"A Man Called Chris" profile picture

"A Man Called Chris"

I am here for Friends

About Me

Number of times Chris' MySpace has been viewed in the past 6 months

Sign the Guestbook at the following URL: "Link to Chris' Guest Book, other Photos, Videos, and Music"
I will move your entry over to Chris'MySpace. The ABOVE video is "The Video" to the song "Chris Mason Here on this Battlefield (ReMix)"
Chris' mom places her hand upon a photo of Chris displayed at the Alabama state capital – Nov 6 2007 - Montgomery, Alabama.

Chris Mason' Stone (Front)

Chris is FOREVER 32 years of age, single male, US Paratrooper. He had two dogs, a Chevy pickup truck, and a 2005 Chrysler Crossfire. Above all he loved God and reading the Gospel, but he also loved being a PRCA Bullfighter/Cowboy Protection, training folks to drive those big 18 wheel trucks and issuing them a CDL, hard physical training, smart women, fast cars, fishing, hunting, and just being free.
He believed in freedom, and he was willing to give his life to keep this country free from terrorism, and to protect you're freedom as an American.
Chris was ambushed and killed at 12 noon CDT Nov 28 2006 by Al-Qaeda terrorist while he was moving into position to provide fire support for his fellow paratroopers, in the small town of Siniyah Iraq. They had come under heavy small arms fire from Al-Qaeda forces and could not disengage. Chris died soon after being hit by an IED, but DOD has him being killed by small arms fire, during a firefight with Al-Qaeda at the same location.
It does not matter how my son died. Bottom line is "Chris was doing what needed to be done for his country".
The President of the United States, George W. Bush, authorized on Feb 1, 2007 that the following quote be placed on Chris' headstone:
"We Will Not Tire, We Will Not Falter, And We Will Not Fail" With the President's signature.
"Strength and Honor"
Chris now stands proud for us as a Warrior in God's Army
"Airborne Paratrooper! We miss you” Mom & Dad
NOTE: The Faith Academy 2007 Yearbook Dedicated to Cpl Christopher Edward Mason. I cannot say thank you enough to the Faith Academy Class of 2007. Seeing how my son was never a student at Faith Academy this dedication touches our hearts more then any other honor that has been bestowed upon our son since his death.
"Thank you for honoring our son"
Garland & Susie Mason

In the above video Chris Mason (Karaoked) the song "Freedom" by Kenny Chesney.
He did this tape best guess sometimes early 2005. He never could pick and sing at the same time. haha So don't say it.
When Kenny Chesney was ask to perform this song, back in June 2007, in memory of Cpl Chris Mason and all the other fallen warriors in the war on terrorism "Kenny Chesney refused" - saying "My band does NOT know the song".
So there you go.
The ABOVE boxs are NOT VIDEOS.... they are music tracks that I took from Chrs' MP3 player after I got it back from Iraq. *NOTE: I will be adding more music tracks from his MP3 player as I get the time. *note: This is quality sound.
Chris spoke these words to a friend on Thanksgiving Day 2006 - Five days before he was killed fighting Al-Qaede terrorist forces in Iraq

This is the flag flaging at Chris' funural. It was flown by the City of Mobile's Fire Department. Chis passed under it upon departing from Life Chruch of Mobile.

This is the flag displayed at Chris' funeral. It was flown by the City of Mobile's Fire Department. Chris passed under it, upon departure from Life Church of Mobile, to his final resting place.

One month before his death during an Al-Quade ambush in Iraq, Chris spoke these words at "Life Church of Mobile" Alabama

Chris' spoke these words while standing in the sand Nov 12, 2006, just 16 days before his death.
These words were spoken by Chris just before his return to Iraq Oct 2006

......................................... ................................................
America he loved you so much he gave his life for you - "The Gift of Freedom, from a Man Called Chris".

Sign the Guestbook at the following URL: "Link to Chris' Guest Book, other Photos, Videos, and Music"
I will move your entry over to Chris' MySpace.

