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Patriots Speak Out ®©™

Lead, follow or get out of the way.

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OpEdNews Poll: Will Impeachment Hearings Help or Hurt Obama
I, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;

Do You Support the Constitution?
YOU'RE A TERRORIST SUSPECT! Since When Did Loving The Defining Document Of Your Country Make You A Terrorist? Check This Brochure by the FBI...
America has had no lengthy historical debate over torture because the prohibition against torture was our birthright. It was anchored in the English law before our nation was even founded, but the Framers of our Republic used the prohibition of torture as an issue by which we defined ourselves.
Torture was the tool of an autocratic or despotic state, they said, no democracy would allow it. George Washington was emphatic in prohibiting it, issuing standing orders for the punishment of any soldier who mistreated a prisoner.
In fact, Washington said that the death penalty might be a suitable punishment for a soldier who abuses a prisoner, and he likewise prescribed harsh treatment for any soldier who mocked or denigrated the religious beliefs of a prisoner.
Click Here To sign the "The Next President Must Reject Torture" petition..
The EU and the NAU ~ Two Peas in a Pod! HERE Treason Abounds ~ Gov't Cabal Plots North American Union HERE TWO 'ACTS' OF TYRANNY ON THE SAME DAY! HERE Using Bilingualism to Subvert America HERE Illegal Alien Anarchy . . . Connecting the Dots! HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Knowledge is POWER. This Website is dedicated to educating 'We the People' about the treasonous attempts to end the expressed freedoms of our Constitution and Bill of Rights in order to create the NAU.

The illegal alien crisis is a mechanism for achieving the globalists' NAU goal by creating a de facto erasure of the border. Both subjects are discussed in depth here in many well-researched and documented articles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
False Pretenses

Following 9/11, President Bush and seven top officials of his administration waged a carefully orchestrated campaign of misinformation about the threat posed by Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.
~George Washington~
He [King George] has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred right of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.
Thomas Jefferson, deleted portion of a draft of the Declaration of Independence, June, 1776
Helping inform candidates’ views on torture
Key Documents

Why We Don't Need Any More Stinkin Investigations

2007: The Year in Evidence

1998 CRS on Censure
1998 CRS on Impeachment
2002 Uranium Memo
2003 State of the Union
39 Disappeared Detainees
A Clean Break
A Pretext for War
A War Conspiracy Documented
Against All Enemies
AP: Weapons that Weren't
Articles of Impeachment

Audio of Bush Admin. Lies
Aznar Meeting Transcript
Basic Summary
BBC Documentary
BBC Transcript
Blair Impeachment
Blair's Big Lie
Bodyguard of Lies
Bonifaz to Conyers
Bush in Cincinnati
Bush letter to Congress
Bush Lies Documented
Bush Violates Hundreds of Laws

Bush report to Congress
Bush to U.N.
Bush's Impeachable Offenses, Part 1
Bush's Impeachable Offenses, Part 2
Bush's Impeachable Offenses, Part 3
Bush's Impeachable Offenses, Part 4
Bush's Impeachable Offenses, Part 5
Bush's Uranium Lies
Carne Ross
CATO Institute report
CBC: The Lies That Led to War
Chain of Command
Cheney Meets the Press
Cheney's Notes
Cheney's Nuclear Drumbeat
CIA Iraq Inquiry
CNN: "Dead Wrong"
COE on Detentions

Condoleeza Rice's Role
Constitution in Crisis
Count of the Dead
Counter Dossier
Curveball Warnings
Dean on Plame and Bush
Death Squads
Defense Planning Guidance
DIA Tells White House No Chemical Weapons
Downing Street Documents
Evidence of War Lies

Executive Order 13303
Facing the Ugly Truth
Feith Report by DOD IG
First Iraq, Then Saudi
Five Biggest Lies
From Contaiment to...
Frontline report
Further Reading
Go Massive!
Gonzales' Memo on Avoiding War Crimes Prosecutions
Hundreds of False Statements
Inspections Worked
Iran War Lies (the growing collection)

Iraq and London
Iraq Confidential
Iraq on the Record
Iraq War Reader
Iraq War: The Truth
Iraq-9-11 Connection Lies
It's All About Oil
Jamal al-Ghurairy
July 22, 2005, hearing
June 16 Testimony

