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Steve Gooch

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About Me

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glitter graphicsMy only passions in life throughout my childhood and then through my teens were writing and art. They remain largely so to this day. This is the cover of my first book in fact. During my twenties I got sidetracked into being a school teacher for a while after completing my degree in sculpture at England's prestigious Bath Academy of Art and my post graduate qualifications at Goldsmith's College and then the Open University. Having done all that I wanted to do in teaching by the mid 90's I quit to do something else and that turned out to be Reiki. The training that I received proved to be a pivotal event in my life. I completed my Reiki training to Masters level and undertook further studies in the older Buddhist system of the 'Buddho' from which the system of Reiki was in large part derived. I then began to teach Reiki in my home town of Rugby in central England - at the time I was Rugby's only Reiki teacher. Reiki became a passion for me and something that I have remained strongly committed to, to this day. It is the thing that has helped to deepen and contextualize my practice as an artist and a writer and remains the main focus of my own daily spiritual practice. I have however been conscious of the spiritual dimension to life for most of my life and have explored many paths and systems over the last 20 years, most of which have had some lasting impact on my orientation to my place in the scheme of things. Having always had a strong desire to go and see the world in 2000 I moved to Cairo in Egypt to briefly resume my school teaching career and to teach Reiki. Three years in Cairo was a fantastic experience and I came back to the UK in 2003 determined to get a book written and restore my career as a successful artist that had been just about to take off when I turned my back on it for teaching. So this is where I am now. 'Reiki Jin Kei Do: The Way of Compassion & Wisdom' is written and out there for you to buy (and causing more than a few ripples in the global Reiki community). Other books are on the go (more ripples perhaps?) and I have resumed my work as an artist. I still teach Reiki in my home town of Rugby and also in Cairo and now also in other parts of the world. News on the progress of my other writing, art projects, exhibitions, speaking engagments and Reiki classes will be published on here and on my Main Blog - details below. You can also find some examples of my artwork on my website.
Website: OmAhHum.OrgMy Blogs: Reiki Jin Kei Do: A Personal Journey can be found at: & My Amazon Blog
You may also like to keep up to date with my ramblings and interviews with leading figures in the arts and mind/body/spirit fields along with contributions by other members of the Humanity Healing Network. Simply click the RSS Feed banner below or go to:

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If you would like to chat sometime then feel free to add me using one of the following:
Skype: buddho1... Hotmail: [email protected]... Yahoo: buddho1...
The website OneMindVillage has asked me to write a regular series of articles on a bi-weekly basis related to the contents of my book (Reiki Jin Kei Do: The Way of Compassion & Wisdom). The book is featured there along with the work and contributions of some very notable teachers and leaders in the Mind/Body/Spirit field such as Ken Wilber, Paul Lonely and Stuart Davis. If you haven't seen the site yet, it would be worthwhile checking it out and certainly to keep abreast of my bi-weekly ramblings on Reiki and the teachings of Reiki Jin Kei Do. I think it has the potential to elevate the Jin Kei Do teachings and message to a new level. Chances are though that you will find plenty of other material on there that I am sure will interest you also.
Here me talk about my book 'Reiki Jin Kei Do: The Way of Compassion & Wisdom' in this May 23rd 2007 interview with Sherry Anshara on Conscious Healing/Achieve Radio by simply clicking on the link.
You can also find me in conversation with Kriss Van Hook on My Spiritual Healer/Achieve Radio in this June 26th 2007 interview. Click the link to listen. Both interviews are available for download.

My Interests

Humanity Healing:Most of my free time outside of my work as an artist and writer (and these are also my biggest passions in life as well as the way in which I make my living) I tend to spend either engaged in meditation and Reiki or with my two wonderful children, Marianne and Sam.I am also an avid explorer of the history and philosophy of Reiki and of other spiritual development systems of the world's ancient cultures.I enjoy going for walks in nature. But, you know life is an adventure and pretty much any place is OK by me. Walking through a city can be as stimulating as walking up a mountain or across a desert - it all depends on your orientation to the experience really I think. I guess that my main interest in life is just being and engaging fully with life's unfolding story.I like cooking too! (vegetarian...)

I'd like to meet:

I guess I would at some point like to meet Dr Ranga Premaratna as he did write the Foreword for my book on the teachings and lineage (Reiki Jin Kei Do)that he represents as the lineage head.I would like to meet Jack Kornfield (A Path With heart) and Sogyal Rinpoche (The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying) and Ayya Khema (When the Iron Eagle Flies) to tell them what a profound impact on my life their writings have had. Sadly in the case of Ayya Khema this is no longer possible as she died a little while back, but nonetheless, her writings have had a profound impact on me and so I offer my thanks for this. It would be great to meet Iggy Pop and tell him what a fantastic track 'The Passenger' is, or Cormack McCarthy and tell him what a stunning book 'Blood Meridian' is, or The Dalai Lama and tell him nothing at all..An Interview with Dr Ranga Premaratna - Lineage Head of Reiki Jin Kei Do by Tony Birdfield.