Dearest Mason Family,
Words will never express the gratitude I have for people like Chris nor for the sorrow I feel for your loss. One of the best measures of success to me is the fruit one bares. Chris is an inspiration. His life remains a witness to all who knew him, and those like myself who have only met him on this website. I can only hope that my son grows into the man Chris did.
On this anniversary, I pray for your peace. Chris is rejoicing with our Lord. Thanks for the page. I will keep you in my prayers. Ashley Anders, 28 Nov 2007 You and yours are always in my prayers. Your son died a hero and God Bless him!! If there is anything I can do to help just please let me know. Hazel Hall, www.myspace.com/hazel4077,28 Nov 2007 Dear Mason Family
Just wanted to let you know that your Son made and still makes a difference in this world...
I am blessed to have met you through that crossfireforum...
and to come to know the life of Christopher E. Mason which has infuenced my life on a daily basis...
Thank you and God Bless the Mason Family
Much Respect to the Mason Family!!! Joshua Morris, www.Livevideo.com/xfire1prod What a wonderful dedication from a family to their soldier. Cpl. Mason came from a solid foundation and it showed. What a tragic loss for ALL....my heart, my prayers, and my love to all !!! PFC Lisa Collinsworth - www.myspace.com/army15p,28 Nov 2007 Today was the first time I have thought of the fallen soldier. Being a new addition to the Army through my fiance is opening me eyes to many new experiences. Some more frightful than others. Thinking of the fallen like Cpl Chris Mason I wrote a prayer/poem.
May he forever rest in peace
and be forever at gods right hand
for that is where soldiers sit
for they died protecting their land.
Always to be remembered
and never far from home
he makes sure your still safe
and keeping things still going strong.
So pray for fallen soldiers
they hear you as you do
and make sure to tell them thank you
for they fought for others too.
May you rest in peace
Fallen soldier.
My heart goes out to the family of Cpl Mason and to all the other families with fallen soldiers. Yes we say that they have now joined God's Army, but I believe in my heart that God would have a special place just for them. A place of honor and happiness. For that is what they deserve.
Thank you so much and I am truly very sorry for your loss. Nicole S, www.myspace.com/ibigay_mo_na,28 Nov 2007 Today of all days, I'm sure your hearts are pulled in many directions. Sorrow, pride, loss, love... but above all this we must always remember that while our troubles of man here on earth are seldom understood, they are all His will and purpose. Heavens gates are just a little bit stronger with a soldier like Chris watching over them. God Bless you and your family. Cynthia Wood,28 Nov 2007 To The Mason Family: On this anniversary date of the loss of your son, a true hero to this nation, my prayers will be with you. I only just came upon your MySpace page by happenstance, and on the anniversary date as well.
My husband is a 21 yr AF retired veteran and I am only a 6 yr veteran having served in '75-'81.God Bless. Bu'Que Lady,27 Nov 2007 My heart goes out to you & your family,knowing it's been almost a year. But time passes by to quickly! Sometimes though not fast enough.I have 2 sons in Iraq right now,and I pray everyday they stay safe & try to look out for each other.But I'm hoping Chris will be their guardian angel & keep them out of harms way.With the holidays coming, I will keep you & your family in my prayers,hoping that Chris's memory will bestill in everyones hearts. Your son was that special person that god chose that day,and I'm grateful he defended our country. You must be a very special mother and having a son like yours makes all of us americans very proud to call this the land of the free! Again my deepest sympathys go out to you & your family, and I will remember Chris on the day he gave his life for our country. Take care & god Bless! Brenda Deener-Myspace,27 Nov 2007 Mr Garland and Ms Susie, On this anniversary of your son's entrance to Heaven you will be very much in my prayers. Celebrate his Homecoming with Jesus, he would be most joyous to look down and see the joy of your happy memories!! You bear the cost of freedom and we all are indebted to you!! God Bless You both!!!! Mr Garland please email me! Aaron, www.gcpg.org,27 Nov 2007 To the Mason Family...My thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow on such a difficult day, may the Lord strengthen and uplift you. God Bless you for teaching your son about what is important in this world and standing up and defending those who can not do so themselves. Carl Hill Former President of the Student Veterans Association VCU, OIF Veteran 2004. Carl Hill,27 Nov 2007 GREAT souls like chris are the reason we have our freedom today. I never met this gentlemen but i came accross this website and his story was so touching. Its amazing how one person can change a million lives. We thank our soldiers greatly for their bravery and efforts to keep us free. Our prayers are with every soldier and their families. We love and cherish our military personel. God bless! Brittany,27 Nov 2007 Dear Garland and Sue: What a beautiful tribute to Chris you have made. Garland, your lyrics are perfect. Thank you for raising your sons to understand and embody the meaning and cost of Freedom. Our family's two new Marines, who are to go to Iraq next year, are inspired by the humor and dedication of Chris. We hold your family in our hearts all year but especially now. The Britton's, Tue, 27 Nov 2007 My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. My husband just returned from Iraq, and there were times when he didnt think he would make it home. I know that prayer is very powerful and i will continue to pray for you and your family. Your son is a true hero in my eyes and I am ever grateful to him for his sacrifice. God Bless. Kim Gillespie, www.myspace.com/girlygirl21,27 Nov 2007 Cpl Chris Mason's life made such a difference to many while he was here & still touches many lives everyday! My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. Chris is a hero in every sense of the word and was a true spirtual soldier as well. What an incredible young man! Thank you for sharing his story with us! God Bless You All! Mary, www.myspace.com/mommadip, 27 Nov 2007 My family thanks your family for the sacrifices you have made. Your son is one of a group of rare people who sacrifice wholeheartedly, for God and country. I think it's wonderful that he was so devoted to the Lord, and to give encouragement to all those who needed it.
He is definitely up there amongst God's Angels, a leader, a warrior, and a hero. I feel safer knowing that not only are there heroes down here fighting for our freedom, but that there are heroes like him watching over our spiritual freedom. May God Bless your family always! Clorice Reyes,27 Nov 2007 For the precious family of Cpl Chris Mason,
My loving prayers go out to you as another 'milestone' is passed. May Creator wrap you in His loving arms, surrounding you with His awesome love.
We know the pain of losing a child. Our son, Ross, was killed in an auto accident on 2 Sept, '06. Ross left behind our only grandson, Hunter, who just turned 2. All of the 'firsts' we've faced together, joined with a deep faith and love of God,family and Country. The sheer pain of holding your child, clenched tightly in death's embrace, is nothing compared to the joy of knowing we WILL see him again. May all of our Heroes rest with the Angels. Until we meet on the other side I remain,
PAM of PFC Justin/Ft. Benning
PM of Ross, Our Angel
"I am strong. I am the Mother of an Angel."Lynn Price, www.myspace.com/lynnprice,27 Nov 2007 Thank you Chris for your ultimate sacrafice. I can only pray that some day I will have the opportunity to thank you in person. Proud USMC Mom - Lori,27 Nov 2007 I have no connections to Chris or his family. I was sent a link to his Myspace page, from an Army wife support group. But rest assured, Chris will be in my thoughts on the 28th, as well as every day from now on. . .all of our soldiers - fallen, deployed and those at home, hold a special place in my heart. And I truly hope that Cpl Mason is now resting peacefully. Take care & God bless. Kristen Basl - myspace.com/n0806, 26 Nov 2007 Chris, I have never met you, yet I know you are one of my heros. You selflessly served this country with pride and integrity. You paid the ultimate price for my freedom and I am forever grateful to you. I believe that there is no greater love that a man would lay down his life not only for his friends, but his country. Please watch over all of our men and women who continue to fight this war. You are a angel in fatigues, hero with military wings. You are a true American hero. Thank you for your service. You will not be forgotten. Proud Marine Wife, Jessica - "Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you, Jesus Christ and the American G.I. One died for your soul, the other for your freedom." Jessica Ursery www.myspace.com/cardinalsgrl05, 26 Nov 2007 Chris, although I never had the honor or privilege of meeting you, I think of you as a brother. Thank you for your selfless service, you are a true hero. To the Mason family, I am tearful as I write this, I am so sorry for your loss. Words cannot describe what you have endured. One day, Chris, I will have the honor of meeting you, when God calls me home. God bless the Mason family and all of our warriors that defend our freedom. Brian Mack - www.myspace.com/southernpatriot73,26 Nov 2007 I am so very Thankful for soldiers like Chris. They are our true hero's. God Bless them all and there families. You are the one,s that make it safe for the rest of us. The one's that make this country Great! Thank You! Judy,26 Nov 2007 Thank you Chris for your sacrifice. I wish I had known you, but I will meet you one day in heaven. Thank you so very much. Mom of a Wounded Warrior-Infantryman 1st CAV-Deborah Porter-www.myspace.com /gracegiventome, 26 Nov 2007 Some soldiers enlist, hoping to figure out what they were meant to be.. Some soldiers enlist because that is what they were born to be. Freedom is never free.
It is obvious to me, Chris was a soldier before he ever chose to be. It is obvious to me because I was born free. If there was ever a trustworthy messenger who could carry our message to the throne of GOD himself, that is where I would expect to find Chris, adorned with the final judgement: "Well done good an faithful servant"
God Bless Chris Mason. God Bless a loving family. God bless all who cross the path of these footsteps and stop to take notice, where one man stood for many and fell to a place in the heart of ALL soldiers. A place GOD understands quite well. For there is no greater love than he who would lay down his life for his brother. -An old Soldier-Doug Kendig | www.freewebs.com/dougkendig,25 Nov 2007 As the day draws nearer to the death of Cpl Chris Mason, I was moved to come back to his page to visit and to pay my respects once again.
I find myself coming to visit more and more often than I ever thought I would.
I guess it could be because my own son has taken such a vehement stand for the Armed Services, and has decided, at the age of fourteen that he will be joining this league of extraordinary gentlemen.
Although I've always believed in my country and the men and women who have and do proudly serve it, my patriotism has taken on a whole new meaning because of people like Chris and those young men like my son.
Stand Proud, Mr. & Mrs. Mason....
For your son was most definitely worthy....
Not only in his Country's eyes...
But in the eyes of God.
Much Love, Peace & Happiness,
Tammie Corbett | www.myspace.com/tstergirl, 25 Nov 2007 I did not know Chris but I wish that I had met him. I just watched all of the videos that you have on here about Chris. I cried the whole time and I am still crying. Chris is my Hero. There will not be a day that I do not think of the Mason family and all of the other families going through similar times. God Bless Everyone of you. Kimberly Spencer - Myspace, 22 Nov 2007 I did not know Chris Mason until tonight, but I swear I will never forget him. I am tremendosly sorry for your loss of such a great man. A day does not go by that I do not think about our soldiers and their sacrifices. I appreciate being able to go to college everyday without fear of terrorists or bombs. I am able to pursue my nursing career in safety because of our protectors, our soldiers. Sue, 22 Nov 2007 Author Unk
I now know why men who have been to war yearn to reunite. Not to tell stories or look at old pictures. Not to laugh or weep. Comrades gather because they long to be with the men who once acted at their best; men who suffered and sacrificed, who suffered and were stripped of their humanity. I did not pick these men. They were delivered by fate and the military. But I know them in a way I know no other men. I have never given anyone such trust. They were willing to guard something more precious than my life. They would have carried my reputation, the memory of me. It was part of the bargain we all made, the reason we were so willing to die for one another. As long as I have memory, I will think of them all, every day. I am sure that when I leave this world, my last though will be of my family and my comrades. Such good men. Joe West, 22 Nov 2007 Thoughts of you, Ms susie and your family are with me daily.
I am blessed to know your chris and blessed to hug my very own Mason each day...
thank you for sharing him with us...
we cherish our memories.
Love to you all. Kendall, Micah, Mary and Mason Barnes,21 Nov 2007 As a former fellow employee on a public job with Mrs. Susie Mason, I think of her and her family often, and each of you remain in my prayers. Words typed here cannot convey the groan I feel in my spirit when I think of the loss of a child, and my heart continues to break for you. We MUST walk in the Spirit and I am certain we will see Chris again. Mr. Garland is doing a terrific job with this site, giving us who did not know Chris well a glimpse into this wonderful young man's life. He was truly an inspiration. To the memory of Chris I will say, "Thank you, sir, you have my utmost respect. America continues to be free." God Bless the U.S.A., God Bless our Military, and may God especially Bless the families of our fallen soldiers. - Lloyd Holston, 20 Nov 2007 I met Chris when he moved into my neighborhood over 15 years ago, his first year at BaKer high school. He was riding his bike while I was walking and he stopped to introduce hisself, he said his name was Chris, "but you can call me ED." I knew him as Ed for that summer,he could make anyone laugh. He was such a special person and loved to make people smile. He had a geniune characteristic about him that is hard to find so when I heard he was serving our country it made perfect sense, who else would or could do a better job! You will always be in my heart. My heart and prayers go out to his family. Always - Allyson (Pulley) Lester, Tue, 20 Nov 2007 Thank-You Chris and Jake for fighting for the freedom of our Country. Although I never met Chris I can understand your pain as I feel it daily with the loss of my Husband Jake. Thank-You for honoring the soldiers that have served and gave their lives for this country. Than-You for being there for me and offering such kind words when I so desperately need them. Your courage and strength keep me afloat when I sometimes feel I can no longer get myself out of bed. Your beautiful page has inspired me to go on and I know that Jake and Chris and so many others that will never come home are always with us. Shalom - Leah Martin, Tue, 20 Nov 2007 Cpl Mason was a true Hero. You all will be in my prayers. - Mandy Roberts, Tue, 20 Nov 2007 ED...
I am missing one of my best friends....
I have signed your guestbook several times. For some reason, I am always lost for words. It has almost been a year since you have been gone. A day doesnt go by that I dont think about you. I know I am still having a hard time dealing w/ you being gone. We were only close friends, I cannot even imagine what its like for your mother and father. My heart goes out to them and I keep them in my prayers...
I cherish and I am thankful that I was a part of your life and your families life, there were so many things I wish i could have said while you were here. The one of the last things that you said to me over the phone was you just wanted me to be happy. Thats one of the things that keeps me going everyday. Every time you would leave my house or office you would always say "I will see you later" w/ a huge smile on your face and i have the comfort in knowing that I will see you later, in Heaven. You have changed my life forever... I look at your myspace page and I have read through some of the messages in your guestbook. It is amazing how you have touched so many lives... people that you didnt even hardly know or knew at all are moved by your courage and strength. You are someone that I admire. Ed, you are a true example of a man and a man of God...You stood for something, like a solid Rock... To me, you saw things and people through the Lords eyes. You always saw the best in me no matter what I have done. My mother says you remind her of David, in the Bible, a man after our Fathers heart. Thank you for being here to make my world a better place for me and my family! I miss you and love you...
You are my hero... - Jenny Clewis, Tue, 20 Nov 2007 Robbie mariano was not my blood son ,,but no less a son and brother to my kids ..we took him in after his father kicked him to the street at 16 , until he enlisted inthe army ..he was always there to make his freinds laugh always the first to jump in and help fight ,,he was ajoy and minnie me fit him he was 5ft nothing ,,many years I woundered why he and his father could not get along ..he was a joy in my house I was mom and he was the other oldest ...saw him only two weeks prior to his death ,,his dad is a police officer and robbie wanted his dad to love him and respect him ,,thats why he joined hoping he could become a officer like his dad after serving ,,wanted his dad to be proud of him ...only after his death has his father and i have become freinds ...I feel the pain of his dad knowing that robbie lived with us and he lost those years to know the man robbie had become ..may god bless you always and keep there names alive,,,,never forget. Marie, 18 Nov 2007 I am a member of the MS PGR and was proud to have stood in the flag line for Chris' funeral. I also lost my son Chris, in a house fire in Oct 2005. It was after the funeral that I researched my family genealogy and found out that we are kin through Calderwood Mason. Contact me if you like and I wouold like to share our family history.
Live to Ride, Ride To Live....
Let's keep the memories alive...
til then.... - JD- SSG Jerry D. Mason, Sat, 17 Nov 2007 Thankyou from the bottom of my heart Cpl Chris for contributing to my light.I am completely in awe and totally speechless and touched in such a way from your being and your braveness. - Wendy Nash, Sat, 17 Nov 2007 Your myspace page is such a beautiful tribute to your son. I know that with the anniversary of his death approaching, it must be difficult for you. Please know that he did not die in vain...that he was fighting for our country and to do what he was called to do. Thank you for the sacrifices you made and continue to make every day. - Tina | www.myspace.com/tinamarie125, Fri, 16 Nov 2007 Annie and I found your website and spent hours just reading and watching all the videos and photos. It would have been wonderful to know your son but we wanted you to know we are also very proud of him and grateful for his sacrifice. We come from a Military family and as Annie's brother continues the tradition and trains as an Army Officer we pray he can take a little of Chris' spirit and attitude with him. As a Mom I pray my son is just as honorable and noble.Mary, Jim and Annie Davis - Annie and Mary www.myspace.com/anniedavis93, Fri, 16 Nov 2007 mr & mrs mason,