Kay Report
Libby Grand Jury transcripts and exhibits
Lies of George W. Bush
Lt. Gen. Odom
Major Reports
The Melbourne Minutes
Naji Sabri
National Security Strategy
Newbold, Lt. Gen. Greg
Next World Order
Niger Forgeries
No 9-11 Connection
No Al-Qaeda Connection

Paul O'Neil
Summary of Pentagon Inspector General Report on Office of Special Plans
Oil, Power, and Empire
Outside the Box
Paul Pillar
Pentagon Propaganda 2
Pentagon Propaganda 3
Pentagon Propaganda
Perle: War Illegal.
Permanent Bases
Phony Terror Alerts
Plame Leak Timeline

Plan of Attack
Plans for Iraq's Oil
PNAC Bush letter
Politics and Terror
Politics of Truth
Powell at U.N.
Powell Lied
Powell's Presentation
Price of Loyalty Excerpt
Price of Loyalty
Prisons Used for Illegal Detentions and Torture

RawStory Article
Ray McGovern Book
Really, No 9-11 Connection
Rebuilding A.'s Defenses
Republican Party Platform
Robin Cook's Diaries
Rumsfeld on 9/11/2001
Sabri, Naji
Searchable database of lies
Secrets and Lies

Selling of the Iraq War
Senate Policy Committee Hearing, June 26, 2006
Senator Roberts
Senators' Letter
Sexed-Up Dossier
Signing Statements
Sorrows of Empire
Source of documents
State of War
Suing the CIA
Sunday Times Summary
Surgeon General
Swift and Serious

Talking Points
Telegraph article 1
Telgraph article 2
The Spoils
They Knew
Time magazine

Timeline One
Timeline Two
Timeline Three

Timeline Four
Timeline Five
Timeline Six
Timeline Seven

Toward a Neo-Reaganite...
Tragedy and Farce
Trent Lott Spills Beans
Tyler Drumheller
UAV Photos Faked
U.N. Cover; Decision Made
UN Warns US

Uranium Forgeries
Uranium Grounds for Impeachment
US Bugging Security Council
U.S. v. Bush
VIPS Publications
War Crimes Committed by the United States in Iraq and Mechanisms for Accountability
War on Iraq
War Planning in 2001
Weapons of Mass Deception
Wesley Clark
What Bush Was Told
What I Heard About Iraq

White House Memo
Who Gets the Oil?
Willful Blindness
Winnebagos of Death
WMD Lies
WMDs Didn't Matter
Wolfowitz Interview
Worldwide Attack Matrix

Worse than Watergate
Year of Iran
Yoo Memo
Yossef Bodansky


Click on the above graphic or your state name below:
[ Alabama ], [ Alaska ], [ American Samoa ], [ Arizona ], [ Arkansas ], [ California ], [ Colorado ], [ Connecticut ], [ Delaware ], [ District of Columbia ], [ Florida ], [ Georgia ], [ Guam ], [ Hawaii ], [ Idaho ], [ Illinois ], [ Indiana ], [ Iowa ], [ Kansas ], [ Kentucky ], [ Louisiana ], [ Maine ], [ Maryland ], [ Massachusetts ], [ Michigan ], [ Minnesota ], [ Mississippi ], [ Missouri ], [ Montana ], [ Nebraska ], [ Nevada ], [ New Hampshire ], [ New Jersey ], [ New Mexico ], [ New York ], [ North Carolina ], [ North Dakota ], [ Ohio ], [ Oklahoma ], [ Oregon ], [ Pennsylvania ], [ Puerto Rico ], [ Rhode Island ], [ South Carolina ], [ South Dakota ], [ Tennessee ], [ Texas ], [ Utah ], [ Vermont ], [ Virginia ], [ Virgin Islands ], [ Washington ], [ West Virginia ], [ Wisconsin ], [ Wyoming ]
Get this Action Button
As of today, 2,063 active-duty members of the Armed forces spanning all the branches, including the national guard, reserves and individual ready reserve, have signed the appeal for redress. This appeal, based on the Military Whistle-blower Protection Act, allows a member of the military to communicate with their congress-person on any issue. We call on all military personnel to sign the appeal and get active in the anti-war movement towards bringing our troops home and taking care of them when they get here. Not one more dollar, not one more day! Join us at
A Chicagoan and AMERICAN
*Donald Vance* Tortured For Reporting The Truth In Iraq filed suit against Donald Rumsfeld in the Northern District of Illinois.
"To stand in silence when they should
be protesting makes cowards out of men"
Abraham Lincoln
Sgt. John Bruhns


