL people! I believe ALL PEOPLE have EQUAL RIGHTS, regardless of religion, percieved race, gender, sexual orientation or abilities! I am also involved in the ONE Campaign to END POVERTY and AIDs! I believe WE ARE ONE RACE,THE HUMAN RACE! I believe Peace is achieved through Love NOT Violence! I need a lot of humor. I tend to get too serious and become discouraged easily. Last but not least, I Love working with children! Children are what keep me going,especially my own!
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My Interests


Teaching, working with children, special education, child advocay, missing children, women's rights, politics, government corruption, ending poverty and aids (The ONE Campaign & Red), civil rights, world peace, religion and spirituality, psychology,philosophy, history, social work, social causes; STOPPING (War, Genocide, Rape, Incest, Abuse, Aids, Sex Trafficking, Sexual Explotation, Domestic Violence, Murder, Animal Abuse, Racism, Hate Crimes, Gender Issues, Homelessness), recovery, ACOA, CODA, counseling, quantum physics, alternative health, art, reading, movies, music, tv, internet, writing, arts & crafts, decorating, dancing, being with my own children, and CREATING A BETTER WORLD! MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH...

You Are a Peacemaker Soul
You strive to please others and compromise anyway you can.
War or conflict bothers you, and you would do anything to keep the peace.
You are a good mediator and a true negotiator.
Sometimes you do too much, trying so hard to make people happy.

While you keep the peace, you tend to be secretly judgmental.
You lose respect for people who don't like to both give and take.
On the flip side, you've got a great sense of humor and wit.
You're always dimplomatic and able to give good advice.

Souls you are most compatible with: Warrior Soul, Hunter Soul and Visionary Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?

I'd like to meet:


I'd like to meet
Jesus Christ,Mary Magdalene,Martin Luther King Jr.,Gandhi,The Dalai Lama,Albert Einstein,Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra,Rumi,Marianne Williamson,Joseph Smith, BONO,Oprah Winfrey,Maya Angelou,John Edwards,Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln,Jimmy Carter,John & Bobby Kennedy,Noam Chomsky,Phil Donahue,Marlo Thomas,Jane Fonda, Mia Farrow,Sean Penn,Michael Moore,Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt,George Clooney,John Walsh,Anderson Cooper,Bill Clinton,Al Gore,Joe Biden,Al Sharpton,Cindy Sheehan,Barbra Steisand,Sarah Brightman,Andrea Bocelli,Sting, Santana, Rosie,Ellen,Ben Stiller,Owen Wilson,Jack Black,Stephen Colbert,BONO...last but not least...BARACK OBAMA!



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All genres; I have very eclectic taste. Latin is my favorite! I'm really into flamenco or Spanish guitar! I also love reggae,tribal,reggaeton,world,ambient,lounge, rock,alternative,jazz,blues,funk,fusion,big band,swing, techno,acoustic,new age,folk,experimental,hip hop,trip hop,R&B,soul,urban,rap,pop,punk,classical,opera,dark, gothic,easy listening,blue grass,and even some country. I appreciate all quality music that stirs my soul and/or makes me want to dance!


