NOTICE: ALL of the text, drawings, artistic photographs, images, graphics and writings on this page were created by me. I did not find these materials on the net and put it on my profile, I created them. Please DO NOT copy these materials and paste them in your profiles. I own legal copyrights to these works but if you would like to display anything here, please write to me. Your interest and appreciation of my work is an honor and I would be happy to hear from you. Thank you.
The "unseen," the study of energy and its impact, universal grid systems, and The Presence of All That Is.And then, in no particular order, my interests are: art, music, literature, metaphysics, crystals, enlightenment, and creating peace on Earth, just to name a few things. I love animals, the outdoors, meditation, and interacting with "the unseen." I find the realities that lie beyond
the boundaries of Earth-reality to be infinitely fascinating. When I "returned to life" after my most significant "death," I realized that I had many gifts.
(I believe these gifts are common to everyone though the majority are choosing to focus on other things.)When I returned, one of my first "encounters" was with an utterly fascinating man who I found totally compelling.He told me that his name was Chief Iron Tail and that he would be walking with me in spirit, as a Guide. I thought, for many years, that I was hearing the name incorrectly. But one day someone gave me the gift of a book and there I found a photograph of Chief Iron Tail. It was one of the many great gifts I've received as far as validation of what I see, hear, and believe to be True. Not to be overly sentimental or "sappy" but Chief Iron Tail is one of the greatest, most astounding friends I've known throughout the history of time.Another great enounter was with Mahatma Ghandi. It was an unexpected visitation and, to this day, I still use the "tools" he gave me. A great and incredible man, every time I see him he is with Kalil Gibran, who is another
person who inspires me greatly.Continuing on with things that are of interest, I couldn't imagine that anyone wouldn't find the following vision of
reality fascinating. It most certainly captivates me ... every single day~! This vision of existence rarely, if ever, leaves my thoughts.nbsp;Keeping in mind that I am someone very much like you, the reader, I give you the following information with the hope that your mental image of who we are and what we are all a part of will enlarge society's vision of reality and bring greater awareness and comfort to each of us, singly and as a whole.
^^^^^"The Other Side"The all-encompassing Light, an entire world of it, beckoned to me. Without hesitation, I stepped into it. It enfolded me and I was comforted for the first time since I'd left it to take on this physical incarnation. The human part of me would have wept with relief. The spirit part of me, the part that was departing the Earth-plane, was matter-of-fact. Let's get on with the real stuff, I thought. I walked away from my physical shell without regret, confusion, or hesitation.I was adrift within the body of Creation. All things were one. There were no separations or barriers. Imagine, if you will, containing your entire focus within one single cell of your body for 20-30-40 years. Suddenly you shift your focus and become aware of the rest of your cells and the space that surrounds them. Suddenly you realize that there is a massive part of yourself that you'd closed your eyes to all these years. You are not made up of one cell. You are made up of billions of cells. And now you have the opportunity to reacquaint with yourself. This is not something, someone, or some place that you need to get to know. This is the entirety of you that you'd known before and had merely forgotten. This is what the "death experience" was like for me … stepping into a remembering, an awareness, of the entirety of Creation and my part in it.The Light and the Voice guided me. In peace, I followed. If you can imagine, it was like one cell freed from its designated place within your body, now floating freely through your blood stream. Passing other cells, floating by vital organs, marveling at the scenery of the reality beyond Earth and third dimension.I floated, in pure Light, beyond the boundaries of Earth. Stars, solar systems, galaxies … they were miniscule and of little importance within the larger vision of things. The Light took me further, deeper, into existence until Earth and its Universe were invisible to me. I passed other universes, circles of them, sixteen to a circle. On the edge of existence, looking back, these circles of universes looked like strings of pearls. The Voice explained to me that, within each 'string,' the universes were connected and accessible to each other via what we now call 'black holes.' I couldn't count how many 'strings of pearls' there were. The vision was incredible and, in that instant, that memory re-visited, my life was changed irrevocably. (But, at the time, I didn't realize that I was returning to 'life,' this life.)"For visionary purposes," the Voice advised me, "think of this existence you're viewing as a 'body.' The planets, solar systems, and universes are cells within the body. Everything else is the space that surrounds the cells that make up the body.""It's rather like saying, 'I am within the body of God,' " I responded. I pointed to a 'string of pearls' and continued, "And so, if the body of God is, for visionary purposes, similar to the human anatomy, that 'string of pearls' is in the area of the left lung.""Precisely."I watched in silence as a thought formed and became a single, brilliant bullet of Light. It sped toward a region of universes and vanished into the darkness there. The body of God aligning and healing itself? Perhaps.^^^^As it was explained to me, the Truth comes to us in stages. As we assimilate and understand a layer, the next layer is peeled away for us to ruminate upon. Often these Truths are revealed in symbols, images, thoughts, and inspirations that the human brain can easily accept and interpret. I do my best to relay things exactly as I see and hear them, with the understanding that what is presented may be "stepped down" for easy interpretation inside this 3-D reality.