i never met chris but i know he was a great person he will never be forgotten for all that he has done he was here for a short time but he made one huge impact. he will always be remembered for everything he has done he is one very special person. - shelly matthews, Wed, 14 Nov 2007 I keep praying for Chris Mason's family...I know it is not easy to lose a child...even though i didn't...but i know many friends who have.........let the candles keep buring forever..for these brave men and women who fight for all of us..... - Bonnie Sponable, Wed, 14 Nov 2007 I personally never met Chris but I have worked with his brother Garland in the Volunteer Fire Department here in Mobile. From what I have read Chris was just like his brother, always willing to help and always had a caring attitude.
I know this is Chris's myspace, but there is another Hero that has not been given the honor as Chris, this is of no fault of Chris's family, I just wanted to mention him here if I could. This other hero is Sgt. Foster L. Harrington, 3rd Force Recon 4th marine Division, KIA-9/20/04. I was just hoping I could give him some Honor here since there hasn't been anything else set up for him. Our fire Dept miss's him greatly.
We have two respected individuals that have given their lives so we may continue to live free and both are missed dearly.
I am really encouraged to see a family such as the Mason's who have honored there son's service and did not set up a protest just to be seen on T.V.
The Mason family I salute you.
- Jason-Law, Wed, 14 Nov 2007 Though decades passed since I once served,
I still walk Freedoms Path
From it I have not swerved.
And as I walk along, beside me I do see,
The Souls of those who died'
Couse Freedom isn't free.
- Rev.Dr. Firen Skyshadow | www.myspace.com/dr2sky, Wed, 14 Nov 2007 Mr. Mason - to you and your family - my deepest gratitude for the ultimate sacrifice. I never knew Chris but with all the information, videos and pictures posted on his MySpace page and here at Image Event I feel that I have come to know him on a much deeper level than I could ever have in life. What an extraordinary man and what an extraordinary family. I cannot imagine the pain you, Chris' dear mother and brother had to endure at such a profound loss. But I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is most assuredly a warrior in God's army. I know his flame will burn bright into eternity and I know he sits at the right hand of his Savior. What a blessed feeling to have. And what comfort you must derive from knowing this. You and your wife are to be commended for raising such a devoted Christian and Patriotic son of the United States. My prayers and blessing to Garland III as he performs his duties in Iraq. May the good Lord bring him home safe and sound to his families loving arms. With deepest devotion and respect, - Starla (Ruth 1:16 MySpace), Mon, 12 Nov 2007 To Mr. Mason's parents: You so obviously raised a fine, fine man. I watched all the videos in awe. The courage with which he spoke, and the certainty he portrayed are rooted in his faith. I am so sorry for your loss. No words I can say will ever ease your pain, I know. But, my prayers are with you that you may find comfort some way. I can only hope and pray that I raise as fine a young man as you did. - Ashley Anders, Thu, 8 Nov 2007 Chris M.
That is the one word that describes how I feel right now most.
I guess I just should dive in...I haven't written in quite some time, as I am reminded by quite a few of you...It's just so sad the circumstances in which I have been compelled to log onto this site and write...
My friend has recently been killed. So many things fly thru my head all the time. It's kind of hard to find the time to sit and cry, honestly. I am consumed by so many moments. So many memories. His voice is one I'm surely never to forget. A life ended far too soon, in the eyes of most. To One, I guess he lived the life he was supposed to, however.
It just blows my mind. I thought about him just this week to the point, I said to myself, I need to e-mail him and check to see how he's doing. I am ashamed I haven't kept in touch with him the way I should have. The way a friend should. No, I'm not beating myself up over it or anything, don't worry. We both fell short on this part...I guess it could have been in the plan for me to suddenly be gone, just as well as him...Then, I'm sure he would be the one saying to someone, man, we were close at such and such time, I should have kept in contact more...Just pointing out, this, if for no other reason is like a sign with big, flashing lights that reads, "You only have so much time here--Make the most of it".
I feel fortunate enough to have been blessed to have been a part of his life and he a part of mine. It was just for a season, not so long ago, though...He helped me thru a tough time in my life, and yes, I did have a brief crush on him. I realized quickly, he wasn't for me. He was a better fit as a friend...
He was one that was the first to call a spade a spade. There was no gray area he would concern himself with. Black or white is all he saw. Such a good man. I can honestly say, I think he did the best he could with the life he was given, which, was filled with the love of those he surrounded himself with. Now that I think about it, he did live everyday like it was the last. Almost like he realized tomorrow really ISN'T guaranteed.
He was so firey! He was filled with so much life. He had charisma. He was smarter than most. He could quote scripture like nobody I have ever met in person. He could reference almost anything in the Bible. My living room on several occasions turned into some sort of faith based counseling office. He would sit on one couch and I would lay on the other and he would quote scripture and turn to a many of stories, parables, and other scriptures that just fit the moment. God truly broke the mold after him...
I feel I have lost a wonderful friend of the heart, and for those of you who never had the pleasure of knowing him, or loving him, you really missed out. He made no excuses.
The peace I honestly have is this: He was one that loved and believed in God. I wonder what his last words were. I wonder what the last conversation he had. I wonder if he woke up that morning feeling a little differently about things, not really understanding what it was he was feeling. I wonder who the last person he thought about might have been. I know he wasn't alone. I know God was waiting to accept him into the home I know he was willing to go to whenever it was time...
Bless you, Chris...You will be remembered always. I never thought to say thank you for everything he said to me...I hope he can somehow know what I am thinking or feeling right now, and that he gets it...I'm trying my best to keep my head up and keep his attitude about all of this...Life goes on, remember he's where he needs to be, where he wants to be, where he lived his life knowing that's where he would end up anyway...He wouldn't want anyone to skip a beat over this. He was that kind of guy...The kind that wouldn't want you pouting things away...
I'll always remember his advice, attitude, and love he showed me constantly... -Carla, Thu, 8 Nov 2007 Another good man won't come home. My heart goes out to your family. Chris this old paratrooper salute's you. You gave all. Bob - Kingsport,TN Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. God Bless and Rest In Peace Cpl. Chris Mason. A True Hero.
-Tracy & Jim, Mon, 5 Nov 2007 Nov 4 2007
A wise man named Chris told me this-
“May the wind always be on your back and the sun upon your face and may the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.”
This is something that keeps me going, everyday. -Sophia Thank you for raising such an awesome young man. I watched the video where he was talking at his church about living a life for the Lord and it touched my soul. He had such a good sense of humor and in some places reminded me of my boys. My son is coming home in two weeks and I am so thankful. What an honor it is to say "Thank you" to your son for giving it all. Freedom is not free. God bless you for honoring your son with the myspace of which I am honored to be listed as a friend. - Kayla Watson, Sun, 4 Nov 2007 My husband will always remember Mason. He was over there with Chris. He flew home with Chris for leave (Oct 06) and it was then that I heard some great stories about this wonderful person whom I will never get to meet, and I am deeply saddened over this. I never met him, but I will never forget him. It would be this past week that Chris would be coming home with the rest of the guys. It was this past week that my husband came home. I couldn't help but think of Chris and the other soldiers that were not on those flights home. When I saw that plane land, I couldn't help but cry... I cried for Mason, I cried for Watts, I cried for Bento, I cried for Heringes, I cried for Palmer, I cried for Sigua, I cried for Knier, I cried for Arvanitis, and I cried for all the other soldiers that could not make it back. I felt so much agony, sadness, and the tears just came down. I wish things could be different and the soldiers could have all come home. I wish I could have met them. My husband misses Mason alot. I never met Chris, but I will never forget him. He will live on in my husbands heart and my mine. Our thoughts will always have Chris in them and our prayers will always have Chris' family in them. There is no justice when it comes to the loss of a soldier like Chris. My husband and I will be making a trip to visit Mason's bridge and his grave site. We want to honor him and will always remember him. Jason wants to do something to honor his memory so I told him what better way to do that then to name our first son after him - Christopher Mason it is... We only hope our son will grow up to be like Chris - a thoughtful, funny, amazingly spirited, honorable soldier. God Bless Chris and the Mason family... our thoughts and prayers will always be with Chris and the Mason family. Love the Russell's. - Dawn Russell, Sat, 3 Nov 2007 Well, I knew it would be hard but I finally made myself read through the websites in honor of Chris. My response? I don't have one. I'm speechless. All I can think of is: "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends...For it is for freedom that Christ has set us free." Thank you Chris for paying the highest possible price. I look forward to meeting you. - Alisa www.southalabamafca.org Sat 3 Nov 2007 My husband and I watched your videos, read your pages, and looked at your pictures of Chris. He seems like an extraordinary young man that I know you are tremendously proud of. Even though I didn't know him, he makes me extremely proud to be an American. His positive attitude, great spirit, and religious beliefs should be what our country stands for. Each and every one of us as Americans should feel great pride that we have people like your son fighting for our freedom each and every day. My husband was in the Army in the first gulf war, and my son is in the Air Force for his 5th year. My daughter-in-law's brother is in Iraq in the Army as we speak. Also, my brother-in-law is a Sr. Master Sgt. in the Air Force. I am very proud of them all! I am so sorry for your great loss, but very sure that Chris defended our country with great pride and conviction, just as I know you are. I thank God everyday for all the brave men and women that risk their lives for our freedom and the freedom of others. Thank you for giving us a glimpse of what your son was all about. Sending prayers and love to you from WV. -Debbie & Keith Hellems, Sat, 3 Nov 2007 After spending a long time reading through Chris' myspace page, watching the videos and listening to people speak about him, I am left with a hollow feeling. I am one of those that didn't personally know Chris, but I think I would have loved to know that bright, upbeat young man! I am so sorry for the loss of your son...words fail me. I'm sorry. I should be able to say something to you to make a difference, but I can't. The only thing I know for sure is that Chris left his mark here on earth and without a doubt is in heaven watching over all of us. God bless you, his family, and know that he will never be forgotten! Many thanks, Chris...I'm so proud of you! - Terri Chambers, Fri, 2 Nov 2007 i can't even begin to imagine the pain and horror of losing a son. mere words are completely inadequate to express my sympathy and my gratitude. this young man set an example of humility, courage and honor that every american should aspire to; i can only wish that i had a fraction of his fortutude. - ronald fischer | www.baitshopboyz.com, Fri, 2 Nov 2007 I THINK I HAD THE PLEASURE OF MEETING YOUR SON IN IRAQ. I AM VERY SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS, MAY THE GOOD LORD BE WITH YOU & YOUR FAMILYAND KNOW THAT CHRIS IS WATCHING OVER YOU NOW AND IS PROUD OF WHAT YOU ARE CONTINUING TO DO. OUR CANDLE WILL BURN FOR CHRIS ON OUR MYSPACE. AND WE WILL HIS MYSPACE AS YOU CAN OURS. HE WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN.. GOD BLESS.. - Sgt Good & Family, Fri, 2 Nov 2007 Nov 3, 2007
I still remember the last time I saw you...lol In the nail shop beside Win Dixie on Cottage Hill...you gave me crap as you ALWAYS did since high school....always laughin...:) I am SOOO happy that your family and friends have honored you! Your life and your memory will live on forever...We all lost so many friends the year you left...I had swore to my family that I WAS DONE WITH DEATH and would not attend not one more service that year...I did not think I could handle it...I had not attended one funeral before Matt, in I could not tell you how many years...It's like his death started the worse year of my life in funerals?...BUT I could not and did not end it without saying goodbye to you...I came to the same place I put Matt to rest to say good bye to you, same room (weird):) You were always a smile on my face since high school...just bein you...then we had the military in common after...it takes a certain mind set to know that you are doing what you HAVE to do...you smile and send pics home but you miss home...You are brave, respected, and thanked...especially from me and my family...Semper Fi...Rest in peace!
p.s. and don't be giving the angels up there no trouble...:) - Mwah ~A~ Thank you for providing a place to keep Chris' memory alive for all who knew him or would have been privileged to know him. Thank you for honoring your son's memory and what he stood for. Because of men and women like Chris, we are free today. Freedom is NOT free!GOD Bless you, Beti - Beti Ryan-Mercer | http://vetstribute.com, Fri, 2 Nov 2007 NEVER FORGETTING TOGETHER!
Mr. Mason,
With everything going on in the news and then seeing the welcome home the PBR gave to some soldiers here in Las Vegas... I could not help but to start thinking about your son. With your permission, I would like to wear a patch on my vest in honor of your son.
I have a heavy schedule tomorrow, so is there a number that my good friend Lloyd Wideman may call you at tomorrow? His number is 636-***-*** please call him at your convenience tomorrow (Tuesday). I want to do this and I know that Lloyd can help us as he will be available thru the day to help.
We want to create a decal that I can place on the riding vest starting on Thursday for round 4 of the World Finals.
It is the least I can do to pay my respect to a man who not only saved the lives of many of his Cowboy brothers... but also of his fellow soldiers and Americans.
Thank you! Tony Mendes - www.trymendes.com - PBR Bull Rider Oct 30, 2007
My name is candy and i worked at kim's alterations in fayetteville, i'm really happy there's a site dedicated to mason. i remember him coming into our shop and he was just so funny and always made my boss and i laugh...he was a very charming man, i didn't know him for very long but i'll never forget... Candy When you say sweet dreams and hold your child tight, spare a thought for those who wont tuck in their kids tonight. When you sit down with your family to enjoy a home cooked dinner. Pray for the ones scared and eating rations in a tiny desert bunker. When you hit the snooze button to get a few extra winks. Think of those in iraq who havnt slept in weeks. When your not up for work because of a big night before. Hope for the safety of soldiers fighting another mans war. They dont do it for money its just not their way. Its not even for glory they just do it anyway. They are living in a place you cant even imagine. Fighting for survival and for our freedom. People go out and protest but they dont really care about what our boys and girls are doing over there. Five minutes on tv is all those bludgers want, while overseas our heroes are just tryin to do their job. They are the fearless who will take the stand. The brave men and women who defend our great land. So when you bow your head and clamp your hands tight, pray for those soldiers to make it safely through the night.
(C) Dean Morgan 11/6/07 Hi, my name is Jodi and I met Chris back when we were in school. He dated my friend Summer. Through the years I would run into Chris and the last time was at the fair 2006. He was with his family and never failed to speak if he saw me. Your son was absolutely without a doubt one of the finest human beings on this earth. I am very thankful to have known him personally and want you to know that if nothing else you can rest asure that you have raised two of the finest sons ever! I pray for your family and the safety of our soilders. GOD BLESS THE USA!
Jodi Matthews-O'Brien, Mon, 29 Oct 2007 I am a member of the Patriot Guard Riders and an ordained minister...I was asked to approve a comment on my MySpace page containing a video of Chris. I did not approve it. Instead, I placed the video on my site permanently. The caption above the video reads, "A tribute to a fallen hero. I did not know Chris Mason, I wish I did. One day, I will meet him, shake his hand, and thank him for his sacrifice." May the peace of God comfort you and the power of God sustain you.
Don Geser | http://www.myspace.com/gizzmo_rides, Mon, 29 Oct 2007 Chris was a great man. When I came to 1-505 PIR he was one of the first people I remember meeting, and every memory of him after that has him either smiling or laughing, he always had a great attitude. I can also remember the day I heard about his death, and I just couldn't believe it. May he rest in peace and know he will never be forgotten.
Franklin Ferretti, Sat, 27 Oct 2007 I'm am sorry Chris had to die. He looks like a fine boy. The world will never be the same without him. I would like to thank him for what he was and what he did for me.
- Billy Vinson Murfreesboro Tennessee Fri, 26 Oct 2007 ..
Lori(Trouble)from MySpace sent these wonderful flowers to be placed on Chris' headstone (Oct 26) - Thank you Lori, his mom cut and placed the flowers in place, the same as you have done since Chris' death.


