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Blue Star Rose

Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Dream.Change Your Dream,Change Your World.BE the Change.

About Me

found this fantasy layout at HOT :: MyHotComments

My Interests

Disclosure (Skysent) by AnaeL

i. Destiny

How to begin such a disclosure?
So many years and over our heads
Led to assume there was no reason
Left in the dark to conjure instead

Search knows no end in hearts of believers
Faith inhabits the soul of mankind
Great men of the truth have uncovered answers
With this, our destiny will be defined

Sky sent, crossing time to tell the future
Guide our way, it's a long road
Sky sent, through the frosty winter of dissent
Will we forge ahead?

ii. The Plan

All of your life you've been waiting
What you've known is alive
Carrying gifts that will change this world
Things that amaze and defy
An energy source for tomorrow
A model for clearing the air
And every country a partner free
Sharing and lending a hand for this plan

So into these unchartered waters
That one day to travel through time
Coping with damage inflicted
Needs some instant and radical strides
Beginning by sharing the knowledge
And openly admitting the lie
So every man who is fond of peace
Can consciously make up his mind
For this plan...

iii. Sanctuary

Seek your sanctuary in this place
It's an allegory to embrace
Try your telepathy, send your grace
It's all vibratory, you'll engage...

iv. Crossing Time

Love is the key if skies are to welcome
Goodwill among men the only reply
Blessed, each of us here to witness this opening
Saught since the beginning of time...

Sky sent, crossing time to tell the future
Guide our way, it's a long road
Sky sent, through the frosty winter of dissent
Will we forge ahead?
Will we form consent?

As I look into my brothers eyes

Holiness is what I recognize

I see the truth in everyone

Let us stand and live as one

United everywhere

With love replacing fear

We are one, we are one

Its the truth of who we are

Everywhere let the flag of love unfurl

In our hearts lies the truth

Of the unity of life

We are one and the truth of life is love

As I look into my sisters eyes

Immortality is what I find

From the eternal we have come

Let us live in peace as one

Coming together everywhere

Its time for love to vanquish fear

We are one, we are one

Its the truth of who we are

Everywhere let the flag of love unfurl

In our hearts lies the truth

Of the unity in life

We are one and the truth of life is love






I am moving my movies to this link since it was slowing down opening my profile page here.I see this as the Universe desires a new creation here again.Click on the banner below and it will open in a new window for you.

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All My Life's A Circle
Uploaded by Stonewal

Please email me here if you have information on these crop circles or the capacity of building the ship or additional information on the interfacing harmonic frequencies we need for interdimensional travel for those needing actual ships.As well if you have cymatics capacity for testing out series of frequencies to see what their design will make contact me. Or

My Interests:

The ongoing spiritual evolution or eternal progression in soul/body/spirit in all beings in all levels of reality towards LOVE, TRUTH, BEAUTY, and THE GOOD by DIVINE

We are extremely pleased to announce that on the Summer Solstice, June 2007, due to the Sacred Rose chapter 5, we have Lovingly recieved the Blessings for the "Celtic Cross" Sun medicine from Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma, most Traditional Eldest Elder of the Fire Clan Council, Hopi Sovereign Nation, third Mesa, Hotevilla, Northern Arizona. With this Blessing, we are preparing to co-create the completion of the "Spiritual Ark" that Unite's the 12 Tribes and the first 24 Elders within the Blue Star Oracle, reflecting the very higher Wisdom and Knowledge to all the People of the Earth.ln good timing, for the Solstice past, we received from the Hopi Mesa's, the gift of the "Thunder Stick" that Catalysed the East ~ West Rainbow Bridge between the Celtic and Hopi Nations. On the Morning of the Solstice, the Thunderbeings began to speak their name in the Highlands of Scotland and then made their presence felt all over the UK for many days after... With this we have began to Catalyse the return of our Mothership and the "Blue Star Medicine", foreseen within "Revelations" and the "Hopi Prophecy" ~By the 21st December 2007, we will reveal the Blessing from Grandfather Martin and the Fire Clan members... They bring to us the "Omega StarSeed" from the Great Tree of Peace and the 5th Sun of Flowers, to plant within our Hearts, they ask us to rem ember to breath and re-kindle the Rainbow Flame within us. ln the past they have informed us that "the Great River is rising" and have guided us to board the "Spiritual Ark" ~ Today they ask us to "Dream Big!" as that "Time is Now!"

