I, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
Do You Support the Constitution?
YOU'RE A TERRORIST SUSPECT! Since When Did Loving The Defining Document Of Your Country Make You A Terrorist? Check This Brochure by the FBI...
America has had no lengthy historical debate over torture because the prohibition against torture was our birthright. It was anchored in the English law before our nation was even founded, but the Framers of our Republic used the prohibition of torture as an issue by which we defined ourselves.
Torture was the tool of an autocratic or despotic state, they said, no democracy would allow it. George Washington was emphatic in prohibiting it, issuing standing orders for the punishment of any soldier who mistreated a prisoner.
In fact, Washington said that the death penalty might be a suitable punishment for a soldier who abuses a prisoner, and he likewise prescribed harsh treatment for any soldier who mocked or denigrated the religious beliefs of a prisoner.
Click Here To sign the "The Next President Must Reject Torture" petition..
The EU and the NAU ~ Two Peas in a Pod! HERE Treason Abounds ~ Gov't Cabal Plots North American Union HERE TWO 'ACTS' OF TYRANNY ON THE SAME DAY! HERE Using Bilingualism to Subvert America HERE Illegal Alien Anarchy . . . Connecting the Dots! HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Knowledge is POWER. This Website is dedicated to educating 'We the People' about the treasonous attempts to end the expressed freedoms of our Constitution and Bill of Rights in order to create the NAU.
The illegal alien crisis is a mechanism for achieving the globalists' NAU goal by creating a de facto erasure of the border. Both subjects are discussed in depth here in many well-researched and documented articles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
False Pretenses
Following 9/11, President Bush and seven top officials of his administration waged a carefully orchestrated campaign of misinformation about the threat posed by Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.
~George Washington~
He [King George] has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred right of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.
Thomas Jefferson, deleted portion of a draft of the Declaration of Independence, June, 1776
Helping inform candidates’ views on torture
Key Documents
Why We Don't Need Any More Stinkin Investigations
2007: The Year in Evidence
1998 CRS on Censure
1998 CRS on Impeachment
2002 Uranium Memo
2003 State of the Union
39 Disappeared Detainees
A Clean Break
A Pretext for War
A War Conspiracy Documented
Against All Enemies
AP: Weapons that Weren't
Articles of Impeachment
Audio of Bush Admin. Lies
Aznar Meeting Transcript
Basic Summary
BBC Documentary
BBC Transcript
Blair Impeachment
Blair's Big Lie
Bodyguard of Lies
Bonifaz to Conyers
Bush in Cincinnati
Bush letter to Congress
Bush Lies Documented
Bush Violates Hundreds of Laws
Bush report to Congress
Bush to U.N.
Bush's Impeachable Offenses, Part 1
Bush's Impeachable Offenses, Part 2
Bush's Impeachable Offenses, Part 3
Bush's Impeachable Offenses, Part 4
Bush's Impeachable Offenses, Part 5
Bush's Uranium Lies
Carne Ross
CATO Institute report
CBC: The Lies That Led to War
Chain of Command
Cheney Meets the Press
Cheney's Notes
Cheney's Nuclear Drumbeat
CIA Iraq Inquiry
CNN: "Dead Wrong"
COE on Detentions
Condoleeza Rice's Role
Constitution in Crisis
Count of the Dead
Counter Dossier
Curveball Warnings
Dean on Plame and Bush
Death Squads
Defense Planning Guidance
DIA Tells White House No Chemical Weapons
Downing Street Documents
Evidence of War Lies
Executive Order 13303
Facing the Ugly Truth
Feith Report by DOD IG
First Iraq, Then Saudi
Five Biggest Lies
From Contaiment to...
Frontline report
Further Reading
Go Massive!
Gonzales' Memo on Avoiding War Crimes Prosecutions
Hundreds of False Statements
Inspections Worked
Iran War Lies (the growing collection)
Iraq and London
Iraq Confidential
Iraq on the Record
Iraq War Reader
Iraq War: The Truth
Iraq-9-11 Connection Lies
It's All About Oil
Jamal al-Ghurairy
July 22, 2005, hearing
June 16 Testimony
Kay Report
Libby Grand Jury transcripts and exhibits
Lies of George W. Bush
Lt. Gen. Odom
Major Reports
The Melbourne Minutes
Naji Sabri
National Security Strategy
Newbold, Lt. Gen. Greg
Next World Order
Niger Forgeries
No 9-11 Connection
No Al-Qaeda Connection
Paul O'Neil
Summary of Pentagon Inspector General Report on Office of Special Plans
Oil, Power, and Empire
Outside the Box
Paul Pillar
Pentagon Propaganda 2
Pentagon Propaganda 3
Pentagon Propaganda
Perle: War Illegal.
