DANIEL JACOB: Bio-Energetic Bodyworker, Conscious Channel , Visionary Writer. In 1986, I began serious studies in Metaphysics and Channeling, which led to my intersection with The Reconnections in 1991. The Reconnections are a Soul Group who have volunteered to assist humanity during the most difficult and important transition we have ever known. THE RECONNECTIONS STORY (click here)
1984, I became a Licensed
Massage Practitioner, and have worked in Physical Rehab and Personal Transition Work for over 22 years. Since 1997, I've been closely studying Children of the New Earth---Indigo, Crystal, and Star Kids.
ARE YOU A STAR CHILD? (click here for Questionaire)
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In 2003, I produced a 2-pt CD of Spoken Word and Music,
"The Star Children,"
with musician, composer, and sound specialist Jim Jackson. Click link to hear samples and to order.
I am a regular contributor to Children of the New Earth and Planetlightworker Magazines Online, as well as occasional contributions to Sedona Journal of Emergence and Paradigm Shift Magazine in the U.K.
You can find out much more about me and The Reconnections Work, including a complete Archive of Articles and Transmissions from The Reconnections by visiting one or both of my Web Sites:
(Click Titles for Complete Transmissions and Articles)
"We are The Reconnections. We represent all those parts of your Expanded Self which you had to forget about to become human. We've never been very far from you......just far enough. Within our ranks are represented all those essential "bridge concepts" which will connect you with The Multiverse.....the vast compilation of alternative possible/probable universes, all of which represent levels of YOU."Â
"There is a level of Being where the All That is REALLY IS all there is. You have no need of anything because, when you're All That Is, there is nothing left to be outside of You.This is the level which we will now refer to as The Gathering of the One. This level of consciousness would be likened to PURE BLISS. There is complete diffusion of focus and a truly porous consistency to all things. Literally, everything and everyone can exist within the same space at once!  If this concept sounds somewhat fantastic to you, then realize also that even the words we speak to describe this level of Being are grossly inadequate and incredibly dense in comparison to this level of infinite harmony and love."
The Basics of Oneness
1. All of life is a dream that is being experienced by the ONESELF.
2. As is usually the case in dream interpretations--every person, object, or situation that appears in the dream is an aspect of YOU, the Cosmic Dreamer, and your entire universe is your mirror.
3. You have chosen to incarnate into a physical universe. There is really only ONE PERSON here---one person who has divided him/herself into as many fragments of the ONESELF as are needed to portray a truth, feel a feeling, or learn more about the infinite Being which we all are.
4. Just as there are many fragments seen within a universe (uni=one), so are there an infinite number of universes contained within the MULTIVERSE, which is a "wherehouse" for the storage and keeping of All That Is.
5. Every person, object, situation, or location represents a VIEWPOINT for the Oneself to enjoy and observe the All That Is. You do not merely reside within a single physical body, though it may sometimes appear to be so. You are everywhere and you are everything.
6. Truth is also everywhere, and in everything. In the Multiverse, there is a universe that literally honors and embodies every single belief or system of belief imaginable (and then some). There is no such thing as disagreement within a multidimensional reality. There are only variations upon a common theme. At the heart of each theme is always YOU.
7. What separates each individual universe is the VEIL OF FORGETFULNESS, a semi-permeable membrane that surrounds each viewpoint and temporarily blocks remembrance of Self at all the other levels at which you exist. Like blinders on a horse, the Veil allows each separated viewpoint the freedom to experience its universe without being distracted by the other possibilities which are also available.
8. Time and Space exist as punctuation marks in a limitless composition that is being written by the Oneself. They are notations, regulating the beat and measure for a concerto which has played and which will be played throughout all eternity. All time is now. All space is here.
9. There is really only ONE Multiversal moment, divided into an infinite number of fragments, which are apportioned to as many universes as is required to embody everyone and accomplish everything imaginable (while always adding just a little bit more).
10. All of the above applies to YOU, the ONESELF Cosmic Dreamer, unless you say otherwise.
Gateways to 2012 (our Blog Talk Radio Show)Hosted by Myself and Gwynne Mayer. Click and Enjoy!