HELP!!Please call (602) 506-3322 (The Maricopa County Examiner's Office)
& Voice your opinion after you read this letter & the Pictures I have posted showing SOME of my Son's Injuries.
My son's Death was NO accident!!
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HELP, NATE AND HIS FAMILY NEED YOUR HELP !!! Please sign our Petition at
May 29, 2007Proverbs 21:15 When Justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.The office of the Medical Examiner is a very prestigious and powerful office in the State of Arizona. Your office employs trained professionals with years of experience. Your office determinations decide how and in what manner the police and other law enforcement agencies view a death. It is your office who influences the police and their desire and even their motivation to investigate a death.With your office’s years of education and training, with your years of experience, the question I ask is what happened? What went wrong? What could have possibly happened that would have caused your office to have such a lack of thoroughness? Why did your office not attempt to preserve evidence (i.e. my son’s clothes) and how did your office reach the dubious conclusion that of my son’s death was accidental?Why do I say that there was a lack of thoroughness regarding my son’s autopsy case #06-03435? Let us look at the facts. Not just us, but let us share this information with the TV stations, the citizens of Arizona, with Andrew Thomas, the Maricopa County District Attorney, with the Arizona Attorney General, Terry Goddard, and even the Governor of the State of Arizona, Janet Napolitano, and see what conclusions they and many, many others draw based on the following facts:1. Your office stated in its examination report and I quote “The scalp is reflected in the usual fashion. There are NO contusions, lacerations or abrasions.†I have included a picture of my son’s head injury. How could your office not have “seen†this injury? I am especially concerned with the location of this head injury. It is on “top†of his head. How would a person get an injury at that location? I am concerned not only with the location but the shape of the injury. Look closely at it. It is very well defined and localized to a specific area. Is this sort of localized trauma not consistent with an individual that has been hit on top of the head with a hard object? 2. Your office made no mention of the injury and large contusion to my son’s nose. Did you not see it? What about the abrasion to my son’s chest? Did your office not see that either? 3. I have enclosed 3 different pictures of the injuries to both of my son’s legs. Your office stated these were superficial abrasions. These do not look superficial to me. Do they look superficial to you? 4. Your office did notice the contusions that were present on the distal and posterior (i.e. front and back) aspect of my son’s right forearm. However, did your office look at my son’s left arm? If not, WHY NOT? If your office had looked at my son’s left arm, your office would have found the one, and only one, needle puncture on my son’s entire body. According to David M. Posey M.D., the forensic Pathologist that I was fortunate enough to be able to hire, this needle puncture mark is located in my son’s left antecubital fossa and caused a fresh hemorrhage. This means that the needle puncture occurred less than four hours before my son’s death.My son had no access to needles and disliked needles. Your own examination showed that there were no tattoos or piercings to my son’s body. The Mesa, Arizona Police Department has been unable to locate this needle. Our own investigator has been unable to locate this needle. The EMS/Paramedics from the Mesa Fire Department did not attempt to start an IV to revive my son. In fact the EMS gave 0 treatment to my son (see attached report).This needle puncture is the “smoking gun,†and your office did not even identify it or notice it. It should also be noted that the cocaine level’s in my son’s body weren’t just high as your report indicated, but were in fact in the lethal range and actually registered 2940 nanograms/ml.Do you honestly believe your office did a “thorough†examination of my son’s body? Is this the average or normal type of work that your office usually performs or perhaps was my son’s life felt to be UNWORTHY of a thorough examination by your office? I do not know.How can the millions of law abiding citizens that reside within Maricopa County feel safe when your office is not thorough in its examinations and issue reports that fail to motivate the police and other law enforcement agencies?Why did your office not attempt to preserve evidence (i.e. my son’s clothing)? When my son was found in the shallowest end of our pool he was wearing SOCKS, his boxers, and 2 t-shirts. Why did your office not keep and preserve these items of evidence? Do you even know where the clothes are at now? Did your office not see the blood on the outside of my son’s t-shirt? Did you examine this blood? Do you even know if this blood was my son’s or did it belong to someone else?Chief George Gascon of the Mesa Police Department has informed me that the Mesa Police Department does not have forensic experts. Does your office have forensic experts that are capable of processing and analyzing evidence in order to find and prosecute criminals? I do not know.On September 12, 2006, 2 weeks after my son’s autopsy was done, Dr. Philip Keen who had been Maricopa County’s chief medical examiner for 14 years was DEMOTED! Why? I do not know. In addition Dr. Kohlmeier who performed the actual autopsy on my son, no longer works in your office but now works in Texas. Why? I do not know.When our son was born we chose to give him the name Nathaniel, which means a gift from God. He was a gift, as are all children. Perhaps this gift and his very short life’s purpose was to help others as he always enjoyed. Why did someone have to die to raise the standards of the Maricopa County Examiners Office and to make the streets safe to its citizens? I do not know.Sunday, May 13, 2007, was Mother’s Day! I spent the day watching my wife, Robyn, cry uncontrollably over the loss of her one & only one son. The love of a mother for their child is so special, so intense, it can not ever be adequately described by mere words. However, it is something that all mothers can relate to and as they will tell you the grief of a mother at the loss of their child is overwhelming. A mother gives birth, raises and nurtures her child, she hugs him, she loves him, she tells them that everything will be OK. But it is not OK. Her son Robert Nathaniel Kirk, has been KILLED and taken away from her forever!Therefore, the time has come for your office to reopen and re-examine your case #06-03435 and your falicious determination that the manner of our son’s death was accidental.Sincerely,James Kirk Phone #: 602-738-8987 Address: 1852 N. Saffron Circle Mesa, AZ 85205Cc: Scott McGee, Channel 3 News Lisa Kelly, Channel 5 News Channel 10 News Joe Dana, Channel 12 News Jose Miguel, Channel 15 News Ed Montini, Arizona Republic The New Times Andrew Thomas, Maricopa County District Attorney Terry Goddard, Arizona Attorney General Janet Napolitano, Governor Arizona Board of Medical Examiners-Attn. Investigations/Complaints