My Interests

PBR Professional Bull Rider:
"Tony Mendes"
rides"PBR World Finals"
in honor of Cpl Chris Mason
........CLICK HERE TO READ STORY - "Tony Mendes" web site.
Let Us Pray (Start Here)

Add The Above Prayer To Your Profile

Last Picture of Chris - 11-28-2006 - The night he gave his life for freedom.

Chris Mason's brother, Chaplain Garland Mason (Now serving in Iraq), speaks about Chris.Chris Mason's Memorial Video

In 2002-2003 Chris was selected as
“Citizen of the Year”
by the Mobile County Sheriff's Office.

Remembering A Fallen Hero Chris Mason
Clipping from local newspaper.
Mason family praying with the President in honor of Cpl Chis Mason.What CNN Chose to say About Chris Mason; Now the rest of the story.
This photo is a frame extracted from a short video of the president and Chris at Fort Bragg. Chris was so excited about meeting the president and having this photo,but he was unhappy that he never got a hard copy of the picture.

Chris and President George W. Bush meet: 6-28-05 Chris was killed 11-28-06

PRCA Bullfighter Chris Mason-A US Paratrooper in Iraq

"Sixteen Days Before His Death Cpl Chris Mason Speaks About The War, Freedom, and America"
Chris and His Brothers in Iraq 2006.
The Day We Got The Word of Chris' death-Nov 29, 2006:
Cpl Chris Mason KIA Iraq Nov 2006

Chris with Iraq Soldiers - 3 or 4 of the Iraq soldiers pictured in this photo had been killed before Chris lost his life in November.

Where Chris Came From.
Chris In Iraq 2006 on a cold night in November

Chris In Iraq 2006 getting ready for a mission at FOB Summerall

The Night Chris Came Home to us, just another cold night, only not in Iraq


Chris In Iraq on break

The Day We Sent Chris Home To Wait For Us

My wife and I stand at my son's grave site 02-20-2007.

