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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

BEFORE WE GO ANY FURTHER, I'M REQUIRED BY LAW TO TELL YOU THREE (3) THINGS:1) What you are reading is a journal (blog) containing explicit words and graphic descriptions of (just about) anything that I care to talk about. If you don't want to listen then I'd suggest putting this down while nobody's looking......If you continue to read this and end up in a rubber room, it's your fault!!! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!!2) The people, places, and events depicted, described, or possibly even referred to in this journal are not necessarily required to be real. I have doubts about myself sometimes, so I can imagine how they feel!!! God is a cartoonist after all ....3) Most of this is basically what I unconsciously refer to as "stray thoughts from a warped mind." You can call it whatever you want to. They say time is relative.....I guess that's why a day at Grandma's house seems to last forever....Oh, and one more thing.... Sometimes even the best ones happen by mistake. Everybody's entitled to dumb luck sometimes. So......
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My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Positive people who can accept the 'humanity' in others. Good sense of humor a 2008


Amazing guitarist


Phenomena, Kung-Fu Hustle, The Kiss Of The Dragon, The Incredibles, Ice Age, Constantine, Serenity, Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy


Sci-Fi Channel; PBS; History Channel; Discovery Channel;Dear Mr. President


Hard science-fiction/non-fiction


You can do everything

My Blog

"The Silence Of The Moment" (a repost)

"The Silence of the Moment" Silence is a commentJust a Yanging for the YinA pausing of the momentTo let reality set in You wink,You smile,You whisper,And share theSecret of the day While your KarmaCou...
Posted by seeturtle on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 06:07:00 PST

"Will vs. Way" (a repost)

Will vs. Way Some say Freewill's an illusionThat it isn't really thereBut illusions ride perceptionWhich always starts from (?where?) Like a train that leaves it's stationTo ride twin lines from point...
Posted by seeturtle on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 12:06:00 PST

A Two-Egg Omelette From The Poetry Nest

This is a sad moment for me.... one that, while I knew it was coming, is still hard for me, now that it's arrived.  The moment when I have to say "Goodbye" to my friends.... at least for a littl...
Posted by seeturtle on Fri, 16 May 2008 09:14:00 PST

"I Was Just Wondering...."

Why is it that Man, When envisioning God, Can look inside his mind And see A Reflection of himself And Yet... When looking at the faceof anotherHuman being,Cannot? I was just wondering.... ©&nbs...
Posted by seeturtle on Thu, 22 May 2008 04:16:00 PST

"Sorrow"..... (A Message For A Friend)

Sorrow When sorrow touches your HeartEmbrace itFor it is the Field from whichYour future Joy will Spring....Do not hide from your SorrowOr run from itFor it is not an EnemyBut a Teacher....Life is not...
Posted by seeturtle on Tue, 13 May 2008 03:57:00 PST

"Before We Hit Bottom" by Alex Irvine

All right... this is just for fun!!  I ran across this in an Asimov's SF magazine while packing up my books in preparation for storage.  I'm fixing to go out on the road for awhile (work) an...
Posted by seeturtle on Mon, 12 May 2008 10:41:00 PST

"And They Might Even Buy You A Beer!"

If you can't laugh at yourselfThen cry for what you're missingJust do us a favorAnd quit moanin' & pissin'If you'd just learn to smileWhen you can't stand the painMaybe you'd findThat you can shar...
Posted by seeturtle on Mon, 05 May 2008 05:31:00 PST

"And So Am I..." (The Remedy)

Humor helps the Heartaches fadeSmiling eases PainFor all of Life's Roots you trip uponLaughter is your Friend...(And so am I...) ©  2005  seeturtle / turtletracks tlc....
Posted by seeturtle on Mon, 05 May 2008 05:13:00 PST

Two-fer Tuesday: Something Old and Something New....

The Road To HeavenWhen betting on yourselfAlways carry A pocketful of quartersThe Road to HeavenMay have been pavedWith Good IntentionsBut the toll-boothsStill requireChange While You're At It Wh...
Posted by seeturtle on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:42:00 PST

"Ripples Forming..... Rolling Away......"

Our (My) simple Philosophy on Life: Assessing my Life after a narrow escape from a Malignant Addiction... Lefty, Earl and I took stock of all our supplies in this see-going shell that we call home... ...
Posted by seeturtle on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 10:06:00 PST