12 months breastfeedingNursing my son, helping other moms breastfeed, i will be going back to school soon to become a Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
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Id like to meet anyone who has breastfed, is breastfeeding, wants to breastfeed or supports breastfeeding.
Children who were breastfed have I.Q. scores averaging seven to ten points higher than formula-fed infants. It's important to remember that these numbers represent averages for hundreds of children, not the effect of breastfeeding on a specific individual. So, if you want to raise the intelligence level of an entire generation of children, breastfeeding would be a simple and cost-effective way to do it.
Studies have shown that children who are breastfed get higher grades in school, even after other influences on school performance are taken into account.
The intellectual advantage gained from breastfeeding is greater the longer the baby is breastfed.
Many studies have shown that women who breastfeed have lower risks of developing breast cancer. Recently, data from 47 studies in 30 countries was re-examined. The study group concluded that the incidence of breast cancer in developed countries could be reduced by more than half if women had the number of births and lifetime duration of breastfeeding that have been common in developing countries until recently. According to the analysis, breastfeeding could account for almost two-thirds of this estimated reduction in breast cancer incidence. Women who were formula-fed as infants have higher rates of breast cancer as adults. For both premenopausal and postmenopausal breast cancer, women who were breastfed as children, even if only for a short time, had a 25% lower risk of developing breast cancer than women who were bottle-fed as infants.
Do you think a mothers spouce/partner/family should have any say in her choice whether or not to breastfeed?
Yes, she should consider thier feelings
No, the choice to breastfeed or not is the mothers and no one else should have a say
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How long did you breastfeed?
0-3 months
3-6 months
6-9 months
9-12 months
12+ months
Still breastfeeding, Plan to stop at/before 12 months
still breastfeeding, plan to stop after 12 months/self wein
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The benifits of breastfeeding videoVideo on positioningThe history of the La Leche League a MUST watch for moms!
Near Mama's Heart A children's book about breastfeeding By Colleen NewmanThe Breastfeeding Book: Everything You Need to Know About Nursing Your Child from Birth Through Weaning by Martha Sears, Breastfeeding and Human Lactation By Jan Riordan, EdD, RN, IBCLC, and Kathleen J. Auerbach, PhD, IBCLC,Medications and Mother’s Milk By Thomas W. Hale, PhD, The complete Book Of Breastfeeding by Marvin S. Eiger,Sally Wendkos Olds
Anyone who is strong enough to breastfeed. The women who will feed thier baby in public uncovered and look everyone who stares right in the eyes challenging them to say something. The women who's entire families discorage their breastfeeding but still do it anyway. The women who continue to breastfeed their children past the age of 12 months. And anyone else who has the courage to stand up for what they believe in.