Wood, Rivers, Balalaikas, Dobro's and Vintage Guitars I do need to make some human friends.
That cute librarian with the neat tattoos
Howlin' Wolf, Slim Harpo, The Stooges, The Dictators, Low, Mance Lipscome, Jimmy Vaughn, Harvey Mandel, Robben Ford, Bo Ramsey, Pieta Brown, Bud Powell, The Tatter Weasels, The Throbbing Members, Tony Glover, Zeitgeist, Miles Davis, ect. ect..
I'm a sucker for anything that has a well written screenplay and great cinematography. I also like good documentries.
The Independent Film Channel, The Sundance Film Channel, The American Movie Classics Channel, PBS.
Magister Ludi, The Glass Bead Game, By Hermann Hesse. Neuromancer, By William Gibson. Garden Primatives, by Danielle Sosin Miles: The Autobiography with Quincy Troupe Living The Blues Canned Heat's Story Music, Drugs, Death, Sex and Survival, by Fito de la Parra
Henry Vestine "Sunflower"