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Flow Management

About Me

Hi there, my names Skinned, welcome to the page and err...Have a nice day...Or you could just have a good ol' miserable one...The choice is yours...I ain't ordering you to do it, if you wanna walk around with a face like a smacked arse, if you wanna bemoan the one bit of free time you have, if you choose to give the impression to the rest of the world that the reason your looking so sad is coz you've just had your nose rubbed in a puddle of cats piss as you spread doom and gloom in your wake trudging forlornly through the emptiness of your week...An emptiness of your own choosing I might add...Then hey, am I to stop you...I mean, yeah lifes short and you really never know what's around the corner, and hey, unfortunately there's a small chance that anyone of us might get hit by a bus tomorrow...I've heard it said that it's a wise soul that never puts off today what he might never be able to do tomorrow and I once caught a whisper about something to do with living life to the full... But do what you gotta know...there is another way...You my friend, could decide to get twatted, decide to get s.p.l.a.t.t.e.d, choose to wake up in a hedge with your hair squashed and matted, you could push every boundary that gets set in your way, you could live for the night and then live for the day, take this fucking long week by the scruff of the neck and party till you're just a star spangled wreck, tread that pathway to heaven till your head explodes and then slip into Sundays recovery mode...Because hey...Life's short...So enjoy the fucker...As for the words, I came to the Netherlands and seemed to find my karma, I started putting some of my poems up on here sixteen months ago and things have kind of flowed from there, I met a guy on here, Gijs ter Haar, a spoken word performer who amongst other things hosts an event called Slammersfoort, and he suggested I get up and give it a go and introduced me to an English Poet by the name of Barry Fitton who along with his Exploding Galactic Productions puts on various events in and around Amsterdam, who offered to me a chance to read as part of a new night he was hosting in Amsterdam... and so while walking past a bar in Enschede I see the words Poezie Slam and decided to enter... and despite the nerves and being the only person in the room with English as a first language I survived... Since then as well as appearing on Barry's bi-monthly nights in Amsterdam, where I've not only had the chance to read my words and follow the rabbit hole but listened and learned from some great poets and performers, I've performed at Ruigoord and the Amsterdam Literary Festival and somehow, by default and good fortune got myself into this years Slammersfoort Finals , to be held in Amersfoort at the Borra Cafe on the 14th December... Pretty damn crazy for someone with the bilingual skills of a mute pheasant... and I'm not going to say it's been easy... rabbit holes never are and I've a hell of a lot to learn and writing and performing are two completely different things... But like I said....I've seem to of found my Karma ;) As well as writing and performing poetry, I write lyrics for anyone who cares to collaborate and fiddle around with electronic dance music, I live life to the full as often as I possibly can, keep those I love close, and those I don't at bay with a sharp pointy stick and generally try to keep the smile in place on this mission through the three score and ten...The music you can find on the Collaborationz space on the Top Friends below...My words tend to follow my flow of Love, Life and Reality and you can check out my poems in the blog, I like to say things as I see them I hope you enjoy, but either or either, if you've an opinion about any of what you find then feel free to leave a comment, good or bad it's err...all good...;)Smile and enjoy:)Skinned

My Interests

I have a little different faith, It keeps the Smile upon my face, My trust lies buried in our souls, The goodness of the Human Race, I don't need no one up above, To tell my soul what's right from wrong, For when we all look deep within, We've each our own angelic song...Skinned


Music music music...nope, couldn't live without it, she'll always be my other lover, there to move me, lose me but never confuse me, it's my elixier of life, my rock and my sanctuary, the place I go when I need to think, the place I go when I need NOT to think, to tune my chords, to recharge my batteries, to drop the mundanity of reality straight down the plug hole and slip into that other world where just I and the vibes exist...instant nirvana at the touch of a button...;) You can find my music on my other pages, A.D.A and Collaborations which can be found in my top friends list and the player above, please be sure to turn the bass down as I err...didn't... The page was built mainly to try and see what other people could do with some of the words/lyrics I write and as a forum for my spoken word poetry, and while the formers starting to take off with collabs with A.D.A and Sabitu, who's thought evocative sounds you can find on her page, and the latters on hold until I gain the ability to work a microphone, you my friends are stuck with my own humble offerings... I hope you enjoy ;))


The Silver Surfer

My Blog

What is....

Posted by Skinned on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 03:12:00 PST

Let Me...

Posted by Skinned on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 04:30:00 PST

Crash Test Dummies??

Crash Test Dummies?Sit back,and relax,yeah let's go for a ridefor it's way past good timethat we opened our eyeswe can journeyto hell,cruise atterminal velocityas we take in the stenchof the latest at...
Posted by Skinned on Sat, 03 May 2008 02:00:00 PST

Sinking Thoughts...

Posted by Skinned on Fri, 02 May 2008 05:20:00 PST

Spangled Badgers - Me, We and Them ;)

A chemical taleof woe inthe afterglow...Take heed O’Spangled BadgersI’m lonely...The smell of sweat not yetgone sour,I traipse through garbage as I walk,no buses run at thisdark hour,I&rsq...
Posted by Skinned on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 01:58:00 PST

The Quick Sixteen

Posted by Skinned on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 07:17:00 PST

Thick Skinned

Thick SkinnedFellated...Fellated by Life,sucked as dry as a boneas the celibate wife,till the skinis all thinand depressionis rifeand that last piece of hope'scircumcised by the knife...It's the drain...
Posted by Skinned on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 10:51:00 PST

Historys Child

History’s ChildO I am a childI am a childI am a child of history,Oft hiddencloaked in mystery,whose paid in death and misery,whose lost a life for others strife,for Mans persistant gluttony,Yet ...
Posted by Skinned on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 05:39:00 PST


FAITHLESSAs a crutch for the needy it's been a great blessing...In times of great darkness it has been the one light...But when wielded for power it's been a disaster...For no shepherd should send his...
Posted by Skinned on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 12:46:00 PST

The Last Prayer

The Last PrayerAs I curl up in the shadowswith just for company the MoonI hear the clink of empty bottlesand know with dread you're coming soonI clasp my hands both tight togetherand I say a silent pr...
Posted by Skinned on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 04:10:00 PST