Our reality is evolving quickly. I believe that we're being shown pieces of a huge 'puzzle,' for lack of a better description. Keeping an open mind and being willing to receive more insight and wisdom, no matter whether it seems to contradict something we already believe we know, allows us to evolve more quickly. Standing steadfastly on one piece of the puzzle (a Truth) creates a resistance to the next revelation (puzzle piece) and hinders the universal flow that we all seek.The imagery just given above might help us to envision 'Universal Flow.' If we allow ourselves to use this image as a 'base,' we can see the oneness of all things. If all things in this existence are contained within a 'body,' there is no separation, just as there is not true separation within our own bodies. Using the imagery, we can also see that, if a thought is formed in 'the mind of God' it flows easily to the rest of the body … and vice versa. What this image implies/suggests is that there is nothing in the way of the 'flow' of all things within God/existence.And so it seems as though, for whatever reason, it is my task to share what I've seen and heard throughout my 'ethereal wanderings,' as outlandish as some of these things might seem. Perhaps my experiences are pieces of the Truth or possibly only possibilities to stimulate your mind and mine. But, I believe that this is a piece of the puzzle and a step toward the coming revelations. May wisdom guide our footsteps and our thoughts.
The artwork below was created by myself and completed only hours before the energy shift that occurred on the above-stated date. To me, the artwork is indicative of the reality-shift that is possible for Earth and its inhabitants. I suppose I should name this piece "HOPE." (smile) If you missed the write-up about this energy shift, you can find it among my blogs, with the date of above.
Another deep interest of mine are the arts and the people who reach deep into the essence of themselves and infinity and bring forth beauty that stuns the senses. Below is a brief encapsulation of this example. "Ashes and Snow," by Gregory Colbert. (A stunning, incredible body of work)
I'd like to meet:
Others of like-mind, kindred spirits, those who are interested in the spiritual evolution of Humankind, and maybe even those who've spent other lifetimes with me ... in similar pursuits. In other words, the God within me wishes to interact with the God within you.People interested in making a difference in and on this planet. My higher dimensional interactions include correspondence with Nikola Tesla and others who offer insight and advice on various technology and such that can, if implemented, assist Earth in many ways. Anyone who is interested in such things is, in my opinion, a kindred spirit. I'm also interested in meeting and possibly working with those who work with the energetic grids of existence, including sacred geometry.If you find yourself resonating with any or all of what I'm saying, there's a good chance that we've met before in another time and place ... and I look forward to meeting you again~!
AND ... a note about my Friend's List here ......
I attempted to do a "custom friend's list," so that I could display some of the wonderful causes that my friends are addressing here on myspace, the massive effort and caring that I see here daily. But that didn't work. And then I attempted to mentally "coerce" myspace into increasing the number of friends we could display on our first page. I was thinking maybe .. well .. why not the Top 500? (smile) But that didn't work either. Besides, even 500 wouldn't cover everyone I care about here.I have met some of the most incredible people on this planet, here on myspace. My heart is connected to every person here, along with my caring. My life has been more blessed than I could have hoped for by those who have befriended me. As you probably know, it's not easy to choose "top friends." In my heart, each person here is a top friend. And I am blessed..............
Below: A video that speaks to the truth of what I believe ... that we are the ones we've been waiting for ... that it is we who have the power to change the reality in which we live.
I love all music ... except for Rap. Some favorites: Eric Clapton, Enya, Kitaro, Paul Simon, Neil Young, Chris Isaak, Sarah McLachlan, Lizz Wright, James Taylor, The Eagles, Cat Stevens, B.J. Thomas, Michael McDonald, James Taylor, Bob Marley, & his son ... should I go on?? Oh, yes, can't forget these guys ... The Moody Blues~!And I can't neglect to mention Josiah Barlow, a friend I met here on myspace. I told him, and I wasn't kidding, that this one particular song of his needs to be put on some kind of 24/7 "thread" and played non-stop. (smile)I love music. It's helped me heal through many days and many trials. Those who give their voices to the world should, in my humble opinion, be loudly applauded.I'm going to add someone onto this list. I just met Randy Lotz here on myspace. I listened to one of his songs ("Makin' A Memory") 5 times before I could pull myself away. A voice like velvet to my ear. I hope you visit him and support his talent. You'll find his profile listed on my Friend's List. Thanks!