SGT. JOHN BRUHNS volunteered for the infantry after September 11th, 2001 to protect his country. He participated in the march to Baghdad in March 2003. During his 11 month tour in Iraq, his unit rounded up suspects and delivered them to Abu Ghraib prison. He also trained the new Iraqi military. John was combat promoted and honorably discharged in February 2005. Since then, he has spoken out aga

My Interests

4,597 Total Fatalities

Operation Iraqi Freedom : 4,084
Operation Enduring Freedom : 513
(Updated June 1, 2008)

Section 8. Respect for flag. [ ] "a. The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property." Which is where we find ourselves deployed with this current Administration.

Dead because of a lie. Dead because selfish people in government wanted a war and lied to get one, aided by selfish people in the media WHO TOOK MONEY FROM GEORGE BUSH TO LIE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. The government, the war profiteers & the media traded the blood of these young Americans for their personal gain. Look at their faces. How can you not be angry?

And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the Lord. … shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?
(Jeremiah 9:3, 5:29)

Sit back and learn how True American Patriots stand up to a crooked government

The Ground Truth - After the Killing Ends

"Anyone who claims to support the troops owes it to them to see the film and hear their stories."

WHY WE FIGHT: A MOTHER'S GUIDE TO CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE: While my son is fighting for his life in Fallujah, under some false pretense that we are "defending democracy" or "killing terrorists", I decided to take up the fight at home. Very few here are left defending our Constitutional rights. Those who are trying are getting exhausted. We have a march after a rally and, then, march again. Five years later, the war gets worse and the Middle East is on fire. There is extreme rendition, Hurricane Katrina "survivors", spying on U.S. citizens in the name of preserving our freedoms, domestic economic failures and disasters, higher gas prices, and the global cowboy foreign policies that we have to listen to and witness on a daily basis. Well, being a true patriot who flies the American Flag and the Marine Corps. Flag outside her home in suburban Staten Island, New York, I decided to fight against the rapid whittling down of our rights to free speech. I made plans to get arrested at the United Nations when the liars and crime bosses were visiting. I'm talking about those from our own Government. READ The Entire Article Here----WHY WE FIGHT: A MOTHER'S GUIDE TO CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE

I'd like to meet:

Will You Follow Him OR Them???

Kevin Ryan examines and fillets the ASCE, FEMA BPAT, Silverstein and NIST.

MPP fights against mandatory minimum sentences for marijuana crimes. Mandatory minimum sentences — which take sentencing power out of the hands of judges — have caused the number of drug offenders in federal prison to explode from 25% of the total inmate population in 1981 to 60% in 2001.

Truth and The Media


Patriots Question 9/11
Click one of the following links to select a section

130+ Senior Military,Intelligence Service, Law Enforcement, and Government Officials

360+ Engineers and Architects

100+ Pilots and Aviation Professionals

230+ Professors Question 9/11

200+ 9/11 Survivors and Family Members

130+ Entertainment and Media Professionals

USMC Corporal Johnny Wave takes action and speaks out for 911 Truth. Click here to listen.

Welcome Truth Seeker
to a quick course on the shortest paths to 9/11 truth ...

What I want based on the information below is a NEW investigation where persons who were at fault got fired, demoted and/or discharged, and do not get promotions, or the Medal of Freedom. Those should be for honorable men, and based on the other information on this site and on the sites of most of my friends here, I want IMPEACHMENT and a trial for TREASON.
The Two-Step 9/11 Truth Expedition

Understanding the full truth of 9/11 seems to require two separate awakenings.
The first, awakening to the fraudulence of the "official 9/11 story," is a pretty simple brain function and only requires a little study, logic or curiosity. We can help a lot with that part here and it's a major purpose of this site.