New Jerusalem Cube Tesseract
951 Hz
852 Hz
753 Hz
654 Hz
555 Hz
456 Hz
357 Hz
258 Hz
159 Hz
Note these tesseract to form a cube of 555 visible every direction with every other number mirrored and cancelling so you get the enclosed suncross with these. Removal of the quarantine of Earth to rejoin the benevolent Galaxy
Interdimensional Space Travel

I'd like to meet:

MoVieS To EnLiGHTeN*~ Zeitgeist
Esoteric Agenda
America:Freedom to Fascism
911 Mysteries
Loose Change Final Cut
War Made Easy:Presidents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death
The U. N. Deception
Secrets Of The C. I. A.
The Trials Of Henry Kissinger
AIPAC Influence on US Foreign policy
The Road To Guantanamo
Bush Family Fortunes
Jordan Maxwell-The Queen of England Exposed
Orwell Rolls In His Grave
Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers
Ghosts Of Abu Ghraib
Ruby Ridge Documentary
Conspiracy Of Silence
One Nation Under Siege
The Corporation
The Fog of War
Why We Fight
Occupation 101
Suspect Nation
In Lies We Trust
The U. S. vs. John Lennon
Sir! No Sir!-The Gi Revolt
The War On Democracy
Gitmo: The New Rules of War
COINTELPRO:The FBI's War on Black America
The Yes Men
John Pilger-The New Rulers of The World
Who Killed The Electric Car
Hacking Democracy
OUTFOXED:Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism
Dick Cheney:The Unauthorized Biography
How Arnold Won the West
The Weather Underground
Power of Nightmares 1
Power of Nightmares 2
Power of Nightmares 3
The Hour of Our Time
Gladiator Days
The Energy Non-Crisis Alaskan oil reserves
UnConstitutional - The War On Our Civil Liberties
Riddles In Stone - Secret Architechture of Washington D. C.
The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group Exposed
The Bilderberg Group - Secret Rulers Of The World
Guy Fawkes & The Gunpowder Plot
The History Of Hacking
Walmart-High Cost of Low Prices
The Money Masters
Theft By Deception - Deciphering The Income Tax
Uncounted:Election Fraud Documentary
The Pentagon Flyover - How They Pulled It Off
The Ground Truth: The Human Cost of War
The Oil Factor:Behind the War on Terror
EndGame:Blueprint for Global Enslavement
Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State
American Dictators
The Decline & Fall Of America
Prisoners Of Katrina
The 911 Conspiracies- Fact or Fiction
Arundhati Roy "WE"

American Drug War-The Last White Hope
Aerosol Crimes
A Killer Bargain
Coca-Cola Exposed
Owning the Weather
The Slow Poisoning of India
Beyond Treason-Gulf War Illness
Marijuana:It’s Time for a Conversation
Magic Weed-History Of Marijuana
Marijuana-Threat or Menace
Hemp For Victory (1942)
In Pot We Trust
Reefer Madness
The Great Global Warming Swindle
Global Warming Doomsday Called Off
Green House Conspiracy
The Ghost In Your Genes
Angels Dont Play This HAARP
The Medicated Child
The Fluoride Deception
SANTA'S WORKSHOP-China's Toy Factories
Nutricide-The Codex Alimentarius threat
Dangers of Genetically Modified Food
The Future of Food
The World According to Monsanto
Mad Cow Cover-up:"Mad Cow" wasn't a Downer
Vaccination - The Hidden Truth
Sweet Misery - A Poisoned World
The Drugging of our Children
Chemtrails- Mystery Lines in The Sky
A World Without Cancer-VitaminB17
AIDS CURE: U. S. Patent #5676977
Jesse Ventura speaks out
Why People Believe Weird Things
The Hour of Our Time
WACO: The Rules of Engagement Part 1
WACO: The Rules of Engagement Part 2
Pirates of Silicon Valley
Stratcom:The Gun That's Still Loaded
Anti-War March in Hollywood,CA 3-15-08
The Clinton Chronicles
Hillary! The Movie
"Spying on the Home Front" at pbs. org/frontline
ENRON: The Smartest Guys in the Room
Fear and Loathing in Gonzovision:Hunter S. Thompson
Life After People - History Channel
Alex Grey - Art Mind
Super Size Me
Jesus Camp
Lakota Nation Cecedes Due to New World Order
Holes In Heaven-HAARP&Advances In Tesla Technology
Nikola Tesla:The Genius Who Lit The World
The Race to Zero Point - Free Energy
The Secret
What the Bleep pt 1
What the Bleep pt 2
Magical Egypt - The Invisible Science
Eye on the Reef
Secrets of the Great Barrier Reef

Dr. Bill Deagle, M.D. Prophet and complimentary medicine nad environmental occupational physician.