PBR Riders at Chris' funeral - They were there during our darkest moments - Thank you Brothers and Sisters

LINK TO: The Patriot Guard Riders at Chris's funeral.

This is Chris's mom uncovering the name plate. 12-2006

Mobile Bridge Named In Honor Of Cpl Chris Mason LINK TO: Bridge Dedicated to Fallen Soldier: Cpl Chris Mason.

PRCA Bullfighter "Chris Mason" (Photo courtesy of CBS)

PRCA Bullfighter Chris Mason killed in Iraq War 2006

Clipping from newspaper found in Chris's belongings..."The heart of a Bullfighter, the spirit of a Warrior". Chris Mason 1996-2005 PRCA Bullfighter/Cowboy Protection.

Chris doing his job "Cowboy Protection" 1996-2005 PRCA Bullfighter. Clipping from newspaper found in Chris's belongings after his death in 2006.

Chris in the Bullfight - Hurly Mississippi 1995-96 1

Chris in the Bullfight - Hurly Mississippi 1995-96 2

Chris Mason (Cowboy) as guest on WKSJ-FM Breakfast Club, Mobile, Alabama

Chris and his Jack Russell dog Buttons
Not sure of year,(maybe 1997-98) but location is George County Mississippi.

2002 Triathlon Pelican Point Alabama
Chris Horse Riding, Fort Bragg NC

Chris and Rupert (the sandwich shop) from the David Lettermen Show 2005
Chris used this truck to train students at Bishop State Community College

Truck Chris Drove OTR to help earn a living.

My reply to who is my hero? I am with him now "God".
Chris Off Duty 2005

MEMORIAL WEBSITE: http://imageevent.com/firebase/videos

I'd like to meet:

