nancy.... STRENGTH THROUGH PEACE profile picture


I'm looking through you, where did you go? I thought I knew you, What did I know? You don't look dif

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Myspace Layouts by

Myspace Contact Tables~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `````native.a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ```N.W. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ```candle ~~~~~~ ``vote~~~~~~~~~~~~ ```M.E.~~~~~~ ````````````tree~~~~ `````````````beach ~~~~~~
Girly Myspace Layouts
banner~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ```2009 YOU AINT SEEN NOTHING YET!~~~~~~ ``````````labrynth `````labrynth ~~~~ `````````lorax~~~~ ``````emerson~~~~

My Interests

Girly Myspace Layouts
(blessing) ~~~~~```fish~~~~```J+E ~~~~ M.L.K. ~~~~~~**CLICK ON ME**~~~~````edward ~~ ~~~b
Myspace Glitters~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Girly Myspace Layouts
L&H ~~~``` scarface

I'd like to meet:

~~~~~```butterflies~~~ `````What Color Is Your Aura?
Your aura shines Yellow!
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~```hug trees ~~~~````peace ``Dr.Seuss ~~~~ ``elmo~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~a href="" target="_blank" ~~~~~
Girly Myspace Layouts
~~~~ ~~~~
Graphics by ```angel`peace ~~~ What type of Goth Faerie are you?
You are a Violet Faerie. You love life, although you may not always express your love for it. You are determined to be strong and never let anyone get you down, though you aren't always, but you can cover that up with a mask of a smile and others will believe it, because you are always "the strong one". As regal as violet is, there is also a dark side to it, deep inside you somewhere, the goth part of you that you will always hang onto, because it is really who you are.
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```golf ~~~`
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Girly Myspace Layouts
(karma) ~~~
Graphics by ~~~1-luv~~~
Girly Myspace Layouts
hitchcock ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r.h.p.s.
Girly Myspace Layouts
shine... ~~~
Girly Myspace Layouts


~~~ (afi)~~~~ ~~~~~~~``J.L.~~~```albums~~~(beatles) ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~(disturbed) ~~~~~~~~~~`````(L.P.) ~~~~~~~~```(G.D.) ~~~~~~~~N.D. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~`


(sum) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~```L.Z. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`korn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~```tree ~~ What's your personality like? (detailed +stylish banners)
Balanced/Kind-heartedAs the most well-rounded of the personality types, you're not really easily found among people nowadays. You think logical, but that doesn't mean you don't have totally sappy moments like typical teenagers. You're a lucky one, people like you for who they are and you return the 'favour'. There's also a gift of yours to mostly see the good in people and have a maninly bright perspective of life.Almost too perfect to be imperfect, congratulations!P.S: If you're willing,please take a look at my other results and if you feel that the quizz and I deserve it,rate!
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