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tim osman

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

9/11 Vendetta
great movie exposing the great lies of our times.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,i like polka, cabbage cakes and coffee, long walks in bad neighborhoods, starlight scopes and night assaults on enemy targets, sugar from beautiful babies and most of all girls that dance the cooch. Oh yeah and green bay packer football, god bless vince lombardi and f the rest. i almost know everything about everything so feel free to ask any questions you may have. i was raised by a lost sect of wandering mystics whose purpose it was to create a superbeing the ritual went well and here i am. i've been playing guitar for years now and occasionally i may even jam out with other humans, but right now I'm studing exclusively with hagmegnon a hidden mystic figure from the far east. All will soon be revealed or so it tells me. i'm a former campmaster of the Ordo Templi Orientis in Orlando and an amateur qabbalist and a Thelemite through and through. "Remember all ye that existance is pure joy;that all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass & are done;but there is that which remains" biotches!!!!! love is the law love under will.
I am a dog
The Dog
People born in the Year of the Dog possess the best traits of human nature. They have a deep sense of loyalty, are honest, and inspire other people's confidence because they know how to keep secrets. But Dog People are somewhat selfish, terribly stubborn, and eccentric. They care little for wealth; yet somehow always seem to have money. They can be cold emotionally and sometimes distant at parties. They can find fault with many things and are noted for their sharp tongues. Dog people make good leaders. They are compatible with those born in the Years of the Horse, Tiger, and Rabbit.You are honest and faithful. You can worry too much. You will make an excellent business person, teacher or secret agent.
Lord visible and sensible of whom this earth is but a frozen spark turning about thee with annual and diurnal motion, source of light, source of life, let thy perpetual radiance hearten us to continual labor and enjoyment; so that as we are constant partakers of they bounty we may in our particular orbits give out light and life, sustenance and joy to them that revolve about us without diminution of substance or effulgence for ever.So mote it be.
Lord secret and most holy, source of light, source of life, source of love, source of liberty, be thou ever constant and mighty within us, force of energy, fire of motion; with diligence let us ever labor with thee, that we may remain in thine abundant joy.So mote it be.
Lady of night, that turning ever about us art now visible and now invisible in thy season, be thou favorable to hunters, and lovers, and to all men that toil upon the earth, and to all mariners upon the sea.So mote it be.
Giver and receiver of joy, gate of life and love, be thou ever ready, thou and thine handmaiden, in thine office of gladness.So mote it be.
Lord of Life and Joy, that art the might of man, that art the essence of every true god that is upon the surface of the Earth, continuing knowledge from generation unto generation, thou adored of us upon heaths and in woods, on mountains and in caves, openly in the market-places and secretly in the chambers of our houses, in temples of gold and ivory and marble as in these other temples of our bodies, we worthily commemorate them worthy that did of old adore thee and manifest thy glory unto men Oh Sons of the Lion and the Snake! with all thy saints we worthily commemorate them worthy that were and are and are to come. May thy Essence be here present, potent, puissant, and paternal to perfect this feast!So mote it be.
THE EARTH Mother of fertility on whose breast lieth water, whose cheek is caressed by air, and in whose heart is the sun's fire, womb of all life, recurring grace of seasons, answer favorably the prayer of labor, and to pastors and husbandmen be thou propitious.So mote it be.
THE PRINCIPLES Mysterious energy triform, mysterious Matter, in fourfold and sevenfold division; the interplay of which things weave the dance of the Veil of Life upon the Face of the Spirit, let there be harmony and beauty in your mystic loves, that in us may be health and wealth and strength and divine pleasure according to the Law of Liberty; let each pursue his Will as a strong man that rejoiceth in his way, as the course of a Star that blazeth for ever among the joyous company of Heaven.So mote it be.
BIRTH Be the hour auspicious, and the gate of life open in peace and in well being, so that she that beareth children may rejoice, and the babe catch life with both hands.So mote it be.
MARRIAGE Upon all that this day unite with love under will let fall success; may strength and skill unite to bring forth ecstasy, and beauty answer beauty.So mote it be.
DEATH Term of all that liveth, whose name is inscrutable, be favorable unto us in thine hour.So mote it be.
THE END Unto them from whose eyes the veil of life hath fallen may there be granted the accomplishment of their true Wills; whether they will absorption in the Infinite, or to be united with their chosen and preferred, or to be in contemplation, or to be at peace, or to achieve the labor and heroism of incarnation on this planet or another, or in any Star, or aught else, unto them may there be granted the accomplishment of their Wills, yea, the accomplishment of their Wills.AUMGN, AUMGN, AUMGN.So mote it be.