The second step, however, consciously confronting the implications of that knowledge--and what it says about our media, politics and economic system today--is by far the harder awakening and requires an enormous exercise of nerve and heart. (As the Chinese say, "You cannot wake up a man who is pretending to sleep.") In other words, this part of the journey depends more on character than on maps and evidence so we can't help you much here, except to point out inspiring heroes and heroines who have courageously faced that truth, spoken out, and survived. (Though we might also point out the intriguing fact that our 9/11 heroines now outnumber 9/11 heroes by about six to one.)

The Mission: Where we are going with this and where we are not

Although our members and friends in the truth movement hold a variety of opinions about what actually happened on September 11, 2001, as an organization generally believes that our chance for justice is now best served by focusing on the following five points:

    The frequently warned of 9/11 attacks handed a lackluster presidency irresistible political power to increase inequality, repression, corporate domination, and imperial warfare (and even boost its electoral clout);
    Since this administration benefited so mightily from these crimes, a reasonable person (or investigation) might find it prudent to at least question its possible complicity. Even the minimalist LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose) complicity scenario constitutes high treason--i.e., the supposition that high officials knew a blowback attack was coming, understood the incredible poltical power it might confer, and preemptively disabled the few working parts of government that might have been able to thwart its success (by ignoring foreign warnings, quashing domestic investigations, cancelling Counterterrorism Task Force meetings, rewriting air emergency response protocols, staging distracting aerial war games, etc.)
    There is now more than enough compelling evidence of just such official misconduct, foul play, perjury and obstruction of justice to constitute probable cause for a full criminal investigation of all 9/11 events;
    Despite continuing avoidance of this issue by our Congress, major parties and corporate press, there is widespread public support for this perception and course of action (as demonstrated by the August 2004 Zogby 9/11 Poll );
    If we as a people refuse to demand truth and justice on a matter this grave, we will deserve our leaders' contempt and embolden them to further treachery. (They and their predecessors have, after all, gotten away with the now documented lies of the Tonkin Resolution, the JFK and MLK assassinations, Iran-Contra, Flight 800, the Waco Davidian murders, the Pentagon's "missing" $2.2 trillion, etc, etc. without consequence. Why should they start worrying about what the "sovereign people" think now?) We have to stand up and draw the line somewhere or we can kiss our hopes for security, solvency and democracy goodbye.
Wildlife to be Avoided

There are a good number of irrational and unsupportable 9/11 theories and theorists "out there" that have been used to great effect to discredit 9/11 truth advocates as whole (Check out Rule 4 in " The Twenty-five Rules of Disinformation " to grasp the tactic and then watch it in action in Popular Mechanics' recent 9/11 smear ). We are therefore also concerned about these spurious plot lines and how they are exploited, and we criticize many on our site . Every large and growing movement picks up a few noisy dunces or provocateurs in the margins, but they do not in any way invalidate the well researched evidence at its core. We only pray that those drawn to the 9/11 issue by sensationalist claims will stay long enough to learn the less theatrical but equally damning truth.

