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A Voice for the Voiceless

I am here for Friends

About Me

JOIN MY GROUP: PETU:PEOPLE FOR THE ETHICAL TREATMENT OF THE UNBORNmedical science catoregizes "LIFE" as having a heartbeat and detectable brain waves. That being said, every effort is made to preserve life, whether "brain dead" or not. Fetuses have a heartbeat and active brain waves. why are we allowed to kill them? I have yet to hear an answer other than "its my choice". then i just hit them with my constitution explanation of how that and any other answer is utter BULLSHITWWW.ABORTIONINSTRUMENTS.COM.....GOING TO KILL YOUR BABY? CHECK IT OUT AND EDUCATE YOURSELF INSTEAD OF BEING IGNORANT ABOUT THE LEGALIZED, PAINFUL, SLOW, GRUELING MURDER YOU WILL INFLICT ON YOUR OWN CHILD. A WONDERFUL WEBSITE WITH FACTS, INSIGHT, FORMER ABORTIONIST TESTIMONY AND MUCH MORE....www.prolifeaction.org WWW.HH76.COM Nowhere on this page will you hear me say how evil a woman is for having an abortion. i will never condemn or ridicule a woman who had to make a decision like that, so please stop leaving comments about how i have "no compassion because i do know how hard that decision is". i WAS faced with it, but i just chose different. BUT you cant deny the FACT that a CHILD was KILLED, SLOWLY AND BRUTALLY! If you disagree with "brutally", educate yourself on procedures and look at abortion instruments, and most importantly.....look at the pictures of those aborted babies and read the direct testimony of acutal abortionists in the before mentioned website. Either way, no matter the reason for it......ABORTION KILLS BABIES. ABORTION KILLS ALL OF OUR FUTURES. want a good example of this? i'll pay into social security all my life, but my generation won't have it. maybe one reason is because theres 48+ MILLION PEOPLE WHO WERE ABORTED SINCE 1973 WHO OBVIOUSLY AREN'T PAYING INTO OUR SOCIAL SECURITY.ALSO.....I AM NOT ANTI-CHOICE. I BELIEVE EVERYONE HAS A CHOICE TO DO WHATEVER THEY WILL, HOWEVER I DO NOT BELIEVE CHOICE IS WITHOUT CONSEQUENCE. I MAY CHOOSE TO SMOKE A CIGARETTE BUT I AM IMPAIRING MY HEALTH, I MAY CHOOSE TO ASSAULT AN INNOCENT PERSON, BUT IM GOING TO JAIL. I GET CHARGED WITH DV CRIMINAL DAMAGE FOR BREAKING THE PORN MY EX HUSBAND HID BUT PEOPLE GET TO LEGALLY KILL THEIR BABIES?!?! WTF??!?? GET MY POINT? SAME WITH ABORTION. and also to those who say "the government cant tell me what to do with my body!", well, they do it all the time! many states deny sterilization until a certain age, and i didnt kill a child in the process. why is abortion expempt? its the government's way of population control. so does anyone else think its so hypocrytical how some who agree with abortion say "you only care about the baby in the womb, but you dont care when that baby is being abused".....boy, what a way to shield a person from the evils of society......just kill them! those people have no faith or hope in the resilliance of the human spirit to overcome any situation, good or bad, and do something wonderful for this world. of the 48+ million babies murdered, doesnt anyone realize they could have done something great!?!?!? the first legalized murdered babies would be in their 30's now....maybe a closer cure for cancer, maybe a politician who isnt a douche-bag....so much potential....CHOPPED UP AND THROWN IN THE TRASH...literally...I FEEL VERY STRONGLY ABOUT THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE AT CONCEPTION. think theres nothing wrong with abortion? educate yourself about abortion procedures...watch an abortion video...look at pictures of partially aborted babies...did you know a PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION is where the yank the baby out by the feet up to it's neck and then pierce the base of the skull and suck the brain out through a tube.......until then...you have no voice in my heart. abortion is brutal, disgusting, and you know that BABY FEELS BEING MURDURED. why do you think this world is so fucked up....we've aborted all the babies that would have grown up and done great things for this world...no matter what situation brings them into this world, babies are here for a reason.....THIS IS JUST A POEM. I PROVIDED A WEBSITE WITH FACTS AND INFORMATION Month One.Mommy, I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. Every time I hear it, I wave my arms and legs. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby.Month TwoMommy, today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me, you could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though. It is so nice and warm in here.Month ThreeYou know what Mommy, I'm a boy!! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too, and I cry with you even though you can't hear me.Month FourMommy, my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine, but I will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes, and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it too.Month FiveYou went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'm not a baby. I am a baby Mommy, your baby. I think and feel. Mommy, what's abortion?Month SixI can hear that doctor again. I don't like him. He seems cold and heartless. Something is intruding my home. The doctor called it a needle. Mommy what is it? It burns! Please make him stop! I can't get away from it! Mommy! HELP me!Month SevenMommy, I am okay. I am in Jesus's arms. He is holding me. He told me about abortion. Why didn't you want me Mommy?Every Abortion Is Just . . .One more heart that was stopped. Two more eyes that will never see. Two more hands that will never touch. Two more legs that will never run. One more mouth that will never speak