Permanent Bases
Phony Terror Alerts
Plame Leak Timeline
Plan of Attack
Plans for Iraq's Oil
PNAC Bush letter
Politics and Terror
Politics of Truth
Powell at U.N.
Powell Lied
Powell's Presentation
Price of Loyalty Excerpt
Price of Loyalty
Prisons Used for Illegal Detentions and Torture
RawStory Article
Ray McGovern Book
Really, No 9-11 Connection
Rebuilding A.'s Defenses
Republican Party Platform
Robin Cook's Diaries
Rumsfeld on 9/11/2001
Sabri, Naji
Searchable database of lies
Secrets and Lies
Selling of the Iraq War
Senate Policy Committee Hearing, June 26, 2006
Senator Roberts
Senators' Letter
Sexed-Up Dossier
Signing Statements
Sorrows of Empire
Source of documents
State of War
Suing the CIA
Sunday Times Summary
Surgeon General
Swift and Serious
Talking Points
Telegraph article 1
Telgraph article 2
The Spoils
They Knew
Time magazine
Timeline One
Timeline Two
Timeline Three
Timeline Four
Timeline Five
Timeline Six
Timeline Seven
Toward a Neo-Reaganite...
Tragedy and Farce
Trent Lott Spills Beans
Tyler Drumheller
UAV Photos Faked
U.N. Cover; Decision Made
UN Warns US
Uranium Forgeries
Uranium Grounds for Impeachment
US Bugging Security Council
U.S. v. Bush
VIPS Publications
War Crimes Committed by the United States in Iraq and Mechanisms for Accountability
War on Iraq
War Planning in 2001
Weapons of Mass Deception
Wesley Clark
What Bush Was Told
What I Heard About Iraq
White House Memo
Who Gets the Oil?
Willful Blindness
Winnebagos of Death
WMD Lies
WMDs Didn't Matter
Wolfowitz Interview
Worldwide Attack Matrix
Worse than Watergate
Year of Iran
Yoo Memo
Yossef Bodansky
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[ Alabama ], [ Alaska ], [ American Samoa ], [ Arizona ], [ Arkansas ], [ California ], [ Colorado ], [ Connecticut ], [ Delaware ], [ District of Columbia ], [ Florida ], [ Georgia ], [ Guam ], [ Hawaii ], [ Idaho ], [ Illinois ], [ Indiana ], [ Iowa ], [ Kansas ], [ Kentucky ], [ Louisiana ], [ Maine ], [ Maryland ], [ Massachusetts ], [ Michigan ], [ Minnesota ], [ Mississippi ], [ Missouri ], [ Montana ], [ Nebraska ], [ Nevada ], [ New Hampshire ], [ New Jersey ], [ New Mexico ], [ New York ], [ North Carolina ], [ North Dakota ], [ Ohio ], [ Oklahoma ], [ Oregon ], [ Pennsylvania ], [ Puerto Rico ], [ Rhode Island ], [ South Carolina ], [ South Dakota ], [ Tennessee ], [ Texas ], [ Utah ], [ Vermont ], [ Virginia ], [ Virgin Islands ], [ Washington ], [ West Virginia ], [ Wisconsin ], [ Wyoming ]
Get this Action Button
As of today, 2,063 active-duty members of the Armed forces spanning all the branches, including the national guard, reserves and individual ready reserve, have signed the appeal for redress. This appeal, based on the Military Whistle-blower Protection Act, allows a member of the military to communicate with their congress-person on any issue. We call on all military personnel to sign the appeal and get active in the anti-war movement towards bringing our troops home and taking care of them when they get here. Not one more dollar, not one more day! Join us at http://www.appealforredress.org/
A Chicagoan and AMERICAN
*Donald Vance* Tortured For Reporting The Truth In Iraq filed suit against Donald Rumsfeld in the Northern District of Illinois.
"To stand in silence when they should
be protesting makes cowards out of men"
Abraham Lincoln
Sgt. John Bruhns