Thai Rivera profile picture

Thai Rivera

I ain't tryin' to quit nothin'

About Me

My name is Thai Rivera and I am stand up comic living in LA. I perform a lot and am becoming pretty well known, I don’t say this to "blow up" my own head, I say it because it is true. I perform as often, and as many places, and in as many different situations, as I possibly can, I truly love what I do, so it NEVER feels like work. I still do everything, though, like one night I’ll be doing a packed show at a place like the Improv, or Laugh Factory, or Ice House and the next I’m in a coffee house performing for a bunch of comics, looking at their notebooks, and the next I’m performing in some podunk town in Washington or, Oregon. I also just came off the road after doing some college dates with the very funny Jen Kober. As far as comedy goes, I am not above anything but have found myself performing in some pretty great places and with some pretty great people. I have not only gotten to see some pretty great comics I have gotten to work with, quite a few people that I remember REALLY admiring as a kid. If you are at my page because I have sent you an invitation to a show, COME CHECK IT OUT, you WILL have fun, I promise :-)Now if you want to see something that I find VERY entertaining watch my friend, Boon Shaka Laka, dance up a storm :-)
Oh and this is my sister, Aliki, she is in heaven now but is always in my thoughts. We were very close and the longer she’s gone the more I miss her. I feel like she watches over me but I still can’t help but miss her.I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests

Doing comedy, watching movies and hanging out with friends. I go to the gym in phases, I mean, sometimes I'm "all about it" and sometimes I don't go as much as I should. I enjoy spending time with my family but they just recently moved to Garden City, Kansas, so I don't get to see them as much as I'd like to anymore. I don't have any kids but one day WILL HAVE AT LEAST 1. For now my nephews and nieces are my kids. I searched one of my nephews names on youtube and this is one of the things that come up. Oh these kids, I love 'em but I hate 'em at the same time :-)Ok, one more thing, I will one day have kids of my own but for now, my nephews and nieces are my kids. I searched my nephews name on youtube and this is one of the things that came up. I love these kids but they're dumb, enjoy :-)

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Pamela Anderson, but I doubt she's a member, and I'm sure the way my life works one day I will meet her anyway. Then of course Oprah and Maya Angelou. Oprah because she truly has an amazing story, I've read a lot about her and probably know more than I should about her and her career, so let me tell you, there is a REASON Oprah is OPRAH. Then Maya Angelou, I didn't used to like reading much, for about 28 years of my life, or didn't think I did, then I picked up "I know why the Caged Bird Sings" and I discovered that it wasn't reading that I didn't like, I didn't like any of the shit they made me read in school I wanted to read about real life. If you ever read any of Maya's books I think you might agree. I thank God that he made Maya Angelou and would be honored to one day meet her, and IT WILL happen. So, other than them, I'd like to meet people that like to laugh and have a sense of humor ABOUT EVERYTHING. People who can understand that I'm NOT going to show up for EVERY party or night at the club but that doesn't mean that I don't value our friendship. You see, hanging out with my friends is great but I am SO focused on comedy that I don't get to "just hang out" very much. I AM VERY loyal and if you are my friend, even a distant one, I will try my best to help you out if you ever have a problem or just need an ear. If we are friends you can tell me anything and I will not only keep it to myself, I won't judge either. The only thing I ask in return is that you don't drag me into your drama and you don't try to pull that I don't like him/her so you shouldn't either BS. I do see a lot of people try to ruin eachother that way and I refuse to feed into or encourage that kind of behavior.


I think if you listen to my play list you can kind of get an idea of what I like, it even kind of tells a story. I will try to update it frequently, as other songs come to me. You will notice, I like all types of music. I get to hear a lot of live music too, so there are a few local artists that I like that you may not have heard of yet. Oh and I love Britney Spears, I don't just say that because that's a part of the gay gene either. I say it because I do, I am a true fan, I hate when people bring up the fact that she lip synches, a true Britney fan doesn't care about that. A true Britney fan realizes Britney is a performer. I don't care that she messed up at the VMAs, for now people should just allow her the space she needs to get things back together. I hope she "comes back" but if I'm being 100% honest sometimes she makes me worry.


Passion of the Christ, The Road Warrior, Mad Max, Braveheart, I tend to like a lot of the stuff that Mel Gibson puts out (even though I know right now we're not supposed to admit that). Whatever, I like a lot of the stuff he puts out and I don't need to judge him, on a personal level, I see his movies and I feel I get my money's worth, where's the problem? I also VERY much enjoyed TransAmerica, Hedwig, Beautiful Boxer, Memoirs of a Geisha, Too Wong Foo, The Machinist, Big Trouble and all the movies Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder made together, CLUE THE MOVIE, I LOVE CLUE THE MOVIE, if you haven't seen it you're a retard. I liked 300, even though I was there on a date that didn't work out. The worst part, it wasn't a first date, it was the end of seeing someone I had been with for like 2 months, but that's how much I liked the movie not even the fact that some selfish ass had eaten the last bite of my hotdog and the awkardness of an impending break up speech could ruin it for me. Grindhouse, too, now that I'm on the subject, I liked the second half better.


