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Mark Dice


About Me

O'Reilly Factor ,ABC's The View ,The National Enquirer ,MSNBC ,the NYPOST ,Rollingstone ,Los Angeles Times ,The Village Voice ,Smart Money ,Tehran Times in Iran , ,CNET ,Coast to Coast AM ,Canada Free Press ,Washington Times ,Freemasonry Watch ,Agape Press ,Digital Spy in the UK ,Rotten Tomatoes ,iAfrica in South Africa ,Spin Magazine ,Daily Tar Heel ,Telopolis in Germany ,Pakistan Daily Times
"Powerful and compelling. A must read." -- Alex Jones -
“Mark Dice is not a conspiracy theorist, he is a conspiracy realist. This book tells it like it is. I urge every American to read it and pass it on to your friends and relatives. -- Wake up America.” -- Ted Gunderson, Senior Special Agent in Charge (ret.) FBI Los Angeles Division
“I highly recommend Mark Dice's Resistance Manifesto. Every patriotic American needs the valuable information in this outstanding book. Its insights are vital to our overcoming the sinister forces now confronting us on every side.” -- Texe Marrs - Power of Prophecy Ministry & Author of Codex Magica & Circle of Intrigue
“A must read for all Patriots. Mark has the guts most of us wish we had.” -- Mike Hanson, author - Bohemian Grove: Cult of Conspiracy (Infiltrated B.G. with Alex Jones in 2000)
"Mark Dice has assumed leadership of the Resistance. Forewarned is forearmed and we all have a role to play in the future. Or as Mark puts it, "The Resistance lives within each of us." -- Jim Marrs, Author of Rule by Secrecy
The Resistance Manifesto by Mark Dice contains 40 chapters and 416 extensively researched and documented pages drawing from declassified documents, mainstream news articles, religious texts, and personal interviews. A dark web of evil is exposed like never before, making Bible Prophecy and the New World Order crystal clear. Learn the most powerful information on the 9/11 inside job, plans for the rise of the Antichrist, the institutions, people, and powers involved, and how you can fight them.
The Bible is True and the greatest book ever written.
A large number of our political world leaders and corporate global elite are part of an intricate system of Satanic secret societies. They believe Lucifer (Satan) set Man free in the Garden of Eden, and that the God of the Bible is the evil one.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.” (Ephesians 6:12)
The September 11th attacks were orchestrated by the CIA and was an inside job to create a pretext for war. Elements within the U.S. government not only knew they were coming, they helped plan the attacks, aid the terrorists, and made sure the attacks were carried out.
“Don’t be afraid of people. They can kill you, but they cannot harm your soul” Jesus said. (Matthew 10:28)
The anthrax which was sent through the mail shortly after 9/11 wasn't sent by Al Qaeda or Saddam, it was sent from someone within our own [shadow] government to create more fear and ensure the Patriot Act would get passed.
Dozens of secret Concentration Camps exist in America on Military Bases and in cities ready to accept civilian prisoners.
“And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors have reached their fullness, a king shall arise, having fierce features, who understands sinister schemes. His power shall be mighty, but not by his own power; he shall destroy fearfully, and shall prosper and thrive; he shall destroy the mighty, and also the holy people.” (Daniel 8:23, 24)
Mock human sacrifices are done every year in the Bohemian Grove in California by our political and corporate elite. A forty foot tall idol of Moloch is used to sacrifice an effigy of a human while dozens of men wear black robes and hold torches performing a ceremony. In Leviticus 18:21 God denounces such behavior.
“So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him? He was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies” (Revelation 13:4, 5)
Members of the Skull & Bones secret society at Yale are 'born again’ into the Order by lying in a coffin, then kneeling before a figure dressed as Satan after (hopefully pretending) to slit a nude woman’s throat. George W. Bush and John Kerry are lifetime members.
Freemasonry is a religion, it is a secret society, and high level members knowingly deceive lower level members and non-members. At the highest levels Freemasonry is satanism.
Mormonism is a cult and the founder, Joseph Smith, was a Freemason. Mormons believe Jesus and Lucifer are brothers, and believe that they can become Gods, just like Satan said in the Garden of Eden.
10 Satanic Commandments in 8 languages stand as an enormous granite monument in Elberton Georgia. Created anonymously in 1980.
There is a Satanic pentagram clearly designed in the street layout of Washington D.C.
The United States military has built enormous Underground cities for the political elite, including water treatment facilities, food supplies, and modern amenities.
Johnny Gosch allegedly named Michael Aquino, founder of the Temple of Set, and former Church of Satan member as a key perpetrator in his kidnapping. Aquino was a Lt. Col. in the U.S. Army with high level clearance and allegedly participated in MKULTRA, type experiments on children. His home was raided by the FBI August 14, 1987. No charges were filed.
Numerous sources including Ted Gunderson (ret. FBI), John Decamp (former US senator), Paul Bonacci (child abuse victim) and Rusty Nelson (Franklin Cover Up) report that Hunter S. Thompson produced snuff films in the Bohemian Grove in which people were murdered on film for entertainment.
Infamous Satanist Aleister Crowley wrote instructions for sacrificing children to Satan in his books.
Phony Whitehouse reporter "Jeff Gannon" from was allegedly found to have profiles on numerous gay escort sites as a homosexual prostitute in the D.C. area, with visits to the Whitehouse and involvement in Operation Mockingbird
Teenagers Don Henry and Kevin Ives were murdered for accidentally witnessing a CIA cocaine smuggling operation in Mena Arkansas. Bill Clinton aided in the cover up, as well as the money laundering.
The Arab, Jew conflict and the rebuilding of Babylon (Iraq) dominate the news daily.
A document was recently leaked from the Vatican's secret archives dated 1962 which demanded Priests cover up pedophile crimes in the Catholic Church and make victims swear to silence.
VeriChip is the Pandora's Box of the mark of the Beast. Soon implants will substitute ID and credit cards. GPS next.
Adolf Hitler's favorte book was 'The Secret Doctrine' which says Satan is good, and God is evil. This same philosophy is practiced by Skull & Bones members and high level Freemasons today.
“Learn a lesson from a fig tree. When its branches sprout and start putting our leaves, you know summer is near. So when you see all these things happening, you will know that the time has almost come.” (Mark 13:28-29)
Neural Interfaces (chips and electrodes wired directly into the human brain) will soon be common ways to surf the Internet and make phone calls.
The Illuminati teachings and ideologies dominate the global agenda of the New World Order.
Operation Mockingbird was a CIA program created in 1948 to control domestic and foreign media by planting propaganda from paying off reporters and infiltrating publishers, and similar but much more advanced programs exist today.
Mechanical hybrid Terminators are being manufactured by the Department of Defense. These hybrid 'living' computers will soon be more intelligent than humans. These systems include armed flying drones.
"The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold and their faces resembled human faces. Their hair was like woman's hair and their teeth were like lion's teeth. They had breastplates like breastplates of iron and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle." Revelation 9:7-9
The antichrist will soon rise through the political, and technological infrastructure.
“And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindrends, and toungs, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” (Revelation 13:7-8)
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name...and his number is Six hundred & sixty-six. (Rev. 13:15-18)
Mark Dice on the Alex Jones Show (November 16, 2006)(PART 1 OF 2)(PART 2 OF 2)
Mark Dice on the Alex Jones Show (August 2006) (36min 16sec)
Mark Dice on the Alex Jones Show (July 2005) (56min 19sec)
Mark Dice Guest Hosts Deadline Live w/ Jack Blood
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My Interests

