DumbReligion has no use for extremists of any belief. We hope to incite discussion and debate amongst all religions in the worst possible way so that people begin to talk about how absurd all of it is. His god, my god, your god, It's all a bunch of crap. Live your life they way you want don't fuck with to many people and all will be fine.
So here’s the deal. I'm pretty sure none of you know me personally. But, based on your profile and after personally looking your individual "My Space" page my aim is to simply invite "Friends" to my site so that you may view ideas and material that most of the world might find objectionable. I would hope all of the people I requested to add me took the time to look at my "My Space" page and then continued on to the DumbReligion.com web site so that they could really get an idea of what I'm trying to do. Take it with a grain of salt and allot of humor.
The Pakistani Government already banned Dumbreligion.com along with 12 other websites that they deem "Blasphemous" and they continue to censor the people of it's country by blocking ANY website that they think might be harmful to it's people. So much for "free will" and "the will to choose". They are also petitioning the UN and other countries to adopt their own "Blasphemy Laws" which will allow extradition to Pakistan so that you may be executed for breaking those "Blasphemy Laws". Quite frankly by continuing to keep the DumbReligion.com website up and fresh with content, I am forcing a big fat fuck you and middle finger down the throats of the Pakistani Government and ALL religious Extremists.
If you don't like what I'm about, delete me; I’m fine with that. If you keep me added as a "Friend" on "My Space" then go out and spread the word and, I will occasionally post a comment on your page just because I can. No more no less. I'm not trying to just add a million "Friends", I'm trying to get my own word out to as many people as I can and fight my own little fight for the freedom of speech. Truth be told, I don't even have a personal "My Space" account. So there it is.
Check out our website to see what I'm up to now. I try to post new content everyother day and sometimes every day. So, check back like once a week and I'm sure you'll see something you didn't the first time.
Thanks for your time,
~God :)