This is the most important and comprehensive video you will ever see. Dr. Deagle is a highly intelligent whistle-blower with info that you ... all » need to know about nutrition, extraterrestrails, New World Order, Moon Base, Mars colony, Deep Underground Military Bases, super soldiers, GMO, Illuminati 4th dimensional workings, even modified attack baboons.Dr. Deagle Part 1 of 4

Dr. Deagle Part 2 of 4

Dr. Deagle Part 3 of 4

Dr. Deagle Part 4 of 4


Wilhelm Reich and his radiosondes interfaced and contacted the J-Rods or "L" one of the Shining history, the BENEVOLENT ETs and their platform is 15 (6) and 9 is all important to them universally. Now Reich first pulsed 403MHz, a numerology 7 to clear the DOR which is numerologically an 8 to get it to a 15 (7+8=15), then once cleared so he had the 15 which reduces to the 6 of Universal Love and resonance of Light of spirit and power of the Universe outside our quarantine here, then he pulsed 1680MHz which is a 15 numerology which brought the zetas coming as we were ready and they can only come through in orgone pockets here.He went up an octave adding a zero to the 168Mhz which was high enough to make contact in zeta reticuli. Orgone resonates to the 15(6) frequencies.

Unfortunately some chose to back engineer this information to shoot down the zetas with high pulsed DOR or numerolgy 8 events to land them after sucking down their orgone with the cloudbuster to try to get out of the quarantine and invade all the multidimensions of harmony and benevolence.It pulled the orgone down out of the benevolent Cosmo ships which sucked them out of locomoting around and got them crashed which was an accidental finding of Reich after they came to investigate this platform of 15 frequency portal through the density here.

Now much is being done with microwaving foods and cell phones which they resonate to the 8 like cellphones are 35MHz which is an 8. It is very important all foods and particularly water to avoid microwaving and always send highest orgone or heart thoughts into it to keep you able to interface as we get closer to time.

Now here is a technique as well one can do to obstruct the DOR frequencies and mind control frequencies around us to thwart those wishing to frequency fence us in or remote influence you from the DOR department agents I shall say.

You can take an exact true even tiny pyramid and line it up due North (check where this is for sure now). It needs to be parallel with the Earth and get you a tone generator and set it to 51.1Hz which is a 7 (5+1+1=7) harmonics.It needs 14 or so hours to set it resonating. This in known to shield you from negative remote viewers and keep intact hearing within. Now it seems best to stay away from frequencies between 400-420Hz period or you have to watch playing tones together the binaural effect gets you. Duncan Cameron noted between 417-420Hz all their psychic abilities wre shut down and hearing the benevolent dimensions. As well some playing with frequencies noted those from 400-420 accentuated and intensified MKUltra programming so it was not subconscious but blasting and the scenes of their commands of self destruct and orders intensified. This did NOT mean these frequencies improved things to use EFT to get over , it means you have blasted your self, so BEWARE. Caution, testing frequencies. If you feel bad or get a headache , you are NOT detoxing avoid those frequencies if you are consuming enough high quality water at the time.

After you get the 7 numerology cleared then wearing a numerology resonating 15 harmonics will keep you up to par and not succumb to mind control efforts and be of a vibration for happy, loving ET engagements.

It appears from the crop circles the benevolent ETs want us to follow the 3-6-9 rules and make the cube once we clear up the chakras with 7 tones of 3 digit frequencies potentially. Now from ET contact ahead of earth knowledge we know that 528Hz is the heart chakra we wish to work around and 555Hz is the thymus/soul feed we feed into once we get the chakras all balanced. It appears from the crop circles they wish them 99equal distances apart.Now being authentic and listening to your heart and Creator lines you up automatically as you follow what is given within for your particular soul journey to dream and see, and the sacred geometry awakens the harmony of listening within and the music that comes as we integrate the sacred geometry with the colors and sounds of awakening musics that feed your soul and heart expland you.The frequencies to cymatic out are the New Jerusalem cube above in my list of interests and these which take care of the chakras all feeding into the heart chakra you then feed over into the thymus for your mer-ka-ba ship which even if you want not a light body ship you must resonate or the ship crashes as it gets in higher fields of resonance are these: 231Hz(6),330Hz(6),429Hz(15=6),528Hz(15=6),627Hz(15=6),726Hz( 15=6),825Hz(15=6). These feed into the 159Hz,258Hz,357Hz,456Hz,555Hz,654Hz,753Hz,852Hz,951Hz which make the Tesseract or Rubik's cube with the grand cross of 15 in the center just as in the Sumerian cylinder seals, the Voynich Code, and petroglyphs are these directions for making that cross of the 15(6) to line up with Alycone in the Pleiades.All sides of this cube are a perfect mirror of 3-6-9 playing out with 45 numerology or the 9 on each side with that 15(6) peering out to go hyperdimensionoal you just start adding zeros to amp upwards ultraviolet.To see these played out and discussed go to the Project Awakening in Completion first two blogs. Since that blog the ETs have pointed out they want the 7 tones not 7 for the chakras on the sigil of truth event which plays the 5 and 7 which these have 5 in the core numbers of the 15 in 5 of the 7 as needed to meet the sigil of truth rules to break the frequency fence here. It is so important they made crop circles, bird formations and cloud formations and stigmata showing this need. regarding-harmonics-and.html -cube.html