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

I thought about this a lot. i don't know. a lot of people. different people, famous, young, old, rich, poor, black, white, brown, yellow, mean, nice......everyone i cross in my life will impact it somehow, no matter how miniscule it may seem. there's been times when i did or didn't do something based on something so small as having seen someone in passing. think about it in your own life. we are sent to this wordly plane for a reason. preserve LIFE.....no matter how miniscule


Dear Mommy, I am in Heaven now, sitting on Jesus' lap. He loves me and cries with me; for my heart has been broken. I so wanted to be your little girl. I don't quite understand what has happened. I was so excited when I began realizing my existence. I was in a dark, yet comfortable place. I saw I had fingers and toes. I was pretty far along in my developing, yet not near ready to leave my surroundings. I spent most of my time thinking or sleeping. Even from my earliest days, I felt a special bond between you and me. Sometimes I heard you crying and I cried with you. Sometimes you would yell and scream, then cry. I heard Daddy yelling at you. I was sad, and hoped you would feel better soon. I wondered why you cried so much. One day, you cried almost all the day. I couldn't imagine why you were so unhappy. That same day, the most horrible thing happened. A very mean monster came into that warm comfortable place I was in. I was so scared. I began screaming, but there was no sound. I guess they had you tied down, because you never once tried to help me. Maybe you never heard me. The monster got closer and closer. I was screaming and screaming "mommy, mommy, help me please; please help me mommy Terror is all I felt. The monster started ripping off my arm. It hurt so badly; the pain I can't explain. It didn't stop. Oh, how I begged for it to stop. I screamed in horror as it ripped my leg off. Though I was in such pain, I realized I was dying. I knew I would never see your face or hear you say how much you love me. I wanted to make all your tears go away. I had so many plans to make you happy. Now, I couldn't; all my dreams were shattered. Though I was in utter pain and horror, I felt the pain of my heart breaking, above all. I wanted more than anything to be your daughter. No use now, for I was dying a painful death. I could only imagine what terrible things they had done to you. I wanted to tell you that I love you before I was gone, but I didn't know the words you could understand. And soon, I no longer had the breath to say them; I was dead. I felt myself rising. I was being carried by a huge angel into a big, beautiful place. I was still crying, but the physical pain was gone. Then angel took me to Jesus and sat me on his lap. He said he loved me, and he was my father. Then, I was happy. I asked him what the thing was that killed me. He answered, "Abortion. I am sorry my child; for I know how it feels". I don't know what abortion is; I guess that's the name of the monster. I'm writing to say that I love you and to tell you how much I wanted to be your little girl. I tried very hard to live. I wanted to live. I had the will, but I couldn't; the monster was too powerful. It sucked my arms and legs off and finally got all of me. It was impossible to live. I just wanted you to know I tried to stay with you. I didn't want to leave. Also, watch out for that abortion monster. Mommy, I love you and I would hate for you to go through the kind of pain I did. So, please be careful. Love, You're Baby Girl: Written By Delaine Heffner, age 16