Beauty vs Brains

Danny Bonaduce Meets Mark Dice...Again.

Students Don't Know What Year 9/11 Attacks Were!

Hot Babes for 9/11 Truth

Mark Dice Invited to Speak at SDSU Click to Subscribe to Mark Dice's Videos on YouTube

ABC's The View Plugs







CALLING BILL O'REILLY 1 (877) 966-7746

Bohemian Grove Call Try #1 (28 sec)

Bohemian Grove Call Try #2 Cut Off and Insulted (17 sec)

Bohemian Grove Call Try #3 "Why are you Spinning BG?" (10 sec)

Bohemian Grove Call Try #4 (Bill Says John Should Be Electrocuted) (1min 28 sec)

VIDEO Compilation

READ Bill O'Reilly Spinns from Bohemian Grove Questions

CALLING SEAN HANNITY 1 (800) 941-7326

Bohemian Grove call 1 (1min 22sec)

Bohemian Grove call 2 (29sec)

Bohemian Grove call 3 (1min 19sec)

Bohemian Grove call 4 (50sec)

Bohemian Grove call 5 (1min 11sec)

Sean Hannity's credibility questioned (14sec)

9/11 Inside Job question dumped - Call #1 (16sec)

9/11 Inside Job Call #2 (1min 12sec)

VIDEO Compilation

READ Hannity & Colmes Exposed
READ Dear Sean Hannity (Eminem 'Stan' Satire)
Join Sean Hannity's Forum And Spread Some 9/11 Truth!

