Happy Slings Baby Slings profile picture

Happy Slings Baby Slings

You'll never look this gorgeous pushing a stroller!

About Me

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Pink punky lepard print

ATTENTION FRIEND REQUESTERS Dont try to add Happy Slings as your friend if youve got porn on your space or you intend to put porn on mine. I mean, I like naked people as much as the next gal, but Happy Slings promotes bonding and attachment parenting of super cool kids-not getting people started on making that kid. Also, if youve got drug stuff on your space, Im not gonna add you either. I dont like it, I wont promote it, and I wont add you. Please dont waste my time or yours. Thanks ;)Im Jessica, the really awesome mom who makes Happy Slings . Like most moms, I was perfectly content to sit and smile at my drooly baby all day, but the dishes were piling up and the laundry wasnt going to wash itself. Im not going to try to pretend that we live in a Pottery Barn Catalogue house or that I am the Queen of Clean. But lets face it. Its nice to eat dinner off clean plates. And unless you're the type who doesnt mind listening to your baby scream, you quickly learn that he makes the schedule around here.I had a backpack for my daughter when she was born, and I thought it was GREAT. Not exactly convenient-I couldnt nurse her in it and I couldnt roll it up and throw it in the diaper bag, but still WAY better than pushing the empty stroller she wouldnt sit in or the thousand pound baby bucket. I knew there had to be something better out there. I started to see moms wearing backpack type things with skinny little straps and little babies dangling from their crotches. And then it occurred to me! I could carry my baby hands free! Because Im magic? Why yes, I am. BUT NO! Thats not how! I could use really RAD fabric and make a carrier that lets me shop and eat and do all the things I LOVE to do while still holding my baby. And it also lets me clean the house. But I wasnt a slave to the couch anymore! If you've never worn a sling before or if boring isnt your thing, you should check us out. You'll never look this GORGEOUS pushing a stroller!We've all got them. Ducks and bees and dogs driving the car. Every outfit comes complete with them for your viewing pleasure. If you're tired of the baby bunny and bear ensembles, head on over to our clothes and accessories sections.We also have blankets, burp cloths and changing pads without an ABC Block in site.BUT WAIT! THERES MORE!We've got lots of stuff from other FABULOUS shops. AND we're adding more all the time. We want you to look as good as you possibly can with barf on your shirt and cheerios in your hair. And we want your kids to look good too! Wanna know more about ME??? Of course you do because Im fascinating. You can check out my likes, dislikes, pictures of my kids and my overall charmingness at my myspace.

My Interests

Check out some hot celebs wearing their babies. Click the pictures for the whole story. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

I'd like to meet:

Hot moms, rad dads, super funky grandparents and other people with really good taste. We carry a HUGE variety of cool babycarriers and slings as well as clothes, accessories and fun little odds and ends. We're a regular one stop rockin' shop. We've got slings for every day and special occasions. Weve got plain slings and cool slings and slings to knock your socks off! Weve got carriers to sling your baby and carriers to sling your toddler. So pretty much if you're looking for a sling, we want to meet you! If theres a baby in your life who wears clothes, eats, spits up, gets cold or is just plain too cool, we want to meet you too.If you cant find us at your local store for hip babies and kids, ASK THEM WHY NOT!Do you LOVE www.Happy Slings.com and want to send business our way?
Then add our banner to your site!

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Please check out www.Happy Slings.com to see our full line and ALL OF OUR FABRICS as well as all the other really cool stuff we have. We do wholesale our baby carriers with a very low minimum order. If you are interested, please send us a message with your business information.These slings and more for sale at www.Happy Slings.comThese are examples of slings and carriers. Some are FOR SALE and some are SOLD OUT . You can see whats available at www.Happy Slings.com . We have HUNDREDS of fabrics to choose from. These are just a very small selection to show coolness.


All of these funky blankets, bibs and burp cloths are FOR SALE . You can purchase them through Happy Slings website or you can send me an email and Ill bill you. Some are not listed on the wesite yet so if you want to buy them, send me a message here!All of these cool clothes are FOR SALE . You can purchase them through Happy Slings website or you can send me an email and Ill bill you.All of these super cool diapering accessories for your super cool babies are FOR SALE . You will be able to purchase them through Happy Slings website soon, but until then you can message me here and Ill bill you.
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OTHER COOL PLACES Celebrity Baby Blog - get all the news on those cute celebrity babies Mothering.com - articles, forums, classified ads on all things mommyFazy Dazy Designs - cruelty free bags Primal Mommies (and Babies, Too! - Natural products for natural moms and babies! Cloth diapers, slings, nursing necklaces and much more! Everything the crunchy/granola/primal mama needs! Mom Portfolio
Online magazine of talented moms!


My mom and your mom. Punky Brewster. Olivia Newton John (I love her-get over it). RoseAnne and Darlene. Lucy. Winnie Cooper. Jeanie. Agent 99. Samantha.

My Blog

Sling Types

At Happy Slings, we want you to carry your baby so we offer a variety of cool options.  This is truly one of the greatest baby things you will ever own.  Your baby wants to be held and you w...
Posted by Happy Slings Baby Slings on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 10:50:00 PST

Of course you wanna buy something right?

Buying is EASY!   Head on over to www.HappySlings.com and you can see ALL the super cool products we have.  Weve got HUNDREDS of fabric to choose from so you'll really be able to get somethi...
Posted by Happy Slings Baby Slings on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 10:42:00 PST