My Interests

light, life, liberty and love as well as guitars, guns, girls and magick. did i mention the law?
click on then right click and click forward to stop

I'd like to meet:

Scarlett women everywhere,Jessica Alba, Angelina Jolie, aurora snow, gauge, rose crowley(rhymes with holy dumbass), satan, god, jesus, budda, zoharaster,Lao-tzu and Siddhrtha and Krishna and Tahuti, Mosheh, Dionysus, Mohammed and To Mega Thrion, with these also, Herms, Pan, Priapus, Osiris and Melchizedek, Khem and Amoun and Mentu, Hracls, Orpheus and Odysseus; with Vergilius, Catullus, Martialis, Rabelais, Swinburne, and many an holy bard; Apollonius Tyanus, Simon Magus, Manes, Pythagoras, Basilides, Valentinus, Bardesanes and Hippolytus, that transmitted the Light of the Gnosis to us their successors and their heirs; with Merlin, Arthur, Kamuret, Parzival, and many another, prophet, priest and king, that bore the Lance and Cup, the Sword and Disk, against the Heathen; and these also, Carolus Magnus and his paladins, with William of Schyren, Frederick of Hohenstaufen, Roger Bacon, Jacobus Burgundus Molensis the Martyr, Christian Rosencreutz, Ulrich von Hutten, Paracelsus, Michael Maier, Roderic Borgia Pope Alexander the Sixth, Jacob Boehme, Francis Bacon Lord Verulam, Andrea, Robertus de Fluctibus, Johannes Dee, Sir Edward Kelly, Thomas Vaughan, Elias Ashmole, Molinos, Adam Weishaupt, Wolfgang von Goethe, William Blake, Ludovicus Rex Bavari, Richard Wagner, Ludwig von Fischer, Alphonse Louis Constant, Friedrich Nietzsche, Hargrave Jennings, Carl Kellner, Forlong dux, Sir Richard Payne Knight, Sir Richard Francis Burton, Paul Gauguin, Docteur Grard Encausse, Doctor Theodor Reuss, and Sir Aleister Crowley-- Oh Sons of the Lion and the Snake! With all thy saints we worthily commemorate them worthy that were and are and are to come.


quicksand, mudhoney, ravi shankar, ministry, primus, gratefull dead, lightning bolt, black sabbath, pixies, janes addiction, allan holdsworth, miles davis, john coltrane, guitar geek stuff, frank zappa, mars volta, as i lay dying, refused, fantomas, mother love bone, green river, g66, mr bungle, tad, nirvana(bleach), slayer, anthrax, old metallica cliff era, misfits, d.r.i., battalion of saints, old soundgarden(nothing after badmotorfinger) and classic rock.
immortal technique featuring mos def, push play and check it out. they know whats up.


blue velvet, zardoz, the machinist, 12 monkeys, brazil, dark secrets of boheminan grove, the message, road to tyranny, exorcist, bubbahotep, black hawk down, alien & aliens, true romance, the hunted( i love knife fighting), any given sunday, natural born killers, platoon, michael caine acting tapes, american history x, henry portrait of a serial killer(otis rules), texas chainsaw massacare 2, easy rider, waco the rules of engagement, re dogs, kill bill vol 1&2, pulp fiction,legend of zu, seven samurai, samurai I.II.III, underworld, 40yr old virgin, french connection,dawn of the dead, the longest day, jaws, close encounters, matrix 1 only, old james bond films, evil dead, army of darkness, robocop, total recall, starship troopers (verhoven rocked back in the day), half baked, all cheech and chong movies, all bruce lee, equilibrium, american psycho, patton, one flew over the coocoo's nest, macarthur, naked, truth, naked lunch, existanz, nightbreed, hellraiser, fight club, devils rejects, battle royal, batman begins, clockwork orange, pretty much all kubrick except eyes wide shut. I hate tom cruise. wind and the lion, godfather, apocolypse now. And many many more I am the movie master and freak.
Push play and flip forward, some movies-shows that mask the truth(the first clip has no video but great audio)


Carnivale simply the greatest show ever! great introtivo, carnivale, rome, football, trading spouses, banned from the bible, decoding the past, daily show, colbert report. I love the new hbo show john from cincinnati. Some things I know, and some things I don’t


john m allegro - sacred mushroom and the cross,historical, magickal, sports, science, conspiracies, and secret societies. alan moore


moris day and the time, prince and the revolution, jfk, steve mcqueen, patton ,alex jones and the cathars.
J. F. K. that's were this all begins.

My Blog

the Law and its four rays

..>   this and mushrooms have been the basis for much of my current studies. no matter how many times i read this i am amazed by its constant revelations. the matrix is real ur living in it&nb...
Posted by tim osman on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 04:50:00 PST

the rights of man

Liber LXXVII "the law ofthe strong:this is our lawand the joyof the world." AL. II. 2 "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." --AL. I. 40 "thou hast no right but to do thy will. Do that, a...
Posted by tim osman on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 01:12:00 PST

what i believe = gnostic creed

I believe in one secret and ineffable LORD; and in one Star in the Company of Stars of whose fire we are created, and to which we shall return; and in one Father of Life, Mystery of Mystery, in His...
Posted by tim osman on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 07:48:00 PST