Oct 22, 2007 9:24 PM
Mr. Mason
I hope you are doing well. Not a day goes by that we do not think of you and your wife. I try to come to your site often just to read about Chris and look at the new photos you post. I miss him so much.
I wanted to let you know that our new addition is expected Christmas Day. We are having a boy and his name is Walter Mason Pugh. He will grow up hearing stories of Chris and the Mason family. We will bring him to meet you as soon as possible.
Please let us know how you are doing and keep in touch.
We love and miss you all.
God bless,
The Pughs Oct 22, 2007 5:06 PM
I'm moved to tears, thank you for adding me, and sharing this wonderful human being with me, and with all my friends on my site. Words can't even express how moved I am, that this HERO, has changed our lives forever....I truly will cherish his note, that is beautiful..I'll place it in my bible..
I would like to place Chris on my slides..with his other brothers, that have fallen...to pay tribute to them, where others who serve and have lost a loved one..may sit in honor. Please let me know if that would be ok.
..Take care, your baby boy, was raised to be a HERO...x Oct 22, 2007 2:46 PM
REV. THOMPSON BURNSIDE "Your Grandfather ;s would be so proud of you Chris. You are in Heaven with them now and I am sure you and them are having a great time together.You are missed by me and others. thanks for the freedom that you gave to us .".
I am not sure who is running this site but I want to send my deepest sympathies to you and your family. My husband was in Alpha Company with Chris and he came over to our apartment a few times to hang out and bbq. He was so funny as I loved his accent. I wish I could say I didnt know how you were feeling and what you were going through but unfortunately my husband was killed in Action in Iraq on September 24th just 4 weeks before all our boys in 1-505 were due home. I will be praying for you and your family and I am hoping the pain is getting easier to handle.
- God Bless.
Colleen Bento wife of Cpl Anthony Bento Oct 18 2007 I will never forget this "man called Chris". When we were young and I was an outcast, he was my friend. As I can see was a precursor to what he would become, a true hero. Without Chris Mason, I would have become everything I dislike,.. prejudice.Like Christ, he was all giving, honorable, and kind. Until we meet again, my good friend! ! - Andy (MySpace) Hey there. Just wanted to drop you guys a line to let you know I have been thinking about you all and continuously praying for Garland. I was driving home this evening and Ed was weighing heavy on my mind (as he had been all day). Today was an unusual day as I just couldn't get him out of my mind. Then I realized why! If my memory serves me correctly, it was exactly one year ago tonight that I last saw him. This was the night I gave him the blue bracelet to wear back to Iraq (the one to remind him that "Someone who works at Atlantic Marine" loved him. When it was time for him to go, he walked to the door we hugged and I said, "bye." He looked at me and said "I don't say bye, I say see ya later." He walked to his truck and came half way back and looked at me and told me how proud he was of me and said, "girl, you know you got it goin' on, don't you? You should be very proud of what you have accomplished, don't ever let anyone tell you any different." I thanked him for his compliment and for being so sweet and told him to call me before he left Mobile. Not knowing that would be the last time I would see him face to face on this earth, I yelled, "I am praying for you and I love you, see you when you get home!" I just want you all to know how very much I miss him! I know you all do, too! I know we will see him again one day at our real home, Heaven! I love you guys! Jenn October 15, 2007 Chris.......I miss you brother and I pray every day that you watch over the boys and families like I know you watch over me. I will never forget you and I am proud to have served with you. I will always carry you in my heart like a brother should. God bless you Chris. Rudy, Oct 15, 2007 Mr. Mason, My husband is a soldier and we had the pleasure of meeting Chris at a friend's wedding in May 2006. Chris was a groomsman and spent the night charming the hearts of all the women in the room. I kept cracking up at this soldier who kept asking all the mommas to dance. There were plenty of young single girls and Chris danced with the moms all night long. I thought to myself, this boy must love his mom because of how he was charming all the older ladies in the room. It was an honor to meet him. I am even more pleased to know we have a shared faith in Christ. He is in the presence of the Holy One and is sure to be in awe of our Glorious King. Blessings. - Kelly Robinson,14 Oct 2007 Chris, No greater sacrifice can a human give. As a Baker alumni, I feel very unfortunate not to have known you during your time on this earth. I sit here at Fort Hood, Tx, waiting for a plane to take me on my second trip to the desert, and my sides shack and eyes water as I read about the awesome impact you made on those who were blessed to know you. When our Lord calls me home, I can only hope I have done his work as it appears you have. - WO1 Jeff Dolan,Army 13 Oct 2007 Chris, thank you for defending our great country...I am the mom of a soldier...I am proud of you...and your life goes on to witness to everyone who passes by........your life is a living testimony.......of the difference Christ can make in a life...In life or in death...VICTORY...your life was lived to the fullest...you completed the race...you received the prize...I love you and look forward one day to that family reunion...Thank you little brother, sincerely the mom of another soldier, Betty Snyder-www.myspace.com/me4jc ,7 Oct 2007 Chris, I come here as often as I can. How do I say thank you? For giving your life for me? The love you showed in life is still here I feel it. Christ soldier now .Some one I never knew, but love.Gave his life for me, for so many. Following Christ example . Champion , soldier, hero.It is as though you are still fighting the fight for us even now . One day in that heavenly place I will be able to say Thank you. And hug you. God bless you Garland and Susie. lOVE lIBBY - Libby | WWW.MYSPACE/lIBBYSME, Sun, 7 Oct 2007 9:11AM Another sky trooper reports... I don't know you or Chris, had some friends in the 82nd long time ago when I first started out in the military. good people... I am deeply sorry for his passing, but I am sure that he's on watch upstairs now doing his best to look after those who are driving on in this madness. I've spent the last hour looking over the page... and I think I've finaly let the walls down and let out alot of emotions from my own personal time in iraq and other places remembering those men i loved and still do love. I wish I could have met chris.. just but what I've read he was one of those special people, I'll get the chance when I make final muster. anyways.. I've rambled enough. Outstanding page for Chris Respectfull and Humble Chris DH RLTW Hi Mr. Mason, I was listening to the radio the other day and heard a song, and it reminded me of Chris. I cried! and always do everytime I hear it. Its the song by Tim Mcgraw called "I'm Already Home"(?) I think thats the title. You may or may not have heard it. At first I hated it because it was sad and made me cry thinking of Chris, but in a way its comforting to listen to it. I truly believe its 'Chris' all the way in that song. I just thought I'd share that. And to let you know, watching the videos and looking at the profile, i find helping the healing process! I wasn't dealing with it very well at first, but its getting better and better each day! I just miss him and still love him very much! as I'm sure you all do as well! Well, God bless and take care! Joshua 1:9 - Tiffany Moore It was indeed an honor to have met the family at the Airborne & Special Operations Museum yesterday, of this fine young man, who so represented our country in such a fine manor, through his devotion in serving it, honoring it & giving his life for it. Thanks for sharing his web page & I shall share it with those Patriots that I know will appreciate it as well. I shall continue to honor him & those that fought before him & continue to do so, by volunteering at a very special place, a cathedral to so many, the Airborne & Special Operations Museum, THE LEGEND LIVES ON. Cynthia Burnham, Mon, 1 Oct 2007 Chris and i were friends in high school. words can never express my gratitude for the sacrifice he made. I miss you and i pray for your family everyday. see you in heaven buddy - your friend always - katrina willard cooley, Wed, 26 Sep 2007 This man is amazing. he did a fine job for his country and for the people of iraq. a Godly person. it's sad that he was taken, but it was for a greater cause. people have come to know the Lord because of chris. he's a special person. Paratroopers never die, we just slip away. see you on the DZ brother. AA ALL THE WAY!! smiles187 Mr. Garland & Mrs. Suzie, I think of you all everyday, and I miss Chris terribly. I love you dearly, Shana Sep 23 2007 Hey thanks for the add, I believe what he said with my whole being. I think it stems back to all the people that started this country, and what they believed in. Thats God. eldon Sep 23 2007 Chris must have been a remarkable person. Only people with a great understanding of life and the meaning of that life could have uttered those words. I know you treasure your memories. Rest well this evening. I am honored to be apart of your friends. salt Sep 23 2007 I just wanted you to know that I visit this page every day because I am so moved by what you have done for your son. I would feel honored if you could email me the lyrics to the song for Chris. It is a beautiful song. My email address is ******@yahoo.com. Thank you so much for sharing. I would have loved to have known your son. Thank you again. MiMi Sep 23, 2007 CHRIS, I THANK U FOR ALL U DO. AS I READ UR PAGE I CAN TELL U ARE A WONDERFUL PERSON MY PRAYERS ARE WITH U AND UR FAMILY AND FRIENDS shelly Sep 22 2007 7:22P Chris is with me in my heart...I miss him but the memories awlays make me smile. I'm praying for his family and fellow soldiers as well as the rest of us. Thank you Mr. Garland for keeping this sit going. nikki Sep 22 2007 Hello, I just wanted to "introduce" myself! I met Chris back in 1998 when he was traveling with the Barnes' Rodeo Co. I live in PA. and our farm was a stopping place for the stock, so Chris and the other guys would stay at our place for a night or so. They loved coming here and getting a homecooked meal and swimming in our pool! I remember one time, Chris was sick and had a fever, and STILL went swimming.(He was crazy like that). After 1999, he didn't travel back here with the Barnes', and we never saw him since. I didn't find out about Chris' death until March 2007, when a mutual friend, Jesse Knudsen, told me after I asked how Chris' had been doing. I was devastated when I heard the news, wishing that I had tried to keep better contact with him through the years. My sister and Chris had actually gone out a time or two. So we both miss him very much! We went to see the Barnes this past August, and during the Grand Entry of the performance, they did a tribute to Chris. It was beautiful. And I loved watching the videos of Chris that you posted. Well, I just wanted to extend my sympathy and let you know that even way up here in PA. Chris E. Mason was TRULY LOVED and will ALWAYS be remembered!
Sep 17, 2007 - Tiffany Moore Although I Never Met You, You've lived within my heart; The moment you chose to take your stand, To make a difference and take part. You put on a uniform You wore it proud and true; The fabric of our Country Wasn't completed without you. You made sure I'd sleep and dream. Under the protection of your hand, With respect, honor and loyalty, While you stood on foreign land. This poem may not be the greatest gift for all you've done, you see; But it's my way of saying "Thank You, Chris, For loving and keeping me free.:::You Will Forever Live In My Heart::: For CPL Chris Mason KIA IRAQ November 28, 2006.. Written By Tammie M. Corbett - September 14, 2007 "Cpl. Chris Mason" - Before you were even a glisten in your mom, or daddy’s eye - God held you tightly in his hands - Beyond the earth, and sky - When God gave you this earth - to grow upon this land - you allowed us to hear our Freedom ring - and United we would stand. - Because of your courage - I have the strength to go on everyday. - To live life to the fullest, and to bow my head to pray. - Before I say goodbye my friend - I just want you to know - That you are missed by everyone, and we still love you so. June 13, 2007 - Ashleigh** To My Dear Friend You Will NEVER Be Forgotten. I met Chris back in 1994 where he was one of my students in the Truck Driving School at Bishop State Community College. Chris was very funny and polite person. You could tell he had a very good up-bringing. Chris was also VERY good behind the wheel of an 18 wheeler. Chris was a NATURAL, and in the end Chris was probably as good with a truck as I am. I watched Chris grow as a Driver and I learned a hell of a lot from him. The way he was with people and how he could make his fellow students laugh and even taught them a thing or too. Chris went to work driving and was great at it. So in 2001 I asked Chris to come back to Bishop State Community College as a teacher in the Truck Driving Program but it was only part time. Chris did and was great at it. Students loved him and the times they spent with him. They still come back and brag about the things Chris taught them and the things that happened while they where in school. Chris asked me how he could become a full time instructor. I told him that he needed to get a degree and he started right away working on that. Going back to school at Bishop State Community College. Chris and I also worked part-time for another trucking company A.S.A.P. Transportation and Horizon Freight services. We teamed loads all over the country together when we had time off from Bishop State Community College. We had a lot of fun together doing this and Chris loved it. Chris told me one day at work that there was something he had to do while he still could. He was