BABY HOPE................ THE WOMAN WAS 22 WEEKS PREGNANT when she sought the assistance of Dr. Martin Haskell, the originator of the partial-birth abortion procedure, to rid herself of her already-kicking child. Haskell performed the first stage of the partial-birth abortion. He inserted a seaweed-based substance into the woman's cervix and instructed her to return the following day. In the usual course of events, the seaweed absorbs the amniotic fluid from the womb and expands, thus slowly dilating the cervix. The next day, new seaweed is inserted. On the third day, the abortionist opens the cervix with his fingers, feels around for the baby's legs and pulls them out of the birth canal. He rotates the fetus' shoulders so that the baby's face is oriented toward the mother's lower back and then, using scissors, he punctures the bottom of the baby's skull and suctions the brain out through a tube.But in this case, things did not go according to plan. The woman complained of severe abdominal pain on the first night and, being far from Haskell's clinic, reported to the emergency room of her local hospital, Bethesda North, in Cincinnati. As she was being examined (she did not say she was pregnant), the baby was born -- alive. Pediatricians and neonatologists came running. The baby girl weighed in at 1 pound. The doctors decided that the child was very unlikely to survive and instructed that nothing be done.Connie Boyles, a nurse, and Shelly Lowe, a medical technician, saw the baby girl gasp for air and were stunned. Lowe, knowing that the nurses were busy caring for other patients in the emergency room, asked if she could hold the child she dubbed "Baby Hope" until she died.The request was granted.Lowe wrapped Baby Hope in a blanket and settled into a rocking chair for what she imagined would be just a few minutes. She sang to her and stroked her cheeks. "I wanted her to feel that she was wanted," Lowe explained later. "She was a perfectly formed newborn, entering the world too soon, through no choice of her own." The baby sucked on her lower lip, opened and closed her hands, and moved a bit as Lowe held her. She also did something else -- she continued to breathe on her own.Dr. John Willke, a pro-life activist and former obstetrician, says he doesn't quarrel with the initial determination made by the emergency-room physicians that Baby Hope was too small and too premature to survive. But, he says, when she was still alive and breathing room air 30 minutes after birth, her status should have been reassessed. An excellent neonatal care unit was a mere helicopter ride away. And she might have been saved.As it is, nothing was done. After three hours, Baby Hope died in the arms of the compassionate Shelly Lowe. The state of Ohio issued her a death certificate. The cause of death was listed as "extreme prematurity secondary to induced abortion." Would Dr. Haskell have issued her a death certificate at his shop, or does he simply throw the bodies in the trash?Very few premature infants survive when born before 23 weeks, though there have been survivors at 22 weeks. Still, one has to wonder: If a woman who did want her baby spontaneously aborted in an emergency room, would the doctors have been so quick to give up on the child? Would they ignore the signs of unusual vitality this infant showed? (Most premature babies have trouble breathing without assistance. That this infant was able to breathe room air was amazing.) Was Baby Hope's value as a human being secondary to her value to the mother?If we judge people's humanity by any standard other than that each is a unique individual with rights, we demean every person's dignity. A child is a child. Would-be adoptive parents wait years and years or go abroad in search of children to love.Lowe was asked at a press conference what her position ..ion was. She said she had been pro-choice but was now pro-life. What changed her mind? Three Hours.


unless im spending time with my son, dr phil, oprah, starting over, news, the soup, family guy, food network, e!, educational tv.


defenders of the unborn

My Blog

for all those whove prayed for me

i want to sincerely thank you. i dont know what you might have prayed to happen to/for me but thanks. it feels like have finally done something with my life. i have a great boyfriend who loves me. a m...
Posted by A Voice for the Voiceless on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 07:49:00 PST


Baby HopeMona Charen THE WOMAN WAS 22 WEEKS PREGNANT when she sought the assistance of Dr. Martin Haskell, the originator of the partial-birth abortion procedure, to rid herself of her already-kicking...
Posted by A Voice for the Voiceless on Sun, 25 Dec 2005 08:09:00 PST


please be patient if i havent approved your friend request yet! thanks for all your comments! sorry i cant comment back individually, but i started school again, and all i have time for on myspace is ...
Posted by A Voice for the Voiceless on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 08:36:00 PST

i will post all hate emails to me and my response

FROM: www.myspace.com/bisbeeleah you want a million unfit people havening and abusing children, because they didn't have right to choose. if stupid people get knocked up because they didn't use a...
Posted by A Voice for the Voiceless on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 06:53:00 PST

"this site disgusts me"

EMAIL I RECIEVED FROM WWW.MYSPACE.COM/MACMAMANATTY "Not trying to be rude, but who are you to judge. Woman who make the choice to have an abortion aren't heartless, they have to live with that decisio...
Posted by A Voice for the Voiceless on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 10:04:00 PST


SHORT AND SWEET..............http://www.prolifeaction.org/  AND FOR STICKERS, T-SHIRTS, PENCILS, BALLOONS, ETC www.hh76.com
Posted by A Voice for the Voiceless on Fri, 11 May 2007 01:06:00 PST


Introduction  "Moral assessment follows an understanding of the facts of a case; moral principles follow."   The following information has been prepared to address the concerns of Catholi...
Posted by A Voice for the Voiceless on Fri, 11 May 2007 08:43:00 PST

Just because i used to be a dancer doesn't mean i believe in killing innocent babies

..> ..> someone recently sent me an email from http://www.myspace.com/kerseymere basically wondering HOW and/or WHY i could be prolife and prostripper. this isnt an oxy moron. just because i danced...
Posted by A Voice for the Voiceless on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 08:43:00 PST


  ok i have been informed this is urban legend. but i got to thinking. they cant be THAT clean either way and this site : http://www.snopes.com/horrors/parental/archer.asp states in the last sen...
Posted by A Voice for the Voiceless on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 08:10:00 PST


Abortion is necessary in cases of rape or incestRape and incest are crimes, and those who commit them should be punished. But why do even some pro-life people say a death sentence should be imposed on...
Posted by A Voice for the Voiceless on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 11:09:00 PST