At this moment I am watching 20/20 and what they are talking about is truly horrifying. They're talking about people that don't feel pain and all the damage that they do to themselves, it's hard to watch. I Tivo, Oprah, the Tyra Banks show and a bunch of other shit I never get around to watching. I hardly have time for tv. Why are we talking about this? Who cares about tv?


I mainly like reading non-fiction and autobiographies (The only non fiction title I've truly enojed as of late is the Alchemist). I love Maya Angelou and also enjoy reading about MLK Jr. I don't know why but I do like to read true stories of strife, struggle and hardship. Oh and magazines, I have always loved reading magazines, as far as mags go, I read everything from tabloids to news magazines.


My ..1 hero would have to be my Dad. I know that probably sounds a little cliche but my Dad is everything I hope to one day be. He has always truly taken care of his family in the ways, that I was raised to believe that, a man should. He was raised old school but has adapted over the years enough to not only accept his crazy kids (me included) but cotinue to love and support us. My Momma is also high on the list I love, I love, I love my Momma and she knows it, to the point that I think I get on her nerves because when I'm around her I hug her and kiss her and squeeze her cheeks, like she's the baby. I do love my parents like crazy and I KNOW they love me back. I hope to one day have every good quality that each of them posses.

My Blog

I like that...and you can add a dick to me anytime :-P

Sorry, if I haven't been returning messages (unless they're work related) or comments. I'm currently memorizing lines and rehearsing for a show I'm involved with. It's really fun between that and work...
Posted by Thai Rivera on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 03:47:00 PST

You mean I triple booked?

Last night I was talking about my weekend and then realized the blog post was getting really super long so I had to stop myself. So here is what I didn't get to tell you. After the Carnevale festival ...
Posted by Thai Rivera on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 04:11:00 PST

Thai- "I lost my phone last night" Renee- "And your dignity"

Ok, first let me say for everyone to hear, I HATE RENEE!!!!! She gotsa smart mouth, I SAID IT!!!!! GOTSA!!!! YOU HEAR THAT, ENGLISH MAJOR???!!!! Alright, now that that's off my chest, let's talk about...
Posted by Thai Rivera on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 03:20:00 PST

Put some gel in your hair, bitch

This week has been absolutely lovely. I've done a shitload of spots and tonight was at Sabor, as well as the White Fire. They tend to book some pretty top notch comics there and it was great to be a p...
Posted by Thai Rivera on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 05:01:00 PST

Tranny hookers dont give a fuck

This weekend has been a lot of fun, and a little bit of frustration. I'll start with the frustration last night I was wanting to go to my friend Nikki Glaser's party, that was being held at a house in...
Posted by Thai Rivera on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 01:29:00 PST

I’m in your part of town and I’m hungry

Ok, so tonight I was at the Sportsmens Lodge and a few other places and last night I hit a couple of spots as well. Here is the thing though, tonight at Sportsmens, one of the comics that went up befo...
Posted by Thai Rivera on Sat, 31 May 2008 05:33:00 PST

"She’ll have you on video with fingers in your booty"

I haven't blogged in a couple days, so I'll catch you all up, real quick. First let me start by saying that the show that run in Victorville was OFF THE FUCKING HOOK!!!! I LOVE that room, I can honest...
Posted by Thai Rivera on Thu, 29 May 2008 02:40:00 PST

Everytime I hang out with Renee I wake up with a hangover

Last night was super fun but me and Renee drank a little bit too much. We went out dancing and, as always, there was a little bit of drama. I don't really want to get into it because I don't really ca...
Posted by Thai Rivera on Mon, 26 May 2008 04:09:00 PST

He installs air conditioners by day and cuts his upper thighs by night :-)

I got accused of being an inspiration to a lot of other comics tonight, for my work ethic. It was such a nice thing to say and then it was seconded and even thirded (that's not a word, is it?) I almos...
Posted by Thai Rivera on Thu, 22 May 2008 04:50:00 PST

A buck for good luck?

Today was absolutely great and yesterday, just as good if not better. There was a lot of travel packed into yesterday, but it was still pretty great. See me and my Dad were both flying out of Denver a...
Posted by Thai Rivera on Tue, 20 May 2008 01:58:00 PST