getting older and time was running out. Chris loved what he was doing at Bishop State Community College but there was something he had to do. That was Join the Army that’s where his heart was, in the military. He told me that his Father and his brother where both in the Army and he felt a strong need to follow in there foot steps. Chris looked up to his Father and talked about him quiet often even brought me stuff from his Father. I never met the man in person until after Chris passed away. But I felt I new him. Chris’s father would send me stuff that he put together off the internet and CD’s he made. I could tell Chris loved his dad very much.. Brad They say that time makes it easier and the coping gets better, but honestly I don't see it happening any time soon. I miss you more and more each day. I know you're with me everywhere I go and I know you see the good moments. I know you'll be there in spirit on May 3rd when I get married. A candle will be lit in honor and memory of you. You are the best friend anyone could have and that's why you are loved so very much. - Jennifer Farmer, Mon, 10 Sep 2007 I didn't even know Chris, but Thank You for fighting for us. You were a true soldier. I will praying for the family and friends and fellow soldiers still fighting the war. THANK YOU Chris...for fighting for our freedom. - Denise Dunn, Sun, 2 Sep 2007 It's tough praying for our enemies, Lord. What would you have us do with people who would rather cut off our children's heads than suffer our liberty of conscience? - Earl Joseph Testy www.spaces.live.msn.com/testymoni, Wed, 15 Aug 2007 Thank you, Chris. - Homer Wentz Jr., Sat, 11 Aug 2007 My heart can only express my feelings toward your family. My mind cannot convey to my fingers the words to say. I have three sons and a daughter who i pray show the courage your son beheld. My families prayers are with you and we send our love. Remember dear Mason family. "Be not weary in well doing for in due season you shall reap if ye faint not." I look forward to meeting your son Chris one day. God bless and keep you and comfort you. love barry & Family - Barry Honeycutt, Wed, 18 Jul 2007 Memorial Day and the 4th of July have a new meaning for me this year. Thank you for fighting for our freedom, Ed. I miss you and love you always. Jenny - jenny, Thu, 5 Jul 2007 I never met Chris but I am touched and moved by his words and his faith. I thank god for placing him here. I thank his family for raising him to be such an outstanding man. I will stay in the fight for as long as needed to help make his vison for Iraq true. I only hope to live up to the standard he set for us as paratroopers. God bless you Chris and god bless America! STRIKE HOLD! - SSG Seanessey O'Dowd, Fri, 29 Jun 2007 Today is the day that we all celebrate the day our Lord and Savior brought you into this world. Today is a day filled with wonderful memories, filled with tears of joy because you are in heaven and filled with tears of sadness because we all miss you so much. You made my world a brighter and more positive place. You have made an indescribable impact on my life and for that I thank you and celebrate you on this day - the day you were born.
Happy Birthday to my Handsome Cowboy, my Favorite Clown, my Hero and my Angel!
I'll see you at the Gates! Love ~ Your Boo Boo - Jennifer Farmer, Wed, 13 Jun 2007
Remembering you Christopher on your birthday and every day. I miss you so much! Thank you for the times we shared. I will forever hold you close to my heart. Until we meet again... - Jennifer, Wed, 13 Jun 2007 I love and miss you so much! - Carla, Tue, 12 Jun 2007 Mr. and Mrs. Mason, I served with Chris in A co. 1/505 PIR for 12 months before I was assigned to 10th Mountain. He was close to me like me own brothers. I still remember how excited he was to meet Pres. Bush. For several days he said he was going to tell him "To go ahead and send us on over, that way we can get this war done and over. I'm ready to go and I'm taking my platoon with me." He is a great man, an amazing soldier. Chris' memory will always live "All the way". H-Minus -Sgt. Jeremy Ziegler, Sat, 26 May 2007 Chris, Each day when I awake, I am greeted with a smile in my thoughts from you. I cherish every moment you and I had together. When you gave me your dog tags in July of 2006 you asked me to keep them close to my heart. Chris, I still keep them close to my heart each and every moment. I rub my fingers across them so many times a day as I see your beautiful smile in my mind. I thank the sweet Lord above each day for allowing me to make such perfect memories with you. I feel you with me wherever I go and I never have fear, for I know that you are my guardian angel watching over me. I love you with all of me heart and I miss you so terribly. - Sincerely, Tammy Sue (Bratt, FL)- Tammy Amerson, Fri, 25 May 2007 I just wanted to say how sorry that I was to hear about Chris. I never got the chance to really know Chris as well as some others but what I did know of him he was a wonderful person. We went to Baker together during the 7-9 grade. He was a special person. Once again I am so sorry for your loss. - Lisa Powers Johnson, Thu, 24 May 2007 Hi Garland - This is Kelly from Opration Celebration on MySpace. Thanks again for sharing your memories of Chris with us. I wanted to share with you a poem that I wrote for my friend Karen...in memory of her son Gavin who is also one of our fallen heroes. I hope you find the comfort that I found when I wrote it: Gone But Not Forgotten - Written In Loving Memory of Gavin Reinke -By Kelly DeBardelaben, 24 March 07 - Gone but not forgotten - He leaves behind a hole - Gone but not forgotten - He lives deep inside our souls - Gone but not forgotten - His flame will never die - Gone but not forgotten - Because we keep the memories alive - (((((((((GARLAND))))))))))) - Love in Christ - Kelly DeBardelaben Sat, 28 Apr 2007 Dear Sir, I first wanted to tell you that Im sorry about your loss. I remember a couple days after it happened my husband called me and was really upset about what had happened. He and Mason were good friends. Mason was the only one that didnt give Tanner to much crap about me. He was happy for us. Tanner was actaully going to ask mason to be a groomsman in our big wedding but now we will be lighting a memorial candle for Mason. From what Tanner told me about him he seemed like a wonderiful man. Its a ashame that I never got to meet him. Tanner said I would have really like Mason. He said he always knew how to make him laugh when he needed. I hope you dont mind that i am sending the link to this site to my husband. I know he would like this website because he doesnt have many pictures of mason. Once again Im sorry for your loss. - Diane Edgecomb, Fri, 27 Apr 2007 Dear Sir,
I sit here not believing how I found this beautiful tribute to a Hero for all of us. I live in Hurley MS my husband works off of Schillinger Rd in Mobile, when I read and heard about Chris's death I cried, I read the story to my son hes 20 years old. I cried for a young life so dedicated and gone, for a parents worst nightmare come true, I cried because the day is not as bright when the world loses someone like your son.
God Bless you and your family I know God lead me to this site it had to be His will there is no other way I would have found it while on Christianforms.com I can still say thank you to Chris for being my hero for standing for everything I belive in for giving it all just so I can be free, I do not take this forgranted. My nephew is in Iraq right now this is his third time he has seven weeks left.
God Bless you my prayers go up for you. I will never forget Chris or your tribute. - Betty, Tue, 10 Apr 2007 This Easter Sunday has held more meaning to me than those of the past. Why you might ask? Because this Easter was the first of many that I will have without Ed. Knowing that Jesus Christ died so that we may accept him into our lives for salvation and eternal life in Heaven has taken on a new and profound meaning to me. It means that I am much more grateful now than I have ever been in the past. Although I hurt daily and yearn to see Ed, hug him and talk to him; knowing that he accepted Christ's salvation and is now with our Lord and Savior gives me peace. This peace still does not take away the tears and the pain; but I can say this....it makes me much more thankful to God for sending his only son to die for our sins. I am also thankful that my friend (Ed) was raised by such wonderful, Christian parents who raised him in a loving, Christian home and instilled Christian morals and values in him. I thank the Lord for my salvation and long to see Jesus' face. I remember the many times Ed called me and was singing the song "I Can Only Imagine."
That was one of his favorite songs.
We owe a debt to the United States military for their courageous service. The greatest thing a person can give is his life. There have been millions of soldiers like Ed who have laid down their lives for the freedom and safety of our country. Just as soldiers have given their lives for America, Christ laid down his life for the world.Every day soldiers put their lives in danger for our freedom. Yet, more dangerous than losing a life is losing a soul. I am thankful that Ed's soul was not lost. I know Ed is now an Angel in Heaven and long for the day that I see him standing at the gates along side Jesus to welcome me in! - Jennifer Farmer, Sun, 8 Apr 2007 10:13PM "All the Way!" God has formed his ranks of Guardian Angels, and he has asked Cpl. Mason to lead a squad. God Bless your family. Sincerely, - (formerly) Spc. Escobar D co. 3/505 PIR 82nd Airborne Div. '86-'89 Infantry - John Escobar, Sun, 8 Apr 2007 8:44AM I woke up on Easter morning and came across this page (from a question you had posted about Orthodoxy). Wow. What more meaningful gift could God have handed to me on Easter morning, than to have found this amazing page featuring your beautiful and precious boy, who is now a true American martyr and saint. May God assure you minute by minute that this boy is a saint in heaven, and that you will spend eternity smiling and laughing with him in the presence of the Lord he died for. - Beth Drennan | www.chilidogma.com, Sun, 8 Apr 2007 I am absolutely in awe of your son and would like to thank you for raising such a fine young man. He is a true inspiration to us all, and I know you are very proud of him. I "happened" upon his info while doing a google search for Romans 8:38-39 "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." There is no such thing as coincidence. God is so good, and I know that one day I will get to meet your son in Heaven. Thank you again for sharing his story. - Sandy J. Ledbetter, Thu, 5 Apr 2007 9:54PM I just want to say how Chris was an example to all,I only wish I had known him.Thankyou for sharing with us those videos and photos.He is an inspiration to all and that will never end.God bless you and comfort you with his everlasting arms underneath you.All my love to you. - Helen Roweth, Mon, 2 Apr 2007 10:24AM Mr Mason, Thank you for raising such a fantastic young man. Chris understood what he was fightig for. I especially found his quote, "Where Freedom goes the Gospel is soon to follow". That is why the Islamic Terrorists are fighting so hard to keep Iraq in chaos to prevent Freedom from growing in Iraq. I also enjoyed watching Chris compete in his bull fighting competitions. "The Glory in life shall go to those who enter the arena. If they fail at least they fail while daring to be great. Their place in life will NEVER be among those cold timid souls that know not victory or defeat." "Glory is forever". God Bless Corporal Chris Mason. Thank You for sharing the videos with all of us. - Andy Stewart | http://libertarianamerican.blogspot.com/, Mon, 2 Apr 2007 Mr. and Mrs. Mason, you raised a wonderful son and you must be very proud of him for everything that he did during his life. Thank you for sharing with us this information about Chris. He obviously loved life and had a good time. It had to be a joy for everyone to be around him at the cafe, rodeo, at church and in Iraq. His testimonies about his faith as a Christian and his belief in his country were also quite moving. - Dean Stewart, Sun, 1 Apr 2007 Mr. Mason I saw a thread on the above website about the video posted on YouTube. A belated expression of sympathy for your loss; America needs more brave individuals who will give selflessly of themselves even when life hands them lemons. The fact that you raised such a fine young man is an inspiration to patriots and parents everywhere! FREEDOM'S SOURCE Author unknown It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial. It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves under the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag. Were it not for the brave, there would be no land of the free. - Dukeofearl | www.eucritic.com, Sun, 1 Apr 2007 I am so sorry about your son.I have 2 teenage boys who wants to join the military when they are older. I am proud of your son and i want to give you thanks for putting these videos on here. There are no words I can say to take away the pain of losing your son. I only hope your lives are filled with all of his memories. Once again I am proud of your son for defending us. - Teresa Carter, Sun, 1 Apr 2007 11:43AM RIP {{{{ CHRIS }}}} To {{{{ THE FAMILY }}}}: Thank You for sharing the story of Chris, his life, his faith, his courage, his love of country, his ( and your ) ultimate sacrifice in the service of the country he volunteered to serve, and protect. Please know that most Americans support the troops in their mission, and KNOW the good they are doing in securing the opportunity for the Iraqis to build a better life, and Nation, than the one they suffered with over the last few decades. I have taken the opportunity to share a link to your page with my readers, in the hope that even more people will know the story of Chris. - Kiril, The Mad Macedonian | http://www.sneakeasysjoint.com, Sun, 1 Apr 2007 May God Bless you and your family, my heart-felt thanks to you all for your loss, thank you for my freedom. A small token of the many American's appreciation for all of the armed forces.. I hope to see you in July! Louise McCloskey: Michigan State Leader for Operation America Rising. - Louise McCloskey | http://www.myspace.com/splashoflight, Sat, 31 Mar 2007 Thank you Cpl Chris Mason and Family for the sacrafice you made for our Great Country, our thoughts and prayers are with you always. - Chuck Burmester, Sat, 31 Mar 2007 My heart goes out to the family and friends of this fine young man. Prayers sent for peace of mind. May you find solace in your memories of his time on earth. Rest in Peace, Cpl. Chris Mason. A man to be proud of. - Dana Schwartz, Sat, 31 Mar 2007 We thank your son for his service and the defense of the free world. We mourn with you at your loss. We have a son who is based at FOB Summerall but I doubt they ever met as my son has come in within the past few weeks. But I know my son will carry on the mission in the spirit of Chris and those who have been before him. It is important we finish the mission. Millions of people depend on the free world because it provides them hope. Our soldiers care deeply about freedom and take our freedom personally. We must thank them every chance we get. God Bless. - PLT, Fri, 30 Mar 2007 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mason~