The Path of News Breaks
- A sampling of the rare exceptions that prove
the media's hear/see/report-no-9/11-evil rule
    The Truth About Sept. 11
    By Ted Rall, AlterNet, September 11, 2002
    First 9/11 questions statement by a well known media figure (one year late and only online, but still much appreciated)
    Fallout: The Hidden Environmental Consequences of 9/11
    by Juan Gonzalez, In These Times, September 10, 2002
    Early prophetic piece on the administration cover-up of the post-attack pollution (Implicit question: If they could condemn thousands of New Yorkers to death just to get the Stock Exchange running, how many would they sacrifice to run Afghanistan and Iraq?)
    9/11 Pollution Could Cause More Deaths Than Attack
    by Geoffrey Lean, The Independent (UK), September 12, 2004
    A Sierra Club study confirms and grimly quantifies the previous story, which breaks in a major world paper.
    One Year Later: Unintended Consequences of 9/11 and the War on Terrorism
    by John Tirman, AlterNet, August 29, 2002
    Early, almost touchingly naive, recount of 9/11's exploitation - unintended by whom?
    The Enemy Within
    by Gore Vidal, The Observer (UK), October 27, 2002
    In a 7,000 word essay and review of Ahmed's "War on Freedom", Vidal lays out the early evidence for administration complicity (This stunning piece has never been quoted or even mentioned in the mainstream US press.)
    Conspiracy Crusader Doubts Official 9/11 Version
    by Michele Landsberg, Toronto Star, May 11, 2003
    Celebrated columnist sympathetically introduces 9/11 truth pioneer Barry Zwicker in Canada's largest paper.
    Barbs aside, 9/11 questions aren't going away
    by Michelle Landsberg, Toronto Star, May 18, 2003
    And takes a lot of flack...
    Four 9/11 Moms Battle Bush
    by Gail Sheehy, New York Observer (front page story), August 25, 2003
    First "unanswered questions" story appears in the US press: Best-selling author Sheehy offers this great human and political saga to all New York's mainstream publications, but only one feisty weekly had the guts to pick it up.
    This War on Terrorism is Bogus
    The 9/11 attacks gave the US an ideal pretext to use force to secure its global domination
    by Michael Meacher, The Guardian/UK, September 6, 2003
    First compelling sketch of the motive, means and opportunity for the 9/11 crimes by veteran UK cabinet official.
    Why Don't We Have Answers to These 9/11 Questions?
    by William Bunch, Philadelphia Daily News, September 11, 2003
    First mention of "unanswered questions" in major US daily, brave and well done, but two years after the fact.
    Conspiracy Theories about Sept. 11 Get Hearing in Germany
    - Distrust of U.S. Fuels Stories about Source of the Attacks
    By Ian Johnson, Wall Street Journal, September 29, 2003
    orporate Journalism Central begins damage control, but still relates some intriguing facts.
    Whitewash as Public Service: How The 9/11 Commission Report defrauds the nation
    By Benjamin DeMott, Harper's Magazine, October 2004
    Despite the feisty title, the piece generally collapses into minutiae and fry-more-bureaucrats gripes. For a far deeper insight into the Commission cover-up, see David Ray Griffin's "A National Disgrace" - an intro to his explosive " The 9/11 Commission Report - Omissions and Distortions ."

The Path of Stubborn Questions
- Victim family queries that remain unanswered to this day
    The original 400+ Family Steering Committee questions that Commissioner Jamie Gorelick said would be the Commission's "road map"
    FSC co-founders Mindy Kleinberg & Lorie van Auken rate the Commission's final Report and give it a failing grade.
    A good rundown of the basic 9/11 questions from
    An extensive reader-generated, reader-rated list of questions from the pioneer site
    Keys to 9/11 - Deja Vu All over Again By Michelle Mairesse - a clean and clear example of many questions in narrative form

The Path of Deceit, Distortion & Perjury
- The Way of the Neocon Warrior (When the "free press"
turns to stenography, Machiavelli returns to life!) has produced a fine compendium of administration 9/11 lies, some aforethought, some afterthought, some cobbled on the fly .
    In the "practice makes perfect" vein, see also Rep. Henry Waxmann's "Iraq on the Record" database of 237 subsequent Bush official lies about Iraq
    For more specific indictments, see: "NORAD LIED ABOUT 9/11" : Senator Mark Dayton LIES A SIXTH GRADER WOULD NOT ACCEPT by Michael C Ruppert AN OPEN LETTER TO CONDOLEEZZA RICE "You Are a Liar" by Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing FBI WHISTLEBLOWER SAYS RICE IS LYING - Bush knew al-Qaida was planning attack by Andrew Buncombe, The Independent [London, UK] Similar reporting on's "Culpability or Incompetence?" page

The Path of Past Precedents
- How and why they keep doing it to us,
a crash course in official betrayal
    FAKE TERROR - The Road to War and Dictatorship
    "It's the oldest trick in the book, dating back to Roman times; creating the enemies you need." Excellent retrospective on governmental creation and abuse of terror from the Roman despot Crassus up to the headlines today.
    INVASION YANQUI: The Mexican War, 1846-1848 by Frances Leonard
    - You want history of provoked/invited attacks, we got history...

    How to Start a War: The American Use of War Pretext Incidents (1848-1989) - More history than you might ever want to know...

    War is a Racket - Gen. Smedley Butler's classic confession and repudiation of his life as a corporate hitman.

    PEARL HARBOR: Mother of All Conspiracies - Exhaustive documentation of FDR's foreknowledge and how he in fact methodically invited the attack.