Click on Pic~Robins Films & TV

MOVIES:All genres; Drama and suspense are my favorite. I love true stories, good documentaries,independent, Sundance,and foreign films! I recently discovered the Iranian director Majid Majidi. I love his films(Children of Heaven, The Color of Paradise, Baran, and The Willow Tree). Children of Heaven has become one of my favorite films! All Johnny Depp movies! Oh, Ben Stiller and Jack Black movies! Love Meet the Parents and the Fockers! Dustin Hoffman is soo... cute,Robert DiNero is so intense,BEN is always a riot,and Barbara was hysterical! I need a page just for movies! Some favorites: It's a Wonderful Life,Life is Beautiful,Romeo&Juliet(original),Powder,Touch,Mr. Jones, Dirty Filthy Love,Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself,Enough,The Band Played On,Room With a View,K-Pax,Children of a Lesser God,Kiss of the Spiderwoman,The Crying Game,Old Gringo,The Piano,The Red Violin,Being There,The Pianist,To Kill a Mockingbird,The Children's Hour,The Sea Inside,The Outsiders,West Side Story,The Amistadt,Amedeus,Schindler's List,Jurrasic Park,Jaws,E.T.,Poltergiest,Close Encounters, The Sixth Sense,The Village,Unbreakable,Lady in the Water,Lord of War,Curdled,Adaptation,True Romance, Desperado,Donnie Darko,OfficeSpace,Harold & Maude,Rocky Horror Picture Show, There's Something About Mary,Meet the Parents,Meet the Fockers,Legally Blonde,2 Weeks Notice,The Notebook,Serendipity,Just Like Heaven,The Lakehouse, Sweet November,Rain Man, The Butcher's Wife,Prelude to a Kiss,Conspiracy Theory,Rear Window,Psycho,The Birds,The Bad Seed,The Nanny,What Ever Happened to Baby Jane,The Shinning,One Flew Over the Cuckcoo's Nest,The Usual Suspects,Point of No Return, Grosse Pointe Blank,The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,The Truman Show,Ace Ventura,Dumb and Dumber,Chocolat,Bleu,Children of Heaven, Baran,Before Night Falls,Frida,Fargo,Capote,Life of David Gale,A Beautiful Mind,Nell,Gladiator,Braveheart,Rob Roy, The Crucible,The Music Box,American X,JFK, Malcolm X, The Untouchables,Planet of the Apes,Solent Green, Farenheit 451,Harrison Bergeron,Gattica,Metropolis, Solaris,The Devils Advocate,The Weatherman,Big,Edward Scissorhands, What's Eating Gilbert Grape,Don Juan DeMarco, Shakespeare In Love,Matchstick Men,The Family Man,Klute,Mask, They Shoot Horses DontThey?,On Golden Pond,The China Syndrome,Welcome to the Dollshouse,Pieces of April, Pirates of the Carribean Dead Man's Chest,The Dancer Upstairs,Farenheit 9-11,The Divided State,Sister Rose's Passion,Paradise Now,The Game,The Interpreter,The Constant Gardner,Moonstruck,Amelie,The Manchurian Candidate,Whale Rider,Batman Begins,The Jacket,Memento,The Matrix,Beauty Shop,Born Into Brothels,Patch Adams,I am Sam,Clifford, Horseman,Joe the King,Radio Flyer,Pay it Forward,Nuts, Magdelene Sisters,The Awakening,Mrs.Doubtfire,Dead Poets, Society,What Dreams May Come,Cat on Hot Tin Roof,Lion King,A Streetcar Named Desire,Apocalypse Now,Patton,The Passion of The Christ,Watership Down,Secret of Nimh,The Neverending Story,The Prince of Egypt,Bambi,Bright Eyes, The Little Princess(Shirley Temple version),The Day of the Dolphin,Jane Eyre,Wuthering Heights,Pride and Predjudice (recent version),Hearts of Atlantis,Silence of The Lambs, Scarface,Raging Bull,Trading Places,Something,AboutSchimdt, BIRTH,Terms of Endearment,The Good Girl,Dance With Me, The Tango,Shall We Dance,Logan's Run,Man On Fire,Simon Birch, School of Rock,Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,The Salton Sea,Spartan,The Saint,...TELEVISION:Medium,THE 4400,Missing,Law&Order~SVU,Sensing Murder,American Idol,CSI-MIami,Third Watch,XFiles,Alias, Monk, News/Talk;CNN,MSNBC,CSPAN,Democracy Now,PBS,Anderson Cooper,Keith Olbermann. Larry King,Bill Maher,Oprah,Montel, SNL,Mad TV, In Living Color,Comedy Central,The Daily Show (Jon Stewart)The Colbert Report,Leave it to Beaver,Father Knows Best,Faulty Towers,Seinfeld,Will and Grace,American Justice,Cold Case Files,Biography,Inside the Actors Studio, Lifetime,Lifetime Movie Network,Discovery,History,Animal Planet,Bravo,USA,Independent,A&E,Sundance channels.