CALLING ALAN COLMES 1 (877) 367-2526

Alan Gets Mad about Bohemian Grove (1min 13sec)

Bush Worships Lucifer (2min 11sec)

Fake Phone Problem (29 sec)

Alan says John Conner is 'a problem' 'a phony' and 'a fraud' (58 sec)

Alan avoids 9/11 Truth Movement topic (18 sec)

Skull & Bones Q denied, next caller also asks about S & B (2min 24sec)

Alan the Gate Keeper "Workin' for the Man" (45 sec)

9/11 inside job call cut off (19 sec)

Alan: 'not much' time spent reading The Resistance Manifesto (6 sec)

Bohemian Grove question cut off (didn't even make on air) but guest still answeres! (24 sec)

Colmes' Screener Avoids Calls from 'John in San Diego' (12 sec)

Thanks Alan, For Talking About 9/11 Truth (1min 23 sec)

Shadow Government wanted 9/11 attacks (37 sec)

VIDEO Compilation (8 min 46sec)

READ Hannity & Colmes Exposed


Bohemian Grove Call #1 (1min 32sec)

Bohemian Grove Call #2 (2min 18sec)

9/11 was an inside job (3min 23sec)

the Illuminati (2min 52sec)

9/11 'Drills' (28sec)

Skull and Bones Question Denied (32sec)

CALLING PAUL MCGUIRE 1 (800) 227-5276

Half Baked Christian Paul McGuire Dumps Call and Insults John (1min 39sec)

CALLING LARRY KING 1 (800) 676-2100

VIDEO Larry confused by question (41 sec)

..CALLING RICK ROBERTS 1 (800) 760-5362

Rick says John should be locked up (4min 39sec)

Bohemian Grove 2 (3min 47sec)

The New World Order - Don't Go There (1min 28sec)

Calling Rick just to plug The Resistance Manifesto (48 sec)

9/11 Inside Job question denied (31 sec)

Illegal Immigration (1min 10 sec)

Would Rick Endorse The Resistance Manifesto? (33 sec)

Bohemian Grove Up Your Ass

My Blog

REAL Terminator Robots

Chapter on Terminators from The Resistance Manifesto by Mark Dice(with revisions)    In Chapter 9 of Revelation when the fifth angel blows his trumpet and locust-like horses march into ...
Posted by Mark Dice on Sun, 25 May 2008 10:34:00 PST

Barbara Walters is a slut

PRESS RELEASEBarbara Walters labeled a "media whore" by Christians claiming she admitted affair only to sell more books    New York, NY --  A conservative media watchdog group...
Posted by Mark Dice on Sun, 11 May 2008 10:52:00 PST

Book of Mormon Golden Plates FOUND!!!

For Immediate ReleaseThe Book of Mormon Volume 2 has been discovered in AmericaSalt Lake City, UT   A new ancient text, The Book of Mormon Volume 2, has been discovered and will be publ...
Posted by Mark Dice on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 11:39:00 PST

MySpace Launces MySpace for Latinos

So MySpace has now launched a Spanish version of MySpace called Latino Myspace.  What a joke.   Let's just continue to cater to the Mexicans, I mean, why shoul...
Posted by Mark Dice on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 03:25:00 PST

MySpace Owns the Pics You Post

MySpace Owns the Pics You Post By Mark Dice The recent media frenzy surrounding Eliot Spitzer’s hooker should teach all MySpace users a lesson. What you post on y...
Posted by Mark Dice on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 03:09:00 PST

Mark Dices new book

I haven't been making many videos or crashing college classes in a while, as many of you know. I just want to let everyone know that I have been working on some very important things. I have been spe...
Posted by Mark Dice on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 07:45:00 PST

Sex with Robots is Scientists Dream

The top story on Fox on Monday October 15th was one about robotics engineers and artifical intelligence scientists predicting that by 2050 people will be marrying and having sex with rob...
Posted by Mark Dice on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 02:01:00 PST

Fox News Infobabes Dress Like Prostitutes

For Immediate Release Female Fox News Anchors Dress Slutty Says Christian Group   (New York, NY) A nationwide conservative Christian media watchdog group has slammed the Fox News Channel sayin...
Posted by Mark Dice on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 12:38:00 PST

Love is all we need

I really wrote this for guys who think they're hard asses.  In the New World Order, love is looked at as an enemy.  If you ever think that wanting to be loved and wanting to love someo...
Posted by Mark Dice on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 05:15:00 PST

The Illuminati (Chapter from The Resistance Manifest)

Note:  There are a few additions in this article which are not in the original Resistance Manifesto book.  I will be adding them in the next print run.  Please support The Resistance an...
Posted by Mark Dice on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 02:02:00 PST