    Operation Northwoods - the early Sixties Pentagon plan to attack America, blame it on Castro, and use the patriotic outrage as a pretext to invade and conquer Cuba. Excerpted from James "Puzzle Palace" Bamford's best-selling Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency ."

The Path of Timelines
- Systematic compilations of documented 9/11 facts that make
"coincidence theory" the wildest hypothesis of the day
    9/11 Timelines/Outlines by Topic Area (e.g., 9/11 air "defense", Pakistan connections, insider trading, FBI inquiry blocks, etc.) - From Paul Thompson and friends at the incomparable
    Best Single 9/11 Timeline: Exhaustive - Ditto
    "Oh Lucy! - You Gotta Lotta 'Splainin To Do" - Michael Ruppert's Timeline: The first - still growing, still excellent, and still offering $1000 to anyone finding an inaccuracy.


"Forty years ago today on June 8, 1967, a date which will live in infamy, the United States vessel, the USS Liberty, was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the State of Israel. Thirty-four American sailors lost their lives and 174 were wounded. Let's remember our fallen heroes on this day even though the world has for the most part forgotten them. Please listen to this interview and click on the graphic for more information.



... Be The Change ... Click Image Above to go to Musicians Say No! To Bush World Order ... Be The Change ...


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Defense and Crime: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?

My Blog

Largest Swiss Newspaper Asks if Bush Was Behind 9/11...

OpEdNewsOriginal Content at by-waronyou-080531-148.htmlJune 1, 2008Largest Swiss Newspaper Asks if Bush Was Behind 9/11... By waronyou2,...
Posted by Patriots Speak Out ®©" on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 05:10:00 PST

A Veterans Declaration of Independence for July 4, 2008

OpEdNewsOriginal Content at by-David-Swanson-080531-941.htmlMay 31, 2008A Veteran's Declaration of Independence for July 4, 2008  ...
Posted by Patriots Speak Out ®©" on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 05:24:00 PST

Why NATO Troops Can’t Deliver Peace in Afghanistan

SPIEGEL ONLINE .. --> SZM VERSION="1.3" --> .. type="text/javascript"> .. --> var IVW=";/internati onal/world/c-676/r-4705/k-6948/p-druckversion/a-...
Posted by Patriots Speak Out ®©" on Fri, 30 May 2008 08:19:00 PST

Operation Endgame

"Endgame" Documents: Before and After         & nbsp;          On March 26, 2007, the Boston Globe ran our op-e...
Posted by Patriots Speak Out ®©" on Thu, 22 May 2008 07:06:00 PST

The treasonous letter

The treasonous letterBy Michelle GillettArticle Last Updated: 05/06/2008 08:24:03 AM EDTTuesday, May 06, 2008 ed Everyone writes letters to ...
Posted by Patriots Speak Out ®©" on Wed, 07 May 2008 08:18:00 PST

The Queen of Pork

URL: n_of_porkThe Queen of PorkNobody doles out taxpayer money like Hillary Clinton  or rakes in as much campaign cash from the companies s...
Posted by Patriots Speak Out ®©" on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 06:53:00 PST

Impeachment Now or Apocalypse Later?

OpEdNews Original Content at achment_now_or_a.htm April 23, 2008 Impeachment Now or Apocalypse Later? By Bernard Weiner By Bernar...
Posted by Patriots Speak Out ®©" on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 06:56:00 PST

9-11 Truth Movement: Publication in a Peer-reviewed Civil Engineering Journal

9-11 Truth Movement: Publication in a Peer-reviewed Civil Engineering Journal Posted: 04/20 From: Source With publication in an established civil engineering journal, the discussion on 9-11...
Posted by Patriots Speak Out ®©" on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 07:51:00 PST

Lets All Pretend

Published on The Smirking Chimp ( Let's All Pretend By David Michael Green Created Apr 18 2008 - 9:13am Barack Obama did it again...
Posted by Patriots Speak Out ®©" on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 05:29:00 PST

NORAD Releases Mother Lode of 9/11 Tapes

NORAD Releases Mother Lode of 9/11 TapesPublished on Thursday, April 17, 2008.Source: Danger Room - Media Monarchy   The Web site says NORAD and U.S. Northern Comman...
Posted by Patriots Speak Out ®©" on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 09:27:00 PST