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Reiki Jin Kei Do

Add to My Profile | More Videos Reiki Jin Kei Do video by Chris Buck.

glitter text If you are a student of Reiki Jin Kei Do or just interested in getting to know more about this special tradition of Reiki then maybe you should join us in the MySpace Reiki Jin Kei Do Group!Below: some of my art and a few random pics:
The Healing Garden is a wonderful site dedicated to the noble practice of healing. Just click the banner below. To find my own dedicated Reiki page, click this link


I pretty much like all types of music (except movie soundtracks, maybe with the exception of some of John Barry's material (James Bond etc)and one or two others). I love jazz, blues, rock, trance, classical, opera, name it, I probably like it. Some New Age music is also OK for use in Reiki classes or as background whilst doing a Reiki treatment.


I am a big, big movie fan and in another life would love to come back as a director! I like most genres and I will watch pretty much anything(except musicals!). I am a big fan of French cinema and film noir. I love Hitchcock and am a sucker for Douglas Sirk movies. Scorsese, Brecht, Tarantino, Schrader, Herzog...the list could be endless if I were to go on. Big, big Jimmy Stewart fan too. A really stunning film if you haven't seen it is 'The Constant Gardner'. Amelie too...what a great film.


I actually never really watch television. I am always pretty much busy doing other things - writing and drawing and painting mostly. Or in fact reading a good book. If I wasn't doing any of those things though, I still don't think I would watch an awful lot of TV. Better things to do with my time.


I read a great deal on Buddhist meditation, theory, philosophy, practice etc. I particularly like the work of Jack Kornfield and Ayya Khema and of course Sogyal Rinpoche's 'Tibetan Book of Living and Dying' is a classic and the book that turned me on to Buddhism as a way of life in the first instance. I also try to stay up to date with new Reiki books as they appear on the scene. I am also a big fan of fiction though sadly I don't get as much time to read it as I would like. I guess that my favourite author would have to be the Egyptian Naguib Mahfouz. His work is stunning, evocative and encapsulates the essence of what it is like to live in Egypt. I could recommend pretty much anything he has written. Daphne Du Maurier is also a favourite whom I actually came to after developing a love for her work in the first instance via Hitchcocks cinematic renderings of some of her prose.Here is a book that I highly recommend:How to order your copy of 'Reiki Jin Kei Do: The Way of Compassion & Wisdom':Click here for Click here for Click here to order a signed copyIf you want to know more about Reiki or Reiki Jin Kei Do then why not come and chat to me on Skype? Just click the link below (apologies that the button does not read well - the html does not work on MySpace very well, but the button works!):

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I would have to say that my main heroes would be Mahatma Ghandi, the Buddha and my grandad. Who needs more heroes than that?

My Blog

Mikao Usui - The Founder of Reiki

I keep getting asked to talk about Mikao Usui and his role in the evolution of Reiki and how he fits into the lineage of Reiki Jin Kei Do. So here is a potted biography of the most important figure i...
Posted by Steve Gooch on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 07:50:00 PST

The Path

  First Published on 'The Voice of the Humanity Healing Network' 7th October 2007. When we walk the path of spirit, we learn from all the experiences that we have and the books that we read and f...
Posted by Steve Gooch on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 02:28:00 PST

Youve Been Tagged!

Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with ten weird random, facts, habits, or goals. At the end choose ten people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget ...
Posted by Steve Gooch on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 04:34:00 PST

Talk to Me About Reiki on Skype!

Following the success of my recent online Reiki workshop and in taking on board the wishes of those who for whatever reason, could not be there, I have decided to make things much simpler for everyone...
Posted by Steve Gooch on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 06:50:00 PST

The Way of the Spirit: A Definition of Spiritualilty

'Spirituality' and 'spiritual' are words that are bandied about a lot in the Reiki world. 'Reiki is a spiritual system', 'Spirituality is at the core of the Reiki system', 'Reiki is spiritually guided...
Posted by Steve Gooch on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 04:14:00 PST

Reiki Jin Kei Do & Buddho-EnerSense

The question often arises: 'What is the difference between Reiki Jin Kei Do and Buddho-EnerSense'? So let's have a go at nailing it down.   I am going to assume that you are already familiar in s...
Posted by Steve Gooch on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 04:26:00 PST

Reiki Online Workshop - final details

  This live workshop/chat will take place  The Healing Hearts Chat Room. Steve will also be offering live distant healing for those in need. If you are suffering from a problem  whether...
Posted by Steve Gooch on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 12:32:00 PST


The folowing post also appears on the Humanity Healing Network blog: 'The Voice of Humanity Healing' ( As I walked through my home town today I was struck by the num...
Posted by Steve Gooch on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 01:19:00 PST

The Voice of the Humanity Healing Network

The following post is from 'The Voice of the Humanity Healing Network' which can be found at: This was my first post as Official Ambassador for the Humanity Healing N...
Posted by Steve Gooch on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 05:40:00 PST

Reiki Online Workshop

  Taking place in a chat room near you! You might be interested in this - the text that is going the rounds to invite you into a live, interactive Reiki chat and workshop! What is REALLY a...
Posted by Steve Gooch on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 04:10:00 PST