Todd Munson profile picture

Todd Munson

Gimme a bottle of anything and a glazed donut-- to go!

About Me

In no particular order...once spent 18 hours in a chair not because I was really lazy but was just darn comfortable...once came home to a message on my answering machine from the late great wesley willis asking if he could crash on my first career choice was truck driver, somehow i ended up becoming a comedian...still have a fully functional baby tooth...while working as a lifeguard i ruled the high board as the 'bomb king' for two years...have a history of waking up in strange places...once drank a glass of tobassco sauce for $15 but had to spend nearly all the money on pepto-bismol...was stoned long enough during college to figure out that the smurfs were just a smaller, blue-er, version of the kkk...restored an old motorcycle with next to zero mechanical skills... in a strange twist of fate, i won a game show only to be the lowest winning winner in the entire run of the show...regardless, i have yet to lose a staring contest...was raised catholic and i have add, i hate it because i'm always forgetting why i should feel first job was borderline slave labor working in a cornfield...i give directions using restaurants as landmarks...i never know how to spell restaurant busted at the grove movie theater for trying to see a movie on a children's first concert was metallica on the black album tour...sometimes i ride the bus just for fun...took a fishing class in college, sunk a boat during the final, and still managed to 4th grade i vomited on stage in the middle of jingle bells durning our school's holiday pageant...recently broke a finger while popping a piece of bubble wrap...also, I still have "Atari Thumb" least favorite genre of music is reggae...if my popcorn eating skills were rated on the Dungeons and Dragons scale I'd clock in at -17 dexterity...Regardless of being one of the worst dancers you've ever seen, I am the inventor of the "Wash, Rinse, and Repeat" the summer of '87 I was awarded the rank of seventh degree Yellow Belt by the American Taekwondo Association so you betta recognize...the other day I was told I have the eating habits of a raccoon...try figuring that out.

My Interests

Nachos, Monkey Knife fights, sideboob, ultimate frisbee, tennis, dodgeball, general mischief and/or rabble rousing, riding bicycles, motorcycles, scamming THE MAN, going to movies/shows, Jumbo's Clown Room, House of Pies.

I'd like to meet:

Pretty much anyone who can correctly answer this question: The best singer to ever front Van Halen was...?


The Clash, Johnny Cash, Beck, Beastie Boys, Jimmy Smith, Kraftwerk, James Brown, Brave Combo, AC/DC, AC/DShe, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, KISS, Van Halen, NWA, Run DMC, Kid Quarkstar, The Ramones, Dead Kennedys, Frank Zappa, Jao Gilberto, Frank Sinatra, Nirvana, Medeski Martin and Wood, The Creepy Creeps, The Faint, Ruin The Ending, Waylon Jennings, Easy E, 50 Foot Wave, Supervillain, Van Stone, side G of Guns-N-Roses' Appetite for Destruction, Motorhead


Top Gun, Smokey and the Bandit, Jules and Jim, The 400 Blows, Les Mepris, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Bad Santa, Shaft, Royal Tennenbaums, Rushmore, Bottle Rocket, The Jerk, Airplane, Three Amigos, Commando, Bullitt, Breaking Away, Breakin' Too Electric Boogalo, The Bad News Bears, Raising Arizona, The Big Lebowski, Happy Gilmore, I'm Gonna Get You Sucka, The Warriors, Roadhouse,


StarCade, The Price is Right, Press Your Luck, Premium Blend, The Simpsons, Curb Your Enthusiasm, CHiP'S, The Dukes of Hazzard, The A-Team, Behind the Music, Golden Girls, Sunday Sex Show


Lizard Music, Big Joe's Trailer Truck, Pure Drivel, The Monkeywrench Gang, Into Thin Air, Sacred Hoops, Live from New York, Shop Girl, The Corrections, The Big Book of Bunny Suicides, the Neiman Marcus Cookbook, Generation Kill, The Bad Guys Won, The Mouse and the Motorcycle,


Evel Knievel, Richard Pryor, Jam Master Jay, Jimmy Superfly Snuka and that little Japanese kid who always wins those eating contests. And my dear friend Stump.

My Blog

Well played Alex. Well played.

Hey Kids-The other day (isn't odd how stories always start that way?) a buddy told me I had to see this new commerical with roadies running an airline because it was the funniest commerical he'd seen ...
Posted by Todd Munson on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 09:26:00 PST

Um, excuse me lady, you’ve got a plastic bag on your head.

Hey Kids-Taking a mid-morning siesta to watch "Summer School" inspired me to lace up my shoes and take a field trip of my own.Went up to my old 'hood for a slice of pizza and for giggles I thought it'...
Posted by Todd Munson on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 08:57:00 PST

Hey Wondermutt, I found Bob!

Hey Kids-I'm watching the Mark Harmon classic Summer School at the moment and two things are on my mind at the moment. 1) I've seen Summer School no fewer than 50 times. I'm dead serious about the num...
Posted by Todd Munson on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 01:09:00 PST

The greatest thing you will ever see in your entire life...

Hey Kids-It's Monday (boo!) and I'm still trying to erase the horror from my brain that was watching the Cubs get swept under the rug by the Dodgers.About the only thing that's been able to cheer me u...
Posted by Todd Munson on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 09:16:00 PST

Why I’m so glad my retirement fund is a cup of loose change

Hey Kids-Have you heard of the 401 Keg Plan? Go check it out. If you're too lazy to click the link, basically, the 401 Keg plan illustrates the difference between purchasing $1,000 of various stocks v...
Posted by Todd Munson on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 09:22:00 PST

Hooters can read minds

Hey Kids-Yesterday, while planning today, I determined that watching this afternoon's Cubs game would best be done at the Hooters in Hollywood. Why? I'm getting a haircut nearby at 3. Game starts at 3...
Posted by Todd Munson on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 08:58:00 PST

Someone just had to get the last laugh...

Hey Kids-So check this out. Last week the LA Times wrote an obituary about Howard, my recently departed friend. I really took the news of his passing pretty hard and I appreciated all your nice notes ...
Posted by Todd Munson on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 08:21:00 PST

Is 7 years too soon?

Hey Kids-Saw this down in Venice the other day. No wonder communists always hated capitalists. Also, I don't know what's the most obnoxious thing in this photo, the fact that Conroy's is having a 9/11...
Posted by Todd Munson on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 08:54:00 PST

Trapped with a Velociraptor...

Hey Kids-Take this quiz to see How Long Could You Survive Chained to a Bunk Bed with a Velociraptor. It's high-larry-us.I made it 1 minute 35 seconds. It's a nugget of information that could come in h...
Posted by Todd Munson on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 09:02:00 PST

My lastest contribution to the lexicon...

Hey Kids-Feel free to add the word "fripster" to your vocabulary and use it as often as you like. It's a little something I came up with a couple days ago. Just what is a fripster you ask?Well, a frip...
Posted by Todd Munson on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 09:16:00 PST