We believe, without apology, that the Earth is about 6,000 years old. We believe that it was created in 6, literal 24 hour days.
We believe that it is our calling to reach this generation for Christ by providing scientific evidence for Biblical events such as The Flood and The 6 day Creation. We have also set out to, as our ministry name states, to expose the lies that evolutionists (either knowingly or unknowingly) use to support their theory.
Our Blogs
-Anthropic Principles: The Design is in the Details-Atheists
-Biblical History from Outside the Bible
-Cave Men?
-Dragon Descriptions
-Evolutionist's Quotes
-The Miracles of Evolution
- Our First Death Threat!
-Questions for Evolutionists
Radioactive Dating
-Scientific Dissent from Darwinism
-Scientific Facts in the Bible?
-Summary of Flood Geology
-The Theory of Evolution (In Summary)
-Whale Evolution?
-What does the Law say?
-Vestigial Organs
LINKS to other websites
trueorigin.org -- The TrueOrigin Archive offers intellectually honest responses to the claims of evolutionism's proponents, including—but not limited to—the "Talk.Origins" newsgroup and the "Talk.Origins Archive" website.
darwinism-watch.com -- Great information to help you refute common misconceptions used by evolutions) **This website happens to be a Muslim-Creationist site. While we believe that everyone should be exposed to all sides of this issue, we must inform you that most Muslim-Creationists are Old Earth Creationists; which we are not. We have great information on this myspace on why the Earth must be young, so please remember that while visiting Darwinism Watch.com**
s8int.com -- Ancient knowledgeable civilizations? Living dinos? Dinos in history, art, etc? See the stuff they dont teach in school.
drdino.com -- Dr. Kent Hovind. Watch his "100 reasons why evolution is so stupid. ." on our page.
answersingenesis.org -- Answers about Creation.The most informational website ;)
Flood Legends. See our pictures. There's a chart.
icr.org-- Institute for Creation Research
creationscience.org -- Dr. Walter Brown. Tons of quotes from leading scientists regarding Creation/Evolution issues.
carm.org -- A great website for learning about monotheistic religions, atheism, and various cults! Also great if you have really tough questions about Christianity!
tektonics.org-- An amazing website that has incredibly indepth and technical answers to almost any question that can be raised about or against Christianity! Also has JP Holding, one of the best online Apologists, writing for them!