Header Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!We are a group of militant worshipping warriors representing Jesus the Christ, determined to see revival and renewal in the life's of this ever changing generation in London, Britain and the rest of the world. Our aim is to raise up an offensive prayer fuelled chosen generational army intent on advancing and imposing the Kingdom in a fallen and hurting world.We Train, Equip and Arm these Generation Of Visionaries, through Genovis Nites
The FIRE ON THE ALTAR shall never go out!
Fire On The Altar
at the Threshing Floor, praying for continual imputing of holiness and sanctity, to do meaningful warfare for the King of kings.There's a youthful generation finding solace and false identity in crews, gangs and in intransitory and temporal remdedies to the pain and hurt all the while blinded by sin's deceifulness.The only answer is for us, His Warrior Bride, to blow the trumpet and raise the War Cry of Purity through Intimacy leading to Victory in our Homes, in the Streets, in our Educational Intistutions and in the Highways and the Byways.Join us every last Saturday of the month at the THRESHING FLOOR as we ENCOUNTER the Holy, establish covenant with Lord and receive Mercy and the Glory through Worship, Word and Prayer to swing the sickle for the harvest.Enough is Enough, THIS IS WAR, It is time to sound the battle cry.C U DER.
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