"I'M IN LOVE WITH AN ALIEN" by The Kelly Family
Neil Young
BJ Thomas
Sarah McLachlan
Sara Evans
Amy Grant
Declan Galbraith
Cat Stevens
Ziggy Marley
Lizz Wright
Willie Nelson
Peter Frampton
Michael McDonald
Helen Reddy
James Taylor
Josiah Barlow
Randy Lotz
The world would seem incomplete without Josh Groban. "You Raise Me Up" ... a stunning and touching display of talent that never fails to move me.
The video below is a "test video" created by Rysa (see my Friend's List). The story is from my series entitled "Little One and The Path." which will (some day) be put into book form. Rysa placed the video and music, overlaid with the story, to give people an idea of the concepts we dream of. I hope you enjoy it. I found it tremendously powerful and a great, effective way to touch lives.
As far as other films ... some of my favorites ......
"Ladyhawk" - GREAT movie!;
"The Sixth Sense" - another great movie;
"Meet Joe Black" - enjoyed this one a lot;
"The Matrix";
"What the Bleep Do We Know";
"There's Something About Mary" (some good laughs here)
I'm not much into TV but I like comedy, mystery, things such as that.
"The Keys of Enoch" (JJHurtak);
"The Journey of Crazy Horse";
Most all of Walter Mosley's books;
"Personal Power Through Awareness" (Sonaya Roman) is a book I recommend to everyone in the beginning stages of self-awareness;
"The Four Agreements";
And on and on ... being an author and all (smile)
Those who challenge the "limitations" of the human mind.WHAT MAKES A MASTER? (or a Hero?)Given by The Presence of God
to Lauren ZimmermanWhen one looks to see who has become a Master, do not look at the path that has been walked. Look at the heart it took to walk the path.The measure of a Master is not made by magic tricks and whims of the moment. To be a true Master is to become the Divine that you are. A true Master understands that everything external is not the Truth, that the Truth cannot be found outside of oneself. To become what your Soul is, in a world of deception, illusions, emotion, and lies, is to become a Master.If one wants to live the life of a Master, one becomes Master of one's life. The truth of life, the genuine truth of life, lives within each person. And so it is that when one masters oneself, one masters life.What that means is that, to become the Master that you seek to be, it becomes your mission to know yourself and heal yourself into the Truth of who you are, untainted by all things that lie outside yourself. A true Master responds to life not by becoming overwhelmed, or emotional, or angry, or distraught. Your true life, the life that will make you the Master that you truly are, lives within you. A true Master may be found living in a hovel, surrounded by agony and poverty. The measure of a Man's home is not the measure of a Master.The true Master is not the Man who lives upon a hill, overlooking the town where he owns buildings and people. The true Master has no need to own people, to overpower people. The true Master has no need to overpower circumstances. The true Master understands that all things that live outside of oneself are not the measure of the Master. His measure is not what he owns in the world but what he owns within himself.Masters have walked barefoot with bloody feet and hungry bellies. Masters have looked through bars at guards and guns and died on concrete floors. Masters have stood alone for years, seemingly without friends or riches. But these that I have seen and called Masters have been one thing. They have been true, always true, to the truth that lies within them. The truth that no Man, no prison, no friend, no mansion, can make them what they are not, and that is Master over themselves.Each person has the opportunity to become a Master, to become calm within oneself by accepting and living the truth that nothing outside of oneself has the power to make you something that you're not. And what are you? You are an aspect of God.Lauren ZimmermanJuly,
Your Personality is the Rarest (INFJ)
Your personality type is introspective, principled, self critical, and sensitive.
Only about 2% of all people have your personality - including 3% of all women and around 1% of all men.
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging.
How Rare Is Your Personality?
Your Personality Is
Idealist (NF)
You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.
You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.
You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.
In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.
At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.
With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.
As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.
On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.
The Three Question Personality Test
And on the topic of all things being energy ... "Introduction To Sacred Geometry"
The Matrix of Illusion ... one of the most clear and understandable videos I've seen that explains some of the teachings I received while on "the other side."
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