All things Nintendo, all things Literary, and all things to do with the Internet (perhaps I am working on a system that absorbs the chatter of blogs and forums to manifest an unparalled AI).
Jesus and Shigeru Miyamoto.
I'm very ecclectic in my musical tastes, a favorite to work by is Fantastic Plastic Machine.
I like all the old stuff with very little of the new stuff.
Is there anything besides British Comedies? I'm sure...
I have a very large book library that spans all genres. A favorite of mine are the essays of Michel de Montaigne.
Are there any in the postmodern world? I suppose Art Bell, George Noory, Alex Jones, Jordan Maxwell, Mark Dice, Daniel Estulin, Michael Badnarik, Peter Dale Scott, Joshua P. Warren, Ralph Roberts, Dinesh DeSouza, and Orson Scott Card are as close to heroes as any for me.