Books ~ Go to Robin's Book Site~
All genres; Classics(To Kill a Mockingbird),Shakespeare, crime novels,biographies,fantasy;Eathsea Trilogy(Ursula K. Legund),Sci-fi,mystery,suspense,and futuristic (Farinheit 451,Harrison Bergeron,War of the Worlds). I Love Kurt Vonnegut! Dean Koontz(From The Corner of His Eye),is my favorite suspense author! Self-help and recovery(Stories for the Third Ear);John Bradshaw,psychology;Wayne Dyer, philosophy,spirituality(Marianne Williamson,Maya Angelou) historical,political,and scientific;quantum physics, informative. The Bible,Book of Mormon,A Course in Miracles, Purpose Driven Life, as well as many spiritual based books; Spirituality Your Ultimate Calling~Wayne Dyer,The Book of Secrets~Deepak Chopra, What the Bleep, The Secret, The Tao of Pooh, Meditation for Dummies etc... Most of all childrens books(I Love You Forever,Velveteen Rabbit, Goodnite Moon,You Are Special,The Tale of the Three Trees, Alexander and the Terrible,Horrible,No Good,Very Bad Day, The Giver, The Giving Tree,The Series of Unfortunate Events, Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter,Dr. Suess; There's A Wocket In My Pocket,Are You My Mother, Charolette's Web,Stuart Little,Anne of Green Gables, It Takes A Village,so many classics and new....No David!
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~Click on Pic~Robin's Favorite Art~
I love many different artists and styles. Some favorites include; John William Waterhouse, Gustav Klimt, Michael Parkes, William Adolphe Bouguereau, Vladmir Kush, Lee Bogle, Maxfield Parrish, Frederick Leighton,Leonardo da Vinci,Vincent van Gogh,Friendensreich Hundertwasser, Edward Robert Hughes, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Sir Frank Dicksee, Alexandre Cabanel, Raphael, Angelica Kauffmann, Annie Leibovitz, Paul Klee, Pierre-Auguste Cot, Jessie Wilcox-Smith, Edmund Blair Leighton, Bartolome Esteban Murillo, Giovanni Battista di Jacopo Rosso Fiorentino, Monet, Arthur Hopkins, Amedeo Modigliani, Kawase Hasui, Pablo Picasso, Sandro Botticelli, Ando Hiroshige, Graciela Rodo Boulanger, John Collier, Francesco-Hayez-Il-bacio, Dawn Pitre, Dana Queen,James Christensen,Norman Rockwell, Alphonse Mucha, and so many others...


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The Quantum Physics of Genisis

Found on "God's Space" Thank You my friend...
Posted by Robin's Heart on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 02:15:00 PST


Posted by Robin's Heart on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 02:10:00 PST

"My Poem"

Date: May 13, 2008 2:14 PM My PoemWhen sorrow touches your HeartEmbrace itFor it is the Field from whichYour future Joy will Spring....Do not hide from your SorrowOr run from itFor it is not an EnemyB...
Posted by Robin's Heart on Sun, 18 May 2008 05:03:00 PST

BANNERS...Please Check Them Out...CLICK to go to their site...

Click on Banners .." " border="0" width="200"alt="Image Hosted by" Get the code for this banner!Click Picture Add To FriendsSIGN T...
Posted by Robin's Heart on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:18:00 PST

Chopra on politics

Can Charisma Really Bring Change? Current mood: artistic Category: News and Politics ...
Posted by Robin's Heart on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 03:46:00 PST

Deepak Chopras Latest; Great Faith Link Washington Post

.. Deepak ChopraRaining on the Antichrist Parade Last week I was equ...
Posted by Robin's Heart on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 03:21:00 PST

Peace Symbols...history

Calumet (peace pipe) - Calumet means "reed" in French. Such pipes were considered sacred, offering communion with the animate powers of the universe and embodying the honor and the source o...
Posted by Robin's Heart on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 07:40:00 PST

Blessed are the Peacemakers

Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? Who am I? ...
Posted by Robin's Heart on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 08:19:00 PST