The Secret;Close Encounters; Somewhere In Time; Revelation-The Movie with Terrance Stamps;Lord of the Rings; The DaVinci Code; National Treasure; Raiders of the Lost Ark; Star Wars; Mists of Avalon King; Arthur;Excalibur;"V", Planet of the Apes; 2001 Space Odyssey;Dances With Wolves; Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, The Gods Must Be Crazy 1&2;Ghost;Water World,Kenau Reeves, Julia Roberts,Sandra Bullock,Bruce Willis,Stephen Seagall,Mel Gibson, Whoopi Goldberg, Steve Martin, John Candy;many more movies


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These books I have read are from Sonyah'a slideshow.I thank Sonyah over on my top friends' who has a beautiful site with more sacred feminine, herbology, manifesting suppressed by Churches yet honored in our myths but confused to actually investigate by the powers who desire us to fear our natural ways and connection to the divine and our ET heritage.
For more interested in the Blackened Legacy of Cain and Magdalene and the Sacred Feminine in Touch with Nature and How We Do Manifest those in power have blackened these sacred topics and hold them evil by culture.We need not be religious but rather spiritual being as there is no religion.Love is the key and good will among each other.Please come to my sister site:
Magdalene, CAIN,Isis,Salome,Mary'a, Peace BEarer of the Seven Stars at
Perhaps you will come to the conclusion that evil people desiring to keep control and all the wealth and abundance have lied to you about ALL these topics to keep you from investigating the truth. Perhaps you will have to die to what you to this point have regarded as truth or the "way things are" on topics as some who tell you"how things are" have impure motives and extreme reasons to keep you from your legacy and how things really operate to keep you in fear of the very topics.


Dr. Steven Greer, M.D., Dr. Bill Deagle, M.D.July 12th 9CT IMPORTANT MESSAGE
Watch live video from Ron Paul 2008 on

My Blog

Check out this video: Clouds of Death

This video brings to mind whether this spraying is being done in collusion with grays who are from the future...mutant humans who slipped back through time to ensure they get created with the mycopla...
Posted by Blue Star Rose on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 10:57:00 PST

Detoxing from Forced Vaccines, Chemtrails & Sick Friends

For those who can't come up with some of these ingredients which are great, one can soak in Epsom salts like footbaths for longer than on the box for 1-3hours as in chelation therapies we use 2 gms ...
Posted by Blue Star Rose on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 07:20:00 PST

Blessings from Hopi on Celtic Cross Sun Medicine

We are extremely pleased to announce that on the Summer Solstice, June 2007, due to the Sacred Rose chapter 5, we have Lovingly received the Blessings for the "Celtic Cross" Sun medicine from Grandfa...
Posted by Blue Star Rose on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 07:59:00 PST

Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing,There is a field Ill meet you there!

I realize we each may have been conned concerning the truths of the web we find ourselves in the midst of, you as well as I in moments, and I extend full Grace to see beyond the illusions I may have t...
Posted by Blue Star Rose on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 05:30:00 PST

The Con of Man.....By the Church

Now We See How the Church Spins Its Web Over the Knights Templars, Masons Needing to Free Themselves from the Spun Web----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: ~Magdalene~CAIN~Isis~Sal...
Posted by Blue Star Rose on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 04:23:00 PST

Alert MYSPACERS!!!This Terrorist Bill Targets US!!ACTION NEEDED

PLEASE WATCH THE FIRST VIDEO. You will see why the others apply and are there if you've missed the recent and not so recent background being new or busy here.Want social change the current regime has ...
Posted by Blue Star Rose on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 09:17:00 PST

Revolutionary Alternative Energy~~FREE Overall

Isn't it time we protect and support our scientists and ourselves from the cartels of oil and coal~~petrochemical who are killing these inventors, harming their families and friends and our planet?---...
Posted by Blue Star Rose on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 04:32:00 PST

URGENT: Whistleblower Prophet in Action~~Dr. Deagle

Please rebulletin this to all you know. Perhaps start with videos 3 and 4 of the series as the solution is here, but for the deep specific details of black ops upon us and the medical military industr...
Posted by Blue Star Rose on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 06:24:00 PST

Important Message from Mayan Elder to All Our Relations

Mayan Elder Tata Pedro 26 minutesA message of awakening to Love and Forgiveness. Setting Aside of Judgment, Punishment and Condemnation.A message to forgive and allow each to awake to Love and connect...
Posted by Blue Star Rose on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 12:18:00 PST

For the Cave Dwellers Coming Into the Light~~Videos

Just in case you missed some of these areas you had been in the dark about and would like more light shed so we can pass through this area to get into the real light of all we are, I blogged the video...
Posted by Blue Star Rose on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 12:53:00 PST