IrishSas4Life profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I believe voting records speak far louder than any campaign promise or political media spin. I too choose to take the straigh talk approach to things. This site is under construction but I hope to make myspace your space.We may not always agree as how to go about it. But we agree on the end result. So rather than us both saying "no way, its my way or the highway", and get nothing done, how about we come to the table and try to work things out one thing at a time. Lets not alienate. For Together Everyone Achieves More. We all agree results are what counts. Remember, its for their sake, not our own egos' sake.I am old enough to see that when we dole out the "my way or the highway" principal, most people *sadly* choose the "highway." No, that doesn't mean they are in the right. Often to our chagrin, they race headlong into destruction. But, wisdom has shown us since the beginning of time, people can't deal with extremes. Thomas Paine called moderation a vice. But, Thomas Paine was not a Christian, he was barely a deist. His extreme views ultimately alienated our forefathers, his own country(Great Britain) and even France. We like to cite him because of "Common Sense", but read more of his stuff, and you'll know why our forefathers started to put a distance between them and him. Thomas Paine denied Jesus Christ.If you think the Gang of 14 was a sellout, consider this. If the Gang of 14 had been done before 1987, Justice Bork (a staunch pro-life advocate) would have been appointed to the Supreme Court. Other pro-life justices would be sitting on the Supreme Court bench as well.We need to stop saying its "my way cause I'm the moral person" and start realizing that if we don't come away from the extremes we save no lives. Those innocents count on us to save their lives the best way we can, the quickest way. Stop with the STUBBORN IMPASSE, lives are at stake. For example: We want abortion to stop, right? But at the same time we rail against single parenting and out of wedlock births. I know of certain "educated" conservatives that come out and say that single parenting has low % success rate. Yet, I have known, in my life, countless women, who when situations beyond their control ended up single parents. These heroines pressed forward and raised their children successfully, and are now grandparents who revel in the successes of their Godly families. Sometimes women have to work with what they have. Christ promises in our weakness, to make us strong. So lets stop telling women that they can't be successful mom's if the bums from the male gender leave them. Instead, lets make it easier for them to choose life and raise Godly families......Background Photo By
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My Interests

Hmmm. God, Family, Friends, Life, traveling, politics(only on the two years before the major election) military, military families, Ireland(people, geography, geology and history)ecology,science, history, literature.

I'd like to meet:

I love to be with gentle folk who are down to earth, and have a lot of love in their heart. Who are slow to judge and quick with mercy.Not to mention....MCCAIN SUPPORTERS TOTALLY ROCK! Two very remarkable men. I happen to remember President Reagan. He was awesome! I doesn't matter to me if you agree or disagree. He was an awesome Commander In Chief.


jazz, motown, ceol(Irish pub music),Irish(all kinds) big band, eighties punk and pop, Christian indie, polka(just kidding) country music.


I love Oldies, Braveheart, The Debaters, Glory,The Patriot, St Patrick(the movie) Evan Almighty, Pride and Prejudice(BBC) Faith of My Fathers, The Original Star Wars Trilogy(78-83),The Return of the King, Scarlett,(pretty much anything that shows courage)


"Heroes" , "Monk" & MacGyver reruns. I don't have broadcasted TV, nor do I want it. I love the ability to buy seasons, and watch old syndicated reruns. "Full House, The Cosby Show, and The Andy Griffith show" are my favorite sitcoms.


Authors: Charlotte Bronte, Jane Austin, Charles Dickens and George Bernard Shaw, C.S Lewis, Mark Salter when he writes for John McCain. Alot more....


God, Jesus, Michael the Archangel, St.Patrick, and the saints(martyrs). You, Those serving to defend their country and their families and friends. Those who serve in politics honorably. Firemen, policemen, emt's and paramedics, everyday people who make a positive difference for our world professionally or in their home, the people who do the right thing even if they never get noticed in this lifetime. My list goes on......
Christian Glitter by"
Christian Glitter by

Glitter Graphics & CommentsI've often wondered if this was a portrait of Jimmy Stewart......

My Blog

What evangelical conservative would split the baby?

Once upon a time there was a king.  He was a wise king.  He was famous for his unconventional wisdom all over the world.  There were these two hysterical moms. There was one baby. Both ...
Posted by IrishSas4Life on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 08:47:00 PST

Stem Cell Research

Stem Cell Research Current mood: sassy Category: Life There are a lot of misunderstandings involving stem cell research. I agree embryonic stem cell research is just plain evil, and we as a country...
Posted by IrishSas4Life on Fri, 30 May 2008 01:59:00 PST


Are we like the North Going Zax, and the South Going Zax.? Does one faction of the pro-life movement say, "Its gotta be exactly my way, all the others are not prolife.", and the other says, "No, Its g...
Posted by IrishSas4Life on Sat, 03 May 2008 09:47:00 PST

What are you going to say????

I am an older woman, who realizes that sometimes the younger generation has to learn the hard way.... Its a letting go process. I've been around the block and have seen many things. No, I'm not proud,...
Posted by IrishSas4Life on Thu, 01 May 2008 03:41:00 PST

Why I am pro-life; my views

To tell you the truth, I never gave much thought to it, when I was younger. Sure, I signed petitions in the back of the church to stop abortion. But "abortion" was just a term. But then I was pregnant...
Posted by IrishSas4Life on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 08:08:00 PST

John McCain on Parental Notification before the Senate

I firmly believe that it is a persons track record before Congress in address and in voting that speaks louder than any conspiracy theory out there. If you can sit in front of your computer, you owe i...
Posted by IrishSas4Life on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 02:13:00 PST

First Lady Nancy Reagan endorses Senator John McCain

Nancy Reagan Endorses John McCain For President ARLINGTON, VA -- Today in Los Angeles, Nancy Reagan endorsed John McCain for president. Mrs. Reagan released the following statement on her endorseme...
Posted by IrishSas4Life on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 05:12:00 PST

McCain and Huckabee really know about the economy

The foreclosure rate in America, is a very tragic thing.  I have family members who lost their place or will lose their place.  My heart goes out to all those who have been caught up in this...
Posted by IrishSas4Life on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 07:26:00 PST

Its Elisabeth Bumiller again............

Wow, NYtimes and political writer(is she a journalist?)Bumiller wishes to "enlighten" us again with their innuendos and not quite accusing(there’s libelous suits) accounts of John McCain. Yet, L...
Posted by IrishSas4Life on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 09:03:00 PST

The Citizen

Political views can sometimes alienate or even push people to the opposite spector. One of those hotbutton topics is the issue of immigration and citizenship.  Some people in America believe...
Posted by IrishSas4Life on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 08:14:00 PST