Thank you so much for sharing your son with us, and for your pride in his ultimate gift to us. What a testimony both your sons are to you as parents. From watching the videos I see what a remarkable warrior Chris was, on all battlefields, those seen and those unseen. I wept. I cannot imagine your pain or your loss, but I bless your honoring of him, of our country, and of our Great Commission. Abundant blessings, And peace. - AnnaZ, Mon, 26 Mar 2007 I am so sorry to hear that he had died...But at least he is in a good place now and by getting there, He died doing something he loved doing and for also what he stood up for and that would be Standing up for his country...let him rest in peace and let god watch over his friends and loved ones that are still over in Iraq. But most of all his family... - Karen, Sat, 24 Mar 2007 I'm sure chris was a special person because he died fighting for his country. Stay strong Family and know chris does christ work and lives through his families memories. - stawrm, Mon, 19 Mar 2007 Chris,
May you rest in peace and may God give the American people the strength to fight the "evil" you have seen. No words can ever fill the emptiness your family is experiencing but they know you were doing what you truly believed in. Chris, though we never met, I would be proud to call you a son, America's son. You could, when others couldn't, you did, when others didn't. Rest in peace. Darryl Sharratt - Darryl Sharratt | www.justinsharratt.com, Sun, 18 Mar 2007 4:43PM Your Son and every man who has fought and died for his country deserve a special hallowed place in every American's heart. It is their ultimate sacrifice in which our freedom are firmly anchored. God bless your Son, and God bless our soldiers. - Kevin (Reagan_Fanatic), Sat, 17 Mar 2007 1:44PM Chris Mason was a true hero. May we have the strength to carry on in his absence. Evil must not triumph. Condolences to the Mason family on their loss. - Russell Spinner, Fri, 16 Mar 2007 11:15PM Mr. Mason, thank you for sharing your son, Chris, with those of us who will see this tribute. By every measure he is a true hero. God bless him and your family that raised such a fine man who was beautiful inside and out. As an American on whose behalf he sacrificed his life, I am eternally grateful. - Eileen Elgin, Fri, 16 Mar 2007 10:25PM There is honour and there is courage and there is man. Sometimes the three come together in something we call a warrior hero. Such was your son and he has earned his place in history. My heart goes out to you - whatever the cause, there is no pain like the pain of losing a child. God bless and keep you. Jo (aka the flaglady) Josephine Fox www.flagsforworship.co.uk, Sat, 10 Mar 2007 3:55PM Mr. Mason; Words cannot express my sorrow at your loss of your son. I am a former medic and I appreciate your sons service very much. I know that no words from me can help lessen your loss but I will be praying and so will my family for you and your family. May God richly bless you sir. - John Beaver, Sat, 10 Mar 2007 2:25PM I am so sorry to hear about the death of your son. I thank you for his service to this great nation. I will keep your family in my prayers and hope that as each day passes your memories of your beloved son fill the tremendous void you feel in your heart. Much love, Marty | http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=hmarty, Fri, 9 Mar 2007 8:34PM Watching your video tribute to your son overwhelms me. He fills the mind and heart with such rejoicing that he lived. What a miracle for parents, bearing and raising such a child into such a man. What a shining light he gave to all others that his words reached and to all those he shall reach. That shining light is for the Children of Light, for each soul beloved by God. Loving him for all that his life meant to the world, that is only a tiny emotion compared to the loss felt by so many in his absence. Many may realize that the cross represents love, never death. And when we love others with all our hearts, we carry a cross for each one. And we climb upon that cross to pay the price of such great love when it is lost. In that anguish, for the sake of Love, comes more salvation for our souls. We bow our heads before God, for our Saviour, and for Eternal Love. - Nancy Grace, Fri, 9 Mar 2007 9:47AM It is tragic that our brave boys must go abroad to do what is necessary for the defense of our country and yet, a significant portion of it's citizens can't even make the connection between 9-11 and radical islam. I mourn your loss,I respect your sacrifice and I applaud your patriotism.Chris is busy with God's work now and, judging from what I have seen in the videos, he must be doing an outstanding job! Bless you for allowing me to know this wonderful Christian Hero. - Ronald Farneth, Thu, 8 Mar 2007 10:22AM GOD Bless Our Fallen Brother Patriots - K. Mathews, Mon, 5 Mar 2007 3:37PM What a beautiful tribute for a beautiful person. What a blessing it was to have shared even a moment with Christopher. I am so thankful for all the wonderful memories he left stamped in my heart forever. An amazing man...an amazing friend! Loving and missing him EVERY DAY! - Jennifer Johnson East, Fri, 2 Mar 2007 6:56AM Tue, 13 Feb 2007 5:51AM
As I look at these pictures today for the first time, the overwhelming feelings are the same as they were 3 months ago. That is how touching Ed was to many people in his lifetime including myself. I pray for Ed's family still, but know that they are survivors just as Ed in Christ. In my opinion Ed was too good of a person to be here with us he deserved more, he deserved to be in Heaven with our Father. He had surpassed human existance and understood his place here on Earth and this website, the pictures and the things people say about Ed go to show that. He made a mark, a stamp in this lifetime for himself, his family and most importantly GOD! Way to go brother! Love you and think of you often,
Stephanie Jones Not a day goes by that I don't think about my best friend, Mason. It still doesn't seem real to me. Words cannot describe the emptiness that rests inside me. I would not wish this feeling on anyone. But I do have comfort in knowing that I will see him again someday... but not yet... not yet!! See you when I get there brother!! - Jeremy Wilson Mon, 12 Feb 2007 7:02PM I am a soldier that served right along side of Chris everyday in Iraq. Chris was a shining star in our platoon. He always had a smile on his face, and tried to put one on everybody elses face as well. He is one of the greatest men i have ever had the pleasure of knowing, he will be grately missed. Untill we form again brother, miss you! - Chris Greenough, Thu, 8 Feb 2007 7:12PM As I look at the pictures and videos I remember what a character Mason was. He brought so much joy into my life during the time that we knew each other. January 30, 2007 Though I did not know you, I knew of you. Through the phone calls home every now and then, I would here the name. My prayers go out to your family. Your spirit will live on within the lives you have touched. You are gone, but you will never be forgotten. You will always be remembered. Dawn Russell (Saint Petersburg, FL) To Chris now in Heaven I thank you for all that you did! MY heart is heavy as I look at your pictures such a great man that had so much to offer this world and now is gone. May God Bless you as you now have a place in Heaven. TO CHRIS's FAMILY: Thank you for bringing in to the world a Great son that gave you so much joy! Don't ever let the war or the cost of the war take the joy that you will always have in your heart away! Remembering Chris and his smiles and what he gave up to make this world a better place will honor him forever. Love and Hugs to Chirs and his family May we all remember him! - Dee Neill, Sun, 28 Jan 2007 9:29AM There are still Angels keeping you and your family in our hearts and prayers over your loss of your son. - Kathi,Soldiers Angel, Sat, 27 Jan 2007 5:16PM My condolences on your great loss. - Jacki, Fri, 26 Jan 2007 8:23PM January 26, 2007 Please accept the condolences of this military family. We will honor Christopher and his sacrifice by remembering him in our prayers of thanksgiving, and will keep his loved ones in our prayers that you find peace and comfort in the Lord. Lee Sirotnak (Southington, CT) January 15, 2007 - Mason, I'm so greatful god brought you into my and Robert's life. I had a blast this summer visiting you guys. Thank you for everything and we'll never forget you. ~Laura (Austin, TX) Christopher Mason Authored by: anonymous on Wednesday, January 10 2007 @ 11:15 PM EST Mr. Mason, I just finished watching the news with your interview with NBC 15 on January 10, 2007. I was very touched and very moved by your comments. While I never knew Chris, I know many like him. "If we cannot support the cause, we cannot support our troops..." I could not agree more...You said it very well when you stated that we are not only helping those in Iraq, but we are helping with the survival of the United States of America. You, your son, and your family are excellent Christian roll models for our country and for other countries who keep a close watch on us. When I heard you speak tonight, I saw hope. Because of service men and women like your son and like you I can believe in a safe future for my little boy....thank you for that.... ~Keri Green([email protected]) January 9, 2007 - Chris, Thank you for being such a wonderful man. I will always cherish the time we had together. You are my hero, I LOVE YOU! ~Melissa Covington (Fayetteville, NC) May CPL Mason's live on in the memories of his family and friends and in the stories of his fellow war buddies. May they be the voice of his memory for a lifetime. ~Posted by: Kimberly Doran | January 06, 2007 at 01:58 AM January 5, 2007 - Hello Chris: I love You! Thoughts of you always bring a smile to my face and comfort to my heart. You are my Hero and my Angel! You always picked me up when I was down. You brought sunshine to my darkness. Chris you have given me those sweet memories that we always talked about and most of all you have taught me to be the best person I can be. I thank God for bringing you into my life. I learned to be brave, strong and most of all full of faith. You were the perfect role model. Chris you have left the most wonderful gifts here on Earth for all that knew you and even those who did not know you. You always showed love and faith. Thank you for the strength that your wonderful love for the Lord gave to me. Words can not express the feelings that I have when I think of you. You are a true knight and shining armor. I will always think of you when I look into my little Mason's eyes. I know that you are looking down on us from Heaven with that great big smile and a heart full of Joy! Yeah! Chris! You are a real Hero and now you are a soldier right there with God! I love You! ~Shea Adams (silverhill)January 3, 2007 My heartfelt sympathy to the Mason family in the loss of Christopher. I did not know Christopher, but my heart is broken and I am saddened for your loss of such a fine young person and hero. May God bring you peace in your heart as you reflect on all the wonderful memories you hold so close. Please know that you are in my heart and prayers. My heart was touched by the many wonderful/beautiful things written about you. Christopher you are my hero and you will NEVER be forgotten. I send each of you a hug from the most inner part of my heart. Love and Peace
To live in the hearts of those you leave behind is never to die"~Robert Orr~ Tom Gugliuzza-Smith (Springfield, VA) Hi Ya'll!!I wanted to wish you and Mrs.Suzie a Happy New Year... I love this site... I look at it quite often it always brings a smile on my face. Please keep in touch. You and Mrs. Suzie are always in my thoughts and prayers forever. Love Always,Your Friend Jenny Clewis, Tue, 2 Jan 2007 2:22PM December 27, 2006 Hey Mason, I just wanted to drop by and say MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family. I know that it must be even harder for your family not to have you around during the holidays but we all know you're in a better place. I will never forget you Mason!! You always had me laughing and I thank God for introducing me to such a great person like you!!! You are a true hero Mason!!! Continue to watch over your family and all your fellow troops! Miss ya lots!!!! Gypsi Perez (SUN CITY, CA) December 23, 2006 My Deepest and most heartfelt sympathy goes out to the family of Cpl Christopher E. Mason. The price this Brave Soldier and his family have paid for this country and for freedom, Will Never Be Forgotten. There is so much thanks to be given, to these young heroes, for their Courage, Dedication and Service. May Christopher rest safely in God's Care and may God's Loving Peace and Comfort be with the Mason family. I am the sister of such a young hero, who made the Ultimate Sacrifice in Vietnam, many years ago. May the Peace of God and the memories of Christopher, remain in your heart always and give you comfort and strength through the difficult days ahead. ~ Softly and slowly, time heals.~ "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart" Psalm 27:14 Garnet Jenkins (Grand Junction, CO)